Старинчик Игнат Дмитриевич : другие произведения.


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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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  • Аннотация:
    A short story, with the potential to become a book. About a kid in a non-kid-friendly society

  "Get ready for school, honey!"
  All the 'right' words. All the wrong emotions. I was ready for school, at least physically. My boring uniform, my boring backpack, my boring life were all sorted out for me. Like a jigsaw puzzle - everything was prepared for me and expected me to put the pieces together.
  "I said get ready for school!" mum said, the false sweet tone giving way to what she actually felt. Irritation. She opens the door to my room, without knocking. "Finally, come on, let's go, you'll miss breakfast."
  I go downstairs, trying to keep my face as neutral as possible. If I acted happy, my mother will get angry at me for not taking something seriously. If I let her see that I'm bored, she will get angry at me for being unappreciative of her and her husband's work. If I look neutral, however...
  "Is something wrong?" she asks. She only glances at me, and keeps moving. It feels more like a complaint than an actual question. When we finally reach the end of the stairs, she turns around and looks me in the eyes.
  "Today is going to be a great day, and nothing is going to stop you," She assures herself, using me as an excuse to say those words out loud. I nod and mumble an agreement. She smiles softly - I'm not sure why - and returns to the kitchen.
  Breakfast goes by in the same manner. Father comes to say hi, grabs my pancake and leaves for his office job. My mom theatrically loses track of time by pointing it out. I end up not having eaten breakfast, on the school bus.
   And I am but one of many.
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О.Болдырева "Крадуш. Чужие души" М.Николаев "Вторжение на Землю"

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