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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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  • Аннотация:

Crisis, crisis cries around,
But the voice of freedom sounds:
Owners , masters are disasters,
They have known the only way:
Turn a people into a slave. 
Lock them all into gold cell,
Let them do they own hell,
Can they do the own hell?
Let'm create they own hell.
What"s the matter? Finance is
Like a wild and hungry beasts.
Let"m go to rest in peace.
Let"m go to forever rest.
Let"m go, it will be best.
Governments turn worlds around,
They have got atomic pound.
Submarines and long missiles,
But they have not any wise.
But they have got never wise.
They can speak and try to teach,
But they look like some from fridge.
People, you are never blind,
You have right for own mind:
People, peoples forget an evil -
Love and peace will be forever,
Brotherhood will come to us,
World, you need in happy chance,
People have you understood
- There"s never choice but brotherhood. 
People, peoples world is yours,
You are owners of the earth!

Ростов-на-Дону  май 2009 


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