Дербармдикер Евгений Леонидович : другие произведения.

I was mixed up with a bad company

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I was mixed up with a bad company
I can be frank and candid - be:
Last name, first, my whole biography
They knew too well in KGB.

I was the star of our neighborhood.
The whole street loved me like a son.
I knew I was under a microscope,
But still I did not give a darn.

I felt as one amongst the burG-LARS
Among pickpockets - just as well.
Big boss, the Major-Sergeant Gullivers
Because of me did not sleep well.

I never in my life did agonize,
But neither did I miss the loot.
One gloomy day a stoolpigeon did rise
He "spilled the beans" -I got "the boot".

Detective was a very pleasant one,
But he did summon me to "chat".
I answered him with all my gentleness,
But told him little more than that:

"No murdered souls are on my rep-sheet!
And never did I tempt the fates.
Slept like a baby under satin sheets,
Dreaming - you, PIGS, have cozy graves!"

But my thick file had not been dismissed
They read aloud the harsh sentence
The verdict punched me like a closed fist.
Plus five more years for repentance

My lawyer tried to get me off scot-free
Just "cause I"m such a funny guy.
But prosecutor was so harsh with me
I do not think he had the right!

My star"s not glowing like it used to do
I"m duller than a dusty shoe
Why be a star of a society,
When stars are all "given the boot"?


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