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Let"s Talk

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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    Песня: Давай Поговорим

This dew on a leaf is beautiful, dear! 
But he"s telling me, "It"s soggy!"   
This cloudy night is magnificent site  
But he"s telling me, "It"s foggy!"
Just look at the sky, the moon is so bright
And sparkling stars shine so near!" 
But he"s telling me, "It is a street light,  
And buzzing flies round my ear!" 

My feeling"s so strong; I"ll sing you my songs
With passion and love, listen dear!
But he"s telling me, "Do not get me wrong,
You spit when you sing in my ear!"

Please kiss me sweetheart, love"s melting my heart
Please hold me and show me affection.
But he"s telling me, "Oh! Please, don"t you start!
I think that I"ve got an infection!" 

I"m not holding you, I don"t matter to you 
Just leave me alone, I don"t care! 
But he"s telling me, "You step on my shoe! 
And why all the sudden you"re in tears!"

Forever goodbye! I want you to die! 
I"m sorry I"m such irritation!
But he"s telling me, "It"s silly! Don"t cry!
Let"s try over this conversation!"

Oh! Let"s try!  
This dew on a leaf is beautiful, dear! 
But he"s telling me, "It"s soggy!"   
This cloudy night is magnificent site  
But he"s telling me, "It"s foggy!"

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Новые книги авторов СИ, вышедшие из печати:
О.Болдырева "Крадуш. Чужие души" М.Николаев "Вторжение на Землю"

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