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Tearless star

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In the sky, so close, so far,
At the bottom of the night,
There was trembling lonely star,
Ringing through the void like guide.

Shining flooded all around,
Glitter smashed to smithereens,
Dazzling me with sparkling light,
In a posy of hot streams.

Splashing out my miseries,
Tickling eyes with flashing bright,
To dark river of night dreams,
Lulling sweetly misted mind...

In the sky, so close, so far,
At the sea-shore of the day,
Doesn"t tremble lonely star,
Being rubbed with sun away...

Disappeared friendly soul,
I"m forsaken all alone,
I"ll keep breathing on my own,
My poor heart is now like stone.

I"m alone, I"m all alone,
I"ll be trying holding on,
I will never change my all
Till I"m gone to be reborn!..

Let there be eternal night,
I will look into its eyes,
I will bathe in silver light
Of the peace of tender stars...

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