Смысл сего до сих пор мне неясен. Мне кажется, тому несчастному, кто наткнется на эту вещь, следует отнестись к ней более как к "игре" слов и рифм, нежели как к чему-то хоть отдаленно напоминающему поэзию в чистом виде (я уже и не прошу отнестись к сему хоть немного снисходительно). ...
Taffy was extraordinarily famous in Russia for her short stories full of humour. Fewer knows as well that she was a poetess. Of course, she was not as great as her sister Mirra (Maria) Lokhvitskaya-Gibert who was an immediate predecessor of Anna Akhmatova, Xenaida Gippius and Marina ...
Mikołaj Rej or Mikołaj Rey of Nagłowice (1505-1569) was a Polish poet and writer of the Renaissance in Poland, as well as a politician and musician. He was the first Polish author to write exclusively in the Polish language, and is considered (with Biernat of Lublin ...
The poem which is in the Russian school curriculum relates to a plot and some characters of the Russian fairy tales. The plot is the same as is in the Sleeping Beauty, as to the characters they are noble Prince Ivan and ordinary Ivan the Fool whose traditional roles were reconsidered ...