- (а до победы было ещё далеко): the death toll mounted with no victory in sight;
- (а дома родители были без ума от волнения): back at home, his parents were frantic;
- (а почему?): "Don't be ridiculous." "Oh? Now, why am I being ridiculous?";
- (а я и собирался дать ему передышку): as a matter of fact I did have in mind to let him have a bit of a breather;
- (два, а ещё лучше один): the commission recommends that Congress collapse all of these authorities into two committees, and preferably one, in each house;
- (если залить водой цистерны на форштевне и корме танкера, а центральный отсек заполнить воздухом): if the stem and stern ballast tanks are allowed to flood with water while the center section is buoyant with air, she will arch like an acrobat doing a backspring;
- (один схватил жертву за волосы, а другой...): one clutches his victim's hair, spewing rage as he is about to hit, while the other assaults Jesus;
- (а?, т.е. ожидание подтверждения): So, what's the problem, Sam? Is it just Mum or is it something else, huh?
- (она болтала, а спицы вязали): she was chatting to him as a pair of knitting needles flashed in midair in front of her;
- (полковник убрал шасси, а Дж. крутанул руль самолёта влево-вправо): the colonel retracted the landing gear on command, while J. slipped the wheel half an inch left and right, rocking the wings a little to make sure the aircraft was willing to do what he told it;
- (первокурсников наказывали так сильно, что им приходилось покинуть колледж. ... Смерти в результате издевательств старшекурсников над первокурсниками случались не часто, а те, что случались, замалчивали.): It was not unusual for freshmen boys to be so violently "disciplined", they had to leave college; some of them hospitalized; yet none of these boys ever testified against the upperclassmen who harassed them. Deaths following "hazing" and "horsing" were not common - yet those that did occur were kept quiet, by university decree.;
- (тяга направлена противоположно лобовому сопротивлению, а подъёмная сила - противоположно весу): thrust, the forward-acting force is opposed to drag, as lift is opposed to weight;
- (т.е. что?): Um? What? Sorry, I was nodding off.
а вдруг (т.е. маловероятно, но всё же) - (а в. он узнает что-нибудь ценное): he had called on the agents on the off chance that he might learn something of value;
- (а в. она когда-нибудь станет ценной): I bought a first edition of the book on the off chance that it might be valuable someday;
- (а в. пойдёт дождь): the sun was shining, but I brought an umbrella on the off chance that it might rain
а вместе с ним и - (мой мир стал шире, а в. с н. и моё восприятие политики): by the fall of 1960, my world was expanding and so were my political sensibilities
а вот - (а в. за злонамеренное судебное преследование он мог бы подать в суд): what he could sue for is for malicious prosecution
а вот и - (а в. и наш гость): here comes our guest
а, да - (а да, я припоминаю): wait a while, I remember now
а для этого - (нужны были): it was his job to recapture the ball and doing so required enormous speed and skill
а если - (а е. я буду за хозяина дома? ): How about I do the honors? Wine in the refrigerator?
а если да / а если и так, так что? - "You're not still in contact with him?" "So what if I am?"
а ещё - (а е. называешь себяирония честным посредником!): You admit you're as one with these scum. So much for your claim of being honest broker.
а за ними и - "Poland and Romania would burst into flame for a start," countered S. "Probably Hungary to follow suit."
а значит - he became an English citizen, thereby sub>fml gaining the right to vote;
- to create a balance of forces that would deprive the Communists of hope for a military solution and thus force a compromise;
- the idea was to flood America with phony money, thus ruining the economy of the country;
- the Soviet Union risked backing objectives it could not bring about and thus earning disdain as being impotent;
- every single member of every family of a dead or wounded man was deported to the camps of the Gulag, lest they persist in asking after their relatives and thus keeping memory of the affair alive
а именно - there is one topic to discuss, namely my salary;
- videlicet Latin fml (viz.)
а вот - (прогноз не показывает снега, а вот дождя можно ожидать): snow is not predicted; we can expect some rain, though;
- (танцевать он не умеет, а вот поёт хорошо): he can't dance: he sings well, though
а как же - (т.е. вопрос, а к.ж. твои честолюбивые планы...?): what of your ambitious plans when you wanted to save us all?;
- (т.е. конечно): "Would you like dessert?" "Now you're talking!";
- (т.е. конечно): "You're off to the gym?" "You bet."
а как же / а как иначе - He orders a crème caramel for dessert, which is not on the menu, but the chef will do it by special request. So he should, thinks M. (the owner of the restaurant). I own the poncy arsehole.
а может - (а м. это блеф? ): "Any chance that it's a bluff, a confidence trick? That they really can't destroy the ship or kill her crew?" "We can't bank on that."
а может быть и более - (бетон не менее, а м.б.и б. прочен, чем камень): concrete is as strong as, if not, than stone
а может и - (падение доллара к $1.30 за евро, а может и больше): the main story this year will be the continued fall of the dollar towards, and possibly past, $1.30 against the euro by the end of 2004
а может и нет - (может заметят, а м. и н.): "Wouldn't the bees notice you underneath the balloon?" "They might or they might not.";
а может, и никогда - desperate people with incurable diseases are beseeching the company for treatments, though none will be ready for years if ever
а не - (верить в труд, а не в пособие): they believed in hard work, not entitlement, self-reliance, not self-indulgence;
- (день прошёл организованно, а не хаотично): because of his foresight, that Monday proceeded in a reasonably well-ordered way instead of being the chaos that one might have expected;
- (искать решение, а не проблемы): his service reputation was of an upbeat officer who looked for solution rather than problems;
- (ложное впечатление, что нефтяные залежи представляют собой заполненные нефтью полости, а не горную породу, пронизанную заполненными нефтью порами): the term "pool" can create the erroneous impression that oil fields are immense caverns filled with oil, instead of rock filled with small oil-filled pores;
- (народная медицина основана на использовании растений, а не на научных принципах): folk medicine is traditional medicine, which is based especially on the use of plants instead of on modern scientific principles;
- (он был в пятом классе, а не в шестом): he was in the fifth-grade class instead of in the sixth grade because he had been kept back the year before;
- (а не перейти ли нам в столовую?): why don't we step across to the officers" mess for a cup of tea?
- (подъём, а не спад): we will have an upsurge of economic activity rather than a downturn;
- (правило относится к гражданам страны, а не к иностранцам): the rule applies to nationals of the country, as distinct from foreign visitors;
- (правонарушение, а не преступление): it is regarded as tort rather than a crime;
- (предпочитаю жить в Г., а не на Т.): I prefer living in Hong Kong to living in Taiwan;
- (проходят годы, а стрелка часов сдвигается не более, чем на несколько секунд): when you are first imprisoned, years go by without your wristwatch advancing more than a few seconds;
- (работать дома, а не в конторе): there is a growing tendency for people to work at home instead of in offices;
- (страхование - защита, а не инвестиция): insurance is protection and not investment;
- (стремиться к минимальному риску, а не к новым идеям): he is oriented to looking for minimum risk as opposed to new ideas;
- (экраны расположены по правому борту судна, а не на носу и корме): the important displays go to the right side of the ship instead of fore and aft;
- he tried to grin as though the memory of their last meeting was sunny as opposed to mortifying
а не то - (будут неприятности): you'll be sticking to that story, boy, or there'll be trouble;
- (а н.т. хуже будет): but rather than paying like everyone else, they want their treatments for free - or else!;
- (делай, что я говорю, а н.т. плохо будет): do what I say, or else
а ну - (а ну давай, за работу, т.е. не отвлекайся): chop-chop, back to work;
а потом - (а что было п.? ): "What happens then?" asked M. agog
а пока - They'll be here soon. Meanwhile, let's have coffee;
- The new nurse won't come until next week. In the meantime I've arranged for a temporary one.;
- for the time being these differences over Taiwan were being subordinated to the common goal of opposing the hegemonic aims of others in Asia;
- Pending that, Brezhnev wrote, it would be "very important" for Israel to indicate its willingness to withdraw from all Arab territories
а также - a general equation of the 2nd degree with the form that includes squared terms, cross product terms, and linear terms as well as a constant;
- the table below gives the numbers of boys in 5-pound intervals as well as these numbers converted into percentages;
- symptoms include decreased appetite with ensuing weight loss, as well as nausea and vomiting;
- transcripts of the open hearings, together with the very considerable volume of documentary evidence that I adduced, are available on the Inquiry website;
- (это, а т. их орбитальные свойства и различия в составе, позволяет предположить, что астероиды происходят из вещества, оставшегося после образования солнечной системы): Unlike the major planets, the minor planets are mostly quite small. Furthermore, estimates for the sum total mass of all the asteroids yield a value of only a few percent that of the moon. This fact, together with their orbital properties and varying compositions, suggest that the asteroids originate from material left-over from the formation of the solar system.
а теперь - (прощай): and now farewell and return safely
а то - (а то ирония мы не знаем, что...): Get out of that one, boy. As if we don't know you get all your news from those pestilential birds;
- (а то я не знаю! ): don't I know it!;
- (т.е. иначе, а то не останется еды): hurry up, or there won't be any food left;
- (т.е. иначе, уходите, а то я закричу): leave me at once or I"ll scream;
- (т.е. подтверждение): "I guess the best of all possible worlds for you is to get a Broadway hit that runs for ten years." "Now you're talking. That would be having my cake and eating it too.";
- (т.е. потому что): So the next time you see a poll that is negative about our state, research it, and find out what was the source, who did the poll, and did they have a history of not liking Mississippians and Southerners in general. For you see, when you're talking about Mississippi, you're also talking about me, and my grandfather, and my grandfather's father, and my mother, and my mother's mother.;
- (т.е. презрительно о чём-то само собой разумеющемся, чёрный вытягивающий бальзам так называется потому, что он чёрный (а то!), и потому, что вытягивает гной из раны или нарыва): black drawing salve is so-called because it is black (duh) and because it helps "draw" pus out of a wound or boil;
- (т.е. презрительно о чём-то само собой разумеющемся): My insurance provider made things a little weird again when their computers were down so the hospital couldn't confirm if I was insured or not. They spent an hour trying to figure it out and eventually I had to walk to the other end of the hospital, sign a piece of paper saying that if it turns out I'm not really insured, I assume responsibility for the bill. Duh.
а то и - (бетон твердеет несколько дней, а то и недель): concrete hardens a few days, if not weeks;
- (в средней школе, а то и раньше, пора рассказывать детям, что бывает): Parents say the information (sex education) needs to get to students. "Middle school, if not younger, is when kids need to be aware of what's out there.";
- (на ликвидацию нефтяного пятна могут уйти месяцы, а то и годы): oil spills take months or even years to clean up;
- (ушёл, а то и вовсе исчез): quite often we would arrive at a house with an expensive interpreter only to find the patient had gone out, or disappeared altogether
а то и больше - (подростки нуждаются в таком же, а то и большем, персональном внимании и наставлениях, что и маленькие дети): adolescents need personal attention and guidance as much as, if not more than, young children;
- (правительство штата влияет на жизнь среднего гражданина так же, как федеральное, а то и больше): state governments affect the lives of the average citizen just as much as, if not more than, the national government;
- (страна нуждается в квалифицированных работниках практически полезной, производственной квалификации так же, как в людях с традиционным высшим образованием, а то и больше): Australia needs skilled workers armed with useful, practical vocational qualifications as much as, if not more than, traditional higher education qualifications;
- I enjoy it as much as, if not more, than my 6 and 8 year old kids;
а точнее - more to the point, this extension (of a computer file) can indicate Ventura document
- ("Ты так считаешь?" "А т.н.?"): "That's what you reckon?" "Don't you?"
а что? - "What are you doing tomorrow?" "Nothing. Why?"
а что если - (а ч.е. я буду за хозяина дома?): How about I do the honors? Wine in the refrigerator?
а что, нельзя? - "There's a bloke walking around in a kilt and a poncho." "Shouldn't he?"
а чтоб тебя! - (т.е. возглас удивления): blimey infml
абзац - (т.е. отступ / т.е. часть текста): indentation is a space at the beginning of a new paragraph;
- (т.е. часть текста): смотри ниже
абзац (т.е. часть текста) - he flipped past the paragraph about the unidentified man;
- (вычёркивание а-ев): copyediting includes fixing clumsy language, suggesting deletions of paragraphs he considers extraneous;
- (заключительный а.): he read the concluding paragraph;
- (отдельный): In dialogue, each speech is usually a paragraph by itself. Sometimes a writer, seeking to create an effect of rapid talk, will elect not to set off each speech in a separate paragraph and instead will run speeches together. The common practice, however, is to give each speech a paragraph of its own.
абонемент / абонементная плата - the company offers - for a hefty annual subscription of L 10.000 - weekly breakfast meetings, monthly dinners and tailor-made workshop for companies
абонент - (т.е. услуг Интернет): the research company expects the number of subscribers to such services to swell to 12.4 million by 2005
абсолютизировать - (принцип самоопределения не следует а. ): the principle of self-determination should not be seen in absolute terms
абсолютизация - (а. традиций - мол, надо только восстановить хорошо забытое прошлое, и тогда всё нормально - это заблуждение): seeing traditions as a cure-all / overemphasizing traditions / making a fetish of traditions, as though we only need to restore the well-forgotten past and everything will be fine, is an illusion / wishful thinking
абсолютно - (ничего): "What else did he say" "Nothing whatsoever.";
- (сухой кислород): Pure potassium is a silvery white metal tinged with blue; but on exposure to air it at once forms a film of oxide, and on prolonged exposure deliquesces into a solution of hydrate and carbonate. Perfectly dry oxygen, however, has no action upon it.;
- (точные данные): three separate navigational systems correlated their findings into the computer, and those findings were dead emotional accurate;
- (а. честный человек): a man of absolute honesty
абсолютный - (блаженство): ultimate bliss;
- (влажность): absolute humidity;
- (власть): the praetorians round the seat of ultimate power;
- (власть): in their republics the grip of the centre was always likely to be less total than inside Russia itself;
- (доказательство): we have an absolute proof of his guilt;
- (истина): he was poisoned by a conviction that he was in possession of the absolute truth and therefore free to play God by killing innocent people;
- (истина): Scientific observations are subject to physical limits that may prevent us from finding the ultimate truth. The Heisenberg Uncertainty principle states that it is impossible to determine simultaneously the position and momentum of an elementary particle.;
- (личное а-ое первенство, т.е. в гимнастике): individual all around;
- (молчание ): a blank silence greeted her words;
- (монархия): absolute monarchy;
- (оружие): ultimate weapon;
- (правитель): absolute ruler;
- (преданность хозяину): his devotion to his boss was unquestioning;
- (цифры): in absolute terms, wages have risen, but not in comparison with the cost of living;
- (честность): a man of absolute honesty;
- (чушь): absolute nonsense;
- (ясность): utter clarity
абстрагироваться - (от глубинных причин возникновения кризисных ситуаций): while working to overcome crises, we must not overlook / lose sight of their underlying causes;
- (абстрагируясь пока от проблемы авторства этого произведения...): while putting aside for the time being the issue of authorship...;
- (Ни в коем случае нельзя втягивать сюда религию. Мы от этого абстрагируемся.): We must by all means avoid any involvement of religion in this. We don't go there infml. / This is out of the equation infml.
абстрактный - (цели): goals are abstract; objectives are concrete
абсурдный - (всё это а-о): the whole thing is preposterous;
- (жалобы на кого-л): to that end, he persuaded M. to voice any complains he could about me, no matter how outlandish;
- (история): an absurd and untrue story;
- (поведение): her behavior became irrational, and in desperation Mother reluctantly committed her to the state's mental hospital;
- (предсказание): if crackpots can upset the country's prosperity any time they want, simply by making some cockeyed prediction - it's up to the planet to prevent them
аванс - on his own, a senior editor may be able to OK a book requiring a $50000 advance, but an assistant editor might have a $10000 ceiling and need major decisions approved by a senior editor or an editorial committee;
- (т.е. адвокату / а. начисляется из расчёта $150 в час вне суда о $300 в час в суде): the lawyer told me what it would cost - a retainer, against a fee to be billed at $150 an hour for time out of court and $300 an hour in court;
- (в счёт зарплаты): they gave me an advance of a month's pay;
- (гонорара за книгу): he received 8 million dollars as an advance for the book;
- (денежный): Cash advances are convenient... and costly. Many banks charge a transaction fee as well as interest on the cash advance.;
- (маляр попросил а. / в счёт а-а 150 долларов): She told me about her sad experience with the previous painter. Complaining on tough economic times the painter asked for $150 up front. Needless to say she never saw the painter again.;
- (наличными): transaction fee for cash advances: at a financial institution and by check: 2% of amount of advance, but not less than $2 or more than $10. At an automated teller machine, $1,75;
- (по командировке, получить / выдать а.п.к.): How do I get a travel advance? - After you submit your travel authorization form to purchasing, they will give you a yellow copy of that same form. To get a travel advance, that yellow copy will need to be submitted to the cashier's office. They will issue the travel advance the day before you depart.;
- (получить а.} на сумму): he was advanced the sum of 50 000 American dollars out of the Borman funds in Switzerland and went into business as an exporter of South American hardwood timber to Western Europe;
- (потребовать а., т.е. за ремонт квартиры, в деловых отношениях принято п. какой-то а., чтобы заказчик в последний момент не передумал, после того, что исполнитель потратил несколько сот долларов на подкрашенную на заказ краску, которую нельзя вернуть в магазин): it is a good business practice to charge some money up front to make sure the customer is not going to change their mind at the last minute, after the contractor has spent a few hundred dollars on custom tinted paint that is non refundable
- "Are you getting paid up front or on results?" "I got a handsome retainer before I set out."
авансом - (по контракту требовалось внести половину платежа а. и половину по выполнении): the contract called for half the payment up front and half when done;
- (ссудить деньги а.): could you lend him money now, upfront, against his future expectations?
авантюра - (держать сервер на домашнем компьютере - это а.): running a server on your home computer is a risky undertaking, and before you start, make sure your computer has all the latest patches and security updates, and that you've done a thorough spyware and virus scan;
- (истцы старались доказать, что крайне маловероятно, чтобы занимающие такое положение люди пустились в такую а-у): the effort of the defendants was старались to prove the utter improbability of gentlemen of the standing of that standing engaging in such a shady undertaking;
- (коммерческие а-ы): my family had gone broke because of Dad's reckless business schemes;
- (пойти на а-у / пускаться в а-ы, т.е. об опасном журналистском расследовании): it's strange you being on a caper like this, you being a reporter;
- (торговля валютой - это а.): currency trading is a risky venture and the trader who jumps in the field should know this;
- (т.е. о строительстве ветровых электростанций, против которых возражает местное население): The original plans were for a holiday camp with two hotels and 800 chalets as well as the four wind turbines. It was a crazy scheme and it was obvious that it would never work because there is strong opposition to the wind turbine development.;
- G.S., an iconoclastic city auditor and runner, had come up with the idea of closing the streets and staging a 26.2-mile race through all five boroughs. At first, F.L., the president of the New York Road Runners Club, thought this was a crazy scheme. But with G.'s persistence, F. soon embraced the idea and began turning it into a reality.
авантюризм - (политика а-а): a policy of adventurism;
- (правительства): the United States need to clarify the cost to China of military adventurism
авантюрист - (о викингах): the Vikings, those tough adventurers who were the scourge of Christian lands in the 9th and 10th centuries
- (политический, т.е. этимология - со времён гражданской войны в США): carpetbagger AmE
авантюрный - (политика): a policy of adventurism;
- (роман / фильм): a cloak-and-dagger novel / film
аварийно - (завершиться, о компьютерной программе): today's PCs are very stable, and even if an application crashes, it shouldn't cause you to lose work in any other applications you have opened;
- (посадить самолёт): a pilot who crash-landed his vintage plane in shark-infested waters in the Caribbean
аварийный - (бригада): emergency response team;
- (выключатель / выход): emergency switch / exit;
- (индикатор, если агрегат поставляется с цифровым вводом откачка, то этот а.и. отключается, когда цифровой ввод задействуется включателем откачки): if the unit is supplied with PUMPDOWN digital input, this alarm is disabled when the digital input is ON by the pump down switch;
- (источник а-ого питания): safety battery;
- (люк автобуса): pull the emergency escape cover by the handle and the grip;
- (люк, т.е. космического аппарата): escape hatch;
- (люк подлодки): the capsule could not block on to the rescue hatch;
- (люк самолёта): rescue hatch;
- (люк экипажа самолёта): ventral emergency hatch;
- (посадка): emergency landing;
- (посадка, т.е. самолёта, совершить а-ую п-у): with all engines out of action, he took the gallant decision to avoid the heavily populated area by making a crash landing at R.;
- (радиомаяк): an emergency beacon picked up in New Zealand has saved the life of a pilot who crash-landed his plane in the Caribbean;
- (сигнализация самолёта): warning system control;
- (ситуация / индикатор): When this alarm occurs, the compressor will be locked off and the alarm light turned on;
- (служба): the emergency services were on red alert;
- (топор в кабине пилота): crash axe;
- (тормоз): to pull the emergency brake;
- (трап / эвакуация, т.е. в самолёте): failure of an escape slide to deploy could hamper the egress of passengers in the event of an emergency evacuation;
- (эвакуация): plans are in place for an emergency evacuation
авария - (автомобильная): he sustained a severe brain injury in a car accident;
- (автомобильная): there was a serious car crash this morning;
- (т.е. автомобильная): he's facing charges of reckless driving after the Aug. 26 crash that left his friend, J.G., in a vegetative state;
- (т.е. автомобильная): you must thread the end back through the adjustment slide or the child harness will not hold in a crash;