Анисимов Иван Владимирович : другие произведения.

The Rime of the Ancient Fisherman

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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The Rime of the Ancient Fisherman

Сказание Старого Рыболова



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  • The Rime of the Ancient Fisherman


    The Contents.

  • On the Floaty Lake
  • The Old Man's Tale
  • The Plot
  • The Assassination
  • The Riot
  • The Revenge
  • The Upshot

  • The Historical Review

  • On the Floaty Lake

    The Rime of the Ancient Fisherman

    В июльскую пору, под солнышком жгучим,
    Харчей и питья захватив на три дня,
    Случилось нам рыбу удить на Пловучем,
    И нас было трое (включая меня).

    Когда к берегам подошли мы зыбучим,
    Сновали ужи безбоязненно тут,
    На севере дыбились черные тучи.
    "Здесь будет Стоянка!" - сказал Баламут.

    It was in July, when we managed to take
    Some food and some drink for three days of a dream,
    We happened to fish at the Floaty Lake,
    There were three good fellows (I was among them).

    When we have come up to the unstable banks,
    Where blackish grass-snakes crept in emerald moss:
    "Just the place for a Site!" - said our Basil with thanks,
    While black nasty clouds crawled up from the North.

    The Rime of the Ancient Fisherman

    Мы выбрали место, палатку разбили,
    Петро запалил небывалый костер,
    Не ведая лиха, вовсю задымили
    Лесную полянку и дремлющий бор.

    We set our tent underneath an old oak,
    A splendid bonfire by Peter was made,
    Not knowing evil, we covered with smoke
    The drowsy pine forest and a wonderful glade.

    The Rime of the Ancient Fisherman

    Закончили трапезу чинно, неспешно,
    И только забросил я свой поплавок
    На водную гладь среди ряски прибрежной,
    Гляжу: на пеньке восседает дедок.

    Long supper was sure superb and supreme,
    And hardly my bob on the surface did jump
    Among greenish duckweed by shivering brim,
    I noticed an old man, who sat on a stump.

    The Rime of the Ancient Fisherman

    Монгольские скулы, бородка седая,
    Он смугл, коренаст и движенья легки,
    Но тут с удивлением я замечаю,
    Что старец лишен, увы, правой руки.

    Осанкою гордый, а взгляд его мудрый
    Сияет каким-то небесным добром,
    И, некогда бывшие рыжими кудри,
    При свете заката блестят серебром.

    Чудна, старомодна на старце одежка:
    Какой-то потертый от лет лапсердак,
    Лоснятся порты, остроносы сапожки,
    Ну, в общем, одет, как заправский рыбак.

    С сомненьями чтоб распрощаться своими,
    Знакомство спешу заключить поскорей:
    - Здорово, рыбак! Ты откуда? Как имя?
    - Ты, ОтрОк, зОви меня прОстО - Андрей.

    Заря догорала полоскою узкой.
    - Ты, видно из местных - на "О" говоришь!
    - Слыхал ли ты, ОтрОк прО храм БОгОлюбский?
    - Конечно же, старче! Ты просто смешишь!

    He had a grey beard, Mongolian cheekbones,
    He's swarthy and stocky and with proud glance,
    But all of a sudden I was greatly astonished:
    He had no right hand - that I noticed at once.

    His glorious looks, full of wisdom and proper,
    Were shining at me with celestial good,
    And once upon time all his curls were as copper,
    At sunset they glistened as bright silver flood.

    He wore very strange and old fashioned clothes:
    Some ancient, worn-out from years caftan,
    His pants were green, glossy, his boots were like roses,
    In short he was dressed as a real fisherman.

    I hailed him, dispersing my shadows of doubt:
    - Hello, a fisher! And what is your name?
    - I am simply Andrew, - he said not aloud.
    - And where are you from, tell me, fisher of fame?

    The sunset was burning as narrow curl.
    - Your dialect shows you're a native, old man.
    - Oh, lad, have thou heard of the Temple on the Nerl?
    - Of course, ancient fisher, you said this for fun!

    The Rime of the Ancient Fisherman

    Ну, кто же не знает в Москве и Париже
    О храме святом Покрова на Нерли?
    Его величавей я, право, не вижу
    Ни в здешних краях, ни в заморской дали.

    This Temple is known in Moskow and Paris,
    This land's intercessed by the Mother of God,
    It certainly ancient tradition inherits,
    Such couldn't be seen neither here, nor abroad.

    The Rime of the Ancient Fisherman

    Грифоны и львы этот храм украшают,
    Над каждым окном богородицы лик
    С тоской на просторы речные взирает.
    - Все лепо и ладно, - промолвил старик.

    - Давно ли рыбачишь на озере этом?
    - Да вот, почитай, как ушел на покой,
    Я здесь обитаю зимою и летом.
    - Не скучно ли, старче, от жизни такой?

    It is decorated with griffons and lions.
    And there are images of our Virgin on walls.
    They look over the vast river valleys.
    - And everything's pretty, - the ancient man tells.

    - How long are you fishing? And what have you found?
    - Just right from the day I was tired of strife.
    I'm haunting this place all the year around.
    - And are not you bored of such a hermit life?

    To the contents

    The Old Man's Tale

    The Rime of the Ancient Fisherman

    - А что - наша жизнь?
    Словно тень промелькнула,
    Голубкою сизой ушла в облака.
    Он тяжко вздохнул. Легким ветром подуло.
    И тут я услышал рассказ старика.

    Поведал он мне то, что было в начале,
    Как терем воздвигли, как строили храм.
    Такое придумать возможно едва ли,
    Как будто все это он пережил сам.

    - What is our life? It has fled like a shadow.
    It vanished like a dove in a heavenly dale.
    He heavily sighed. Breeze was blowing from meadow.
    I heard then the old man's unusual tale.

    He told me about the very beginning.
    How the palace was built, how the temple was made.
    Such things to imagine are hard to believing,
    As if everything was for him up-to-date.

    The Rime of the Ancient Fisherman

    Лиловые сумерки ночь увенчала.
    Замолкло на гнездах своих вороньё.
    Три раза болотная выпь прокричала,
    Признаться, кровь стыла от воплей её.

    Как будто бы страждущих душ завыванье
    С мольбой о пощаде летело сквозь лес,
    И гром отдаленный урчал в назиданье
    Среди ожидания полных небес.

    And violet twilight by black night was crowned.
    The crows fell silent in all their nests.
    Three times yelled marsh bitterns somewhere around,
    Their wails indeed led me to real unrest.

    As if moaning souls appealed for assistance,
    Their doleful pleas flew away through the wood.
    A far thunderstorm threatened us at a distance
    Among clear skies but we hoped for good.

    The Rime of the Ancient Fisherman

    А дед рассказал о чудесной иконе,
    Что тайно везли из далекой земли,
    Но намертво встала повозка, и кони
    Никак ее с места стащить не смогли.

    He told me about the wonderful icon,
    That was from abroad by him secretly brought.
    But horses stopped deadly and hardly could drive on,
    To pull from the place anyhow they could not.

    The Rime of the Ancient Fisherman

    Сосновые угли в костре догорели.
    Над озером плыл лик кровавой луны.
    Петро с Баламутом в палатке храпели
    И видели, верно, приятные сны.

    Pine ashes were glowing calm in the fire,
    The blood moon was sailing above forest lake,
    Mw friends in the tent were a little bit tired,
    They saw pleasant dreams and they did not awake.

    The Rime of the Ancient Fisherman

    Видать это место любимое богом,
    Там церковь воздвигли, а рядом дворец.
    Камней драгоценных и золота много
    На это пожаловал княжий ларец.

    It seemed that this place was beloved by our God.
    The church was erected, the castle was built.
    And precious stones and silver and gold,
    The Prince's rich treasures were given for it.

    The Rime of the Ancient Fisherman

    А в стольном Владимире храм белоснежный
    Как птица вознесся над Клязьмой рекой,
    Могучая крепость над ширью безбрежной
    Родной стороны охраняла покой.

    And snow-white temples in Vladimir were erected,
    That flew like fine swans over the high Kljazma sands,
    The powerful glorious fortress protected
    The quiet and peace of the neighboring lands.

    The Rime of the Ancient Fisherman

    Под солнцем сияли, слепя позолотой,
    На фоне безоблачных синих небес,
    Красы неземной Золотые Ворота,
    А рядом дремучий раскинулся лес.

    The Golden Gates shone in the sun under blue sky,
    And many assaults of the foes they withstood.
    (Five gates were created by Prince Bogolubsky).
    The town was surrounded by wild, gloomy wood.

    The Rime of the Ancient Fisherman

    К востоку, где Лыбедь река протекала
    Ворота Серебряные возвели,
    Они отражали набегов немало
    Коварных соседей с булгарской земли.

    Where Libed was streaming to Kljazma its water,
    The Silver Gates shone as the glistening stars,
    They were situated in far eastern quarter
    And kept peaceful town against sly Bulgars.


    От Волжских Ворот по дороге старинной
    На Клязьму шел путь прямиком на причал,
    От Медных - на Суздаль, Ворота Арины
    Куда-то вели, но Андрей умолчал.

    The Volga's Gates led straight to quays on the river,
    The Copper Gates were pointed at Suzdal's rich fields.
    But he didn't mention the Gates of Irina,
    Perhaps, it was a personal secret of his.

    The Rime of the Ancient Fisherman

    Он вспомнил затем про былые походы
    На Новгород, Киев, на камских булгар,
    О том, как опутало в прежние годы
    Зазнайство кичливое местных бояр.

    And then he remembered the former hard marches
    On Novgorod, Kiev, on Volga's Bulgars;
    And how the snobbery swallowed like marshes
    The honor and pride of the local Boyars.

    The Rime of the Ancient Fisherman

    To the contents

    The Plot

    The Rime of the Ancient Fisherman

    Коварный вопрос я подкинул Андрею.
    Ну, как на него среагирует он?
    - А правда, что князя убили евреи?
    - Ты, отрок, услышал всего только звон!

    Ефрем Моисеич был княжеским другом,
    С Кавказа был выходцем ключник Анбал,
    Кровавое дело доверили слугам,
    Но Петр, зять Кучки, над всем правил бал.

    Боярина Кучки несчетные братцы
    Владели землей над рекою Москвой,
    Князь с ними однажды решил разобраться,
    Свершив в одночасье суд праведный свой.

    То в пятницу было во время обедни,
    Яким прибежал, запыхавшись, к Петру:
    - Доколе выслушивать княжии бредни?
    Сегодня наш братец казнен поутру!

    А в доме Кучковом как раз пировали,
    (И это в разгаре Петрова поста!)
    Двенадцать апостолов там поминали
    (Лишь только один из них предал Христа).

    - Вот, нынче того, ну, а завтра другого,
    И так изведет он любого из нас,
    Пора нам, бояре, скрепить наше слово,
    Что близок его окончательный час.

    Яким продолжал: - Вы боитесь, я вижу.
    Ужель вы и впрямь все не верите мне?
    Его сумасбродством я первый обижен,
    Ведь я шурин князя по первой жене.

    Тогда состоялся на тайной обедне
    Злодеев преступных кровавый совет,
    Решили они, что нельзя больше медлить,
    Иначе же жди неминуемых бед.

    My question to Andrew was simple, but with hints.
    (I guessed, if he could answer and not to confuse).
    - Is it really true, that the Jews killed the Prince?
    - Oh, lad, you have heard a small part of the truth.

    Efrem Moiseich was the Prince's good friend,
    His key-keeper was a Caucasian Anbal,
    And for the bloodshed vernal servants were rent,
    But Peter Kuchkovich directed them all.

    The numerous brothers of Kuchka, as known,
    Were landlords in Moscow and neighboring land.
    The Prince once decided them be overthrown
    And he executed one lad of the band.

    It happened on Friday amidst dining session,
    Yakim ran to Peter and was out of breath:
    - How long should we bear the Prince's oppression?
    This morning our brother was sentenced to death.

    There was just a feast in Kuchka's large chamber.
    (The Saint Peter's post they've not memorized).
    It was in the eve Twelve Apostles to remember
    (But only one that betrayed our Christ).

    - Today he killed one of us. Next will be further.
    And so he'll get rid all of us one by one.
    It's time to revenge upon him for the brother,
    There's no other way. Our challenge was done.
    Yakim then continued: - I see, you are afraid.
    You don't believe me. You hide from the strife.
    And I was the first, whom the insult was made,
    Because I'm his brother-in-law by his wife.

    They held bloody plot at the evil secret mass
    And strongly decided to kill their foe.
    No time was to lose and no chance was to pass,
    In this gloomy night the villains would go.

    To the contents

    The Assassination

    The Rime of the Ancient Fisherman

    И в пятницу, в ночь на кровавое дело
    Тайком пробираясь, всем телом дрожа,
    Пошли супостаты в покои несмело,
    А вдруг остановят их там сторожа?

    Но стражников верных княгиня Улита
    В тот вечер хмельным напоила вином,
    Валялись они у дверей, как убиты,
    И спали мертвецки бесчувственным сном.

    Анбал открыл погреб, чтоб быть им храбрее,
    Медовых напитков отведав сполна,
    Направились к ложнице князя Андрея,
    Душою трусливы, смелы от вина.

    И в дверь постучали.
    - Кто там?
    - Я, Прокопий.
    - Неужто Прокопий? Ты там не один?
    (Но звякнули тут наконечники копий).
    - Конечно же, я! Ну, открой, господин!

    - Нет, паробче, слышу, что ты не Прокопий!
    Ответил им князь на настырный вопрос.
    И тут обнаружил, что меч его острый
    Анбал, его ключник, заране унес.

    И кинулись, выломав дверь, на Андрея,
    А надо сказать, князь вельми был силен,
    Он встретил злодеев, ничуть не робея,
    И даже на пол одного бросил он.

    И тот неожиданно вскрикнул от боли,
    А князь благоверный укрылся в углу,
    Впотьмах, сгоряча, своего закололи,
    Того одного, что лежал на полу.

    Но вскоре, опомнившись, князя разили
    Мечами и саблями, острым копьем,
    И, думая, что наконец-то добили,
    Ушли своим темным, злодейским путем.

    Услышали стоны, опять воротились.
    А князь за столпом почти кровью истек,
    Из уст пресвятые мольбы его лились,
    Но Петр мечом ему руку отсек.

    They secretly stalked, hiding from the moon glint,
    In that mournful Friday their hearts deeply flopped,
    They trembled as shivering leafs in the wind.
    What if by the guardians they would be stopped?

    But faithful guardians were deadly drunken.
    (Ulita, the Princess, gave them heady wine).
    That night in wonderful dreams they were sunken,
    And their deep sleep was unconscious and fine.

    Anbal opened a cellar for them to be brave,
    They tasted delicious honey with hail
    And led to the Prince's bedchamber his knave,
    With coward soul and bold from the ale.

    They knocked at the door.
    - Who is there?
    - It's me, Prokopius.
    - And are you alone, Prokopius? What for?
    (But ferrules of spears just tinkled ferocious).
    - Of course, it's me! Master, open the door!

    - No, guy, I hear you are not alone.
    The Prince answered him to the daring appeal.
    He found all at once that his sword had been stolen
    Beforehand by his old key-keeper Anbal.

    They broke out the door and then rushed in despair.
    And it should be said, that he was very strong.
    He met those villains without any fear
    And threw one of them on the floor all along.

    That man unexpectedly cried from the pain,
    And our Prince sheltered in a far corner,
    They hunted for him in the darkness in vain,
    The one on the floor they've stabbed by a boner.

    They found the Prince in the corner at last,
    And hit him with spears and sabers and swords,
    He seemed to be dead and they hurriedly passed,
    Because he had uttered no more any words.

    And then they returned, when hearing moans,
    The bloodless Prince lay by a pillar in the ward,
    The holy prayers were flying off his mouth,
    But Peter cut off his right arm with a sword.

    The Rime of the Ancient Fisherman

    Промолвить успел он пред лютым ворогом:
    - Услышь меня, Боже, я душу свою,
    Быть может и грешную, но ненароком,
    О, Господи, в руки твои предаю!

    Убийцы его растворились во мраке,
    И больше ни слова он не произнес.
    По ближним дворам заскулили собаки,
    Завыл безутешно любимейший пес.

    He managed to whisper before his fierce foes:
    - Our Lord! Thou rule over the seas and the land.
    Hearst Thou my prayer? I grieve of my woes.
    Our Lord, I pass my sinful soul into Thy hand!

    His enemies soon disappeared in the dark.
    The Prince breathed his last and at once ceased to live.
    All neighbouring bitches then started to bark.
    His favorite dog was indeed full of grief.

    The Rime of the Ancient Fisherman

    А князя злодеи бездушно раздели
    И бросили голым его в огород.
    Прервал ненароком я деда Андрея,
    Воскликнув в сердцах: - Ну, а как же народ?

    The killers undressed him, the bold man of glory,
    His naked dead body was thrown on a walk,
    But I interrupted the old man's sad story,
    Exclaiming with fury: - And where were the folk?

    To the contents

    The Riot

    - Ну, что тебе, отрок, сказать о народе,
    Который бунтует, заветы поправ?
    Лишь только немного ослабнут поводья,
    Прорвется наружу языческий нрав.

    Разграбили княжеский дом и палаты,
    Забрали иконы, меха, серебро,
    Одежды и ткани, каменья и злато,
    И всякое прочее князя добро.

    Казнили и слуг его лютой расправой,
    Бесчинства творили и в ночи, и в день,
    Вонючие смерды хмельною оравой
    Из дальних и ближних пришли деревень.

    Убили посадников, челядь прогнали,
    Заморских избили они мастеров,
    В домах их, что было, безбожно забрали,
    Угнали стада и овец, и коров.

    - Well, what should I tell you about the folk?
    The grim riot trod all the testaments down,
    And hardly the reins unexpectedly broke,
    The wild pagan temper would go around.

    A mob gutted the palace and ravaged the good.
    They stole all icons, all furs, silver dishes,
    Rich clothes and precious stones and gold
    And all other numerous generous riches.

    And they executed his servants outdoors.
    The roistering raged all night and all day,
    A crowd of tipsy and lousy boors
    From distant and neighbouring villages came.

    His vassals were killed and his valets dispelled,
    His foreign stone masters endured cruel battle,
    And everything was from their houses led:
    The goats, the sheep and the horses, the cattle.

    The Rime of the Ancient Fisherman

    Тем временем тело увечное княжье
    Кузьма Киевлянин в саду разыскал:
    - Да чтож вы наделали, изверги вражьи?!
    И к церкви с убитым, скорбя, пошагал.

    Рыдал и стенал он, и плакал от горя,
    Но пьяный дьячок не открыл ему храм:
    - Куда торопиться? Брось князя в притворе.
    Пускай он чуток поваляется там!

    Пять дней грабежей, воровства и разгула,
    Пять темных ночей продолжался разбой,
    Но образ чудесной иконы Микула
    Святой Богородицы нес пред собой.

    Священники в ризах торжественным шагом
    По стольному граду с молитвой прошли
    Под трепет хоругвей, под княжеским стягом,
    И чудо свершилось - грабеж пресекли!

    The corpse of the Prince in the garden was found
    By his earnest servant Kuzma from far Kiev:
    - Oh, what have you done, the sons of a hound?!
    He went to the church with the body in grief.

    And while he was sobbing and weeping from woe.
    Some drunken sexton refused him entry to church:
    - Don't be in a hurry! Put him here low.
    Lay him in the doorway a bit on the porch.

    There were five sad days, while the theft became cooler,
    There were five dark nights of the terrible carnage,
    But Our Virgin's icon was brought by Mickula,
    He carried the saint and miraculous image.

    The priests with their holy and mournful prayers
    Beneath Prince's flags and saint icons have stepped,
    Along peaceful streets, by regretful betrayers.
    The miracle happened and robbery stopped!

    To the contents

    The Revenge

    Недолго играли зачинщики в прятки,
    Уйти от возмездия не удалось,
    Поймали их вскоре, разрезали пятки,
    Насыпали рубленых конских волос.

    Злодеи стонали от боли и злости,
    Такой незавидной была их судьба,
    Прогнав сквозь толпу, перебили им кости,
    Живыми еще засмолив в короба.

    Позорною смертью средь воплей народа
    Прервалось неверной княгини житье,
    За ноги повесив ее на воротах,
    Каленой стрелою пронзили ее.

    И татям другим неповадно чтоб было,
    Во веки их прокляли прежде всего,
    Пловучее озеро их поглотило,
    Черней темной ночи глубины его.

    It was not a long time, when the killers were sought,
    They could not escape the sharp vengeance appeals,
    And in a short while all the ringleaders were caught,
    The minced horsehairs were dusted in their heels.

    The villains of horror and fury were shaken,
    At last they were led throughout the crowd.
    Their fate was ferocious, their bones were broken,
    And they still alive into coffins were put.

    Such was the unfaithful princess' bad fate,
    Disgraceful death was in store for the wife,
    Meanwhile she was hung upside-down on the gate,
    Sharp arrows soon interrupted her life.

    And then, to prevent other foes from murders,
    They were cursed for ever, indignant and right.
    The Floaty lake swallowed their sinful bodies,
    Its depth was as black, as a nasty dark night.

    The Rime of the Ancient Fisherman

    Безудержный стон прокатился над Русью,
    И голос набатный тревожно звучал,
    Наполнен тоской, безысходною грустью,
    О будущих жертвах он мрачно вещал.

    The moan was flying over all Holy Russia,
    Alarming sad bells poured their mournful toll,
    Their voice full of sorrow and hopeless anguish
    Foretold future victims and overall dole.

    The Rime of the Ancient Fisherman

    И если бы брат не ходил бы на брата,
    Совсем по другому пошли бы дела,
    И Русь одолела бы всех супостатов,
    По новому руслу бы жизнь потекла.

    Но в древней Руси испокон не любили
    Такие словечки: "абы", да "кабы",
    И чарку пригубив, нещадно рубили,
    "Ничтоже сумняшесь", дубы на гробы.

    And if any brother not assaulted his brother,
    So their affairs in advance would be led,
    No enemies would ever break powerful Russia,
    The history would take a new riverbed.

    They always have known and even in a sleep,
    If wishes were horses, all beggars might ride,
    There's many a slip between the cup and the lip,
    They drained cups of woe before a great stride.

    The Rime of the Ancient Fisherman

    To the contents

    The Upshot

    Вновь выпь прокричала три раза средь ночи,
    Я хворост в костер тут подбросил как раз,
    Воздев на меня свои светлые очи,
    Старик продолжал свой печальный рассказ.

    The bittern three times yelled among silent night,
    I just tossed some brushwood into weary fire,
    The old man's eyes pierced at me very bright,
    He let me his woeful tale to admire.

    The Rime of the Ancient Fisherman

    И дед - Мономах, что построил Владимир
    Пред взором моим промелькнул как живой,
    Отец, деревушке безвестной дал имя,
    Которую позже назвали Москвой.

    His grandparent - Prince Monomakh built Vladimir,
    I saw him alive as a wondering dreamer,
    His father, who found a village of wood
    On banks of the Moscow intemperate flood.

    The Rime of the Ancient Fisherman

    Лилась его речь, как родные напевы,
    Уверенный голос негромко звучал,
    Текли его мысли, как соки по древу,
    О том, что случилось в начале начал.

    И взгляды его для меня были новы,
    Откуда пошла первозданная Русь,
    Но сказ его вам передать слово в слово
    Во всей доскональности я не берусь.

    Здесь жуткие стоны звучат среди ночи,
    Тех грешных убийц, что сразила судьба,
    И словно замшелые темные кочки,
    Поныне здесь плавают те короба.

    Над озером плыли туманные тени.
    - Ну, отрок, прощай! Мне пора на покой.
    А, ежели что, приходи без сомнений, -
    Андрей помахал своей левой рукой.

    И старец исчез в предрассветном тумане,
    Волнений своих побороть я не смог,
    Недолго еще посидел на поляне
    И снова забросил я свой поплавок.

    His speeches were pouring as native sweet airs,
    His confident voice was not loud, but hoarse,
    His thoughts flew like juice along branches of trees,
    He told of the things that have been at the source.

    His views were so new and so hard to believing,
    Whence Russia initially came into being,
    It would not be easy to render his tales
    And wonderful stories in all the details.

    The horrible moans at night you can hear
    Of those sinful killers that smote by the fate,
    Their mossy dark coffins as hubbles appear,
    They float on the lake with a mystical hate.

    The shadows of white mist were flowing about.
    - Well, fellow, so long! I am leaving this land.
    But anything wrong, come without a doubt, -
    He waved a farewell with his only left hand.

    And he disappeared at dawn in the mist.
    I hardly could cope my stormy emotions,
    I sat on the glade for an hour at least
    And dropped on the surface my bob with precautions.

    I dropped on the surface my bob

    Вернувшись к друзьям, сообщил я в палатке:
    - Я с князем Андреем беседовал тут!
    Петро усомнился: - Ты, Ваня, в порядке?
    - Закусывать надо! - сказал Баламут.

    И сам я не понял, откуда все это?
    Быть может, Андрей мне явился во сне?
    На этот вопрос однозначно ответа
    Найти до сих пор не случилося мне.

    And then I came back to my friends in the tent:
    - Prince Andrew and me all the night here spent!
    - And are you all right? - asked me Peter with doubt.
    - When drunk, have a snack! - added Basil aloud.

    And whence all this came I could not understand.
    I wondered whether I saw him in mystical dream?
    This question is doubtful up to the end.
    Till now the answer for me is supreme.

    The Rime of the Ancient Fisherman

    Я все рассказал вам от буквы до буквы.
    Спит озеро крепко. Поверхность тиха.
    Кровавыми каплями осенью клюква
    Сверкает среди изумрудного мха.

    I've told everything from the top to the bottom.
    The lake is asleep and its surface is glossed.
    The cranberry sparkle as blood drops in autumn
    On the floaty banks among emerald moss.

    The Rime of the Ancient Fisherman

    To the contents

    To the contents

    The Historical Review

    In the middle of the XII-th century, not far from Vladimir, on the high bank of the Kljazma river Bogoljubovo, the Prince's residence was constructed. It took seven years (1158-1165) to build the palace and cathedral. The town was surrounded by a high earthen rampart crowned by white stone towers and walls. This stone town, with its golden domes and white walls was reflected in the river's waters. The palace overlooked the estuary of the Nerl river, and thus controlled an important trade route of the XII-th century. The focal point in the buildings of the Prince's residence was the palace's Nativity Cathedral, perfect in its proportions and richly decorated. The Palace square laid in white-stone slabs reached to the copper fettered church portal. From the north and south towers were connected to the cathedral. The faсade was decorated by stone carvings and a belt of arch columns. In order to impress foreign ambassadors, tradesmen and neighboring princes Andrew Bogoljubsky conducted them to the cathedral's loft from where they could see its rich decoration - frescos covering all the walls, original round columns, the floor of gold-covered copper plates and the gold and silver vessels inlaid with precious stones. In 1174, as a result of a Boyars' plot Andrew Bogoljubsky was killed. Those events are depicted in the Rime.

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