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Agonizing dream

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Strip me from the sorrow,
Light the hope inside,
Sweep away the horrors 
That stalk me through the night

R: Revive my agonizing dreams,
Hold the storm inside me
My life is darker than it seems,
So dig up to discover 
Who I am...

In this dark hole I"ve fallen
I see no end, no way,
Only the wind, the howling 
I feel inside my brain.

R: Revive my agonizing dreams,
Hold the storm inside me
The life is shorter than it seems,
So dig up to discover 
Who we are...

It"s like a bomb that"s ticking - 
The thoughts I stuck away.
Beware, hide or beat it.
Oh, did you choose to stay?

R: Revive my agonizing dreams,
Hold the storm inside me
You hushed away my lonely screams,
My soul now rests in thee.

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