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Об авторе:
Аннотация к разделу: [Possible missions after: in the ruins of London (the base of feminist women's worship of aliens), the ruins of Washington (the presidential railway-subway to the bunker where The Thing agents were sitting, their documents), the Lunar mission "Apollo Woman" to search for sublunary bases of possible alien robot allies, "Paris Living Yellow Fog", leaving only bones from Parisians, and other anomalies...]

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 Сергиенко А.
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 Трубицын С.И.
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 Шевченко М.А.
 Шишкарёва А.
 Шмелёв М.М.
 Щагина А.В.
 Эдуардович Р.
 Якушев А.Г.
 Ясурала А.
 Ander K.

  • NewPlot⭐ Ultimate   1k   "Очерк" Литобзор, Критика, Изобретательство Комментарии: 1 (08/03/2025)
    Http://samlib.ru/a/adashow_j_g/gnom.shtml Зовите их гномами
  • NewIndependence Day 3   120k   Оценка:5.58*6   "Повесть" Приключения, Фантастика, Хоррор Комментарии: 3 (08/03/2025)
    "The United States did not have time to seriously colonize the space of the Solar System and build orbital defenses. The fleets of the alien invasion of the Alliance, which flew for 120 years, arrived from a star system located 20 light years from Earth. The aliens used a dark asteroid with a low albedo to cover their fleets from collision with space debris, which over decades of continuous acceleration had accelerated to tens of percent of the speed of light - hundreds of thousands of the speed of sound. The alien invaders of several extraterrestrial civilizations used a complex system of espionage on Earth, they captured large banks, corporations, and still did not fully understand people. Radio waves from Earth to the last world captured by aliens reached with a 20-year delay. The aliens believed that by destroying the most militarized country in the world (the USA), they would take over the world, saving it from nuclear annihilation. According to their data, the costs of US defense were equal to the costs of defense of other countries of the Earth and exceeded a trillion dollars per year. The aliens used their political spies, military spies and oligarch spies, whose cells were copied by their spy race (known as the Thing) to disable the global unique US missile defense and land in the North Atlantic. The largest alien ship was the size of Long Island, it splashed down near Britain (they considered Britain a US state). NATO media were captured by alien agents. They declared on behalf of their pseudo-humanoid spies that they have known people for a long time, Area 51 is their embassy, ​​they are the Men in Black, they came in peace and want to end wars. Part of the US military sabotaged the first contact, because they did not want to lose power on Earth and trust the aliens. They launched nuclear strikes on some countries in Africa and South America, Asia, which were going over as fake governments to the side of the New Masters of the Earth. A war with aliens began, similar to civil wars and coups d'état in a hundred countries. The working people of China led the world resistance to the new owners of banks and parasitic investment funds, the planet's AIs sided both with people (Asian) and with the invaders (many AIs in the US went over to the aliens). The deals on the peaceful sale of Earth's resources to the alien occupiers did not work out. The aliens switched to plan B, they used the hacked US global missile defense to strike the SCO and BRICS, not wanting to turn the Earth, to which they had been flying for 120 years, into a radioactive wasteland once and for all. Chinese bookmarks in the global US missile defense saved the world, the aliens were defeated, but their separate resistance still exists in the ruins of the USA, France, Britain, where there are sects worshiping non-humanoid aliens who used gene-ray (???) weapons to kill males (the aliens identified them as warrior individuals) and turn female humans into slaves (for non-humanoids - worker-queen individuals in anthill cities), where US women bear xenos larvae. The US has already sold its uranium and other rare earths to aliens, so officially this never happened in the US, "God forgot to spill it here", the US also prohibited Canada and Australia from developing their huge uranium reserves, which exceed the reserves of the SCO countries by 5 times, since this was also the property of the non-humanoid owners of the White House and the Pentagon with Wall Street and the military-industrial complex corporations of the States. Believing that the abundance of biological and nuclear weapons in many countries would become an obstacle to the purchase of earthly resources through fake officials and financiers - aliens through agents in the US and NATO diligently did not allow other countries to have their own missile defense (which the Arabs, Africa, half of Asia and all of South America did not have). Also, the agents of the alien The Thing (non-humanoid werewolves, copying earthlings at the cellular level with memories, as in the eponymous film by Carpenter in Antarctica or in the Marvel and DC films) bought on behalf of US scientists, who offered Russia 95% of the USSR's nuclear arsenals, sawed up, in the form of fuel for US and British nuclear power plants within the framework of "megatons to megawatts." The aliens wanted to disarm the Earth before arriving through globalization under the USA or Britain, but they miscalculated, the world was partly ready... Sursela Stavanger, a 25-year-old girl-agent of the PLA of the PRC, was 11 when, despite the protests of Asian AI in the USA, Texas separatists killed the giant Queen of the Pseudo-Englishmen, a race of alien psionic spies in biological spacesuits, somewhat similar to the film "Independence Day". She sent a call for help across the abyss of space, her party the sniki became uncontrollable and ultra-aggressive and the south of the USA was simply devoured by them, although before the murder of the queen they even "distributed longevity gel as humanitarian aid to the US elites who were going over to
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