of the song Bunches of flowers of the white robinia (1902) Music by unknown author Text by unknown author |
песни 'Белой акации гроздья душистые' (1902) Музыка: автор неизвестен Текст: автор неизвестен |
The English lyrics of the song Bunches of flowers of the white robinia are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 license. Translated from Russian by L.C. Version 1.2 (November 9, 2021 - October 1, 2023) |
Английский текст песни 'Белой акации гроздья душистые' доступен по лицензии Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0. Перевёл с русского К.Л. Версия 1.2 (9 ноября 2021 - 1 октября 2023) |
Bunches of flowers of the white robinia Are one more time flavorful. Once more the nightingale's song pours infinitely In silent glow of the glittering moon. We had in summer, near the white robinia, Listened to the nightingale's chords. My wondrous, my best one whispered below her breath: "Sweetheart, believe me!.. I'm for ever yours." Years had passed, and our passions are frozen, Youth of my life had its end, But do believe: smell of the white robinia, Fragrant and sweet, I can never forget... This text was revised dozens of times. The translation is made from the very first version from 1902. Robinia pseudoacacia is the Latin botanical name for black locust. |
Белой акации гроздья душистые Вновь аромата полны, Вновь разливается песнь соловьиная В тихом сиянии чудной луны! Помнишь ли лето, под белой акацией Слушали песнь соловья?.. Тихо шептала мне чудная, светлая: "Милый, поверь мне!.. навеки твоя". Годы давно прошли, страсти остыли, Молодость жизни прошла, Белой акации запаха нежного, Верь, не забыть мне уже никогда... (Этот текст переписывали десятки раз. Перевод сделан с самой первой версии 1902 года.) |
Hyphenated text for singing and lining up with the musical score Текст по слогам для пения и вписывания в ноты Bunch-es of flow-ers of the white ro-bin-i-a Are one more time fla-vor-ful. Once more the night-in-gale's song pours in-fi-nite-ly In si-lent glow of the glit-ter-ing moon. We had in sum-mer, near the white ro-bin-i-a, Listened to the night-in-gale's chords. My won-drous, my best one whis-pered be-low her breath: "Sweet-heart, be-lieve me!.. I'm for ev-er yours." Ye-ars had passed, and our pas-sions are fro-zen, Youth of my life had its end, But do be-lieve: smell of the white ro-bin-i-a, Fra-grant and sweet, I can nev-er for-get... |
History October 1, 2023. Version 1.2. Corrections: Bunches of flowers of the white Are In silent glow of the We had in summer, near the white My But do believe: smell of the white Fragrant and sweet, I May 10, 2022. Version 1.1. Corrections: Years November 9, 2021. Version 1.0. |
История 1 октября 2023. Версия 1.2. Правки: Bunches of flowers of the white Are In silent glow of the We had in summer, near the white My But do believe: smell of the white Fragrant and sweet, I 10 мая 2022. Версия 1.1. Правки: Years 9 ноября 2021. Версия 1.0. |
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