Frightened bird(sonnets) in engl
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Frightened bird
To write about real life - preamble
Of Genesis, that I should twice enjoy
My own death and snow on my temples? ...
But twice to fall in love with you! The choice!
To force You twice to live that You would like
To rectify in the Millennium coming?
But where I'll take so many skyly lie?
How, brightening up the truth without cunning?
I was a faithful mirror in your life...
What for the second - we're together always?
I'll write about loved - not only wife
At whom I look like in the mirror also.
Like in a mirror don't be looked in sonnets.
There is the truth but no facts and bonnets.
* * *
Small silent town. Night deserted stadium.
As if umpire clear cicadae chirr.
The neon gleams like echo of day-dreams...
I am not he, and you are glad to err.
I'm not the one whom so long You waited,
And not the one whom You eternally loved,
And not with him along tribunes, my Lady,
You went. You not to him excused my bluff...
We'll leave alone him - Sun will through goal
Rise over stadium, since at errors night
We have with you forever was betrouthed
About this signed by the neon light.
The love misled us, it is right fumbler only.
If I was him - You'd wait again eternally.
* * *
To my life, where I lived not alone
But alone only died sometimes,
You were come as in shop or in show,
Where's dummies and nothing besides,
Where the love, as if echo from day-dreams,
Beat against windows like frightened bird,
Where cold rains of gold or pain tears
Have washed off dummies faces like blurs
You've come in and have asked from the counte
Not that others with love took like wage,
But the simple and lone kiss flower,
They was leaving for me with a change...
All my Life in its petals and pay
You have carried on your lips away.
* * *
Young eternally and funny my angel,
You've returned from my youth and my spring,
Where had hidden between only magic
Lines and flying sometimes in my dreams.
Life became like my dreams constellation.
Only one - to awake I am afraid.
You're creation and my inspiration,
You're my joy , but my sadness and fate.
And I write these new lines as if doomed,
Knowing, You'll hide between them again.
In my life and in sonnets denouement
I'll leave You with my love in your tense.
You'll along alley lines go away
Getting younger me with passing day.
* * *
In the transparent dress of night - not fantasy
With me the Love itself was dancing once.
A whether midnight bar or shining Galaxy
Again, again was asking us to dance.
We were atwirl so quickly, that stars even
Strayed suddenly from its unearthly way...
And if You also went astray, forgive me.
But the return's impossible - so late!
I am myself in this bar for the first time
And for the first time fall in love belike,
And black alive stars like in sky in your eyes
With my delighted look I catch in night.
The bar will close and all stars will slake,
But from my love to run it will be late.
* * *
Like a boy with these black eyes of night
I have fallen in love but dead desperately.
Like the star in them sparkles tears light
With till now unsolved soul mystery .
But if once meteoric smile pass
Over lips, I shall wish and like iceman
Walk away with a love, all your past,
Early morn hastening from night appointment,
Only young Venus beams on your cheeks
Will dry tears of night. All the same you
And in night are no one's. And chit blink
At my love, doesn't herself be enamoured.
And, you see, Love we can only steal.
I myself shan't give It - better deal.
* * *
In silent garden meres are so green,
The sky in crowns like the broken mirror
Was spilled. But sky for lovers now seems
A mere bottom in a summer mirage,
And world around - only like its coast,
The air of garden seems for us life water.
I drink it by your lips in fatal dose
And fall with you to bottom in love vortex.
The clouds-crowns are both green and fluffy,
How much there are the bright stars-firefly!
To this abyss of beamy grass like flurry
I've whirled away You as if in the sky.
It is a single world both blue and green,
Sky's high and low if you love or dream.
* * *
You have woken and sun also rises,
Doffing bedsheet of fog to the sea.
But the ring chant without replies...
The romance page'd been riffing by breeze.
You've forgotten it at open window,
In the moonlit park strolling with me
And in reveries under a dreams dome
Plucking petals of kisses... If we've
Both woken, but it's all dream only,
Our life is unlike our dreams.
In it never, alas, telephone thee
Can to send kiss by wires like strings.
Life for Muse is forbidden temporal zone.
She has no address, telephone.
* * *
Thou are to me so bossom Love today
Like sky in zenith high. All zephyr clouds
To nowhere has been carried away
And dear sloe-eyed thy clear doubts.
And now I change my destiny for love,
For nobody engaged like wanton woomera.
And I in thee woo not a love-slave suave
And not a Muse ensue but only woman.
But Thou again are in thy doubts as erst,
The sky with clouds has yet less delusion,
And it's a pity yet to leave this verse -
Where even woman life is more unusual.
Thou'd like the woman to become but quit,
To be love-slave, but like a Muse to flit.
* * *
Thy black sight has imbibed itself all light,
Nor stars, nor primes, nor life, nor time remain.
'Tis only dawn for me at sable night,
But in the morn it is sundown and wane.
And my blue eyes are like last heaven's haven
And still continue shine because and for
The mirrors even and black beauty crave for,
When Thou want to looked in them no more.
Look in my eyes to see so many there:
All that I was deprived by thee to lack,
And also that my verse can not declare,
Though I wrote it on white by only black.
Black is the color of forever feather
Which is and then, when other is not present.
* * *
I so love as couldn't that golden age
Itself afford for its commerciality,
Materialism, why soul language
Has so elaborate makes of verbality.
But I with rare variety of forms
The love didn't try to decorate more quainter,
And aerial fancies chloroform
In only dreams but not in verse remained.
What for, if image thy is lovely more
Than any visions and imaginations?
In verse it's so alive, that I'm in awe
To make in it some subtle alterations.
There's nothing anywhere still above
And plainer and more perfecter than love.
* * *
So many are in world contrivances trifling
From universal love but for diversion.
So much is told about her so highly
For only to upstage her sun emersion.
So much is said, but nothing yet is made
For her except but words for words profusion,
Besides, maybe, but one for only maid
The write shotwearing web like illusion.
And only for that I at once may strip
From thee thy whitest virgin wedding gala
That after instant Thou let me mine trip
To ever-black but in unrhyming color.
'Tis nothing for the love and only aught
Except the white and light and whole world.
* * *
That's all from music, all's from only her:
And night of passion and the love predawn
That not decline at night like force-majeur...
But for the rest it's only jazz and wrong.
The god's and mind given us to understand
That love as well as song doesn't end since singing,
And she may only so be make offhand,
If we've not understood let's muse not sinning,
Let's listen as lovely sing Philomel
Even in war theatre like in an odeum,
Hereat he prelude with the Philo-self
With night but not with day and skill and odium.
All is from music that is all above
But all and music are begotten by love.
* * *
I was cruel with thee even loving,
Haven't allowed though trifle to change.
But believe, not with love, with my darling
I have fallen in love like in cage.
If it'd be not so, I'd for a long time
Run away to my docile Muse,
But love draw me on as if sky-born wine
Same gay girl inly to reproduce,
Whose fey love's wild celestial whirlblast
Us from life to the sky carries away.
Thy repose is a specious but worst mask
Vice summer the come autumn days.
We like still that for what we have love
All the rest we've forgive for above.
* * *
Thou're woman, and of such thy names
Typhoons and star and even gods are proud.
Still only thy love's hearth forever flames,
And I to kiss thy stem thee lowly lout,
And I am ready to be won by thee,
Let it costs me mine being and eternaty,
But I, alas, so love thee vis-a-vis,
That only exile role for me were unneeded.
I dream to know thy all livelong love,
Of that even gods-selves scarcely are worthful,
And knowing, th' instant deem itself enough,
To fall dead kissing thy stem my sweet blossom.
Let woman, love like daughter are and mother,
Not having know one we haven't another.
* * *
What can I give or offer thee, thy serf, -
Wind sibilation in the pocket's desert?
I should be certes able to deserve
Rank, place and salary of screamed storm weather.
That I can give for thee it's not life page
'Tis only word that's lovely but sweet's wrapper.
I'm straw: if Thou're drowning Thou'd catch
If 'tis not - Thou'd sip my soul sap per 't.
'Tis I be-all, Thou can take that entire -
It's not such weighty and vexatious burden.
Even if now I'd achieve an easy triumph
But all the same I'll throw it to the curtain.
I only one can give thee now for ever -
That I'll myself can never save for heaven.
* * *
My love is loquacious, windy, silly,
Is cruel, egoistic, harlequin,
So heady, hardy, but perhaps not quillet,
Behaves itself insomuch obscene,
That's shame, my love, to get with me to public
And to become object of pity, sneers,
When anyone aspires in set clubby
To tell you that he's cleverer but sinner,
That never he'd make thee an easy target
In eyes of universe and earthly jurge,
As loving I were able to do with luck with
So that unworthy crowd can begrudge.
But luckily the love is deaf and blind,
We're lone with thee in midst of crowd maligned.
* * *
So much wine of love I have quaffed,
That last mind I am losing like gambler.
If so madly I fall in thy love,
That I trust only my heart in amour.
If to think - hundred reasons we'd find
For but our last separation.
But in love for the men 'tis not mind
Only hands is for love explanation.
Therefore I'll can never to prove
All my love thee for life, hereat it
is an aeon not years or proof
Needful for to affirm love for dear.
With mind as we would proudly ruff
All we lose only if fall in love.
* * *
I've for thee couldn't become as the father,
Nor eigne brother, nor also as friend,
If my head under wed wreath and farther
In bewitched vicious love's circle wend.
Ere thee couldn't turn so my head
Other stunning vertiginous women,
I had lost good intentions and debt
And could not live with thee like secure man.
And may be for myself would be well
That to live in a hasteless halfloving,
But in E den a way not in Hell
I with that sacred blood have ensanguine!
'Tis hard to reconcile love with e'en
Wish to live but without a sin.
* * *
Thy beauty is not catchpenny in store dime
She won't have trade amidst and rich vendees,
"Whom at the beauty comps loll in the first line",
And publisher won't run to thee to tease
To imitate thy face in million runs,
Thy visage's race, unique, inimitable,
It not be make a happiness mirage
And beauty's, and love's look-alike viewable,
Because Thou are the love's original.
But she's not sold, not granted and to prizable,
I understood, thy copies when chiseled
That beauty also it is not devisable.
And child of love would be inimitable.
By all comparison she's queenly woundable.
* * *
Thy voice of any other not remind.
All planet shout - I shall hear thy whispers
Amidst a groan and a noise of night,
And as thy silent heart excited breathes.
I'll recognize thee and amidst all stars
About all in this world silent plainly,
Thy home I'll find with love nests on a par
Of bird's pairs, that eternal beside are planing...
But only why I need to find the same,
If Thou should be thyself beside me, dear?
But scarcely it's mine to name the name -
When only echo fly above life's river.
Thy voice isn't like the other one, like Thou,
But near river 'tis not heard still voe.
* * *
'Tis so mush in the world so beauteous names
Which sound like wordy songs, but for a wonner
I only with one sonnet am inflamed
Where only one word tats my tongue - Tatiana.
Yea, life is under sun not benefit:
I nothing understand like tardy mummer.
Along that lines I come, as through dusk mist,
With pole star or tutelar - Tatiana.
And only then to sky I'll run away,
"When fatal buff of stunning love undone me",
But heart I ne'er and for none display,
For only thy gitana's eyes, Tatiana.
In life 'tis so much names star and soign -
I'm fatally in love with one - Tatiana.
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