Шедугова Марина Анатольевна : другие произведения.

A Simple Song

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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   He: Let's go today to find a way
   To a land that calls us.
   So sweet a day! And I must say
   That I need your promise.
   Let's have a walk, let's simply talk,
   Let's chat laughing and running...
   But I don't speak and you don't speak,
   And the Sun is shining.
   She: The day is nice, but I said twice
   That today I'm busy.
   Your idea is very nice,
   But I can't go so easy.
   You see, I must finish all fast -
   Or fastly? - doesn't matter.
   I beg you - help me to do it well,
   I think it will be better.
   He: We've done your work, let's sit and talk
   Near your kind fire.
   You didn't want to have а walk,
   Though I had that desire.
   Let's sing and laugh, my sweet, my love.
   You'll answer and I'll ask you...
   But I don't speak and you don't speak,
   And the fire lights you.
   She: The fire is hot, that's why I thought
   That we should be silent.
   You are so near that I can not
   Speak the words I've found.
   Let's simply sit near this heat
   I'll let you read my thoughts.
   So calm are dreams, when weary limbs
   Find peace... I need not words.
   He: Today is feast, let's do at least
   To see the people joking.
   Please, leave your mist and come to a feast.
   You'll see - you will enjoy it.
   Why are you sad, why aren't you glad,
   What's up with you, my dear?
   Please tell me why do you want to cry?
   The happiness is near!
   She: Let's go away and I will say:
   "I'm happy, all is fine"
   Yes, I am really o.k.
   But I don't like this crying.
   I like the silence and the peace.
   Let's go to the river.
   You will not speak, I will not speak,
   We will enjoy its silver.
   He: I like the same thing and you win.
   She: And will you do as I will?
   Both: We will not speak, we'll sit and dream,
   And the stars will smile.

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