Стрельцов Сергей Александрович : другие произведения.

Division by zero. Trigonometry on logic values

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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  division by zero
  Сергей Стрельцов
  my own new invention. division by zero. trigonometry on logic values.
  I invented four-valued logic for computing systems.
  For that I introduced arithmetical operations of subtraction and division to set of logical operations.
  And new logical value Empty.
  New logical arithmetic looks that way:
  True = True / True
  False = False / True
  Empty = True / False
  Empty = False / False
  Empty = True / Empty
  Empty = False / Empty
  Empty = Empty / Empty
  False = True - True
  True = True - False
  - True = False - True
  False = False - False
  Empty = True - Empty
  Empty = Empty - True
  Empty = False - Empty
  Empty = Empty - False
  Empty = Empty - Empty
  2True = True + True
  True = True + False
  Empty = True + Empty
  False = False + False
  Empty = False + Empty
  Empty = Empty + Empty
  power( True) = True * True
  False = True * False
  False = False * False
  Empty = True * Empty
  Empty = False * Empty
  Empty = Empty * Empty
  Not Empty = Empty
  Not True = False
  Not False = True
  True Xor True = False
  False Xor True = True
  Empty Xor Empty = Empty
  False Xor Empty = Empty
  True Xor Empty = Empty
  -(True) = -True
  -(False) = False
  -Empty = Empty
  -True Xor True = False
  -True Xor False = -True
  Empty is produced almost by all operations with participation of Empty, and also by division on False and 0, and by all errors in type cast, and all unresulting functions including divisions of matrices and trees.
  Introducing of operation of division to set of logic operations is making possible the application of trigonometric functions to logical values which is much easing the search of True and making possible the introducing of trigonometrical functions for Subject, Object, and Predicate and not only that.
  I have many ideas for new programming languages. I develop model in which used C-like language Cross, LISP-like language Word, and language Think emulating work of mind and retrieving elements of system including hierarchical Database.
  All languages of system work on one virtual machine which empowers instruments of artificial intelligence.
  Christ Resurrected, Mater Dei Resurrected and We Will Resurrect!!!
  In Christ We Win!!!
  Sergey Streltsov
  s.topychkanov@yandex.ru ElamenSelah@gmail.com
 Ваша оценка:

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