- (да брось ты): don't get involved with him again - just let it lay;
- (да, вот ещё): one thing, between ourselves, are you still...?;
- (да успокойся ты, не напрягайся так из-за этого): calm the hell infml down, don't be so uptight about it;
- (За что жена может пилить мужа? Да за всё, что угодно.): What would a wife nag a husband about? Just about everything! Mowing the yard. Past due home repairs. Spending too much money on his hobby.;
- (да, маловероятно, т.е. в значении "однако"): "A chance in thousand." "Fortuitous, though infml";
- (может, такое и бывало, да?): I do hope that never happens to me. Well, of course, it may have done, mayn't it? And I wouldn't know!;
- (т.е. пожелание): смотри ниже;
- (т.е. согласие): смотри ниже;
- (т.е. союз "и", принеси мне полотенце, да поживее): bring me a towel and be quick about it;
- (да, пока не забыл): Oh, and while I remember: outside North America, Lindsay is a male name.;
- (да, я хотела тебя спросить...): actually, I've been wanting to ask you how you want to celebrate your birthday
да? - ("Не говори глупости." "Да? Почему это я говорю глупости?"): "Don't be ridiculous." "Oh? Now, why am I being ridiculous?";
- "He has interesting news." "Indeed?";
- "That's great news." "Yes, isn't it?";
- "We're going to Mexico this summer." "Oh, really?";
- "Move along! You're wasting time. Even defying your crown sovereign's wishes!" "Am I so?";
- "I feel much better now." "You do?" "I'll say I do.";
- "You only think you can read me." "But I'm an open book, huh?"
да (т.е. пожелание) - (да благословит тебя Бог): may God bless you;
- (да поможет мне Бог): I, [name], do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; ... and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.;
- (да будет так): Frodo: We will go through the mines. GANDALF: So be it.;
- (да будет так, как ты велел): it shall be, lord, as you command
да (т.е. согласие) - yes / yeah infml;
- (т.е. с иронией): Aye! And come back and find all my house and land in pickle.;
- (да, мне очень хорошо): "I'm very well, indeed," said he exuberantly;
- (да, я знаю, что..., но...): right, I know the letter says "Snuffles" on the outside, but it's for S., okay?
да - да, нет - нет - take it or leave it
да ещё - (бензин для автомобиля с тремя карбюраторами обходился ему дорого, д.е. при таких ценах): the gas the car used, with its three SU carburettors, was a major train on his pocket, the more so because of the price of gas in Germany;
- (Группа Освобождения женщин протестовала против шествия в честь Мисс Америки. Д.е. некоторые из них жгли свои лифчики): A women's liberation group protested the Miss America pageant itself as degrading to women. For good measure, some of them burned their bras, proof positive to many old-fashioned Americans that something had gone terribly wrong
да ещё и - (его считали занудой д.е. и некультурным): he was thought to be a great bore and unlettered as well;
- (как я мог привязаться к неодушевлённому предмету, д.е. и уродливому?): how could I have such ties with an inanimate object, an ugly one at that;
- (недостатки обусловлены плохим переводом д.е. и плохой работой корректора): the shortcomings are due to a bad translation and poor proofreading to go along with it;
- (он был гораздо тяжелей её, д.е. и с более тяжёлым рюкзаком): he was much heavier than she, especially with the weight of the larger pack he carried added into the bargain;
- (он говорил на пуштунском, д.е. и на русском и персидском): the only thing American that impressed the British was my ability to speak Pashto, but this was diminished by the fact that three of their chaps did too, including one man who spoke Russian and Persian as well;
- (он овладел китайским языком, д.е. и местным диалектом и произношением): he had mastered not only the complex Chinese language, but also the local dialect and accent as well;
- (...да ты е. и посмеёшься надо мной): it's nothing to do with the business and you'll probably laugh me into the bargain;
- (он получил вдохновенного мыслителя, д.е. и доверенного наперсника): but he had also gotten an inspired thinker, and a trusted confidant in the bargain;
- (...д.е. и проныра): that the man we entered into agreement with was quite a wheeler dealer and a weasel to boot infml
да и - (бедняжки не знают, что происходит. Да и я не знаю.): The poor dears don't know what's going on. Come to that, neither do I.;
- (всегда найдутся мужчины, склонные к жестокости, да и женщины случаются): there are always people with a taste for cruelty, as a few women, come to that;
- (да и вряд ли когда-л): I was no longer skilled in indulging journalists, if I ever had been;
- (да и вы не смогли бы): she gave him that innocent, impudent, and entirely scandalous look which he never could resist, and you couldn't either, for that matter;
- (да и как было не испугаться): Suddenly he became very pale, his knees shook and yielded under him and he collapsed with a sickening pain in his interior. And well he might; for the approaching car was the very one he had stolen out on that fatal day.;
- (да он на то и не претендует): most of the steps are gone beyond recall, but his sense of period and of style mean that if not authentic (and he would not claim this) his productions are skillfully "like", and convince;
- "I owe you a fiver, don't I?" "Yes, and come to that, you never paid me back the other money I lent you."
- (никогда не слышал, такой речи от чёрного южанина, да и от белого тоже): I had never heard such speech from a Southern black, or a Southern white for that matter;
- (никто не мог..., да и большинство предсказателей не видело...): no one could have predicted last year's bust-and-boom cycle, which began with Sudden Acute Respiratory Syndrome and ended with a retail investor bubble, nor, for that matter, did the majority of the forecasters see the 1977/98 financial crisis coming;
- (да и как иначе бы она могла вести образ жизни, к которому привыкла?): Having always lived the life of the idle-rich, she has no qualms about conning even the most vulnerable - it's not her fault that they're too stupid to know any better and anyway, how else is she supposed to support the lifestyle to which she's become accustomed?;
- (да и сейчас): hospital officials conceded at the time of the SARS outbreak - and still do - that their housekeeping staffs have been stretched thin because of cutbacks in federal and provincial funds in recent years;
- (да и сестра его такая же): He is quite arrogant. So is his sister, for that matter.;
- (да и что он может сказать?): I don't believe he will put the bricks to me. Not after 12 years. Besides, what can he say?;
- (да я и не собирался позволить этому случиться): The traditional winding down in the last half of a President's second term had not occurred. I was determined not to let it happen this year, either.;
- (я не очень-то ему доверяю, да и жене его): I don't really trust him - nor his wife, come to that
да к тому же - (переводчик не имел ни опыта, ни подготовки в психиатрии, д.к.т.ж. не владел психиатрической лексикой): the interpreter had no psychiatric experience or training, and was very gullible, apart from having no psychiatric vocabulary;
да нет (т.е. отрицание) - "Have you seen many suicides in J.?" "One or two a year maybe." "Anyone see any of them coming?" "Not really. They're usually a big surprise.";
- (Хотите рассказать? - Д.н.): "You want to tell me about it?" "I'd rather not."
да ну - (т.е. недоверие): "I earn $1000 an hour." "Indeed!";
- (т.е. недоверие): "This lake is nearly two hundred feet deep." "I can't believe that!" "Take my word for it.";
- (т.е. отвергая сказанное собеседником): It's preposterous. Come now.;
- (т.е. снисходительно): "If she'd just get rid of that cat, I'd speak to her again!" Ron said angrily. "But she's still sticking up for it! It's a maniac, and she won't hear a word against it!" "Ah, well, people can be a bit stupid about their pets."
- (т.е. удивление): "I collect rare coins." "Really?"
да ну тебя - (т.е. это не так): "The horse is still a bit scary, isn't he?" "Come off it, you've ridden him, haven't you?"
да уж (т.е. подтверждение очевидного высказывания собеседника) - "He's no milksop. He couldn't handle that stallion if he was." "True enough.";
- "It'll be a relief to get on to a decent highway," "I'll say," she agreed;
- "I reckon you'll be bored with this game by now." "I'll say.";
- "So, been keeping busy, B.?" "Fairly. Organizing that competition is no mean feat.";
- "It is cursed quiet, isn't it?" "It is that.";
- "We had better sit right till dawn. I don't fancy stumbling into some abyss." "True enough.";
- (д.у., ничего себе новости): that is a bundle of news and no mistake;
- (Он говорит "Извини". Д.у. Здесь не место высказывать такие мысли): Sorry, he says. He should be. This is no place to be voicing such thoughts.;
- "We have to get out of here." "I'd say so.";
- "I'm resourceful." "That you are."
- (д.у., странный выдался денёк): it's been a queer day, and no mistake infml
- "Would that this could fly. Then we should not need to row, nor tow, nor pray for wind." "Just so, Captain.";
- "We are about to close the gate." "You do that. You close it good and tight. They're coming.";
- "We'll see about this." "You do that."
да уж (т.е. подтверждение с иронией / сарказмом) - ( "Я честный парень." "Да уж."): "I am a pretty straight sort of a guy." Yeah, about as straight as a corkscrew.;
- "Civilized ways, forsooth," scoffed Tarzan. "Jungle standards do not countenance wanton atrocities. There we kill for food and for self-preservation.";
- "I'm bullet-proof and bomb-proof." "That you are.";
- "I offered to present scientific backing for your beliefs. And I did!" "Yes, you did - with a fox's subtlety, for your pretended explanation backed our beliefs, and at the same time removed all necessity for them.";
да что ты! / да что вы! (т.е. удивление) - "He doesn't eat chocolate." "Fancy that!";
- "Your ladybird has crept through many ages." "Imagine it!";
- "They're going to have a baby?" "You don't say!";
- I've been working on this project for two years. You don't say!
да хоть - ( "Мне надеть плащ?" "Д.х. голышом иди."): "Should I wear my cloak, Your Grace?" "Go naked for all I care."
давай! (т.е. понукание) - (а ну д., за работу, т.е. не отвлекайся): chop-chop, back to work;
- "Move along!" the courtier prodded, sharp edged. "You're wasting time. Even defying your crown sovereign's wishes!";
- (д. ирония, липни к нему): "Yeah, that's right, swarm up to him, Malfoy," said Ron scathingly;
- (давайте не будем спорить): let's have no argument;
- (давайте не будем спорить): don't let's argue about it;
- (д., открывай): go ahead, open it;
- (д., поскорее): "Come on, hurry," growled M., prodding her in the back;
- "I'm warning you..." "Go on, then. Warn me."
давать / дать - (антибиотики, ему стали давать а.): they were put on antibiotics;
- (бетону схватиться): allow the concrete to set up;
- (бинокль давал увеличение от двадцатикратного до пятидесятикратного): the spotting glasses zoomed from twenty to fifty-power, allowing him an intimate view of the other side of the river;
- (Боже, дай мне мужество / терпение / разум...): Lord grant me the courage to change what can be changed, the patience to accept what cannot be changed, and the wisdom to know the difference / God grant us the serenity to accept the things we cannot change, courage to change the things we can, and wisdom to know the difference;
- (больному стали д. несколько лекарств): the patient had been put on a series of drugs, without any hope, and later on painkillers
- (т.е. в руки): from the briefcase L. handed me a thumbed police manual of line drawing of cars;
- (т.е. в руки): the pregnant woman started retching. R. pulled out a barf bag and handed it to her.;
- (вдохновение): the University hockey team lends inspiration to young skaters;
- (визу): before we make a decision to issue you a visa or refuse your application;
- (визу): the President granted a visa to G.A.;
- (власть, закон даёт в. мужчинам и не даёт женщинам): the law empowers men and disempowers women;
- (возможность): смотри ниже;
- (волю): смотри ниже;
- (врач дал таблетку абортивного средства девушке): the parents of a 16-year-old girl are suing the P. Health department for dispensing the abortifacient morning-after pill to their daughter without their knowledge;
- (время): смотри ниже;
- (выигрыш): the new building has a smaller footprint that the structures it replaced, but it brings a net gain of 25 offices and 14 classrooms to the campus;
- (выигрыш, использование чего-л не даёт в-а): there is virtually no gain from using an oil with a higher rating;
- (д. выход своему гневу): such a man would never give way to any kind of anger;
- (д. выход своим чувствам): it was not until the traditional ceremony in front of the principal facade of the White House of seeing the British visitors into their limousines was complete that S. could give vent to his feelings;
- (д. газ, т.е. в автомобиле): he heard the berserk snarl of the blown exhausts when he hit the accelerator on the open autobahn;
- (гарантии): NATO provided assurance to Ukraine that its political status is respected;
- (гарантию на изделия): Radio Shack provides a 90 day limited warranty with the products listed on this receipt whenever the manufacturer provides no warranty or a warranty of less than 90 days;
- (давай сюда деньги): hand over the cash!;
- (дай ему отдышаться): let him catch his breath;
- (т.е. деньги): смотри ниже;
- (д. дёру): смотри файл DVIJENIE;
- (д. 30 дней на разоружение милиции): the United Nations Security Council last week adopted a resolution giving Khartoum 30 days to disarm the militias;
- (донор согласился д. эмбрионы): the patient agreed to donate embryos;
- (т.е. o донорстве, д. почку): to donate a kidney to somebody;
- (доход / прибыль): U.S. treasury bonds are yielding very high returns;
- (доход / прибыль): the company's massive investment in expansion was not yielding a return;
- (доход, развитие торговли и ремёсел даёт доход): the development of trades and crafts will produce profits;
- (доход, фонд дал 54 процента дохода): last year the fund returned an amazing 54 percent;
- (заверения): it provided assurance to Ukraine that its political status is respected and enduring;
- (задание): the team is assigned a new mission;
- (залп): the British troops fired several volleys;
- (д. залп снарядами по казармам): the Apache pivoted in the air and he salvoed his remaining rockets into the barracks;
- (залп, т.е. с корабля, д. бортовой залп по кому-л): give them a broadside;
- (залп, т.е. с корабля, д. бортовой залп по кому-л): I'm turning to give you a broadside
- (д. затвердеть, расплавленному металлу дают з.): a molten substance, such as metal is poured or forced into a mold and allowed to harden;
- (зелёную улицу): to give the Soviets a green light to intervene...;
- (д. знак ехать дальше): while she spoke, she signalled to the dwarf to drive on;
- (д. знак кому-л): He signals an officer working an overhead projector. A map covering Bristol and Bath is beamed onto the whiteboard.;
- (д. знак молчать): fingers to his lips, he signaled them to silence;
- (знать): Good luck, and let me know how you get on;
- (имя): John von Neumann lends his name to one of our most prestigious prizes;
- (инструкции): a deputy head may issue instructions to employees;
- (информацию / данные): special studies provide such data;
- (информацию / сведения): nuclear physics furnishes / supplies / provides information on problems of...;
- (каждой из нас дали по пачке списков): we were each handed a stack of voter registration lists;
- (клятву): he made his vow to stay the night in the hall;
- (команду): he issued instructions for the criminal case to be launched;
- (д. комнату в общежитии студенту): I was assigned to the rooms on the left side of the second floor at the far entrance;
- (д. кому-л пару миллионов, т.е. нелегально): after all, if you're slipping a few million to some Arab shyster for helping you flog off your clapped-out fighter-planes, why not slip yourself a few bob for being an English gentleman?
- (д. кому-л попробовать): he was sorely tempted to let them try it;
- (д. кому-л 30 с лишним лет на вид): he adjudged the new man to be in his mid-thirties;
- (кредит): the bank entered into a credit agreement with Zeco whereby the bank extended loans to Zeco secured by all Zeco's inventory;
- (кредит, д. ипотечные кредиты клиентам с сомнительной платежеспособностью): he pushed for legislation that would make it easier for federally backed lenders to make mortgage loans to risky borrowers who put less money down;
- (кредиты): as the recession has dragged on, fewer companies are extending credit;
- (кулёк): the pregnant woman started retching. R. pulled out a barf bag and handed it to her.;
- (лазеры, дающие монохроматический свет): lasers that produce a very monochromatic light;
- (д. меньше дохода, чем...): such funds may underperform other funds with similar objectives;
- (многое, термодинамика может д. многое): thermodynamics has much to offer: in this respect;
- (мощность): the transistor delivered 15 watts;
- (д. на чай / д. чаевые): he tipped the coat-check lady handsomely;
- (д. награду / премию кому-л за государственную службу): the Federal City Club of Washington bestowed its public service award on H. Kissinger;
- (д. напрокат оборудование / автомобили): to rent equipment / cars;
- (напряжение): the sections can be connected in series to furnish / supply 240,000 volts;
- (наркоз): he was given a local anaesthetic;
- (наркоз, ему дали общий наркоз): he was put on a general aneasthetic before the operation;
- (наставления): the instructor admonished his class to duplicate his moves;
- (начало чему-л): the lands bordering the Mediterranian gave rise to many outstanding civilizations;
- (надежду): the agreement seemed to offer such hope;
- (не давать): смотри ниже;
- (т.е. не позволять): Iraq has blocked the team from pursuing inspections;
- (д. неверное представление о ком-л): his appearance belies him;
- (немного дать): it did not gain much;
- (непрошеные советы, т.е. следя за игрой): to kibitz AmE slang;
- (д. номер телефона посторонним): the private house telephone number was not to be divulged from the factory;
- (д. о себе знать, время от времени он давал о себе знать): I still heard from him from time to time;
- (обет): he made his vow to stay the night in the hall;
- (обет): you have forsaken every vow you ever swore;
- (обещание): if you make a promise you shouldn't break it;
- (обещания): don't make promises you won't be able to keep;
- (обещание): in a wide-ranging two-hour interview, he vowed to turn the company's scientific assets into cures and profits;
- (облегчение от отёчности и болезненности суставов): for patients with rheumatoid arthritis the treatment provides relief from swollen and painful joints;
- (облегчение): Milk is not a recommended antidote to heartburn. A glass of milk does provide immediate relief as it goes down, but milk can cause a more severe heartburn that can return in as little as a half an hour.;
- (д. образование детям в Америке): they yearn to have their children educated in America;
- (объявление в газете): I put an advert in the paper to sell my bike but I haven't had any takers;
- (объявления): the ads have brought in new customers since the first day we ran them;
- (объяснение): this telescope has supplied a possible explanation for the ultraviolet "clouds";
- (объяснение): no theory offers a satisfactory explanation of the observed facts;
- (объяснения кому-л): why bother to explain things to this Chicago Jew?;
- (обязательство отдать долги): he made a commitment to pay off his debts;
- (осадок): to leave / produce a sediment;
- (основание): смотри ниже;
- (ответ): top-hat furnaces can often give / provide / supply answers to such problems as...;
- (ответ): this concept did not provide answers to such problems as the origin of mountain ranges;
- (ответ на заявление): to reply to an application;
- (д. отвод прокурору): the lawyer has filed a motion to have the District Attorney recused;
- (д. отдохнуть глазам): I shut the book to rest my eyes;
- (д. отдохнуть спине): I straightened to rest my back;
- (д. отказ на заявление): before we make a decision to issue you a visa or refuse your application;
- (д. отпор кому-л): I was too spineless to stand up to the boss;
- (д. отпор фундаментализму): tapping country's potential will help fight off fundamentalism;
- (отсрочку, ему дали о. от военной службы до окончания колледжа): his military service was deferred until he finishes college; - (передышку): смотри ниже;
- (перерыв): we only allowed a three-minute break;
- (печка давала тепло): the tiny stove afforded some heat;
- (д. пинка сапогом кому-л в живот): G. booted him in the stomach;
- (д. по тормозам, резко д. по тормозам): she screamed and slammed on the brakes;
- (д. по уху): don't ask troublesome questions, or I'll give you a clip over the ear;
- (д. по шапке / по шее, нам дали ): one of the reasons we took it on the chin infml with Vietnam is how the people got to see the war every night on Huntley-Brinkley;
- (побеги, столбы дали побеги): the posts sprouted into saplings and became a thicket of trees;
- (поблажку): he had been a successful litigator for 20 years, but he somehow managed to give the impression that this was his first trial, and he subtly appealed to the jury to cut him some slack;
- (повод): he provided the pretext for the diplomatic procrastination;
- (показания): смотри ниже;
- (полномочия): I hereby authorize the co-ordinator as lawful attorney;
- (помилование): last-minute pardons granted by Bill Clinton;
- (д. понять): смотри ниже;
- (потери): this method offers minimum losses;
- (д, почитать дневник): would you let me read the diary over the weekend?;
- (д. пощёчину кому-л): the teacher slapped the boy after losing his temper;
- (пощёчину кому-л): he slapped Bob in the face;
- (право): смотри ниже;
- (представление о чём-л): смотри ниже;
- (д. представления / спектакли с аншлагом): he played sold-out shows to loving audiences;
- (преимущество, если вы свободно владеете двумя языками, это даёт вам огромное преимущество при получении работы): if you are bilingual that puts you at a huge advantage getting jobs here in Honolulu since we get such a huge influx of visitors from Japan;
- (преимущество, следует спросить, какое преимущество это может д.): since this function can be performed by other technologies also, one must ask what charge-coupling has to offer;
- (приём с коктейлями): she made a courtesy call to her father's palatial home, where he and his second wife were throwing a cocktail party;
- (присягу): officials who had taken this oath;
- (т.е. продукцию, компания даёт более половины добычи железной руды): this company is responsible for over half of Canadian iron ore output;
- (т.е. продукцию, карьер даёт 800 тонн песка в день): the pit is turning out 800 tons of sand a day;
- (проект даст значительную экономию): the project will produce a significant savings for Ukrainian imports of gas;
- (развод): to grant divorce;
- (разрешение): to grant a permission;
- (разрешение на наружное наблюдение, т.е. слежку за кем-л): an authorisation for directed surveillance may be granted: when needed for a particular case, in the interests of national security, to prevent and detect crime or prevent disorder...;
- (распоряжение кому-л): he directed his warriors to prepare for scouting expedition into the mountains;
- (результат): смотри ниже;
- (рекомендации): the Committee may make recommendations to the Council;
- (д. роль кого-л кому-л): the teacher assigned me to play President J.;
- (сбой): do not operate any appliance after the appliance malfunctions;
- (свет, отражённый от взвешенных в воде частиц даёт сине-зелёный цвет): the glacier grinds up rock into the fine particles and the light reflected off the so-called rock flour suspended in the water produces the brilliant blue-green;