Шеметев Александр Александрович: другие произведения.

Шеметев Александр Александрович. Рекомендую посмотреть в сети:

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  • © Copyright Шеметев Александр Александрович (anticrisis2010@mail.ru)
  • Обновлено: 30/08/2020. Статистика.

  • Alexander Shemetev A-matrix use to forecast risks Well, not all the companies tend to be fair when they show their financial reports and financial data. Each figure is usually given to somebody. And the one who gives each figure can, most probably, prognosis the humans' reactions to each figure he or she gives. Besides, not all the people want to pay taxes fair, and no everyone wants to show the real financial statement a company actually has. So, as you, dear reader, can see, there are some difficulties in making the prognosis of what actually happens with a certain firm. Some firms may show few dollars they have as millions of them for some reason…. The other firms may show millions dollars they have as much less dollars in financial statements, for instance, by sharing a company into multiples of IEs (Individual Entrepreneur) so that each IE shows he or she has much less then him or she actually has. So, in the next pages I will describe what to do to analyze a real financial and risk statement of each selected company at a certain market segment. The A-matrix is the method developed by me. This method let to resolve this problem. This method won the First Prize in Financial management in the Russian Federation in 2010 (firstly in Yekaterinburg city, then in Yekaterinburg province, then in the Ural Federal district and after it - I won the last step - the First prize in the Russian Federation in Financial management, and I became the first Financial management champion in history in the Russian Federation). This method won the First name Grant of the President of the Russian Federation in 2010.
  •  Alexander Shemetev Banks bankruptcy forecasting Abstract: When a bank goes bankrupt - it is a situation of no good, in a whole. The author developed effective and easy to use models to make a complex forecast whether a bank goes bankrupt or not, what kind of bankruptcy will it be: fraudulent one, common one or the one provided through the acquisition/merge; the developed by the author model can also estimate the time till the bankruptcy moment and the main reasons that stimulate bankruptcy. To use the authors models the minimum input data is needed, so everyone can get the necessary information to use these developed by the author models with no problems. Some banks can not to be completely fair when presenting their financial statements. The developed by the author model can estimate the usage of the optimization transformations of financial statements that apply the banks and how do these transformations influence to the banks' probability of failure. Also the author developed a simple to use model that replaces about 175 millions of calculations and replaces a great amount of a hard-to-get-information when estimating the complex overall risky stability of a bank sector in the region. In the end of this paper there is provided important information. You, dear reader, will know: what is the practice of banks' bankruptcies in Russia in particular details like who mostly is the beneficiary at the bankruptcy procedures. You will also know the legislative background of the bankruptcies in Russia. Further, in the end of this paper, it is written in details next: how to make a complex financial analysis in Russia according to the main developed for the banks methods, which are reflected in the Russian legislation.
  •  Alexander Shemetev Matrix analysis practical use origins in Europe The origin of the practical use of the risks' matrix analysis in managing the systems in Europe Thanks to new technologies of digital silicon wafers, we now have the opportunity to get acquainted with the Giulio Parigi's book, which is now available in electronic archives of the Library of Congress in U.S., and it is of substantial interest in solving the problem of history-graphical interpretations of the birth of the risks matrix analysis in the management of systems in Europe. Long before the advent of the classical European tradition branch, there appeared and then was developed a special approach to matrix analysis. It was based on the practical use of matrices to analyze the risks in the management of systems that had profound economic implications. It can be regarded as a striking example - the birth of the practical use of the matrix analysis of risks in the management of systems - and it all can be found in a handwritten essay of Giulio Parigi (Julio Parigi) "Fronte capillata" ('The hairs on the forehead," old. Ital. / Spanish.).
  • Александр Шеметев Самоучитель по антикризисному управлению для директоров и владельцев фирм Цель этой книги - дать необходимый набор практических знаний, для желающих овладеть самыми современными методиками передовых достижений науки Антикризисное Управление. Для простоты понимания и наглядности восприятия, книга написана простым стилем изложения, со множеством примеров, схем, графиков, таблиц, матричных систем, для того, чтобы даже человек, который не имеет высшего образования, смог освоить и легко применять на практике весь материал.
  •  Александр Шеметев Самоучитель по комплексному финансовому анализу и прогнозированию банкротства; а также по финансовому менеджменту-маркетингу В данной книге содержится необходимый набор информации, знаний, передовых современных методик и моделей, описаний и сравнений. Для полноты восприятия и возможности самостоятельного обучения, книга написана простым языком с использованием современных методов интерактивного обучения: матрицы, схемы, таблицы, формулы с пояснениями и примерами. Рецензентами данного издания являются более 45 видных ученых в области теории и практики экономики и финансов в России и за рубежом. Научные исследования и методики, разработанные автором книги, и опубликованные в данной книге, - награждены Грантом Президента Российской Федерации за научные исследования.
  •  Александр Шеметев Международные стандарты аудита в их взаимосвязи и взаимозависимости со стандартами ГААП и МСФО В книге представлен необходимый набор знаний в области международных стандартов аудита в их взаимосвязи и взаимозависимости со стандартами ГААП и МСФО со всеми изменениями по состоянию на начало 2012 года. Для полноты восприятия и возможности самостоятельного обучения, книга написана простым языком с использованием современных методов интерактивного обучения: матрицы, схемы, таблицы, формулы с пояснениями и примерами… Все авторские права защищены Законом. Никакая часть данной книги не может быть воспроизведена в какой бы то ни было форме без письменного разрешения владельца авторских прав.

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