Маркова Наталья Самуиловна : другие произведения.

Русско-английский словарь jэмоций Д_И

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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  давать прикурить / дать прикурить - (т.е. ругать): there's a cranky curmudgeon working at the hospital who gives all the patients and other doctors flak (AKA Doctor House)
  Дамоклов меч - sword of Damocles
  дамочка - she is a selfish, uneducated, thick-skinned, and mouthy little madam
  двуличие / двуличность - Hanoi published the letter and suppressed the qualification, earning itself for the gullible one more demonstration of our (American) duplicity;
  - he looked to England as the fountainhead of duplicity;
  - it came to be seen as evidence of his duplicity;
  - America has finally ran out of patience with Sudanese president's duplicity and will press the international community to stand up to the genocide;
  - (в переговорах царит атмосфера д-я и лжи): an air of double-dealing and deceit hangs over the negotiations;
  - (неправительственных организаций): he ranted on about their (NGO's) duplicity and traitorous challenges to the state;
  - (с таким д-ем): the Soviet leadership may have sought a cease-fire, but it did it so tentatively and so duplicitously that it magnified Egypt's doubts about its ally's good faith
  двулично - the Soviet leadership may have sought a cease-fire, but it did it so tentatively and so duplicitously that it magnified Egypt's doubts about its ally's good faith
  двуличный - (политика): Bush's duplicitous Middle Eastern policy;
  - (друг): I could no longer trust my double-dealing friend;
  - (политики): slimy, double-dealing politicians have betrayed us all;
  - (предатель): a double-faced traitor;
  - (т.е. человек): I am naïve, but certainly not duplicitous;
  - (шлюха): you're a two-faced backstabbing slut
  двурушник - the company seems to have one or two double-dealers who are selling information to competitors
  дебильный - (блондинка): Ditzy slang means basically acting really dumb and innocent. Not really knowing what is going on. Many people say it to like "ditzy blonde" cuz blondes are ditzy;
  - (блондинка): Jessica Simpson is the real definition of ditzy slang blonde!;
  - (идея): a totally retarded idea
  - (д. на вид ребёнок): a dorky-looking kid
  дебошир - the court was normally in session only on Monday mornings, to deal with the weekend crop of drunk drivers, brawlers, speeders and so on
  дедовщина - (т.е. в армии): the UK Ministry of Defence defined bullying as: "...the use of physical strength or the abuse of authority to intimidate or victimise others, or to give unlawful punishments
  действовать на нервы - that man / music gets on my nerves;
  - this waiting is fraying his nerves;
  деланно - (д. небрежный тон): something in her would-be casual voice made him think...;
  - (д. уверенный тон): "..." he said in a falsely confident voice
  деланный - (смех): fake laugh;
  - (улыбка): "..." she said with the slight makings of a fake smile;
  - (улыбка): a strained smile
  деликатность - (настоящая разведработа... должна основываться на некоей д-ти): good intelligence work, he had always preached, was gradual and rested on a kind of gentleness;
  - (не отличаясь особой д-ю): N., a person of little subtlety, backed up his offer with a threat;
  - he was noted for dealing with these cases with discretion
  деликатный - (бизнес): an extremely profitable but extremely discrete business;
  - (вопрос): смотри ниже;
  - (задача): a ticklish problem;
  - (любовник): he was a skilled and considerate lover;
  - (международные проблемы): there were large daily staff meetings, but sensitive matters were never discussed there;
  - (переговоры): delicate negotiations with the big powers;
  - (положение / ситуация): a touchy situation;
  - (положение / / ситуация): a ticklish situation;
  - (положение / ситуация): a very grave and sensitive situation;
  - (предмет): middle school teachers soon will begin delving into one of the most sensitive subjects taught in schools: sex education;
  - (фаза экономии в стране): Slovakia is entering a new phase of politically delicate retrenchment;
  - (т.е. человек): he was courteous and considerate, but he definitely had his own ideas, and they weren't hers
  деликатный (вопрос) - he hesitates to be explicit on so ticklish a matter;
  - religion is always a touchy subject;
  - - Several thousand ethnic Albanian residents of Orahovac, in western Kosovo, gathered in the streets today to protest NATO's announcement that it would send newly arrived Russian troops to replace the Dutch. The ethnic Albanians say that at least two war crime suspects are among 3,000 Serbs battened down in an isolated neighborhood that has been guarded for weeks by Dutch troops and tanks. Dutch officers say their troops are protecting the Serbs from ethnic Albanian vigilantes and also preventing the suspected war criminals from slipping away. "It's a sticky point," said Canadian army the NATO spokesman.;
  - in 1935 Congress tackled the thorny problem of improper political practices
  деловито - (красить): a large rose-tree stood near the entrance of the garden: the roses growing on it were white, but there were three gardeners at it, busily painting them red;
  - (шагать): the man strode on busily, with a beadle's flurry
  деловитый - (адвокат): he was a cold, keen, business-like old lawyer
  денди - (т.е. об Оскаре Уайлде): after university, Wilde moved to London, where he insinuated himself into London's most glamorous drawing rooms as wit, dandy, and high aesthete
  депрессия - (впасть в состояние д-и): She was afraid, terrified of society and its unclean bite. She almost wished she could get rid of the child again and be quite clear. In short, she fell into a state of funk infml;
  - the websites always list depression as a side effect of cancer;
  - (по настроению моих писем мама догадалась, что у меня д.): the tenor of my e-mails alerted my mother to my depression;
  - (просто от погоды у меня д.): it was just the weather that had me down;
  - (склонность к д-и усилилась): his depressive tendencies worsened after his son's suicide
  деревенщина - drunken louts from the bar;
  - Indians were hewers of wood, drawers of water, and, on the whole, bumpkins;
  - The movie was practically banned in these parts. Folks thought it made us look like a bunch of hicks AmE.;
  - sheep shagger BrE especially Welsh;
  - a comedy about the misadventures of yokels AmE in the big city;
  - (я изо всех сил старалась не пялиться как какая-нибудь д., впервые попавшая в столицу): I did my best not to gawp like some country bumpkin on her first visit to the capital;
  - For the most part he ignored the snubs from the classmates. He was a hillbilly from Kentucky, with few friends.;
  - he spoke with the indulgent air of a great teacher correcting a country bumpkin's fatuous ideas
  дерзать - (дерзайте!): Although your Committee has been re-elected, there is nothing to stop anyone wishing to be co-opted onto the Committee for we can always find work for a willing volunteer. So, if you would like to have a go, you can come forward in the confident belief that you will have another year to "get your feet under the table" before considering standing for election to the Committee in your own right. So go on, give it a go infml.
  дерзить - (в ответ, судья не терпит, когда кто-нибудь дерзит в о. ): He is a tough ref and knows what he's doing. Doesn't put up with backtalk from anyone.
  - (не дерзи мне): don't get lippy with me, you jumped-up coal-heaver, or I"ll turn you into a rabbit;
  - (никто не дерзит этим двум господам / вы бы видели как эта пигалица им дерзила, когда ей казалось, что они пытаются её третировать): You should have heard the blowups she had with the director. Nobody talks back to him - he's been around a long time and is too successful and too respected to get anything but a 'Yessir.' But you should have seen this little snip of a girl talk back to him when she thought he was trying to push her around.
  дерзкий - (баба с яйцами): she is a sharp and sassy AmE infml "babe with balls";
  - (взгляд): he gave her an insolent stare, which took in the patches on her clothes and the dilapidated suitcase
  - (вопрос): an impertinent question;
  - (девочка-подросток): she acts so grown-up; smart-mouthed and sassy, but beneath the bravado is a hurt child.;
  - (действия): Thomas Becket secured from the pope a suspension of the Archbishop of York and excommunications for the other two bishops. Enraged at the audacity of Thomas's actions, Henry muttered in the presence of a number of his knights, "Will no one free me of this wretched priest?";
  - (кража): audacious theft;
  - (д. молодой человек): this cocky young man quickly gave me the basic facts about himself;
  - (ограбление): daring robbery;
  - (д. ограбление банка): brazen holdup;
  - (ответ): an impertinent answer;
  - (побег): he made a daring escape from North Korea;
  - (поведение): impertinent behaviour;
  - (похищение): daring kidnapping;
  - (предложение): you display an infernal gall in coming to me with that impudent proposition of yours;
  - (ребёнок): Are you struggling with a child who is disrespectful, argumentative, and defiant?;
  - (ребёнок): the impertinent child had a smart answer for everything;
  - (д-ие розничные торговцы): sassy, youth-orientated retailers were coming on the scene;
  - (д. удар, чтобы покончить со всеми ними): one swift daring stroke to end them all;
  - (человек): an impertinent man;
  - (человек): a brash and forceful man;
  - (человек): he was much too brash;
  - If you're being cheeky you're being brash or irreverent. If you're a cheeky child, you're probably just being impudent and disrespectful - and you're probably going to get in trouble. Cheeky has shades of meaning according to the degree of offense taken, and this may vary between British and American English. At the offensive end are the synonyms rude, disrespectful, and insulting. Less offensive are sassy, arrogant, and shameless. Rounding out the cheeky spectrum are bold, assertive, and daring, which are about getting noticed but without causing injury.
  дерзко - (поучать взрослого - д. со стороны ребёнка): it is impertinent of a child to lecture a grownup;
  - (пытаясь отработать деньги издателя, я д. добавил одну главу): somewhat audaciously, and in an attempt to give my publisher his money's worth, I added a chapter;
  - (сказать): "..." he said defiantly;
  - (улыбнуться): As he said this, he smiled pertly. I was getting the feeling that he had something up his sleeve.;
  - (это звучит д. и элитарно): We were told that we were the cream of the cream. That sounds really bratty and elitist now.
  дерзость - the switchboard operator knew from the line the call was coming that this was neither joke nor impertinence;
  - (вам надлежит искупить свою самонадеянность и д.): it is for you to make amends for your arrogance and your defiance;
  - (т.е. выдать дочь замуж без ведома опекуна): she thrust away the thought of her guardian's wrath if he discovered her audacity;
  - (поступка): Thomas Becket secured from the pope a suspension of the Archbishop of York and excommunications for the other two bishops. Enraged at the audacity of Thomas's actions, Henry muttered in the presence of a number of his knights, "Will no one free me of this wretched priest?";
  - (снисходительность граничила с д-тью): the man's condescension almost bordered on mute insolence;
  - (пройти мимо с д-тью): the saucy way in which the girls had moved past me;
  - (удивлённый собственной д-тью): J., amazed at his own temerity, gave him a push
  дерьмо грубо - (всё это д., т.е. чушь): that's a bunch of crap;
  - (т.е. дрянь): these matters are by their nature subjective - and, unfortunately, one artist's masterpiece may be another supervisor's dreck;
  - (копание в д-е образно): if you accuse someone of muck-raking, you are criticizing them for finding and spreading unpleasant or embarrassing information about someone, especially a public figure;
  - (копаться в д-е образно, т.е. искать компромат на кого-л): the Democrats want to rake muck for Trump in an election year;
  - (куча д-а): the train transformed the station into a muck heap;
  - (мерзкое д., т.е. ругательство): you and your kind are the filthiest crap that was ever elevated from the gutters of this country to positions of power;
  - (т.е. о товаре): "crap" is not a good word to use when talking about one's own products;
  - (д. собачье): old teabags the colour of dog turd;
  - (д. собачье, т.е. ругательство): chicken shit;
  - (д. собачье, т.е. ругательство): listen to me, you repulsive piece of dogshit;
  - (эти очки - д.): these bloody glasses are piss and crap vulgar;
  - (я в д-е, т.е. плохи мои дела): if I wanted to see the dark side of it, I'd say that the treatments aren't working and I'm in deep doo-doo vulgar
  дерьмовый - (команда): I am writing it in the bleachers while the crappy teams no one cares about take up time until UK plays;
  - (при таком д-ом разрешении невозможно чётко его рассмотреть): given the shitty resolution, there is no way to see it clearly
  детский сад - (что за д.с.! разг, т.е. ведёте себя, как дети): Commander's blood pressure is topping out. "What is this primary school? I want the officer who discharged his firearm to step forward and explain his actions." He picks up the nearest rifle, unclips the magazine and begins counting the shells.
  дешёвка - (о человеке): cheap prick
  дёрганый - (т.е. человек): He is jumpy. Nervous.
  доблестно - (прокуроры д. пытались прочесть дело до появления преступников ирония, т.е. будучи перегруженными работой): the prosecutors flipped through files and reports and tried valiantly to keep the paperwork ahead of the criminals
  доблестный - (воин / рыцарь): a valiant / gallant warrior / knight;
  - (не особо д-ые, т.е. наёмники): "He replaced his men with hirelings." "None too doughty very old use, then.";
  - though slow to quarrel, and for sport killing nothing that lived, they were doughty very old use at bay, and at need could still handle arms;
  - ( поаплодируем д-ым проигравшим спортсменам): let's have a really loud hand for the gallant losers;
  - (солдат): a gallant soldier;
  - (сопротивление): to put up a gallant resistance to the attackers;
  - (старый вождь): the doughty old use ironical old chief bent a stiff knee
  доблесть - (доказать свою воинскую д.): Odin proved his prowess as a warrior;
  - (награды за д.): valour decorations;
  - (проявить д. и стойкость в битвах): the companies forming the First Florida cavalry were distinguished for their intrepid gallantry and fortitude in the battles of Richmond, Perryville, Chickamauga and Missionary Ridge;
  - (унаследовать д. врага): by eating their enemy he inherited his prowess;
  - (хвастаться своей д-тью): the Afghans are eternally boasting of their prowess
  добродушие - the expression of good nature on his face;
  - (в его д-и была колкость): there was a barb in his casual geniality;
  - he had dropped his bonhomie French;
  - he maintained the facade of amiability and bonhomie
  добродушно - (д. рассматривать кого-л): he peered good-naturedly around at the boys;
  - (сказать): "..." said S. genially;
  - (сказать): "Come here, Mr W.," said H. kindly, taking the matchbox from him, and showing him how to do it properly;
  - (сказать): "Do a deal with you, George. I'll shack up with your wife and spit at the ceiling, you take my job and write up the women's Ping-Pong. How's that? God bless." "Cheers," said G. good-humouredly.;
  - (спросить): "Need a free meal?" he asked her genially.
  добродушный - (в роли Клавдия актёр привлекательно добродушен): as Claudius, the actor displays a kind of manic wit and good-humoured attractiveness;
  - (лицо): a broad, good-natured face;
  - (мальчик): the boys seldom quarrelled, because T. was good-tempered and H. respected him;
  - (подшучивание): the friendly banter;
  - (улыбка): kindly smile;
  - (улыбка): he greeted us with a genial smile;
  - (человек): he was so jolly, so kindly;
  - (человек): a big, good-natured man
  - (человек): a good-natured person is naturally friendly and does not get angry easily
  доброжелатель - his well-wishers must hope that next time he bestows his heart on a worthier candidate
  доброжелательно - (д. относиться к кому-л): the owner was friendly, and I was friendly to her, but the boundary of customer and owner prevented us from saying anything more"
  - (улыбнуться): he smiled at us beneficently
  доброжелательность - (в выражении лица не было даже подобия д-ти): his expression was devoid of humor or of semblance of goodwill;
  - he did it with the most skilful benignity;
  - (д. народа к принцу): There is a tremendous wellspring of affection for both young princes, who suffered the sudden, traumatic loss of their mother, Princess Diana, when they were just boys. But royal watchers fear William may be squandering some of this goodwill with his flyboy antics.;
  - an interchange of civilities keeps alive good will
  доброжелательный - (группа людей / атмосфера / обстановка): most of the guests are trial lawyers, an amiable group by nature, and there is great bonhomie and laughter;
  - (выражение лица): G.B., United States Attorney for the southern district of the state, generally wore a benign expression that seemed incongruous to anyone who had ever seen him in action at the trial;
  - he was friendly and humane, easy of access, and prompt to reconciliation after a quarrel;
  - his face reassumed its normal look of benevolent cunning;
  - (молодой человек): amiable young man
  добропорядочный - I know a ton of people who have made a ton of money in Kazakhstan, but none of them have been straight arrows infml all the way through. It's a Wild West atmosphere.
  добросердечие - he did it with the most skilful benignity;
  - his spectacles seemed to drain his eyes of the last dregs of human kindliness
  доброхот - a do-gooder is a naive idealist who supports philanthropic or humanitarian causes or reforms
  добрый дядя ирония - a do-gooder is a naive idealist who supports philanthropic or humanitarian causes or reforms
  докучать - (д. важным людям): what do they think they're doing, annoying senior Ministry members?;
  - (д. властям письмами и петициями): she harried the authorities, writing letters and getting up petitions;
  - (кому-л): you have irked me too often, for too long;
  - (д. людям вопросом): I pestered people with the question;
  - (проводник докучал пассажиру): he overstepped himself in importuning me with his sack;
  - (самолёты докучали противнику): Taliban frontlines harried by U.S. planes;
  - (д. соседям расспросами): their enquiries were confined to pestering neighbours, tradesmen, and bank managers, but stopped short of our private preserve of electronic surveillance;
  - (д. сыну ежедневными звонками): she beleaguers her son with a daily call, which he generally limits to less than a minute
  докучливый - (США так жаждет засадить за решётку д-ого основателя сайта WikiLeaks, что бывший советник Буша был нанят, чтобы подловить разоблачителя): K. Rove, the "evil mastermind" behind George W. Bush's electoral success, has been advising the Swedish government these past two years. Suddenly, in some fevered imaginations, the Swedish investigation into Julian Assange's sex life makes sense. So keen is the US to put the pesky WikiLeaks founder behind bars, goes the theory, that Mr Rove has been recruited to, if not actually entrap Mr Assange, then to capitalise fiendishly on his complicated social life.
  долбаный жаргон - it's only a frigging slang game;
  - he hit me like a freaking slang vulgar NFL linebacker, knocking me against a Dumpster;
  - bloody stupid idiot
  домосед - even the deafest and most stay-at-home began to hear queer tales
  донжуан - (принц-д.): his personal diaries reveal the philandering prince was using code to cover his tracks; a letter D written backwards, signifying his increasingly frequent liaisons with Daisy
  донимать - (д. важных людей): what do they think they're doing, annoying senior Ministry members?;
  - (д. власти письмами и петициями): she harried the authorities, writing letters and getting up petitions;
  - (кого-л): you have irked me too often, for too long;
  - (д. людей вопросом): I pestered people with the question;
  - (проводник донимал пассажира): he overstepped himself in importuning me with his sack;
  - (самолёты донимали противника): Taliban frontlines harried by U.S. planes;
  - (д. соседей расспросами): their enquiries were confined to pestering neighbours, tradesmen, and bank managers, but stopped short of our private preserve of electronic surveillance;
  - (д. сына ежедневными звонками): she beleaguers her son with a daily call, which he generally limits to less than a minute
  донкихотствовать - (актриса то бывает расчётлива, то донкихотствует): the actress is by turns terrifyingly calculating and quixotic
  допекать / допечь - (родителей): he seemed to have gone out of his way to annoy his parents;
  - (матери допекают детей): Most mothers nag their kids. Maybe it is indoctrinated within a mom the day her baby is born. Or maybe she picks up the habit of constantly "advising" her child, which takes the tone of nagging when it becomes repetitive.;
  - (родителей): whether your child is begging you to stay up an hour later or he's repeatedly pestering you to go to the playground, all kids pester their parents at one time or another
  - (родные допекают меня за то, что я не замужем): my family grills me about my single status;
  допьяна - (напиваться): people who binge drink may find that their friends drift away
  досада - (губы выдавали его д-у): his lips betrayed his annoyance;
  - (детские развлечения вызывают у меня д-у): having spent much of the past 7 years engaging in children's entertainment I have fomented a growing vexation against nearly all of it;
  - (к д-е короля): to king's annoyance, the clans remained loyal to their previous king;
  - (какая д.!): I've missed the train, how tiresome;
  - (какая д.!): how annoying! / how vexing! / what a pity! / what a nuisance! ;
  - (мириться с неудобствами без д-ы): he put up with all the discomforts without visible irritation;
  - (т.е. оттого, что соседи наняли служанку не в деревне): great was the chagrin of the village when it was made known that the Misses S. had engaged from an agency, a new maid, who, by all accounts was a perfect paragon;
  - (фыркнуть с заметной д-ой): "Oh, very well," T. sniffed with audible annoyance;
  - (я всё еще борюсь с поносом, такая д.!): I'm still getting over the diarrhea, which is a bit of a bummer slang;
  - (я позволил себе поморщиться не то от забавы, не то от досады): I allowed myself a frown midway between amusement and vexation
  досадивший - (США так жаждет засадить за решётку д-его им основателя Интернет-сайта, что бывший советник Буша был нанят, чтобы злодейски подловить разоблачителя): K. Rove, the "evil mastermind" behind George W. Bush's electoral success, has been advising the Swedish government these past two years. Suddenly, in some fevered imaginations, the Swedish investigation into Julian Assange's sex life makes sense. So keen is the US to put the pesky WikiLeaks founder behind bars, goes the theory, that Mr Rove has been recruited to entrap Mr Assange.
  досадить / досаждать - (бандиты стреляли из арбалетов, досаждая наступающим солдатам): the bandits behind their brushwood barricades were using crossbows to harry the advancing soldiers;
  - (вице-президенту досаждала постоянная критика полицейской тактики мэра): the vice-president was bedeviled by continuing criticism of the Mayor's police tactics during the convention;
  - (говорить достаточно покровительственно-скептически и с жалостью, чтобы д.): I was blending patronising scepticism with just enough pity to annoy;
  - (ей досаждал кашель): to ease a troublesome cough that had been plaguing her for a week;
  - (морским пехотинцам досаждали нищие): in public places the marines were harried by persistent beggars;
  - (нам досаждали вездесущие комары): we were plagued throughout our travel by the ubiquitous mosquitos;
  - (он из кожи вон лез, чтобы досадить родителям): he seemed to have gone out of his way to annoy his parents;
  - (отказать в просьбе, только чтобы д. ему): he was certain she would refuse his request if only to irk him;
  - (Руди Джулиани и Гордон Сондленд досаждали президенту Украины): Hochstein alerted the National Security Council staff that Rudy Giuliani and Gordon Sondland's pressure tactics were rattling Ukraine president Zelenskiy;
  - (д. сыну ежедневными звонками): she beleaguers her son with a daily call, which he generally limits to less than a minute;
  - (флот может досадить врагам): the Navy can give the enemy a bad time;
  - expectations for the plan were low; the goal was simply to "throw a little sand in the gears fig infml" and buy some time
  досадно - (как д.!): I've missed the train, how tiresome;
  - (у меня всё не проходит / никак не пройдёт понос, что д.): I'm still getting over the diarrhea, which is a bit of a bummer slang;
  - (это было чертовски д.): At this time precisely S. had to go to his office and make a call. It was a damned nuisance. But S. was a vital part of their four and they put up with it.
  досадный - (задержка): annoying delay;
  - (нарушение расписания представляет собой д-ую опасность): London's radio schedules round the world are desperately tight and their minute disruption by even one extra call is a dangerous nuisance;
  - (недоразумение): They are not powerful enemies, after all. They are scarcely even a nuisance on the world stage.;
  - (ошибка): An embarrassing error / mistake is made outside of a New York City high school. The street sign at the street crossing is misspelled. The word school is spelled SHCOOL.;
  - (ощущение): the annoying sensation of being led up the garden;
  - (помеха, скорее д-ая помеха, чем угроза): at the time Whitewater seemed to me like a new twist on the old story - more a nuisance than a threat;
  - (проигрыш): he didn't like losing and occasionally upended the table after a particularly irksome defeat;
  - (факт): spam is an annoying fact of modern life
  доставать / достать жаргон (т.е. надоедать кому-л / заставить кого-л / одержать верх над кем-л) - (т.е. жена достала мужа при разделе имущества после развода): she really nailed me in the divorce settlement, I lost almost everything of value to her lawyer;
  - (мать достаёт сына ежедневными звонками): she beleaguers her son with a daily call, which he generally limits to less than a minute;
  - (медсестра меня доставала с начала учебного года, чтобы я прошла медосмотр,... пока наконец, не достала): The school nurse has been pestering me to go get a checkup since the beginning of the school year. I parried her numerous inquiries and attacks as best I could until she finally broke through.;
  - (отец достаёт сына из-за школьных отметок): Dad really cares about me, but I hate it when he nags me about grades;
  - (т.е. раздражать): смотри ниже
  доставать / достать жаргон (т.е. раздражать) - (она иногда умела его д.): she had a way of sometimes setting his teeth on edge infml fig;
  - (как этот шум меня достал!): that noise sets my teeth on edge!;
  - (меня достаёт работать здесь): working in this place is doing my head in;
  - (монахов так достал его реформистский пыл, что они пытались его отравить): his fame as a holy person grew until he was importuned to become the abbot of a group of monks, who eventually became so peeved by his reforming zeal that they attempted to poison him;
  - I like to look at the funny side of things, keep my humor meter running at all times, no matter what. But spam has always had a habit of doing just the opposite to me. Quite frankly, it pisses me off vulgar.;
  - (этот попугай меня достаёт, он вечно кричит, когда я пытаюсь говорить): that parrot is doing my head in, it keeps screeching when I try and talk;
  - (этот старый пердун меня достаёт): Jesus, I get sick infml of the old fart sometimes!
  достопочтенный - in Brussels bars, permed and proper matrons while away the day
  досыта (наесться) - when had he last eaten his fill like this?;
  - And when they had eaten their fill, he told his disciples, "Gather up the leftover fragments, that nothing may be lost."
  дотошно - (расспрашивать): he questioned her closely
  дотошный - (он был точен, как д. аптекарь): he had a fussy precision of a chemist;
  - (сыщик): the earnest sleuth cannot afford to miss it; - (т.е. тот, который докапывается до истины): if people want to believe it's magic, they can, but you want to give the meddlesome enough to suggest it's just a trick;
  - (т.е. тщательный): She had the right skills, for a records department. Great memory, meticulous, very organized.;
  - (человек): he is not very clever but he is painstaking
  дразнить (кого-л) - (его дразнили пАнки): he was taunted by punks;
  - (за что-л): his buddies teased him (an Afro-American) for dedicating to a sport that seemed so white;
  - (чем-л): he wanted to go on teasing her about her imaginary country;
  - (мысль дразнила его): the idea tantalized me;
  - (тем, что...): people had been teasing her so much about being the thing that V. would more miss that she was in a rather tetchy mood;
  - "What will happen to your children when I've killed you?" taunted B.;
  - (учителя): he didn't dare to taunt the teacher;
  - (чтобы вывести из себя): he was goading her, deliberately trying to make her lose her temper
  дразнящий - (в воздухе витал д. аромат пряностей): the air was luscious with tantalizing spices;
  - (лотереи): intricate, tantalizing lotteries on sports events
  драконовский - (дисциплина): their discipline is worse than Draconian
  драматизировать - (они слишком всё драматизируют / ты драматизируешь): Tell her / him in gentle way, that you think she / he is overdramatizing things. Do not bluntly say "You are such a drama queen / drama king." Chances are, if she / he is a drama queen / drama king, she / he will overdramatize that in turn and your relationship will be gone for a good deal of time.
  драчливость - (т.е. у бойцовых петухов): The aggressive attributes found in wild chickens (and modern game fowl) are not desirable for farm life. The "gameness" or fighting spirit has been bred out of domestic chickens. Domestic chickens are primarily bred for egg and meat production.
  драчливый - (человек): the pugnacious artist had become engaged in a brawl with seven other knights;
  - (человек): in contrast to his ham-fisted, brawling father, he was small and shy
  драчун - (уличный): a street fighter;
  - the court was normally in session only on Monday mornings, to deal with the weekend crop of drunk drivers, brawlers, speeders and so on;
  - SAS, Special Air Service roughnecks AmE slang
  дрейфить разг (т.е. испугаться) - (на скамье подсудимых): he wimped out infml in the dock and changed his plea to guilty;
  - the groom got cold feet AmE slang before the wedding;
  - she wanted to jump off the high diving board, but she got cold feet once she got up there;
  - both men bore the reputation of having lots of grit and never showing the white feather infml
  дремучий - (т.е. невежественный / отсталый): he is so benighted as to believe that if he walks into a restaurant and blows himself up, killing a bunch of unbelievers, god will be so pleased with him that he will take him straight to paradise and then create 77 virgins just so he can diddle for all eternity;
  - (т.е. неграмотные, люди): the poor benighted souls who do not know the joys of reading
  дрогнуть - (у многих из нас дрогнет сердце образно при виде новорожденного): many of us have felt the tug on our "heart strings" when we see a newborn infant
  дружелюбие - (его толстощёкое лицо полно д-я): His face is full of chubby bonhomie. He's playing the jolly fat man, dressed in a lightweight woollen suit with his pork pie hat at a jaunty angle.;
  - (персонала, т.е. магазина): take special note of the friendliness of the staff, the cleanliness of the store and the type of the neighborhood in which the store is located;
  - he maintained the facade of amiability and bonhomie
  дружелюбно - (сказать): "Talk sense," she said amiably;
  - (улыбнуться): he smiled in a friendly fashion
  дружелюбный - the newcomer was friendly;
  - (т.е. люди / атмосфера / обстановка): most of the guests are trial lawyers, an amiable group by nature, and there is great bonhomie and laughter;
  - (молодой человек): an amiable young man;
  - (тон, он говорит д-ым, отеческим тоном): he has one of these matey, avuncular voices that makes him sound like he wants to take her under his wing and teach her the ways of the world;
  - (туземцы были д-ы): the natives were friendly;
  - (улыбка): he had a friendly smile
  дружески - (болтать): he chatted amicably with his patients;
  - (д. жаловаться на трудности): he grumbled heartily about the difficulties;
  - (д. потягивать вино и есть пиццу): they sat companionably sipping wine and eating pizza
  дружеский - (вечер): he had a convivial evening with his colleagues in the club;
  - (вечер, проведённый за картами): a companionable evening together playing cards;
  - (встреча): the host of the convivial meeting;
  - (из д-их побуждений): common room colleagues, not all from the friendliest of motives, had reported the offence within the hour;
  - (компания): after a Scotch or two in amiable company;
  - (отношения): achieving harmonious relations with our local communities is of great importance to a natural resource company;
  - (д-ие отношения между странами): the refusal of the Federal German government to hand the two criminals and murderers over to either the Soviet or East German authorities was a flagrant breach of their hitherto friendly relations;
  - (поддерживать д-ие отношения): he had no time to maintain (friendships;
  - (подшучивание): the friendly banter;
  - (поступок): a friendly act;
  - (соглашение): we reached an amicable agreement;
  - ("...", спрашивает он д-им тоном): "How've you been?" he asks in a hearty way;
  - (тон, он говорит д-им, отеческим тоном): he has one of these matey, avuncular voices that makes him sound like he wants to take her under his wing and teach her the ways of the world;
  - (чувства): he though it expedient to maintain the facade of cordiality
  дружественный - (атмосфера / обстановка): a quietly sophisticated hotel offering understated elegance and unparalleled service in an intimate, friendly, home-away-from-home atmosphere
  дружить - (д. с животными / с детьми): you can't bond with animals like with children;
  - (д. с кем-л): they were more friendly with Elves than the other Hobbits were;
  - (я не дружу с трУсами / хулиганами): I do not keep company with cowards / hoodlums
  дружище - come on, F. old pal, let's have a nightcap
  дружки неодобрительно -the mayor's always doing favours for his cronies;
  - his buddies teased him (an Afro-American) for dedicating to a sport that seemed so white;
  - he and his gang spent every evening smoking on the street corners;
  - he was accompanied by his faithful gang;
  - there were whispers that he and his jet were involved in cocaine smuggling;
  - (он ожидал, что его д. осуждающе будут им восхищаться): He looked for the adulation of his hangers-on but he was celebrating too soon. D. rammed a shoulder into P.'s skinny ribs, dumping him on his arse.;
  - nearly every adult with a spare Ben Franklin in his billfold was dabbling in the drug, and that certainly included the Cohens and their clique
  дрыхнуть - I wouldn't mind giving him my bed, I could kip slang on a camp bed
  дрянной - (видеоматериал): this video is so cheesy slang you have to think it's a fake;
  - (д-ая гостиница на задворках): a sleazy back-street hotel that could have been a brothel;
  - (гостиница): he is living in a grotty infml B&B (bed and breakfast)
  - (товар): merchants charged high prices for shoddy goods
  дрянь - (всучить д. неосторожным покупателям): they are peddling overpriced trash to the unwary;
  - (всякая д., есть всякую д., т.е. нездоровую пищу): you have to follow a super-strict diet to succeed and if you fall off the wagon and eat junk for a day or two, you've blown it altogether;
  - (классическая, о фильме): what element made these films schlock classic?;
  - (которая забивает раковину ванной): what is the black gunk that clogs my bathroom sink?;
  - (т.е. о женщине, ты иногда бываешь такая д.): you can be a real bitch sometimes;
  - (т.е. о женщине, я такая д.): Angela and Kenny intend to get married next year. At a recent office party, Angela flirted with Tom, the company salesman. Tom invited her back to his apartment where they made love. The next day, realizing her mistake, Angela became consumed by guilt. She berated herself mercilessly: "How could I do such a terrible thing to Kenny? I should never have gone to Tom's house in the first place, let alone sleep with him. I'm such a bitch!";
  - (т.е. о человеке): this little filth, he'll wake up, in a few hours;
  - (т.е. о человеке, она стала такой же д-ю, как прежде): she seemed to be back to her usual bitchy self;
  - (он мог получить 20 лет, т.е. тюремного заключения, за хранение половины этой д-ни, т.е. взрывчатки): he could get a twenty-year sentence for possessing even half of this shit;
  - (т.е. плохо сделанное): these matters are by their nature subjective - and, unfortunately, one artist's masterpiece may be another supervisor's dreck
  дудка - (плясать под её д-у образно): she a master manipulator who uses her disability to get people jumping to her tune
  дудки! - (т.е. никак невозможно): fat chance infml
  дуля (показывать дулю кому-л, т.е. эквивалентный жест) - our politicians accepted there was a price to be paid for giving the finger to the Americans in public and kissing their arses in private
  - (показать д. смерти): to thumb his nose to Death, he ate more than he wanted;
  - If you cock a snook BrE old use at someone then you show them contempt or opposition. Snook in this saying is the action of putting one's thumb to the nose and spreading out the fingers as a sign of contempt.
  дура / дурак - I used to do her homework as well 'cos she was so thick infml;
  - (полная д., т.е. доверчивая): he has taken her for a complete mug infml;
  - She'd never pinched an unconscious man's earlobe, and she had no idea what reaction to expect. Neither did she know the expected reaction of a man who was merely pretending to be unconscious. And if he were any good at pretending, he would do the exact opposite of the expected reaction. Lord, she was a ninny.
  - (он был не такой д., чтобы): he wasn't fool enough to pick a fight right under a teacher's nose;
  - R. snorted, "He is a fool.";
  - they're a bunch of doddery old fools;
  - He called Hearst Newspapers columnist H.T. a "pinhead infml," by saying "This woman is a pinhead. She's been a pinhead for decades. She will always be a pinhead.";
  - that's something that you and your stupid newspaper would never do, you pinhead;
  - "I shall keep the ring, I say." "You will be a fool if you do, Bilbo.";
  - (вам, д-ам, что, делать нечего?): She looked around at the group of gawping servants. "Haven't you lackwits got better things to do?";
  - (каждый д. с журналистским удостоверением): every jackass infml in the world with press credentials wants to know when we're going to find the killer;
  - (какой д. оставил валяться свой пакет?): what kind of stupid kid leaves his pack lying around like that?;
  - (не д. украсть): producers, not slouches when it came to thievery, were...;
  - (они храбрецы или просто д-и?): are they brave or just dumb? ;
  - (последний д.): I tried to explain it, feeling like an utter moron;
  - (принимать за д-а): anyone who took him for an oaf and tried to cheat him would be in for a nasty surprise;
  - (самовлюблённый): he is both a legal genius and a vainglorious meathead;
  - (старый): old buffer BrE infml;
  - (ты меня считаешь полным д-ом?): What manner of fool do you take me for? More of a fool that you've already made me with your faithlessness?;
  - (ты что, д.?): I told you not to touch that - are you deaf or just thick infml?;
  - (эти дураки американцы): those eternally stupid Americans;
  - the president was not about to be outprayed by these saps AmE slang;
  - James Baker must have been thinking: "I told your dad (President George Bush senior) not to let you (George W. Bush) in here. I could tell you how to get of Iraq in 10 minutes, but you're too under the sway of that nutball Cheney to listen."
  дуралей - nincompoop
  дурацкий - (выходка): it was some sort of semi-hysterical foolishness which the boy had thought up, some ill-advised monkeyshine;
  - (игра в прогнозы): dumb prediction game;
  - (идеи): he spoke with the indulgent air of a great teacher correcting a country bumpkin's fatuous ideas;
  - (идеи): many of the greatest ideas seemed barmy infml at the time they were conceded;
  - (ложь): his parents had swallowed all his dim-witted lies about having tea with a different member of his gang every night of the summer holidays;
  - (махинация): what possessed you to get involved with such a ridiculous scheme?;
  - (одежда): a wacky outfit;
  - (объяснения): long opaque explanations;
  - (план): Marriage is a pretty bizarre concept. It must have been God's idea. Who else could think of such a wacky plan like bringing together two opposites and putting them under one roof to share a life?;
  - (подарок): a dopey-looking gift - a fat little guy with the head of an elephant, sitting on the throne;
  - (показ мод): you can shove your stupid fashion show up your arse!;
  - (салонные игры, т.е. интриги): I'm accusing you of playing hookey with him behind my back, of taking part in damn-fool parlour games when you don't know the stakes involved;
  - (самое д-ое, что можно сделать): this is the dumbest thing you can do;
  - (сказать что-то дурацкое): She was told by her voice coach that the way to make yourself sound authoritative was to make your voice go up at the beginning of the sentence and down at the end. It seems unlikely that an experienced trainer would have said something quite so crass.;
  - (телешоу): I stopped watching MTV because of all the mindless reality shows;
  - (что за д-ая идея!): what a dumb idea!;
  - (штучки): if you go on pulling stupid stunts like that, you"ll lose all our money;
  - (шутка): being a judge somehow makes your every joke, even the lamest, side splitting;
  - (шуточки): she hopped up to the mike for some silly banter;
  - (эгоизм): K., with his zany egocentricities, would destroy everything I've accomplished in no time
  дурачить - Brer Rabbit fooled Brer Fox many times;
  - we have totally befuddled our enemies so often that one wondered why they even bothered employing intelligence officers, they had been snookered so frequently;
  - its sympathizers, whom Vietnam duped no less cold-bloodedly than its adversaries;
  - (ополченцев Мессира не так-то легко д. после того, как я их вымуштровал): Messire's militia are never so easily gulled, not after I've brought them to heel
  дурачиться - if you mess around, you spend time doing things without any particular purpose or without achieving anything;
  - (автор книги дурачится с языком): the writer is at his best when he is simply goofing with the language, not playing whole songs but producing runs of melody and feeling;
  - (о детях): boring lessons are fuelling bad behaviour in the classroom as unruly children "muck about" to kill time
  дурдом - the madhouse you call a school
  дурень - They've been captured, you oaf
  дурить - (не дури): don't be stupid, it"ll be much quicker if I do it;
  - (не дури): don't be so stupid, I was only joking
  дурманящий - he had for a few befuddled moments the feeling that he'd...;
  - (запах): the dim red light and befuddling perfume of Professor Trelawney's classroom
  дурной - (вкус): many people have found the comment to be in poor taste, especially as it perpetuates an ugly stereotype about Chinese people;
  - (запах): there was a nasty smell;
  - (компания, связаться с д-ой компанией ): he was mixing with the wrong company;
  - ( компания, связаться с д-ой компанией): the lad fell in with the wrong croud;
  - (компания): he needs to get away from the bad crowd he hangs out with;
  - (намерения): the journalist should give to his supporters the courtesy of allowing them to have the same preconceived notions and unwavering confidence of D.'s innocence as T. had of his guilt, without imputing sinister motives to them;
  - (пользоваться д-ой славой из-за чего-л): the area was infamously known for the large number of brigands holed up there;
  - (пользующийся д. славой город, т.е. из-за казино): Hot Springs was on its way to being both an attractive spa and a notorious town;
  - (пользующийся д. славой бордель): a notorious whorehouse;
  - (попасть в дурные руки): the danger of nuclear weapons falling into the wrong hands;
  - (поступок): a foul lit deed;
  - (репутация /слава, дом с д-ой репутацией / славой): a "red light" district where more than a dozen houses of ill repute plied their trade;
  - (слава): concerned about the bad publicity hiring prisoners could generate, most companies have shied away from the idea;
  - (тон): you think to be unhappy in a marriage is ill-bred;
  - (услуга): you do a disservice to millions of people by...
  дурочка - She'd never pinched an unconscious man's earlobe, and she had no idea what reaction to expect. Neither did she know the expected reaction of a man who was merely pretending to be unconscious. And if he were any good at pretending, he would do the exact opposite of the expected reaction. Lord, she was a ninny.;
  - she seemed to be back to her usual bitchy self, any kind of conversation making her sound like a ditz infml
  дурь - he thought the idea of flying home every weekend was nuts
  дуться (т.е. сердиться) - (дуйся, сколько хочешь, мне-то что): sulk all you want, no skin off my fingers;
  - the little boy sulked because he couldn't go to the circus;
  - just like a girl sulking somewhere
  душащий - (подчинение): when one breaks free of the stifling conformity, the result is a feeling akin to exhilaration
  душераздирающий - (вопль): he let out an earsplitting scream;
  - (д-ее вымаливание денег): the phone call from T. had been a gut-wrenching plea from the kid for money;
  - (зрелище): neighbors were attempting to pull the hysterical parents away from the heartbreaking sight of their daughter's brutalized body;
  - (зрелище): there is nothing more heartbreaking as when a woman...;
  - (крик): the gut-wrenching cry of the victim's mother made me shudder;
  - (фильм): a harrowing / heart-wrenching film;
  - (рыдание): heart-rending sobbing
  душещипательный - (статья в газете): there's going to be a good sob-stuff infml article in tonight newspaper
  - (фильм): this tearjerker told the story of the family's struggle to save their son from leukemia;
  дылда - (т.е. кличка слишком высокого человека): some examples of nicknames related to physical characteristics include "Beanpole" or "Short Fry" for a person who is tall or short
  дьявольский - (взгляд): she met his infernal gaze, unafraid;
  - (наглость): you display an infernal gall in coming to me with that impudent proposition of yours;
  - (спешка): in a devilish hurry;
  - (угрозы террористов): I asked for congressional support in combating an unholy axis of new threats from terrorists;
  - (ухмылка): a devilish grin
  едкий - (ирония): corrosive irony;
  - (комментарии): pungent comments by leading Congressmen expressing growing skepticism about foreign aid;
  - (намёк): I replied with pointed allusion to North Vietnamese status as a separate country;
  - (ответ): her tart reply upset me;
  - (сарказм): her rapier-like wit and biting sarcasm had been compared to the stinging utterances of the legendary Dorothy Parker;
  - (слово): pungent word;
  - (стиль): in a humorous but biting manner, the writers described...;
  - (тон): he kept his language restrained though his tone was acid
  едко - (сказать): "Yeah, that's right, smarm up to him, M.," said R. scathingly
  елейный - (лесть): he read the minutes in a tone of unctuous flattery;
  - (тон): he has dropped his unctuous tone now;
  - (тон): his phony unction was beginning to act like an insult on me
  ехидно - (кивнуть): he nodded sneeringly to W.;
  - (сказать): "That explains a great deal," said M. tartly
  ехидный - (замечание): the jokes and snide remarks
  - (комментарий): he had endured their snide comments for more than a year;
  - (лицо): a sneering face;
  - (наглая е-ая шваль): he's not partial to smart-mouthed sarky toerags who ask too many questions;
  - (намёки): the newspaper made snide allusions to him
  ехидство - it is wrong to waste the precious gift of time given to us on acrimony and division
  ёкaть / ёкнуть - (у меня ёкнуло сердце): my heart sank;
  - (у меня ёкнуло сердце): a sinking feeling came over me as I realized that he was going to be a problem for the duration of the course;
  ёшкин кот - (т.е. междометие): Oh, fiddlesticks!
  жадина - cheapskate;
  - heartless greedmonger
  жадничать - (не жадничай): don't get greedy
  жадно - (глотать): whatever he snared, goat or hare, he slashed open and gorged upon;
  - (есть): he was shoveling down whatever he set his eyes on;
  - (ж. ждать новостей): he was hungry for news;
  - (замерзая, ж. думать о тепле): he was so chilled that he thought longingly of the snug, dry interior of the cars streaming along below;
  - (ж. и шумно есть): the young warriors laughed and gobbled and drank;
  - (ж. искать хоть какое-нибудь развлечение): at the end of a long, confining winter during which the city was snowbound, we searched hungrily for any diversion;
  - (пёс ж. обнюхал сумку): the dog sniffed the bag eagerly;
  - (пить): I hold a bottle of water to his lips. He drinks greedily.;
  - (пить): he was guzzling beer from dented tankard;
  - (ж. пить из источника знаний образно): ...drinking thirstily of the ever-flowing fount of limpid knowledge before me;
  - (ж. прижаться губами к моим губам): her lips were eagerly pressed against mine;
  - (ж. рассматривать кого-л): a lot of people were staring avidly at him;
  - (смотреть на что-л): he gazed avidly at the ball;
  - (ж. схватиться за руль): he clawed hands on the wheel;
  - (читать): he read voraciously;
  - (читать подпольные брошюры): avidly he devoured the underground pamphlets that came out, smuggled from the resistance movement inside
  жадный - (люди): wars will be with us as long as ignorant and greedy men try to impose their will on others;
  - (спекулянт): the company, far from being a rapacious profiteer, may never even earn a profit;
  - (человек): when I was young and successful I was greedy and foolish
  жажда - (ж. битвы овладела им / охватила его): once more lust of battle was on him;
  - (власти): greed for power infected millions of Americans;
  - (власти): you murdered millions in the name of your maniac power-lust;
  - (власти): lust for power / thirsting for power;
  - (денег): money-lust;
  - (жизни): lust for life / yearning for life;
  - (крови): lust for blood;
  - (крови): for once, she shared his dispassionate bloodlust;
  - (мести / мщения): the vengeance blackened and rose in her;
  - (мести / мщения): the thirst for vengeance;
  - (наживы): lust of accumulation;
  - (отщепенца снедает ж. рассчитаться, т.е. с обидчиками): the outsider is eaten away with resentment and a desperate urge to get even;
  - (ж. политического уничтожения соперников): he could be mean and tough in a fight, but he lacked the fanaticism and hunger for political destruction that characterized so many of hard right Republicans;
  - (рукоплесканий): lust of applause;
  - (свободы): yearning for freedom;
  - (странствий): the book stoked his youthful wanderlust;
  - (странствий): lust for voyage;
  - (счастья): yearning for happiness;
  - (ж. фигурировать в телерадионовостях): the insatiable appetite for news coverage
  жаждать - (жизни): he thirsted to live;
  - (ж. запретного плода): to hanker for a forbidden fruit;
  - (ж. играть важную роль): Russia is very keen to play an influential role;
  - (компании / общества): I hanker for company;
  - (Скрови образно): His girlfriend was shot during the uprising of summer sixty-eight. Till then, he had managed to bury his anti-Russian feelings in favour of his career. The girl's death put an end to all that: he was out for their blood.;
  - (мести): the mob are seeking vengeance;
  - (мести): if Celia is Liza, she may be out for infml revenge;
  - (ж. прославиться / сделать себе имя): he's out to make a name for himself;
  - (одобрения): I craved for his approval;
  - (покоя): to yearn for rest;
  - (ж. полететь в космос): he was itching to go into space once more;
  - (прославиться): he's out to make a name for himself;
  - (ж. распродать государственое имущество): Privatization minister J.R. - a luminary of the South African Communist party, organization not normally keen on state sell-offs - has insisted on deciding the pace of privatization;
  - (ж. свободы молиться, как им нравится): people longed for freedom to worship as they pleased;
  - (ж. скопировать лабораторию): he's spent time with the Americans at their battle laboratory in California, something he lusted to copy and re-create in Russia;
  - (ж. славы и власти): he is a political nonentity - one of among dozens in the political spectrum who hanker for the limelight and the power;
  - (США так жаждет засадить за решётку досадившего им основателя Интернет-сайта, что бывший советник Буша был нанят, чтобы злодейски подловить разоблачителя): K. Rove, the "evil mastermind" behind George W. Bush's electoral success, has been advising the Swedish government these past two years. Suddenly, in some fevered imaginations, the Swedish investigation into Julian Assange's sex life makes sense. So keen is the US to put the pesky WikiLeaks founder behind bars, goes the theory, that Mr Rove has been recruited to entrap Mr Assange;
  - (чего-л): it was the symbol of normality he longed for
  жаждущий - (ж. власти): coalition partners hungry for more clout after relatively strong showing in June's local elections were also fed up with years of undelivered promises;
  - (ж. попасть в объектив телекамеры политик): a camera-seeking politician;
  - (ж-ие славы актёры): fame-hungry actors;
  - (ж-ие славы журналисты): this is a lie cooked up by fame-seeking journalists;
  - (ж. славы рыцарь понял, что...): Moving closer, he noticed that the man carried no crest upon his helmet, but a crown. Seeing that it was none other than King Robert himself, the knight realised in his quest for glory, that he could end the battle in one go.
  жалеть (кого-л, т.е. сочувствовать) - he was too busy feeling sorry for her to notice immediately that he had a letter too;
  - (кого-л): imagine me feeling sorry for Thomas;
  - to feel pity for somebody;
  - she thought of him as a son and pitied him;
  - you pity someone because you have an unhealthy need to feel superior
  жалкий - (выглядеть жалким, о доме): it's rather like decorating one room - suddenly the rest of your house looks tatty;
  - (город): a squalid town;
  - (деньги): he has to run through a tough 160-hour training programme that pays a paltry 50 cents an hour;
  - (ж-ая добыча веток, т.е. для костра): he gathered up their meager haul of sticks and thorny twigs;
  - (домишки): the normal drabness of the miserable mud homes was masked in snow;
  - (домишко): he lived alone in a run-down cottage on the grounds of the R. House;
  - (домохозяйка): a spurned housefrau;
  - (желание): if that little fish has such powers, you can't possibly be content with such a miserable little wish!;
  - (жить в ж-их условиях): homeless squatters who had lived in deplorable conditions;
  - (зарплата): pitiful wages;
  - (зарплата): the salary seemed so measly slang that I could not imagine any self-respecting British subject coveting the job;
  - (зарплатa): while males have lost their traditional status as farmers and breadwinners, women have been entering the market economy and gaining the marginal independence conferred even by a paltry wage;
  - (иметь ж. вид): the department store had a shabby miserable air;
  - (инвалид): a common stereotype is that an invalid is a wretched freak;
  - (калека): you think that all mechanically assisted organisms are pathetic cripples;
  - (ж-ая киношная романтика): seedy cinematic romance;
  - (копьё, т.е. против дракона): the sentinel raised his puny spear;
  - (ложь): a pitiful lie;
  - (лохмотья / тряпьё, одетый в ж-ое т.): the boy, dressed in pitiful rags;
  - (любитель): you are a lousy amateur, and you're lucky to be alive;
  - (медаль, т.е. выдающемуся выпускнику на встрече одноклассников): he's not the kind to show up just to collect some crummy, meaningless medal;
  - (о людях): to a higher being, if there is such, our little faces one and all appear, no doubt, pathetic;
  - (ж-ие остатки армии): a pitiful remnant of the army;
  - (ж-ая потуга на юмор): an iffy stab at humour;
  - (при виде их ж-ого состояния): an alien emotion engulfing him at the pitiful sight of them;
  - (рост прибыли): a scant 52 percent rise in earnings over 1995;
  - (состояние ВВС): their air force is in miserable shape;
  - (специалист): it is one of your shortcomings that makes you such a lamentable potion-maker;
  - (существование): in a wretched subsistence;
  - (ж. трупик птицы): "Another frost-killed bird!" he gloomily nudged the pathetic corps with a booted toe;
  - (трус): despicable coward;
  - (трущобы): squalid slums;
  - (увёртки / уловки): flimsy / paltry subterfuges;
  - (улицы): small and mean streets;
  - (улицы): run-down streets;
  - (урод): a common stereotype is that an invalid is a wretched freak;
  - (хижины): pitiful huts;
  - (человек): How did he look, poor chap - a trifle seedy? A bit down in his luck?;
  - (человек): Bit seedy. Bit hangdog. Certain awareness of having backed the wrong side there.;
  - (школы): inadequate housing, poor schools
  жалко / жаль - (т.е. о скупости): смотри ниже;
  - (т.е. о сочувствии): смотри ниже;
  - (т.е. сожаление): смотри ниже
  жалко / жаль (т.е. о скупости) - (ему было ж. столько платить): he grudged paying so much for such bad food;
  - (не то, чтобы нам было ж. для бедных их долю): American's hostility to welfare emanates not from selfishness but rather from the sense that current welfare origrams are unfair. It is not that we begrudge the deserving poor an equitable share. It is that we feel hardworking taxpayers are being duped by too many welfare cheats.;
  - (не ж. никаких жертв): no sacrifice is too great to save this painting
  жалко / жаль (т.е. о сочувствии) - (ему было её ж.): he felt sorry for her;
  - (мне его ж.): I sympathize with him / I feel for him;
  - (мне ж. тех, кто...): I feel it's good the city is changing, but I feel bad about people who can't afford to stay
  жалко / жаль (т.е. сожаление) - (мне было страшно ж. потерять его, т.е. хорошего сотрудника): I was heartsick about losing him;
  - (очень ж., что я не знал...): it's а pity / too bad we didn't know you were in New York;
  - (очень ж., что я не знал...): it's a shame I didn't know he was looking for a job - there was an opening in our firm which would have been perfect for him;
  - (очень ж., что я не мог...): too bad I couldn't print all the wonderful gossip we heard
  жалобно - "You always walk too fast for me," she said complainingly;
  - ("..." сказал он ж.): "..." he said, a plaint in his voice;
  - (блеять): the goat bleated plaintively and the chickens squawked;
  - (стонать): the girl was often found sucking her fingers and groaning pitifully
  жалобный - (взгляд): He took the file from the Judge, quickly skimmed its rather thin contents while ignoring the pleading look of the criminal, then said: "We enter the plea of not guilty, Your Honor.";
  - (вой): the bullet struck the head of the axe and ricocheted off with a spark and whine
  жалостливый - (Бог жалостлив): God is forgiving, compassionate;
  - (ж-ые взгляды девушек, высчитывавших его достояние со последней копейки): these spoils would make amends for the pitying glances from girls guessing his miserable patrimony down to the last pennyweight;
  - (истории, он всегда покупался на ж-ые и.): he was always a sucker for a hard luck story and was quick to put his hand in his pocket, never worrying if he was being conned;
  - (сердца): he became a poster boy for the bleeding hearts who delight in portraying law enforcement agencies as totalitarian storm troopers;
  жалость - (будь у тебя хоть капля ж-ти,...): These last few years have been very hard on your father. If you have any compassion at all, you might think of him.;
  - (какая ж.!, т.е. сожаление о бесцельно потраченной юности): All the criminals were black, all wore orange coveralls and handcuffs, all were young. Such waste.;
  - (предаваться ж-ти к себе): to wallow in self-pity
  жаль - (мне было ж. потерять его, т.е. хорошего сотрудника): I was heartsick about losing him
  жаться (т.е. скупиться) - (не жмись): Stop bumming other people's cigarettes. Don't be such a cheapskate and buy your own for a change.;
  - (не жмись): don't be such a miser and treat yourself to a nice expensive dinner once in a while;
  - (ж. с деньгами): "Don't be too free with our coin." "I don't see why we should stint ourselves. You've got plenty of coin."
  жгучесть - (острого перца): As vulnerable as naked mole rats seem, researchers now find the hairless, bucktoothed rodents are invulnerable to the pain of acid and the sting of chili peppers
  жгучий - (боль): searing pain;
  - (жажда): the rides will end at a watering hole where we will assuage our fierce thirsts;
  - (жара): he loved the sun and the blistering heat in that city;
  - (желание): a burning desire to win larger opportunities;
  - (потребность): now she felt a blazing new need;
  - (проблема): mass unemployment is one of the burning issues of our time
  железный - (характер): this woman who appears so fragile has a soul of steel
  желторотый - (птенец ж., т.е. неопытный новичок): N., by comparison to the supernova president, is a peep-squeak West Coast mayor;
  - she treats him like an amateur or some wet-behind-the-ears wannabe
  жеманный - (девчонки): "Humph!" said the wicked fairy, "Your precious daughter will have beauty and grace and all the rest of the tuppenny-halfpenny rubbish those niminy-piminy minxes have given her";
  - (манера разговаривать): His painting, "French Valet and English Lackey" is a classic study in national identities. The overdressed English footman, so raw, so blunt and so guileless, is perfectly complemented by the French Valet, with his silk stockings, his affected manner of speaking and a conspicuous comb in his wig.;
  - (тон): she was speaking in that soft voice which M. always thought to be affected;
  - (шаги, т.е. мужчины, который хочет пройти, как женщина): he sides past the butler with mincing steps
  жеманство - I don't like this singer. Her voice is piercing. Far too much affectation, screaming, and melisma for my liking.
  женоненавистник - misogynist;
  - (заключённые поумнее видят в Джиме мерзкого ж-а, что скрывается под поверхностью): the smarter inmates can see right through Jim to the misogynist bastard who lives beneath the surface
  жестокий - (агрессия): a ruthless act of aggression;
  - (бог): the fierce god of death and battle; - (бой): a fierce and sustained battle;
  - (бой): ferocious fighting;
  - (война): after ten years of the bitter war;
  - (диктатура): after the long, harsh dictatorship of General Augusto Pinochet;
  - (киллер): a brutal hit man;
  - (конкуренция): there's a stiff competition for this job;
  - (в обстановке ж-ой конкуренции): she actress experienced a peripatetic upbringing in a fiercely competitive environment;
  - (ловушка): the jaws of the cruel trap neatly closed around the boy;
  - (наказание): the cruel punishment went on for months;
  - (обращение): no matter what he had done, no person deserved the abusive treatment he had received;
  - (обращение с заключёнными): Senate hearing into detainee abuses;
  - (ограбление банка, т.е. с применением насилия): the FBI launched a manhunt for the brazen, morning holdup, one of Chicago's most violent in many years;
  - (плен): our prisoners of war languished in a cruel captivity;
  - (розыгрыши): his abusive practical jokes;
  - (смерть): the brutal death of these men;
  - (смерть, стоит им поскользнуться и свалиться, как их ждёт ж-ая с. под ударами вёсел): a single slip and they would fall to a brutal death among the scything oars;
  - (тактика исламских фундаменталистов): the harsh tactics of Afghanistan's defunct fundamentalist regime;
  - (теракт): a brutal terrorist attack;
  - (ум): he was saturnine, with savage wit and closed face;
  - (человек): смотри ниже
  жестокий (человек) - the Afghan is as cruel and crafty as he is independent;
  - a stubborn young man, truculent and headstrong, probably obstinate;
  - ruthless and cynical
  - he was hardhearted and often gruff;
  - (бандит): a ruthless bandit;
  - (гангстер): the mobster was about as ruthless as they get;
  - you're allowed to be cross, but you're not allowed to be unjust
  жестоко - (искоренять гниль): the president would have to brutally eradicate the rot;
  - (обращаться с кем-л): the regime that abuses the very people it purports to lead;
  - (ж. оспаривать друг у друга): the best journalists are fiercely contended by larger newspapers;
  - (ж. относиться друг к другу): we women can be hard on each other;
  - (ж. подавить восстание): slave rebellions were put down with ferocity;
  - (подавить движение): the movement (Falun Gong) had been ruthlessly, if not viciously repressed;
  - (подавить мятеж): the rebellion was brutally crushed;
  - (разочарован): his lawyer was bitterly disappointed;
  - (режим ж. обращается с народом, которым он вроде бы должен руководить): the regime abuses the very people it purports to lead;
  - (ж. угнетать население, т.е. завоёванной страны): the French armies brutally suppressed the native population
  жестокость - (адская смесь секса и ж-ти): a witches' brew of untamed sex and brutality;
  - (ж. в обращении с моими сотрудниками): I have overlooked the needless brutality with which you have treated my staff;
  - (о травле медведя): the Queen wept so over the cruelty of the bearbaiting in the Plaza that the King finally outlawed the practice;
  - (они славились своей ж-тью по отношению к незваным гостям): they were notoriously unmerciful toward interlopers;
  - (ж. по отношению к заключённым): Senate hearing into detainee abuses;
  - (ж. по отношению к крестьянам): any amount of brutality against peasants was excusable but undue savagery against other mercenaries was not;
  - (подавив с вызывающей ж-тью террористический акт в Дагестане, Ельцин...): after crushing a terrorist attack in Dagestan with an embarrassing show of brutality, Yeltsin could hardly feel certain of Washington's reaction;
  - (подавить восстание с ж-тью): slave rebellions were put down with ferocity;
  - (полиции, т.е. расправа с демонстрантами): we were shocked by the police brutality we saw in G. Park;
  - (склонные к ж-ти / утончённые формы ж-ти): they were a motley collection; a mixture of the weak seeking protection, the ambitious seeking some shared glory, and the thuggish, gravitating towards a leader who could show them more refined forms of cruelty;
  - (совершать ж-ти): to commit brutalities;
  - (т.е. черта характера): her ruthlessness and total fearlessness know no bounds
  жечь - (вода в реке была солоноватой, и кровавые ссадины на щиколотках жгло): the river was brackish enough to sting the raw galls around the ankles
  жечься - (осторожно с этими листьями, они жгутся): mind those leaves, they sting
  жёлчно (сказать) - He said, "How dare you rent a building the government wants?" I said I had as good a right to rent as the government. He said acrimoniously, "Did not you know the government was in treaty for it?"
  - "Just leave me alone," he said waspishly
  жёлчный (о человеке) - an acrimonious man
  - extremely waspish, she uses her wit viciously when irritated
  жёсткий - (конкуренция): смотри ниже;
  - (придерживаться слишком ж-их взглядов): Ronald Reagan was too rigid in his views;
  - (человек): смотри ниже
  жёсткий (конкуренция) - tough competition;
  - (создавать кому-л ж-ую конкуренцию): sassy, youth-orientated retailers were coming on the scene, offering the company stiff competition;
  - there's a stiff competition for this job;
  - a life of struggle and arduous competition taught him that in this world were people whose methods were unscrupulous
  жёсткий (человек) - such woman is called harsh, such man - dominating;
  - She (wedding planner) was a soft touch. People asked for dream weddings - with all the bells and whistles - then they refused to pay or delayed sending the cheque. She wasn't tough enough.;
  - (премьер-министр): he had worked under 3 prime ministers, and the latest was far and away the toughest and most decisive;
  - he developed a reputation for being tough with people
  жёсткость - (в голосе появилась ж.): his smile faded as he explained, and a hard edge crept into his voice;
  - Russia's leadership has a view that the West is only eager to do it down - and, rightly or wrongly, that is driving Mr Putin's more assertive approach;
  - (сказать с некоторой ж-ю): "How do you remember stuff like this?" "I listen," said she with a touch of asperity
  жжение - (ж. в глазах): eye burning;
  - (в околоногтевой области): a slight, transient periungal burning sensation;
  - (ж. за грудиной): heartburn is a burning sensation experienced behind the sternum;
  - (ж. при мочеиспускании): About 15% of men who have radiation therapy have urinary burning;
  - (т.е. при раздражении кожи): if a new product irritates your skin (stinging and redness are usually the first signs), stop using it immediately
  живительный - (воздух): he sucked rank but reviving air into his body
  живодёр - (т.е. скряга): they thought men from the neighbouring country were skinflints
  живость - (в его глазах была ж.): his forehead was very high and large; and a great vivacity and sparkling sharpness in his eyes;
  - (говорить с ж-ю): he was talking with vivacity and humour about his grandchildren;
  - (ж. и ум придавали отличие неприметному лицу): animation and intelligence lent distinction to an otherwise unremarkable face;
  - (их раздражает её ж. речи): everything about her incenses the left - her high-pitched voice, her lively manner of speech and facial expressions;
  - (персонажи были изображены с ж-ю): the characters were delineated with exceptional vividness;
  - (придать ж. пьесе): it was a heavy play and the actors tried in vain to give life to it;
  - (рассказывать кратко и с ж-ю): the teacher narrates with fluency and clearness, and in a concise and lively manner, the leading facts, so as to convey the spirit of history, and indicate the characteristics of the people and the country, as well as the rulers and famous characters;
  - (случаи из жизни придают ж. повестованию): her crisp writing flows from one crisis to the next with plenty of anecdotes to keep things lively
  животики надорвать - (от смеха): This movie is so funny. I nearly busted a gut laughing.
  живчик - (он всегда был ж.): he'd always had a quicksilver quality
  жизнелюбие - he was a charming man because of his zest for life
  жизненная сила - the demon drained them of their lifeforce;
  - a puny child, no stamina
  жизнерадостно - (вести себя ж., как всегда): his manner was as blithe as ever, but G. noticed that he wasted no words;
  - she cheerfully announced, "It's a beautiful morning!";
  - (приветствовать): he saluted jovially at the customs man;
  - (сказать): "I'm very well, indeed," said he exuberantly
  жизнерадостность - he hid his keen brain behind mannerisms of great cheerfulness;
  - (естественная): mourning for her husband suppressed the natural vivacity;
  - (юности): he used the resilience and ingenuity of youth to survive in a series of concentration camps
  жизнерадостный - (атмосфера): the atmosphere is positively upbeat;
  - (атмосфера): a jovial atmosphere in Lisbon (during the world championship);
  - (город): the exuberant city;
  - (идеализм): the exuberant idealism of the Kennedy Administration;
  - (лицо): he was well groomed with a cheerful, somewhat vacuous face;
  - (музыка): joyful and high-spirited music;
  - (музыка): the jaunty music of the lyre was at cruel odds with her distress;
  - (музыка): I have asked people what their favourite upbeat music is;
  - (народ): Americans are a resilient people;
  - (настроение): the mood of the students was more exuberant than usual;
  - (настроение): she was in an ebullient fml mood, telling jokes and buying drinks for everyone;
  - (письма): He never complains. His letters are always upbeat;
  - (поведение): M., melted slightly by his companion's chirpy manner, explained...;
  - (ж-ые результаты опросов): surveys of business confidence are upbeat;
  - (собрание): an upbeat rally is not appropriate at this time;
  - (танец): a sprightly dance;
  - (характер, человек с ж-ым характером): a likable man with buoyant personality;
  - (хлопок пробки шампанского): jocund poet pop of champagne corks;
  - (цвет): uplifting colour;
  - (человек): смотри ниже
  жизнерадостный (человек) - she is a jolly person who enjoys the camaraderie of her colleagues and genuinely feels for the inmates;
  - (она умная, ж-ая, и с ней весело) she's intelligent, good-humoured, and fun to be around;
  - he was always cheerful;
  - next morning he was up and about as sprightly as ever;
  - he no longer looked buoyant and rosy-faced;
  - she is witty and vivacious;
  - a vivacious creature with red hair;
  - he was not as sanguine fml;
  - an exuberant man;
  - an ebullient fml man, who expressed his thanks with brio;
  - he was smart, funny, combative and effective;
  - he was, by nature, a very cheerful fellow;
  - optimistic and generous, he toiled tirelessly and invested eagerly in every new project - mining, farming, real estate, a sawmill, a streetcar line;
  - Lance Sergeant A.B. is a focused and resilient man. Eight weeks earlier, he had lost a leg in combat with the Taliban in Afghanistan. Praising the clinical and welfare support he had received, he was upbeatlance and mobile again.;
  - (женщина): this woman, handsome, forceful, good-humored;
  - (старик): a sprightly old man;
  - (студентка): a pretty and vivacious fourth-year student;
  - (толстяк): a jolly fat man
  жизнеутверждающий - (ж-ее послание веры в Бога): I read the uplifting message of faith in God's love healing her from her past trials and hurts
  жилка - (преподавательская): he had a pedagogical streak
  жирняга / жиртрест (т.е. кличка толстяка): - I was a regular butterball;
  - an example of nicknames related to physical characteristics is "Fatso" for a person who is overweight
  жлоб - (т.е. грубый, необразованный, неотёсанный человек): смотри ниже;
  - (т.е. деревенщина): смотри ниже;
  - (т.е. жадина): cheapskate / tight wad / tight arse vulgar;
  жлоб (т.е. грубый, необразованный, неотёсанный человек) - in his latest film he plays a racist oik BrE slang from the East End of London;
  - A lout is a stupid or an unintelligent person. A person who is clumsy and behaves like an oaf is usually a source of amusement or irritation to many. A lout can also imply a thug, a hoodlum or someone who engages in rude, offensive behavior to intimidate others;
  - the hotel was full of red-necks, who had come down for beer-drinking
  жлоб (т.е. деревенщина) - (сборище ж-ов): The movie was practically banned in these parts. Folks thought it made us look like a bunch of hicks AmE.;
  - sheep shagger BrE infml especially Welsh;
  - (злоключения ж-ов в большом городе): a comedy about the misadventures of yokels AmE in the big city;
  - the peasant was an irreligious lout who stank of goat;
  - Indians were hewers of wood, drawers of water, and, on the whole, bumpkins
  жлобиться (т.е. жадничать) - (не жлобись): Stop bumming other people's cigarettes. Don't be such a cheapskate and buy your own for a change.;
  - (не жлобись): don't be such a miser and treat yourself to a nice expensive dinner once in a while
  жмот - He's such a cheapskate that he even hates to spend money on food. He's always on the lookout for a free meal wherever he can get one.;
  - he was such a miser that he never once in his life gave a penny to charity
  жмурик - (т.е. покойник): we'll probably be a couple of stiffs slang before another day
  жополиз грубо - The Best Way To Suck Up To Someone Without Sounding Like A Kiss Arse vulgar
  жулик - don't buy a used car from that rogue;
  - he is a con man;
  - do you take me for fraud?;
  - he said he was an insurance salesman, but later she discovered he was a fraud;
  - a bureaucracy run by crooks;
  - Scammers buy goods or services on the Web and offer payment by check or money order - often in excess of the actual value of the goods or services. In most cases, con artists ship the check or money order and ask the victim to cash it, keep a portion as a "gift," and wire back the rest, usually to an overseas address;
  - (разным ворам и ж-ам понадобилось десять лет, чтобы разрушить экономику): it took the assorted thieves and mountebanks over a decade to wreck most of the economy and to steal what was left
  жульничать - (ж. за игровым столом): he was barred from ever traveling on several of the cruise lines because of his suspected cheating at the gambling tables;
  - (ж. на экзаменах): I was accused of not cooperating in their system of cheating on exams;
  - (ж. на экзаменах): to fudge on an exam;
  - (ж. с налогами): he didn't cheat on his taxes;
  - he could not actually write in reverse, so he always cheated by writing; normally and then flipping the paper over and tracing the reversed impression;
  - (ж. с суммой денег, заработанных за год, т.е. для налогового управления): I got a letter from the IRS saying I had failed to report investment income from stocks I inherited when my mom died. I was pretty sure that wasn't the case, though. One of the sage pieces of advice my dad gave me was never to fudge on the amount of money you make in a year.
  жульничество - lotteries, those swindles perpetrated by the government on its citizens;
  - the company's deal with the government has brought accusations of foul play;
  - (т.е. на выборах): Turkish Prime Minister Denounces Rumors Of Foul Play In Election;
  - he was the victim of an insurance scam infml;
  - he set up a scam to settle his debts
  жупел - The economist goes on to address the great bugaboo that is currently the obsession of every breathing Republican: the deficit. Krugman allows that extending the benefits will increase the deficit, but only slightly and, he adds, "penny-pinching in the midst of a severely depressed economy is no way to deal with our long-run budget problems. And penny-pinching at the expense of the unemployed is cruel as well as misguided."
  журить - (кого-л за что-л): the general gently chided the presumptive nominee for...
  жуткий - (в кабинете прокурора округа есть нечто ж-ое): even in the best of times, the Office of the K. County Prosecuting Attorney has a dismal aspect;
  - (видения): as a new mom, I have vivid and horrifying visions that my daughter is going to be harmed;
  - (визит): an eerie visit to Hanoi (Kissinger in 1973);
  - (вой / вопль): eerie wail;
  - (зрелище): an eerie sight met his eyes;
  - (зрелище): for the emergency team it (recovering the bodies of train crash victims) was an appalling sight;
  - (зрелище): Repairman Unearths Chilling Sight In Ice Cream Shop Basement. He unearthed his find. It was a freezer filled with the disembodied remains of two different human beings.;
  - (идея): there was something so dismal in the idea that Bill was momentarily silenced;
  - (ж-ие истории об изуродованных трупах): I came out of it lightly if you could believe the lurid tales of mutilated bodies;
  - (ж-ая карикатура на лицо): the ghastly parody of a face;
  - (комментарий): President Putin made comments to the media about Mr Litvinenko's death with a verbal levity that bordered on the macabre. For example, President Putin observed that, "the people that have done this are not God, and Mr Litvinenko is, unfortunately, not Lazarus.";
  - (конец): the ghastly end of the cruellest corsair in Barfleur;
  - (место): a dismal-looking place;
  - (место): the scenery is so scary that it gives me creeps;
  - (молчание / тишина): the silence was eerie;
  - (ж. набор химикалиев): an awesome collection of bomb-making chemicals;
  - (ж-ие обычаи, вроде женского обрезания, не были на первом месте в нашей повестке дня): horrifying practices like female genital cutting were not at the top of the agenda because they were part of the culture and we didn't want to be accused of imposing our own cultural values;
  - (останки): if the Red Prince was dead, they would need to sort through the grisly remnants of slaughter to identify his body;
  - (останки, т.е. жертв железнодорожной аварии): very grizzly / grisly remains;
  - (предупреждения, т.е. о глобальном потеплении): rarely in human history have scientists spelt out such dire warnings with enough time and technology to respond, and rarely have the nations of the world dithered for so long in tackling a known threat to global security
  - (ж-ая работа по откапыванию тел погибших шахтёров): the grizzly task of searching for the bodies of dead miners;
  - (скорость): with such a big growth in human populations the land left for lions to live on is disappearing at a scary speed;
  - (смех): his laugh was an eerie chortle;
  - (история, т.е. о погибших детях): a gruesome story of six children who died in the Sea of Azov while their summer camp counselors were stupefying rather than supervising;
  - (сходство было таким большим, что становилось жутко): now the resemblance was so great it was eerie;
  - (ж-ое тело, висящее на столбе): she was trying not to look at the gruesome shape hanging from the post by the mile-marker;
  - (теракт): an appalling terrorist attack;
  - (тишина): instantly there was a dreadful silence;
  - (тишина): an eerie silence was falling across the stadium;
  - (фильм): an eerie film
  жутко - "Could you tell how she had died?" "It was very gruesome, because the crabs and the fish had been busy.;
  заартачиться - (конь заартачился и не стал прыгать): the horse balked AmE and refused the jump / the horse baulked BrE at the jump;
  - (конь заартачился): the horse snorted and baulked;
  - (ребёнок заартачился, не желая пить рыбий жир): the child was balking at taking cod liver oil
  забава - (делать красивые вещи для з-ы): we made beautiful things just for the fun of it;
  - (для з-ы): the whole thing was only a story made up for fun;
  - (забавы): The queen said, "I am here not for recreation or disport old use. What you go through, I will go through too.";
  - (он будет для них з-ой): the Indians were amused to see the little boy run, and they thought he would be a funny little plaything to have;
  - (убивать для з-ы): though slow to quarrel, and for sport killing nothing that lived, they were doughty at bay, and at need could still handle arms
  забавлять - (мальчишек забавляло смотреть, как он...): it amused the boys to see him limping across the garden, brandishing his stick and yelling croakily at them;
  - (сотрудников разведки, т.к. адрес только для вывески): it is a custom that causes great amusement to the staff members of the firm for the address is a sedulously maintained front;
  - (..., что забавляло его коллег): he was fastidious about his desk and office, much to the amusement of his harried colleagues
  забавляться - (з. представляя себе учителя на пляже...): he amused himself picturing Dumbledore stretched out on a beach somewhere, rubbing suntan lotion onto his nose;
  - (со спичками): he's having fun with the matches
  забавно - (всё это было з.): the whole thing was rather amusing;
  - (за пингвинами так з. наблюдать, потому что они так мило ходят вразвалку): penguins are so much fun to watch, because they walk in such a cute waddling way;
  - (импровизировать): the actress forgot her lines but ad-libbed very amusingly;
  - (колдовство в балладах выглядело з.): Wizardry in ballads was all very entertaining. No story ever said how thoroughly unnerving it was to be around magical workings.;
  - (решит, что это было бы з.): The magazine then ran both stories together, and I was sure someone would send me a letter saying that my writing was better in the first story, but no one did. Perhaps a reader of this book will decide it would be humorous to do so, but if so, please restrain yourself.;
  - (з. слышать это от тебя): The expression is used to counter-strike someone's criticism, when you think they're just as bad. "I think you should attend class more often." "Wow, it's a bit rich infml coming from you, don't you think?";
  - (з., что): it was ironic that at exactly the same period, a British government had done the opposite, breaking the tradition of putting the firm under a senior diplomat from the Foreign Office and letting a professional take over;
  - (з., что): ironically, Sir Arthur Sullivan is remembered for the comic operas he found embarrassing, rather than the serious works he hoped would be his legacy;
  - (з., что некоторые думают, что они могут обманывать, а мы не заметим): it's amusing how guys think they can cheat and we won't find out;
  - (з., что он называл свои застроенные массивы по имени пейзажей, им же уничтоженных): He leveled an entire village for one of his planned developments. Ironically, though irony was lost on B., he named his cookie-cutter projects after the landscapes he was destroying - Rolling Meadows, Whispering Oaks;
  - (это может оказаться не так з.): owning a car cannot be much fun when there is nowhere to drive;
  забавный - (было что-то нелепое и неподобающее в насилии над такой з-ой и популярной личностью): there was something absurd and unseemly about secret violence in connection with so entirely entertaining and popular a figure;
  - (говорить что-то з-ое): his mouth was open as though he were saying something jocular;
  - (голландцы считают з-ым, когда дети делают дерзкие замечания): The Dutch find it amusing when children make cheeky remarks. They think that's a healthy precocity.;
  - (делать то, что кажется з-ым): she was a delightful companion, easy to please and eager to do whatever looked like fun;
  - (замечание): a humorous remark;
  - (истории / случаи, она рассказывала з-ые истории из жизни своего любовника): she told hilarious anecdotes of her lover;
  - (комедия): a zany comedy;
  - (комментарий): our consensus reaction was neatly summed up in a droll comment by P.: "The book was better than the movie";
  - (нашёптывать з-ые пустяки): he was whispering cheerful nothings into her ears;
  - (не было ничего з-ого в том, чтобы): there was no fun making ready for a pretend party at which the Queen would be in attendance when she was the Queen;
  - (персонаж пьесы): a humorous character in a play;
  - (представление): a hilarious show;
  - (пьеса): a humorous play;
  - (размолвка показалась им з-ой): He balked on Saturday, and they argued briefly. It was their first dustup, and both found it amusing.;
  - (северяне считают себя з-ыми, но они по большей части крикливые и надоедливые): the northerners think they're droll but mostly they're gobby and annoying;
  - (шутка): a hilarious joke;
  - predicting the future can be so much fun
  забаловать - (забалованный ребёнок): he behaves just like a spoilt child;
  - (вконец з. детей): he spoiled the children rotten
  забитый - (т.е. они надеялись, что если Гарри будет оставаться з-ым...): Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon had hoped that if they kept Harry as downtrodden as possible, they would be able to squash the magic out of him;
  - (служанка, я не была з-ой служанкой, которой приходится вставать спозаранку, чтобы скрести и чистить?): I was no harried housemaid, roused before dawn to scrub and fettle
  забияка - (который огрызался ментам): as a younger man, he was known as a hothead who talked back to cops;
  - with all his wealth and titles, he remained a roughneck
  забористый - (т.е. грубо вульгарный): men were training afoot, going at each other with wooden swords while their squires stood shouting ribald advice
  заваруха / заварушка - (попасть в з-у): how did you get into this mess, where your whole credibility is being questioned?;
  - (люди, которые втянули нас в эту з-у): people who got us into the mess;
  - NCA is concerned about a possible dust-up between the Russians and the Chinese;
  - (устроить з-у): what has happened to the functionary who produced this cock-up?;
  - (устроить з-у кому-л, твоё министерство устроило нам эту з-у): bastard, it was your bloody ministry that got us into this mess
  - Migration turmoil at EU border whets Nazi groups' appetite. The chaotic situation with thousands of migrants and refugees stranded at the Greek-Turkish border has attracted the interest of Nazi groups across Europe
  завести / заводить разг (т.е. возбудить) - (о быстрой ритмичной музыке): fast music with a good beat turns me on;
  - (т.е. сексуально): I was preparing to take off my panties and give them to the lecherous, sleazy bastard who for some unfathomable reason turned me on so much;
  - (з. толпу до неистовства): He traveled all over the state, with a country-and-western band, which he used to pull in a crowd. Then he would whip them into a frenzy with tirades against blacks and their traitorous white sympathizers;
  - (зрителей): he tells a few jokes to warm up the audience;
  - (т.е. настраивать кого-л разг): She's been stirring the girls up so much about Yvonne's death. She even told me that you fessed up, it was you that topped her. She's wound the girls up so much that they're hatching a plan to take over the hanging cell and start a protest to get the police to reinvestigate into Yvonne's death.
  завестись / заводиться - (т.е. выйти из себя / разозлиться): смотри ниже;
  - (с кем-л разг, т.е. вступить в конфликт): going around again with S. could kill him;
  - (т.е. увлечься): I got rather carried away at the clothes sale and spent too much money
  завестись / заводиться (т.е. выйти из себя / разозлиться) - (т.е. до истерики): And so it goes. She works herself into a greater fury with each moment.;
  - (мне не следовало так з-иться): I shouldn't have blown my stack slang like that;
  - the police were working themselves into a rage because they weren't getting standard responses and therefore I had to be a smart-arse;
  - (он завёлся - стал размахивать ножом и кричать): He was working himself into a rage - he brandished his knife and shouted: "Dishonoured us, she did, that little slut!"
  завидовать - (деньгам кого-л): she envied him his money;
  - (завидуя тому, что к Д. относились как к герою,): Joe, envious of Jack's heroic treatment, volunteered for a very dangerous mission that cost him his life;
  - The miller was envious. "Friend Aegidius is rising in the world," said he. "I hope he will know us when he gets back.";
  - (кому-л): they are envious of her;
  - (кому-л): he envied me;
  - (з. кому-л из-за чего-л): I've always envied that dress of yours;
  - (з. успеху кого-л): her relationships didn't work out as her ex-boyfriends were jealous of her success
  завистливый - (взгляд): China is looking with envious eyes at the Russian mineral discoveries in the central part of Eastern Siberia;
  - (друг): an envious friend
  зависть - (величие возбуждает з.): greatness inspires envy, envy engenders spite, spite spawns lies
  заводила - (т.е. в хулиганской выходке): The police officer went straight over to the school to talk to the kids who pulled the Halloween trick last year. M. was the ringleader.
  завораживать - (актриса завораживает, т.е. своей игрой): the actress is spellbinding as she reveals the pain beneath L.'s steely, determined façade;
  - (говорить с такой силой и страстью, что это завораживало): he spoke with such intensity and passion it could be mesmerizing
  завораживающий - (игра, т.е. актёра): his acting was mesmerizing;
  - (мелодии): in these songs gleaned from the commonalty of the Empire, I have found beguiling melody, tales to provoke tears and laughter and no little wisdom
  завораживающе - the wildly malign Gollum, a mesmerisingly inhuman one
  завороженный - (змея, з-ая вибрациями газонокосилки): once, when I was mowing the lawn, I looked down to see a rattle snake sliding along with the lawn mower, apparently captivated by the vibrations;
  - (зрители были заворожены выступлением): the audience was mesmerized by her performance;
  - (смотреть, как з.): he stared, as if mesmerized, at the gun
  заворожить - ( цыганка меня заворожила): the gipsy put a spell on me
  заглатывать / заглотить образно (т.е. поверить обману) - (крючок / наживку / приманку, вы, ребята, заглотили нaживку основательно): He's never been to Tallahassee. You boys bit hard. Hook, line and sinker.;
  - he had conned her all along, and she had bought it hook, line, and sinker
  загнанность - I was aware of pervasive sense of beleaguerment that resulted from a combination of the President's personality and the violent, occasionally assaults of the antiwar critics
  загнанный - (вид): her smile faded; there was a hunted look in her eyes;
  - (мамаша): I saw a harried-looking mother at the checkout trying to manage two small children and a mountain of shopping;
  - (служанка): I was no harried housemaid, roused before dawn to scrub and fettle;
  - (человек): I could not erase from my mind the poignant thought of R. Nixon so alone and beleaguered;
  - (человек): we saw a haunted man contemplating a blasted presidency
  загнивать образно - they are not going to sit and rot their lives away in B.
  заговаривать зубы - angry families tired of being given a runaround;
  - (ему заговаривали зубы): he was given a runaround
  загораться / загореться (т.е. воодушевиться) - First he was keen as mustard, clapping me on the back. Next morning he threw the book at me.;
  - (з. идеей заполучить меч): he gets thrilled by the idea of having a sword;
  загрустить - she has grown pensive
  задабривание - (з-ем и запугиванием заставить народ изменить решение): the Brussels Commission and the Prime Minister of Sweden are openly hinting at an attempt to blandish and bully the Irish people to reverse their decision to reject the Treaty of Nice by a referendum majority of 54% to 46%
  задабривать / задобрить - (страну ради увеличения экономической выгоды): in order to blandish China and further increase economic profits, French President Jacques Chirac is constantly calling on the European Union to lift its weapons embargo on China, despite the fact that human rights in China has not improved since the Tiananmen massacre 15 years ago
  задаваться (т.е. важничать) - the children thought the boy was stuck up and snobby;
  -He was the son of the wealthiest man in town. Occasionally, some independent urchin would bristle with democratic spirit, and tell him to his face that he was "stuck up," and that he hadn't so much more to be proud of than other folks.
  задевать / задеть (т.е. затронуть чувства) - (з. больное место): I think I hit a nerve with my comments about divorce. She suddenly looked distressed and I knew I'd touched a raw nerve.;
  - (з. больное место): her innocent remark seemed to have touched a nerve;
  - (з. за живое, т.е. найти подход к кому-л): Nikki is scathing to say the least, but Helen perseveres and manages to strike a chord by telling her that they can both either climb down or fall victim to the "old boys' network";
  - (з. за живое, т.е. политик говорил о том, что волнует массы): As shadow home secretary in the early 1990s, Blair met the residents of problem estates near his home in Hackney. He realised that millions of potential Labour voters were turned off the party because they thought it didn't understand the realities of crime and disorder in their daily lives. Blair tried to get going what has now become a famous phrase about "tough on crime and tough on the causes of crime." Internal polling showed the party that Blair had touched a real nerve.;
  - (з. за живое, т.е. репортёр заговорил о том, что скрывалось): the reporter has unwittingly touched a nerve;
  - (Клинтона неприятно задел показ по телевидению компроментирующей видеозаписи): Mr. Clinton was hurt by the broadcast of the videotape. He looked forlorn.;
  - (потешить задетое самолюбие): it may be that these accounts contain some infelicities, added by Mr L. in an attempt to salve his wounded pride;
  - (сильно з. , т.е. обидеть): her remarks cut him to the bone;
  - (сильно з, т.е. обидеть): your heartless comments cut me to the quick;
  - (слова больно задели его): my words stung him;
  - (тщеславие): to pique somebody's vanity;
  - (з. чувствительные струнки): the key to making your campaign a sticky one is to figure out what strikes a chord in the heart of your target audience
  задать по первое число - (т.е. строго отругать): First he was keen as mustard, clapping me on the back. Next morning he threw the book at me.
  задёрганный - (мамаша): I saw a harried-looking mother at the checkout trying to manage two small children and a mountain of shopping;
  - he was fastidious about his desk and office, much to the amusement of his harried colleagues
  задёргаться - (т.е. от страха): Now the man was only a few paces from the bunker. E. was getting fidgety. He played with his pistol, glancing at L. "Don't worry," L. said. "he won't get here. They"ll take care of him."
  задира - (сквернослов и з.): You and your cheap sneering, and your self-importance, and your always judging others by yourself. You're a cheap dirty-mouthed bully.;
  - with all his wealth and titles, he remained a roughneck
  задирать - (кого-л): he continued drinking and got loud and obnoxious, picking fights with others in the room;
  - (кого-л): be sure and tell me if one of them messes with you;
  - (обязательно скажи мне, если кто-то из них будет тебя з.): be sure and tell me if one of them messes with you;
  - (ребёнок пытается з. других детей): he disrupts other children's learning and deliberately tries to provoke other children by poking, pushing and pulling them;
  - (ребята, которые задирают других детей): kids who bully other kids;
  - (сильных): Brer Rabbit is a trickster character who succeeds through his wits rather than through strength, tweaking authority figures and bending social mores as he sees fit
  задираться - (не задирайся): don't pick fights
  задиристо - (посмотреть на кого-л): she smiled pertly at him, her eyes knowing
  задиристый - (адвокат): feisty AmE infml, sharp-tongued trial lawyer who had been serving as deputy chief of the Public Integrity Section;
  - the pugnacious candidate is growing more exasperated;
  - the pugnacious artist had become engaged in a brawl with seven other knights;
  - she was a pugilistic little creature;
  - (сОвки, т.е. птицы): my screech-owls were irritable, quarrelsome and ferocious
  зад / задница грубо - (врач лезет пальцем в з., т.е. о пальпации простаты): Today is his annual medical. The doctor takes him through the normal checks. Blood pressure, cholesterol, finger in the bum vulgar.;
  - (вставить фитиль в з-у образно): I got MI5, Special Branch and the Counter-Terrorism boys rattling cages and putting a bug up people's arses vulgar. Your boys fucked up big-time.;
  - (греть на солнышке свою з-у): Hey, what are you doing these days? Sunning your fanny AmE slang, spitting at the ceiling?;
  - (засунь его себе в з-у): you can shove your stupid fashion show up your arse!;
  - (лизать / целовать з-у кому-л): our politicians accepted there was a price to be paid for giving the finger to the Americans in public and kissing their arses in private;
  - (можно подумать, для меня большое удовольствие заглядывать в вонючие з-ы): See the attitude? As if it's the highlight of my day to peer up women's smelly bottoms infml.;
  - (отсидеть з-у, т.е. от долгого сидения): I busted my butt working overtime putting the report together knowing that this was a huge opportunity for me to impress the corporate big wigs;
  - (поднять свою з-у, т.е. приложить усилия): we are a proud nation of men and women who know how to get off their backsides and help themselves;
  - (провела рукой по з-е / светила з-ей перед всем клубом): Everyone was looking at me. In my tipsy state, I thought they were all admiring my fantastic dance moves... until my hand brushed my bum and I realized the back of my skirt was caught in my knickers. I've been flashing my backside to the whole club.;
  - (упасть на з-у): a woman who had fallen on her prat vernacular in a mudpuddle
  задорно - (посмотреть на кого-л): she smiled pertly at him, her eyes knowing
  задрав нос - (т.е. с важным видом): I quite often see him in the street and he always walks past with his nose in the air
  задрипанный разг / задрыпанный разг - (вид / внешность): she had a decidedly down-at-heel infml appearance;
  - (т.е. город): Athens is no longer a dowdy, down-at-the-heels infml capital;
  - (городишко): it's a hick town;
  - (гостиница): a dingy hotel;
  - (кафе): he worked in a grungy, down-at-the-heel infml café;
  - (парень): a schlumpy guy walking with a tall chick who was striding along on spike heels;
  - (страны): the Russians sold Scuds to jerkwater AmE infml countries that couldn't even field a single decent mechanized division, but who loved to parade those upgraded V-2-class ballistic stovepipes because they looked impressive as hell to the people on the sidewalks;
  - (трактир): I'd slept in down-at-heel taverns where you were lucky to share a bed with strangers and picking up whatever vermin they carried was all part of the price to pay;
  - (шлюха / бар): some poxy slang whore stripping in a seedy bar or sex club
  зазнаваться / зазнаться - I heard she (movie star) was stuck up and would not sign autographs;
  - People assume that the actress is stuck up and rarefied. She's not.;
  - (т.е. из-за отметок в школе): he worked hard at school, achieving grades that excelled all the other kids', but never got big-headed about it
  задумчиво - (грызть / кусать ноготь): he gnawed at a nail thoughtfully;
  - (з. набивать трубку): he reached for his pipe and began filling it thoughtfully;
  - (з. наблюдать за кем-л): Dirk surveyed her thoughtfully; he seemed to have no answer ready;
  - (з. покусывать палец): he was nibbling reflectively on a knuckle of his right hand;
  - (з. разглядывать пальцы ног): he stared in long abstraction at his toes;
  - (з. сидеть за графинчиком портвейна): we sat pensively over our decanter of partners' port;
  - (сказать): "Perhaps it is as you say," said Captain Haley, thoughtfully.;
  - (сказать): "She really is that big a star," he said musingly;
  - (з. смотреть на кого-л): when John nodded, she did not speak for a while, but gazed at him in long abstraction while he ate his supper;
  - (з. теребить свои волосы): she dreamily plucked her hair;
  - (з. теребить сустав пальца): he was nibbling reflectively on a knuckle of his right hand;
  - (улыбаться): he smiled wistfully;
  - (з. ходить по комнате): he strolled the room pensively
  задумчивость - he came out of his reverie;
  - (вывести из з-ти): his voice startled me from reverie;
  - (моя з. была прервана выстрелами): my reverie was broken by shots;
  - that look of surprised musing was still on his face, and it was starting to scare her
  задумчивый - (взгляд): with a pensive look in her eyes;
  - (выражение лица): his face fell into a moody, brooding expression;
  - (выражение з-ого удивления на лице): that look of surprised musing was still on his face, and it was starting to scare her;
  - (выражение): his look has taken on a meditative cast;
  - (лицо): his face remained distant and brooding;
  - (настроение): in a pensive mood;
  - (неуклюжий з. парень): a clumsy, brooding boy, prone to accidents;
  - (походка): he flipped up the collar of his shirt and began to slouch around in a kind of moody, hoody strut;
  - (ребёнок): а child who "can't sit still" or is otherwise disruptive will be noticeable in school, but the inattentive daydreamer may be overlooked;
  - (фигура): the monument represents a brooding, hooded figure;
  - (т.е. человек): she has grown pensive;
  - (человек): he is a quiet, composed and pensive man;
  - (т.е. человек): at the age of 71 he was craggy, brooding and immensely cunning
  задушевный - (в его голосе было что-то задушевное): his voice had an intimate quality to it that stirred something within her immediately;
  - (в его устах истории полны з-ой мудрости): from R., these stories have a soulful wit;
  - (голос был з.): the singer's wide-ranging voice had an intimate quality, breathy and soft at the start, then taking the listener aloft in later passages;
  - (музыка): heartfelt / soulful music
  зазеваться - Um? What? Sorry, I was nodding off
  заигрывание - her approaches whenever we are alone are unabashed and direct - cheap double entendres, winks, everything short of a FOR SALE sign;
  - (отвергнуть з-я): she denied his unwanted advances
  заигрывать (с кем-л) - He senses she might be coming on infml to him. Maybe she is one of those women who get turned on by outlaws and rebels.;
  - the woman at the bar was coming on to me;
  - I don't like going to parties because my husband always flirts with every woman in the room;
  - he flirted with any maid old enough to wed and any matron still young enough to have her own teeth;
  - my boss made advances towards me;
  - he became involved in a scuffle with Mr A. when he made advances towards him in the toilet;
  - my boss made a pass at me;
  - he was homosexual and made passes at the young boys who worked for him at the fast food franchises
  заинтриговать - (трудная задача заинтриговала меня): the challenge intrigued me
  заискивание - I do not appreciate your fawning;
  - the salesman had the pleasant knack of being effusive without being ingratiating
  заискивать (перед кем-л) - he gets people fawning over him all the time;
  - the female reporters were smiling wildly and fawning over the handsome actor;
  - (т.е. перед иностранцами): Humble ourselves before them? Never.;
  - he ingratiates himself with me in order to get my money;
  - he's always trying to ingratiate himself with his boss;
  - (перед королём): he is currying favour with the king;
  - He was never ingratiating. Heroes do not wheedle, they take their stand.
  заискивающий - (политики): I tried to picture how I would have reacted if a bunch of smarmy, camera-seeking politicians came anywhere near a hospital room where my relative was hooked up to life support
  закадычный - (друг): we heard you and P. were bosom pals
  закапризничать - (о ребёнке): the child began to grizzle
  закладывать / заложить жаргон (кого-л, т.е. донести на кого-л) - (какой-то наркоман заложил разг меня в социальные службы): a patient says in a thick Birmingham accent: "I was signing on and grafting cash in hand at the same time, but some fuckin crackhead pillock grassed me up to BrE slang the social". ("I was claiming state benefits and working at the same time without paying tax [both illegal] but a crack cocaine addict informed on me to the Department of Health and Social Security").;
  - what would he do if she grassed him up?;
  - I'm not grassing anyone up;
  - (сокамерников): at first glance, she is just another selfish addict who wouldn't think twice about grassing on BrE slang her fellow inmates to get herself off the hook;
  -You tattled on her? I can't believe it! You're a freakin' tattletale.
  заклинать - "Look on the bright side, my boy," he adjured me
  заклятый (враг) - they are sworn political enemies;
  - NATO, Russia's sworn foe;
  - the Joker, The Clown Prince of Crime, is Batman's archenemy;
  - she had an idea for a way to get one over on her arch-enemy / archenemy;
  - (з. враг техники): The writer is a strong partisan of Human Intelligence and he also disparages the other more technical means of collection and analysis. He is to intelligence as the 19th-century Luddites were to the industrial revolution - a rabid foe of technology;
  - he is pledged enemy of any tax increases;
  - since the then North Vietnamese were communists, and clearly supported by the communist superpowers, and we, the US, were a "pledged enemy" of communism; we had to stop the attempted conquest of south Vietnam;
  - at present, the only fighting going on between India and Pakistan is intense artillery shelling, which is nothing unusual for two of the world's most resolute enemies
  закомплексованный - (это психология з-ого человека, з-ой страны): this is a mindset of a person with complexes / with a complex, of a country with complexes;
  - (т.е. более смелый разговорный вариант): a neurotic person / a screwed up country
  закоренелый - (коммунист): die-hard communist;
  - (консерватизм): former Pennsylvania senator R.S.'s staunch social conservatism has helped fuel his rise in polls;
  - (поклонники Unix): die-hard Unix fans;
  - (преступник): an inveterate criminal;
  - (преступник): he is a hardened criminal who can usually be influenced only by punishment;
  - (сионист): a hard-core Zionist;
  - (холостяк): he was a confirmed bachelor
  закоснелый - (Олимпийский комитет): he persuaded the hidebound Olympic Committee to...;
  - (з-ые постановки оперного театра): Great is Manhattan's Metropolitan Opera. But most of its stagecraft is pompous, hidebound, stodgy.;
  - (профсоюзы): the NAACP, an organization ostensibly in business to help African-Americans, is siding with the hidebound teachers' unions in blocking closure of abysmal schools and preventing the opening of charter schools
  закостенелый - (мышление): his efforts to shake up ossified thinking in the Pentagon have been thwarted by the resistance of senior military commanders;
  - (руководитель): she was just another starched and stuffy executive clone cranked out by the Harvard Business School
  закоченеть / закоченевать - I got cold. Froze solid, toes and all.;
  - (руки закоченели от холода): my hands are numb with cold;
  - (руки коченели от холода): his hands were freezing
  закружиться (о голове) - (был конец дня, и от изнурительной жары у неё закружилась голова): in the enervating heat of late afternoon she was beginning to feel light-headed;
  - (пока у него не закружилась голова): the waves of exhaustion swept over him until he was dizzy;
  - (у него голова закружилась): he went dizzy
  закрутить гайки / закручивать гайки разг - (т.е. ужесточить обращение с подчинёнными): when my boss puts the screws on slang, he can be very unpleasant
  закусить удила образно - Don't worry, she'll sort something out. Now she's got a bit between her teeth fig.;
  - We may actually be facing a war in the Gulf. The Americans have the bit between their teeth. They are absolutely determined to get Saddam Hussein and his thugs out of Kuwait.
  заливать жаргон (т.е. врать) - maybe he's bullshitting slang vulgar about the medals;
  - People who say they were Special Forces are usually bullshitting. Most of them never made it out of the infantry. People dress things up.
  залихватство - (т.е. афериста): but the swashbuckling came to an end in 2006, when he pled guilty to fraud, conspiracy and tax evasion
  замарашка - a goat would have more conversation than that slattern down the lane, and she's the brightest one for leagues around;
  - her mother was a partial, ill-judging parent, a dawdle, a slattern, who neither taught nor restrained her children
  замечтаться - halfway through rechecking the problems I was daydreaming;
  - (если бы он не так замечтался): had he been less deep in his reverie, he might have noticed something;
  - (на минутку): I drifted into reverie for a minute
  - (муж замечтался): my husband was bemused and not listening to me
  замешательство - (в з-е): "Do you have any identification on you?" M. looked nonplused. "Only my driving license.";
  - (в з-е от пережитого волнения): a trifle bewildered by the emotions she had gone through, B. sat down, the diary clasped tightly in her arms;
  - (команда в полном з-е): in complete disarray, the team managed to make its way back;
  - (т.е. после теракта): anger, confusion and apprehension;
  - (предвидя его з.): "No,..." S. interjected quickly, as if anticipating his confusion;
  - (привести в з. кого-л): he choked down the fury that would only confound the mind of a blundering idiot;
  - (прийти в з., о войсках): the hosts of Mordor were seized with bewilderment, and a great wizardry it seemed to them that their own ships should be filled with their foes;
  - (з. протокольного чиновника): I decided to take a walk, much to the discomfiture of the protocol officials;
  - (среди всеобщего з-а): in the confusion someone caught him off his guards;
  - (з. усиливалось): his bewilderment deepened with every step he took
  замкнутый - to raise the economic and educational levels of the largely illiterate, sullen and hostile indigenous population;
  - a sullen, sulky, awkward boy;
  - he was more reserved than before and much less light-hearted;
  - was she open and trusting, or careful and reserved?;
  - "What's he like? Give me the personal touch." "Secretive.";
  - he was highly self-sufficient, secretive and friendless;
  - he was exceptionally private man, not someone prone to chatting with random American professors unless there was an important reason;
  - is she open, trusting, flirtatious or more enclosed and introspective?;
  - а quiet, shy, self-contained man
  заморачивать [голову] / заморочить [голову] - (т.е. обмануть): смотри ниже;
  - (т.е. подробно расспрашивать): while a long line waits, the employee grills customer after customer about skin and hair characteristics and then disgorges detailed information about the products;
  - (т.е. разыгрывать): to pull somebody's leg infml;
  - (т.е. тянуть время и не делать положенное): a French citizen living in Glasgow claims he has been "given the runaround" by the Scottish legal system in his attempt to right a legal error which has resulted in a serious slur on his character;
  - (т.е. тянуть время и не делать обещанное): the ambassador complained to the press on February 14 that America was giving Israel the "runaround" on housing aid for Soviet immigrants
  заморачивать [голову] / заморочить [голову] (т.е. обмануть) - (нам заморочили голову насчёт стоимости строительных работ): we were led up the garden path infml about the cost of the building work - it turned out really expensive;
  - (Ты её бросил. Что же ты теперь морочишь ей голову?): You ditched her. What are you doing now, messing her around?;
  - (ты правда думал, что заморочил мне голову?): did you really think you had thrown dust in all our eyes fig?;
  - (я слишком давно этим занимаюсь, чтобы мне можно было з.г.): I've been in this job too long to have the wool pulled infml;
  - we have totally befuddled our enemies so often that one wondered why they even bothered employing intelligence officers, they had been snookened so frequently
  заморыш - he drowned the cat because he thought the starveling had stolen the cheese
  замученный - (з-ая мамаша на кассе, пытающаяся справиться с двумя малышами и горой покупок): I saw a harried-looking mother at the checkout trying to manage two small children and a mountain of shopping;
  - (тысячи сирийцев были замучены до смерти): hundreds of thousands of Syrians have been locked away in filthy prisons where thousands were tortured to death;
  - a martyred saint
  замучить - (вице-президента замучила критика...): the vice-president was bedeviled by continuing criticism of the Mayor's police tactics during the convention;
  - (его замучила тревога): he was plagued by anxiety and couldn't sleep for days;
  - (его замучило чувство вины): he confessed to the police because his guilt was eating away at him;
  - (её замучило чувство вины): Angela and Kenny intend to get married next year. At an office party, Angela flirted with Tom, the company salesman. Tom invited her back to his apartment where they made love. The next day, realizing her mistake, Angela became consumed by guilt.;
  - (его замучила депрессия): depression was slowly eating away at him;
  - (меня замучила совесть): I was tormented by my guilty conscience
  замшелый - (руководитель): she was just another starched and stuffy infml executive clone cranked out by the Harvard Business School
  замяться (т.е. не знать, что сказать) - he broke off, looking rather confused;
  - (замявшись): at a loss of words, he produced a letter from his inside pocket and held it out;
  - (замявшись): I replied lamely that I hoped to justify his confidence;
  - "Well...." He grew awkward. That was a bit difficult to explain, especially while trying to make a good impression.
  - "Is that important?" "Well," I fumbled.;
  - "What's the problem with them?" "Well, they're... they're..." he struggled for words. "Not very nice," he finished lamely.;
  - he paused now, faltering
  занервничать - he was starting to feel nervous;
  - Now the man was only a few paces from the bunker. E. was getting fidgety. He played with his pistol, glancing at L. "Don't worry," L. said. "he won't get here. They"ll take care of him.";
  - (все занервничали): the nervousness set in
  занести / заносить образно - (её временами заносит): She gets a little hyper at times. And her husband just tunes her out and thinks of something else.;
  - (т.е. о человеке, который увлёкся, адвокат боится, что ответчика занесёт слишком близко к опасной черте): the lawyer is worrying that the defendant will stray too close to the line and open the door to a far more dangerous subject
  заносчивость - the boy was really pleasant and generous hearted, and had no mind for disagreeable haughtiness
  заносчивый - (нарушитель [правил]): mediocre, arrogant, a determined rule-breaker;
  - (усмешка): arrogant smirk;
  - she's nothing but a cruel, snotty, rude and downright heartless little witch;
  - (человек): he felt his irritation with this overbearing man turning to outright dislike;
  - (т.е. человек): he was too arrogant for his green years;
  - (т.е. человек): you pack of stuck-up, self-satisfied prigs
  зануда - (т.е. дотошный): Mr Fussy is so fussy that he would have to make sure that everything was all neat and tidy, and in its proper place. Absolutely everything had to be clean or straight. He spends every day of his life doing this, fussing over this and that. "Fussy old fusspot" BrE infml everyone calls him.;
  - (т.е. дотошный, з., который всё делает по правилам): at the firm, she was regarded as by-the-book stodgy;
  - (т.е. дотошный): call me a fusspot, or simply German, but the rules of language do matter;
  - (т.е. скучный): a party of twelve could absorb a single bore;
  - (т.е. скучный): he was a great bore;
  - (т.е. скучный): you're a nuisance
  занятно - (з., как технология изменила наш лексикон): it's funny how technology has changed our vocabulary;
  - (Предпочтения, высказанные на Facebook, позволяют предсказать черты характера. З.): Facebook Preferences Predict Personality Traits. It's Interesting.;
  - (з. слышать это от тебя, т.е. ирония): The expression is used to counter-strike someone's criticism, when you think they're just as bad. "I think you should attend class more often." "Wow, it's a bit rich infml coming from you, don't you think?"
  занятный - (история): "A curious story," he said thoughtfully
  заобаять - (избирателей): he has wowed AmE slang the county's one and a half million registered voters for better than a decade
  западать / запасть (на кого-л жаргон, т.е. влюбиться) - I think every guy in our class had a crash on infml you at some point
  - she had the hots for him slang right off
  западло жаргон - (выступать на ТВ - з., т.е. нечто недостойное): going on TV is a blast;
  - (это было з.!): That was a fast one infml. I didn't know you were so devious.;
  - (т.е. приходится лично являться в банк, чтобы инкассировать чек и положить деньги на счёт, не ожидая, пока это сделает банк): We can't wait for the banks to hold our checks. It's a hassle, but we go right up to the bank and cash the check and then deposit the money into our account. It sucks to run around like that because we don't want to wait seven to ten business days for it to clear.
  запальчиво - (сказать): "That was his fault," she said testily;
  - (сказать): "Mr President, I protest," said P. heatedly
  запаниковать - far from being reassured, they became panic-stricken;
  - I thought he would be panic-stricken if he knew the truth;
  - (космонавт запаниковал после удара об воду, т.е. спускаемого космического аппарата): the astronaut panicked upon splashdown
  запарка - (с активацией интернет-телефона): You can quibble about the changes in AT&T's contract; you can tisk-tisk about the activation hassles that people experienced in the first few days. But it took Apple 74 days to sell a million of the original iPhones; it took three days to sell a million of the iPhone 3Gs.
  заплаканный - (глаза): teary eyes
  заплакать - she had started crying as she talked, the tears making tracks of mascara down each cheek
  запой - Binge drinking used to mean drinking heavily over several days. Now, however, the term refers to the heavy consumption of alcohol over a short period of time.;
  - (у него бывали запои): he was prone to bouts of drinking
  запойный - (пьяница): T-shirts, hats and other items promoting alcoholic beverages that young people wear may be more than just a fashion statement. Teens who own such merchandise are more likely to start drinking and become binge drinkers
  заправила - A crime boss, crime lord, don, gang boss, kingpin, mafia boss, criminal mastermind or mob boss is a person in charge of a criminal organization
  запсиховать - a computer does not get psyched out
  запуганный - (жители деревни, т.е. боящиеся властей): cowed villagers;
  - (служанка была слишком запугана хозяином, чтобы его ослушаться): the maid was too browbeaten by her master to defy him;
  - (человек): Bit seedy. Bit hangdog. Certain awareness of having backed the wrong side there.
   запугать / запугивать - they could be robbed or intimidated;
  - (жену): he not only cheated on his wife, but he bullied her unmercifully as well;
  - You can't let him bully you. If he draws you into his schemes that's not going to be easy.;
  - (их было трудно з.): hobbits were, if it came to it, difficult to daunt or to kill;
  - (лондонцы не позволят ни з., ни покорить себя, т.е. терактом): There is a real sense of defiance among survivors and rescuers (of a bomb attack). Sadly all too often, Londoners have experienced events like this before and refuse to be cowed or to submit.;
  - (нас не запугать): The best way to fight terror is to go about your normal duties. Mumbai has to resume its commercial activities tomorrow. We have to show the bunch of madcaps that we are not going to be cowed down.;
  - (з. свидетеля обвинения): he wrote a letter to the prosecution witness which was said to have been intended to intimidate;
  - (свидетеля): to browbeat a witness;
  - (сенатор запугивает посольство из-за кого-л / посольству нечем з. правительство): "The senator can bully us about the girl," the acting ambassador complained, "but there's not a damned thing we can do to bully the Afghan government";
  - (толпа запугивает большинство): at a certain point fear takes over, allowing a mob to bully the majority over the short term;
  - (человек, которого было бы трудно з.): a man whom it would be very difficult to bully;
  - Imposing his will on the rovers (of a galley) had proved a challenge. All C. could do was cajole and browbeat and hope that none of the freed slaves would actually force him to draw his sword.;
  - she bullied the vicar, and she bullied the doctor;
  - military posturing can bully an indecisive U.S. leadership
  запугивание - (влиять на СМИ путём з-я): the ruling party intends to influence the media through intimidation;
  - (задабриванием и з-ем заставить страну изменить решение): the Brussels Commission and the Prime Minister of Sweden are openly hinting at an attempt to blandish and bully the Irish people to reverse their decision to reject the Treaty of Nice by a referendum majority of 54% to 46%;
  - (психологическое): police brutality is the wanton use of excessive force, usually physical, but potentially in the form of verbal attacks and psychological intimidation, by a police officer
  запудривать / запудрить - (мозги, т.е. обмануть): did you really think you had thrown dust in all our eyes fig?;
  - (з. мозги насчёт стоимости строительных работ): we were led up the garden path infml about the cost of the building work - it turned out really expensive
  запутавшийся - (судья описывала его как нечестного, ненадёжного и з-егося человека): the judge described him as "dishonest", "unreliable" and "deluded"
  запутывание образно - (задержки, увёртки, з. - всё это уже было): delay, hedging and obfuscation have had their day
  запятнать / запятнывать - (репутацию): British singer suing BBC says broadcaster smeared his reputation;
  - (репутацию): this is obviously an attempt to frame his own brother, to taint his reputation
  заразительный - (улыбка): a girl with infectious smile
  заскок - (мысль о том, что все эти люди считают его достойным восхищения, а не лгунишкой с з-ами, так воодушевила его, что он до сих пор был весел): the knowledge that all those people did not think him a lying weirdo, but someone to be admired buoyed him up so much that he was still cheerful;
  - we've all got our little quirks;
  - This is an original work of adult literature. If you are a pious self-righteous adult burdened by a repressive religious upbringing and sexual hang-ups slang too numerous to count, then you too should pass.
  заскучать - Never keep your dog constantly tied up. The dog will become bored and bad tempered.
  засмеяться - (бодро / презрительно): I gave a sprightly / derisive laugh;
  - (звонко з. над собственной остротой): he laughed fruitily at his own quip;
  - (они весело засмеялись хором): then burst into a chorus of merry laughter
  заспанный - (водители): bleary-eyed drivers rumbled through the night;
  - he was still woolly-headed with sleep
  засранец - you little turd AmE vulgar, you weirdo fink!
  застенчиво - I coyly did not tell her that it was the announcement of my nomination;
  - (намекать): I am coyly hinting that...;
  - (уйти с лекции): Having allowed him (the professor who had failed to come to the classroom) the full ten minutes grace, the students self-consciously put away their pens and notebooks and clank along the rocking concrete pavements to the canteen
  застенчивость - "Some of my associates in the firm," he said with disarming diffidence, "were wondering if you could do us a little favour.";
  - (британцев): it always seemed to me that the British went a little far in their coyness;
  - (з. в характере): he had a shy, retiring side to his personality that was completely at odds with his public persona
  застенчивый - the painfully shy R. was a poor speaker;
  - he was pallid and shy;
  - a shy girl;
  - by then an international icon, the president was shy, yet eloquent, funny and utterly charming;
  - He came to our party but hardly said a word. Since I didn't know him that well, I though he must be shy, perhaps not very socially adept or just uncomfortable.;
  - (мальчик): His early self-portrait shows a sheepish boy with a veil of darkness and inexperience waiting to be uplifted;
  - (з-ая одинокая женщина): a shy, lonely woman is particularly vulnerable when she's out of familiar environment;
  - (подросток): a gawky teenager;
  - (смех): "..." he added with a shamefaced laugh;
  - (член палаты представителей): Minnesota was represented by the brilliant but diffident intellectual G.M.;
  - (человек): a diffident person's behavior necessarily lacks ostentation;
  - (юноша): a diffident youth;
  - he's bashful: his shyness has caused him to be cast into the shadows;
  - she learned to get attention by acting coy or helpless;
  - Your feelings of guilt lead you to overcompensate for your wrongdoing. You become obsequious and unassertive as you try to prove to everyone - including yourself-that you are not a "bad person" but are, in fact, a "good person."
  застукать - (если я тебя застукаю, когда ты путаешься с девками): if I catch you messing around with girls in any way,...
  затаённый - (з-ая злоба на кого-л): a lone radical with a grudge against the government;
  - (обида): secret resentment
  затаив дыхание - (рассказывать о о достижениях нейробиологов, почтительно з.д.): the science writer recounts the accomplishments of the neuroscientists with breathless reverence;
  - (з.д., следить за действиями Федеральной резервной системы): investors will watch signals from the Federal Reserve about the outlook for US interest rates with baited breath, ready to sell bonds when a shift to higher rates looms;
  - (слушать, з.д.): he listened with baited breath as the captain refused to leave his sinking ship;
  - (слушать з.д.): she listened to the awesome words, sucked in her breath
  затасканный - (тема / фразы): hackneyed subject / phrases
  затворнический - the reclusive owner of the shack
  затейник - he thought F. was a fine fellow, full of tricks and fun
  затёкший - (размять з-ие плечи): he stretched his arms to ease the stiffness in his shoulders
  заткнуться / затыкаться - (заткнись, т.е. замолчи): I expected cut and thrust, and if the "shut up" and "pinhead" seemed like elementary-school invective, well, that was apparently part of his shtick
  затошнить - (некоторых гостей затошнило): at a recent party hosted by J. he barbecued a rattlesnake and served it to the guests under the pretext it was Pacific salmon and, when he revealed what he'd done, a number of the guests became nauseated
  затюканный - (муж, т.е. женой): her long-suffering hen-pecked husband
  заумный - (издания, по сравнению с которыми Sun выглядит з-ой): there are "newspapers" in Britain which make the Sun look quite sophisticated, such as the Daily Sport, which is mostly soft porn;
  - (книги): it is not herky-jerky like many highbrow books where you have no idea what you just read and really don't care either;
  - (книги): kids don't want highbrow books so you need books like Twilight and then the kids might move on to more in-depth books;
  - (учёные): as more and more computing power is put in the hands of the nerds, letting them crunch through mountains of data, they have devised fancier and fancier algorithms to explain and anticipate behaviour
  заунывно - (ветер заунывно выл с гор): a wind keened off the mountains;
  заупрямиться - (заупрямившийся конь): he urged his balking AmE horse aside with insistent hands and heels;
  - (ребёнок заупрямился, не желая пить рыбий жир): the child was baulking BrE at taking cod liver oil;
  - (т.е. ходить по музеям): He balked on Saturday, and they argued briefly. It was their first dustup, and both found it amusing.;
  - C. posed as an MTV producer and enticed a 17-year-old boy to read a script for a possible movie role. The script had a sex scene. The boy balked at first but later agreed to engage in sex with C. while being videotaped.
  заученный - (девушка): she dismissed her as plain, frumpy and bookish
  захватить / захватывать (дух) - (от того, что может сделать фея, дух захватывает): The things a fairy can do! It takes the breath away.;
  - (при виде такого арсенала у меня дух захватывает): I am allowed to enter the weapons collection. I have to admit the arsenal takes my breath away.;
  - (прыжок, от которого захватывало дух): it was a nerve-wracking jump to the narrow, sloping coping of the wall;
  - (у него захватило дух от удивления, глядя на них): he fairly gasped with astonishment as he watched them;
  - (у него захватило дух): he caught his breath as she fell on the rocks below;
  - (это было так неожиданно, что у всех захватило дух): it was so unexpected that it took everyone's breath away
  захватывающе - (интересно): the whole thing was quite an adventure;
  - (интересно): Peace is an excellent adventure. In the absence of war, a generation finds its place in the world
  захватывающий - (аттракционы): thrill rides like bungee jumping and roller coasters;
  - (детектив): a finely written, informative and engrossing whodunit;
  - (драма): a gripping drama;
  - (з-ее зрелище водопада): at Athabasca Falls, we had 25 minutes to explore an arresting scene;
  - (история): an exciting tale;
  - (как финал Кубка по футболу): what had been routine drudgery was now as exciting as watching the World Cup football final;
  - (книга): her book remains a captivating guide to the Isles yet written;
  - (книга): an absorbing book;
  - (комедия): a riveting comedy;
  - (з. комментарий о коррупции политиков, т.е. в романе): not only a well-crafted, deftly paced story but an intriguing commentary on the corruption of politics;
  - (области применения): the emergence of exciting new application areas;
  - (отчёт / сообщение о катастрофе): titillating report on the crash;
  - (перспективы): exciting prospects;
  - (повествование): his compelling narrative encompasses illegal immigration, terrorism and extraordinary rendition, but he never loses sight of the human dimension of his characters;
  - (з. приключенческий рассказ): compelling adventure story;
  - (приключенческий роман): rousing adventure saga;
  - (пьеса): an absorbing play;
  - (рассказ): a compelling story;
  - (роман): a spellbinding / enthralling / gripping novel;
  - (криминальный роман): a captivating crime novel;
  - (т.е. соревнование): the last World Cup that was this enthralling was in Mexico in 1986, where the ball did devious things in the thin air and the players gasped for breath;
  - (тайна): а riveting mystery;
  - (фильм): I found the whole film very compelling;
  - (чтение): the book makes for utterly captivating reading;
  - (это было захватывающе): it was thrilling, quite unlike anything I'd experienced in my life;
  - suspenseful
  захихикать - (тоненьким голоском): she erupted in high-pitched giggles
  захмелеть - "Is it okay to drink when you are using this medicine?" "I took one pill at 8 AM. I was disgusted with the food. Later that evening I met some friends at a bar and drank 3 glasses of wine. Where I would normally be buzzed from a fee glasses, I was smashed."
  захмелевший - the mead sung in his fuddled head
  захныкать - (о ребёнке): the child began to grizzle
  зацапать - (то, что ей не принадлежит разг): "My mother-in-law wants to quitclaim her house to my husband." "The step-up in cost basis that would otherwise happen on her death will also be lost, so your husband would have to pay a great deal of capital gains tax if he were to ever sell the family home. But if he were to inherit the home after his mother's death, the cost basis would be the property's date-of-death value and your husband could sell the home upon his mother's death and pay no capital gains tax. When you tell this to your mother-in-law, she'll see you as a loyal wife trying to safe her husband money instead of a greedy daughter-in-law trying to get her mitts infml on what's not hers."
  зацепить - (кого-л, т.е. заинтересовать): I've hooked him now. It's more than curiosity. It's red-blooded male longing.
  зачарованный - (зАмок): an enchanted hall;
  - (т.е. при виде красивого предмета): spellbound, she held up the key;
  - (стены, з-ые магией): the walls, charmed by his magic, were only water flagstones;
  - (смотреть, как з.): he watched it, fascinated
  зачаровать / зачаровывать - (слово зачаровало меня): Tanganyika, this name entranced me
  зашоренный - (ум): you don't come away from the Olympics remembering the logistics, unless you have a particularly blinkered mind;
  - (мировоззрение): our scientific picture of the universe has revealed time and again how blinkered and conservative our outlook has often been;
  - He is a human. And therefore blinkered and fettered by the limitations of your kind.
  заядлый - (болельщик футбола): a rabid / zealous football fan;
  - (з-ые болельщики футбола): football diehards;
  - (курильщик): a chain-smoking man;
  - (охотник): all that an avid hunter means that that person hunts a lot
  звереть - many well-informed, intelligent, apparently objective people become almost rabid when faced with gays
  зверски - (убит): the judge was brutally slain
  зверский - (нападение): the hockey player pleaded guilty to assault for a vicious on-ice attack on Colorado Avalanche player S.M.;
  - (обращаться, Саддам Хусейн з. обращался со своим народом): Saddam Hussein terrorized and brutalized his own people;
  - Now imagine that a Western politician was discovered to have brutalized his wife. His political career would be over.;
  - (преступление): an atrocious crime;
  - (теракт): an atrocious / brutal terrorist attack;
  - (убийство): a brutal murder
  зверство - the military was ultimately responsible for the atrocities in the East Timor;
  - (многочисленные зверства): the investigators found traces of vast atrocity;
  - (по отношению к кому-л): any amount of brutality against peasants was excusable but undue savagery against other mercenaries was not;
  - (полиции, т.е. расправа с демонстрантами): we were shocked by the police brutality we saw in G. Park;
  - (совершать з-а): to commit atrocities;
  - (способный на ужаснейшее з.): the Afghans are apparently frank and affable in manner, especially when they hope to gain some object, but capable of grossest brutality when that hope ceases
  здравомыслие - (вы - воплощение з-ия): in you sanity is personified;
  - (народа): a stunning demonstration of the common sense of the American people;
  - his wisdom, his good judgement and his wide knowledge
  зевака - after the accident the police asked the onlookers to move back;
  - a knot of bystanders grouped round the door;
  - police, press, curiosity seekers
  зелен виноград - (т.е. о чем-то недоступном): "He does not date. Apparently none of the girls here are good-looking enough for him." She sniffed, a clear case of sour grapes.
  злачный - (любитель з-ых мест, у ): the British agent had a tentative lead to a high-stepping BrE Soviet cypher clerk in Stockholm;
  - (город, известный своими з-ыми местами): a high-stepping town with plenty of fun for all
  злить - the driver was tapping his forehead in M.'s direction in the usual sign indicating lunacy, that one German driver makes to another who had annoyed him;
  - (меня злит, когда автомобили не останавливаются на пешеходном переходе): it makes me very cross when cars don't stop at the pedestrian crossing;
  - (меня злит, что два дня работаю по 12 часов): I'm not looking for overtime really! I just have a beef slang working two 12 hour days when I am already giving 40 hours to the dealer.;
  - (никогда не зли меня): don't ever cross me
  злиться - she was furious that he had somehow wormed his way out of punishment;
  - (дипломаты злятся из-за потери влияния): U.S. diplomats fret about "losing" Ukraine;
  - (жена злится, т.е. оттого, что муж с ней не спит): if a guy that age - grown family - works his ass off (at bodybuilding) to get a body like that, there's only two reasons. He's gay or he's got a girlfriend. Either way he's not humping his wife. So how does she feel about it? Pissed off slang vulgar? Enough to poison her buff hubby?;
  - (на кого-л): смотри ниже;
  - (з. на неуместную фамильярность): then her better sense appeared to tell her that she had taken a most improper way of resenting undue familiarity;
  - he's in a huff because I forgot to call him last night;
  - ("Сколько тебе дали?", т.е. лет тюремного заключения, "Пять лет, а соучастнику - три". "Неудивительно, что ты злишься"): "How long did you get?" "Five years, but he got three." "Bleeding hell. No wonder you're narked BrE infml.";
  - (чем дольше Р. держится, т.е. не рассказывает, тем больше Ш. злится): S. has discovered that R. is doing time for possession and is pressuring her for a list of her suppliers on the outside. The longer R. holds out, the angrier S. gets.;
  - ("Чёрт!" - злился он): "Hog damn," fumed he;
  - (что ты так злишься?): I know you have something to say that you're not saying. Well, come on, spit it out. Why're you so mad?;
  - Nikki is scathing to say the least, but Helen perseveres and manages to strike a chord by telling her that they can both either climb down or fall victim to the "old boys' network"
  злиться (на кого-л) - are you mad at infml me?;
  - I was mad at him;
  - have you been furious with us?;
  - he is angry with me;
  - I know you're angry at me and have something to say that you're not saying;
  - (я злюсь на мужа): I'm a bit irritated with my husband. He promised me a dinner, then told me he had to work late.
  зло (т.е. существительное): смотри Общий файл
  зло (т.е. наречие) - (сказать): "Yeah, that's right, swarm up to him, M.," said R. scathingly
  злоба - rarely can there have been a more striking animosity fatally overriding rational calculation;
  - (в том, что я делаю, нет ничего личного или вызванного з-ой или обидой): what I do is in no way personal or coloured by malice or bitterness;
  - (з. в характере): no rancour BrE/ rancor AmE in his nature;
  - (зависть рождает з-у): envy engenders spite, spite spawns lies;
  - (затаить з-у на кого-л): she holds a huge grudge against K. for separating her from girlfriend and cellmate;
  - (испытывать з-у): In those days, when knights fought together, it was often not at all in malice, but only to test their strength and manliness. The one who conquered won much renown, but the vanquished felt neither spite nor envy.;
  - (лицо, исполненное з-ы): ...his face alive with malice;
  - (личная з. в политике): I had tried to take the personal venom out of politics;
  - (т.е. на ринге боксёр наносил удары, чтобы причинить боль, покалечить противника, уничтожить его, но делал это без з-ы): Fighting was a business with him. In the ring he struck to hurt, struck to maim, struck to destroy; but there was no animus in it. Audiences assembled and paid for the spectacle of men knocking each other out.;
  - (з. не позволяет ему...): a combination of pride and spite keeps him from coming back home;
  - (неприкрытая з. исказила его черты): unguarded anger twisted his heavy features;
  - (он был движим з-ой): he was motivated by malice;
  - (преподавание теории эволюции вызывает з-у фундаменталистов): That bullying (the anti-indecency campaign) has become omnipresent, leading high school teachers to avoid mentioning evolution, in their classrooms. Lest they arouse fundamentalist rancor.;
  - (ругаться в з-е): he cursed and kicked the back of my seat in exasperation;
  - (светится в глазах): folly and malice light his eye;
  - it was as if instead of marrow he had malice in his bones
  злобно - (поблёскивать, о глазах): his pale eyes were glinting maliciously;
  - (поблёскивать, о глазах): his eyes were shining malevolently;
  - (з. порвать портрет): the portrait had been slashed so viciously that strips of canvas littered the floor;
  - (з. реагировать на геев): Many well-informed, intelligent, apparently objective people become almost rabid when faced with gays. What is it that makes some of them react so viciously to homosexuals?;
  - (сказать): "..." he said scathingly;
  - (з. смотреть на кого-л): She continued to glower at S. This did not seem to discompose him.;
  - (з. ткнуть кочергой в полено): she jabbed the poker viciously at one of the logs smouldering in the hearth;
  - (з. Ударить по коленной чашечке): she gripped a heavy poker and swung it viciously at his kneecap;
  - (з. хлестать бичом): two muscular thugs viciously whip him;
  - (шипеть): another memory came shooting up from his subconscious like a balefully fizzing fireworks
  злобный - (взгляд): under the baleful or jeering eyes of the Indians;
  - (взгляд): he threw her an extremely nasty look;
  - (вопросы): he was shooting nasty questions at him;
  - (голос): "..." said a malicious voice nearby;
  - (замечания): the jikes and snide remarks;
  - (издевательство): the vulnerable young inmate is enduring the vicious bullying of his cellmate;
  - (комментарии): he had endured their snide comments for more than a year;
  - (критик): he was a virulent critic of my legislative efforts to keep guns away from criminals and children;
  - (критика): the philosopher offers an acute, impassioned, and vicious critique of modern institutions, particularly of science and morality;
  - (оскорбления): the black girl was deeply seared emotionally by vicious harassment as she walked alone through an angry mob;
  - (попугай): If he can bite something, he will. He's a parrot who can be reliably vicious.
  - (з-ая попытка плохо себя вести): many owners have the misconception that scratching is merely the cat's attempt to sharpen his claws or that the behavior is rooted in some spiteful attempt to deliberately misbehave;
  - (существо): the wildly malign Gollum, a mesmerisingly inhuman one;
  - (угрозы террористов): I asked for congressional support in combating an unholy axis of new threats from terrorists;
  - (упрёк): she didn't detect his spiteful reproach;
  - (человек): He was spiteful. He sneered and jeered at her;
  - (ярость): spiteful fury
  зловещий - (в кабинете прокурора округа есть нечто з-ее): even in the best of times, the Office of the K. County Prosecuting Attorney has a dismal aspect;
  - (в нём было что-то з-ее): in each (of these men) was something hidden, and sinister;
  - (голос): a portentous voice;
  - (город): a grim city;
  - (его охватило з-ее чувство): He was overcome by a sense of the uncanny. He felt suddenly that his house hid secrets.
  - (знак): ominous sign;
  - (мелодия): the musical box emitted a faintly sinister tinkling tune when wound;
  - (намёк): two weeks after the signature of the Paris Agreement, he dropped an ominous hint of renewed warfare;
  - (обстановка): the film had a sense of joy and love, tempered by an ominous setting in a dark forest;
  - (прошлое судна): this ship has an ominous past;
  - (стены): walls showed black and ominous;
  - (свет): his face might have been chiselled out of marble, so hard and set was its expression, while its eyes glowed with a baleful light;
  - (свет): the sun had turned blue, throwing a new and sinister light on men and nature
  - (события): a chain of circumstances led from apparently trivial incidents which first attracted Poirot's attention to the sinister happenings which completed a most unusual case;
  - (улыбка): "And that gives us an advantage," Z. said with a ghoulish smile;
  - (учреждение): Stasi, one of Eastern Germany's most sinister institutions;
  - (фабричная труба): an immense chimney, relic of a disused mill, reared up, shadowy and ominous;
  - there was something so dismal and chilling about the idea that Bill was momentarily silenced
  злодей - (быть в роли з-я / играть роль з-я): No way I can fuck around with him again. I gotta consider the future. I cannot afford to wear the black hat fig again.;
  - (в пьесе): he is the villain of the piece;
  - (его выставляли записным / классическим з-ем): throughout the duration of the trial, Dr Murray, the man charged with Jackson's homicide, was cast as the stock villain;
  - (кровожадный): a murderous villain;
  - (людей с большими деньгами представляют з-ями): from Shylock to Scrooge and now to George Soros, it has always been only too easy to cast the man with the moneybags as the villain;
  - he was portrayed in the media as a complete fiend
  злодейски - (извлечь выгоду из сложной личной жизни основателя разоблачительного сайта Интернет): K. Rove, the "evil mastermind" behind George W. Bush's electoral success, has been advising the Swedish government these past two years. Suddenly, in some fevered imaginations, the Swedish investigation into Julian Assange's sex life makes sense. So keen is the US to put the pesky WikiLeaks founder behind bars, goes the theory, that Mr Rove has been recruited to, if not actually entrap Mr Assange, then to capitalise fiendishly on his complicated social life.
  злодейский - (внешность и поведение): the author portrays his appearance as well as his attitude as being very malicious;
  - (заговор): a fiendish plot;
  - (роль): only one country qualified for this mischievous role: the Soviet Union
  злодейство / злодеяние - а he thought of all the evil deeds he"ll have to explain away to God, one day sooner or later.;
  - what is one more misdeed among his manifest crimes?;
  - (совершать злодеяния): to commit atrocities;
  - (з-я фашистских врачей): in one of the essays, he places Nazi medical malfeasance into a historical context
  злой - when he's bad he's so wicked;
  - he was tired, which always made him bad-tempered;
  - the man's daughter was good and beautiful, but the woman's daughter was cross infml and ugly;
  - (ведьма): the wicked witch is dead;
  - (ведьма): you evil hag;
  - (ветер): out on the glacier, with a mean wind insinuating itself around us, we were warned about the danger of crevasses;
  - (ветер, другие члены команды поднялись на мачту, пытаясь поставить парус, но холст не давался, бился в разные стороны под ударами злого ветра): more crew were aloft, trying to rig sail but the canvas was fighting back, tugged this way and that by hostile winds;
  - (взгляд, бросить мрачный, з. взгляд): he gave them a dark scowl;
  - (гений): Secrets, lies, and the evil genius behind Assange's arrest. Speaking of conspiracy theories, several American writers have spotted that Karl Rove, the "evil mastermind" behind George W. Bush's electoral success, has been advising the Swedish government these past two years. Suddenly, in some fevered imaginations, the Swedish investigation into Julian Assange's sex life makes sense. So keen is the US to put the pesky WikiLeaks founder behind bars, goes the theory, that Mr Rove has been recruited to entrap Mr Assange.;
  - (дикобразы): porcupines are vicious and ill-mannered;
  - (дух): her evil spirit has haunted these woods ever since;
  - (дух): my (Henry Kissinger's) first foreign trip free of the incubus of the Vietnam War;
  - (заранее обдуманный з. умысел): Defendant herein, did commit murder in the first degree in that he did knowingly, intentionally, and with malice afterthought trespass with force and arms upon the person of C.P., thereby taking the life of the aforementioned C.P.;
  - (з-ая мачеха в "Золушке" и королева в "Белоснежке"): the wicked stepmother in Cinderella and the wicked Queen in Snow White;
  - (они были злы на всех): they were angry at everyone;
  - (Палата общин была зла на Палату лордов): The queen came to the parliament, and acquainted both houses, that she had unquestionable proofs of a correspondence between France and Scotland. The common's were in an ill humour against the lords, and so they were glad to find occasions to vent it.;
  - (з-ое подражание актрисы): her clever but slightly malicious imitation;
  - (попугай): a teenage thief who snatched an ill-tempered parrot from a pet shop was warned yesterday that the bird had a savage beak and was not afraid to use it, especially when angry;
  - (религия): the leader of the far-right National Party called Islam a wicked, vicious faith;
  - (розыгрыши): his abusive practical jokes;
  - (з. рок преследует меня): Alas! An ill fate is on me this day, and all that I do goes amiss;
  - (силы, было соблазнительно думать, что враги социализма каким-то образом сговорились со злыми силами совратить социалистического героя): it was tempting to think that the enemies of Socialism had somehow conspired with a malevolent force, to pervert a Socialist hero;
  - (со злым умыслом, действовать со злым умыслом): he was motivated by malice;
  - (со злым умыслом, письмо, написанное со злым умыслом): poison-pen letter: a letter written in malice, usually anonymously, and intended to abuse, frighten, or insult the recipient;
  - (собака): He has a mean dog. He was bitten by his pet dog and had surgery on his upper lip.;
  - (собака, осторожно, злая с., т.е. табличка на заборе): beware of the dog;
  - (существо): the wildly malign Gollum, a mesmerisingly inhuman one;
  - (сыграть с кем-л самую з-ую шутку): life had played him the worst of tricks;
  - (фея): a wicked fairy;
  - (шутка): it must be some sort of sick joke;
  - (шутка): a grisly joke;
  - (я всё ещё зол на него за шутку, которую он сыграл со мной): I'm still mad at him for the trick he pulled on me at the beginning of the summer;
  - (я был зол): yet furious I was, I still noticed how the nondescript couple across the street abandoned their study of a shop window and set off along the far pavement at the same speed and in the same direction as myself
  злопамятность / злопамятство - (в характере): no rancour / rancor in his nature
  злопамятный - "Vengeful bitch," he vented through his teeth;
  - (не быть з-ым): he never got angry and then he never held a grudge;
  - (помнить з., я не из з-ых): she got the job I applied for, but I'm not one to bear a grudge
  злополучный - (боксёрская груша): Like lightning, he set upon the hapless punching bag. He gave it blows, punches and kicks that roared like thunder upon smashing into the bag.;
  - (любовники): ill-fated lovers;
  - (корабль): the ill-fated White Star liner Atlantic went ashore at M.;
  - (пожар): the calamitous fire of 1940 destroyed the dome and nearly 20 rooms;
  - (попытка отбить город, т.е. захваченный врагом): his ill-fated attempt to retake the town;
  - (рейс самолёта): he was on the ill-fated flight which crashed on October 20, 1977;
  - (туристы, т.е. дорого заплатившие за обед в ресторане): French haute cuisine is frequently underwritten - and then written off as a mugging at the Sabatier knife point - by hapless tourists;
  - (человек): halfway through the book you find yourself hoping these real life stories might feature some wacky woman wreaking havoc on a hapless man with her own weird quirks or deplorable manners
  злопыхательство - I don't want the company splitting into factions and backbiting when we must be wary of threats from outside
  злорадно - he had spotted the two of them coming out of the bar and gleefully pointed them out;
  - a cascade of revelations gleefully exploited by the host of opponents Nixon had managed to acquire over the years;
  - (передавать злобные письма): he used to take malicious joy in passing him those hate letters;
  - (Почти все манекены в Камеруне - белые. Многие из них - импортированы с Запада и порядком потрёпаны. И думается, что африканские покупатели з. смотрят, как эти белые красавицы портятся.): Almost every mannequin he ever saw in Cameroon was white. Most of them are battered imports from the West, and you wonder if African shoppers sometimes take malicious joy in watching these white beauties decay.;
  - (улыбаться): he smiled with spiteful pleasure
  злорадный / злорадствующий - (взгляды): they exchanged gleeful looks;
  - (лица): he could see the gloating faces of his political opponents;
  - (лицо): his face was gleeful and his pale eyes glinting maliciously;
  - (удовлетворение): the ex-wives each scoop a handful of damp earth and with spiteful satisfaction throw it into the gaping mouth of his grave;
  - (упрёк): she didn't detect his spiteful reproach;
  - (человек): He was spiteful. He sneered and jeered at her.
  злорадство - (в глазах светится з.): your eyes shine with black amusement, mocking and cruel, and the vicious twist of your mouth sends a shudder through my veins;
  - without malice or derision he spent the next thirty minutes trying to strip her novel bare and showing her that it was a piece of nonsense;
  - (испытывать з., некоторые мужчины испытывают з., когда бьют своих жён): some men take malicious joy in beating their wives;
  - (испытывать з. при виде того, как гордых австралийцев постигло разочарование): Australians regard the Olympic pool as their domain. The London Olympics have so far been particularly satisfying for those who take malicious joy in seeing Australian hubris met by startling disappointment.
  злорадствовать - there was a reason he did not gloat about it;
  - (не злорадствуй): don't sound so gleeful about it;
  - (не надо так з.): There is no need to be so gleeful. You sound like Robespierre lopping off the head of Marie-Antoinette.;
  - (Почти все манекены в Камеруне - белые. Многие из них - импортированы с Запада и порядком потрёпаны. И думается, что африканские покупатели злорадствуют., глядя, как эти белые красавицы портятся.): Almost every mannequin he ever saw in Cameroon was white. Most of them are battered imports from the West, and you wonder if African shoppers sometimes take malicious joy in watching these white beauties decay.;
  - (з. при виде чужого горя): to take malicious joy in others' misfortunes
  - (пришёл позлорадствовать?): came to have a good gloat?
  злословие - (законы, определяющие з. и клевету): the laws governing slander and libel;
  - I don't want the company splitting into factions and backbiting when we must be wary of threats from outside;
  - (т.е. за глаза): we could expect political backbiting from a party system
  злость - (от з-ти): смотри файл PREDLOG;
  - (т.е. вспышка з-ти, выбежать, покраснев от з-ти): they stormed out in a red-faced huff;
  - (дать выход з-и / сорвать злость, перебив посуду): I take out my anger at him by smashing dishes around my room;
  - (з. оттого, что что за ним следили): his fury at being followed and not told about it;
  - (з. светится в глазах): folly and malice light his eye
  злосчастный - (боксёрская груша): Like lightning, he set upon the hapless punching bag. He gave it blows, punches and kicks that roared like thunder upon smashing into the bag.;
  - (замок): their blood still marks my wretched hall;
  - (корабль): the ill-fated White Star liner Atlantic went ashore at M.;
  - (любовь): The ill-starred romance of B. and T. is one of Hollywoods most beautiful idyls. T. chose B. for the leading feminine role in "The Miracle Man." During the course of this production they fell deeply in love, and became engaged, but illness overtook Tucker before the marriage could be consummated.;
  - (любовь, плод з-ой любви служанки и странствующего менестреля): an offspring of an ill-starred love affair between a servant girl and a travelling minstrel;
  - (пожар): the calamitous fire of 1940 destroyed the dome and nearly 20 rooms;
  - (рейс самолёта): he was on the ill-fated flight which crashed on October 20, 1977;
  - (туристы, т.е. дорого заплатившие за обед в ресторане): French haute cuisine is frequently underwritten - and then written off as a mugging at the Sabatier knife point - by hapless tourists
  злоумышленник - he was adept in obtaining power and using it, whether to bring federal money home to Arkansas or to pursuit people he saw as evil-doers
  злющий - very angry / vicious
  знобить - (её знобило): she felt chilly and during the day developed malaise, headache, and a "tight" feeling in the chest
  знойный - (занятие з-ым сексом): when it comes to rumors about torrid sexual activities, Trump himself isn't in the clear
  зубрила - swot infml;
  - he didn't want some swotty infml little nancy boy for a son
  зуд - (т.е. при чесотке): scabies is a transmissible ectoparasite skin infection characterized by superficial burrows, intense pruritus fml (itching) and secondary infection
  зудеть - (глаза зудели от усталости): his eyes were itching with tiredness
  игриво - (брыкаться): the herd of young stock kicked up frisky heels and poured at a trot through the outer gate;
  - (смотреть): the girl giggled and looked at him archly;
  - (и. ущипнуть за щёку): he gave her cheek a playful pinch
  игривый - (взгляд): an arch look;
  - (вырез блузки находился на грани между и-ым и блядским): the lace-trimmed neck of her blouse traced a fine line between saucy and sluttish;
  - (интерес): he proclaimed himself "dehorned by age" yet retained the novelist-voyeur's playful interest in the vagaries of other fools' sentimental attachments;
  - (ответ): an archly playful reply;
  - (ответ): when he tried to make a little joke, the judge warned him not to give frivolous replies to the lawyer's questions;
  - (пёс): the Beardie is an exuberant and playful dog;
  - (улыбка): an arch smile;
  - (человек): a playful man
  идеалист - (мечтатель-и.): one more starry-eyed visionary unable to turn his dream into reality
  идиот - is that moron here to borrow the sled again?;
  - what kind of dumbass infml hits a car in a parking lot and confesses if no one sees the accident;
  - (последний и.): I tried to explain it, feeling like an utter moron;
  - (самовлюблённый): he is both a legal genius and a vainglorious meathead;
  - James Baker must have been thinking: "I told your dad not to let you in here. I could tell you how to get of Iraq in 10 minutes, but you're too under the sway of that nutball Cheney to listen.";
  - you're not some cocky little gobshite Irish slang who thinks he's seen it all;
  - without his father's clout that jerk couldn't get a job cleaning toilets
  идиотка - (полная и., т.е. доверчивая): he has taken her for a complete mug
  идиотский - idiotic;
  - (идея): a daft / wacky idea;
  - (поступок): this is quite possibly the dumbest thing I've ever done;
  - (эгоизм): K., with his zany egocentricities, would destroy everything I've accomplished in no time
  избалованный - spoiled, handsome, and the possessor of a phony charm that he turned on at will, he made her distinctly uncomfortable;
  - (вконец и.): his experience had been that most princesses were spoiled rotten and ugly as sin and stupid in the bargain;
  - (канцлер, избалованный средствами массовой информации): the media-pampered chancellor;
  - (мальчишка): a spoiled brat;
  - (принц): the Prince is seen as pampered and overindulged;
  - (принц): in this modern-day fairy tale, Eddie Murphy stars as a wealthy and pampered African prince who comes to America in search of a bride;
  - (ребёнок): the over-indulged child has taken more and more liberties until it is entirely out of control;
  - (ребёнок): he behaves just like a spoilt child
  избаловать - (вконец и. детей): he spoiled the children rotten
  известись / изводиться - (из-за кого-л): It has now been a year since I last saw Joe. I still miss him so much, as much as ever. Over and over again I've despaired, telling myself that I was eating my heart out over an unavailable man (and joining the Jesuits is pretty darn unavailable).;
  извиняющийся - (улыбка): an apologetic smile
  изводить - (вице-президента изводила критика): the vice-president was also bedeviled by continuing criticism of the Mayor's police tactics during the convention;
  - (бандиты стреляли из арбалетов, изводя наступающих солдат): the bandits behind their brushwood barricades were using crossbows to harry the advancing soldiers;
  - (и. кого-л насмешками): what good do you think you'll do by jeering and nagging at her one day and encouraging her the next?;
  - (и. кого-л придирками): watching Harry being bullied by Uncle Vernon was Dudley's favorite form of entertainment;
  - (и. кого-л расспросами): she tormented and worried the poor man so terribly that she exhausted his patience, and he told her at last;
  - (его изводила мысль, что на его плечо опустится рука): he began to be devilled AmE infml by a recurring idea that a hand would fall on his shoulder and when he turned he would see the grinning face of the magician;
  - (и. политического противника): political enemies were harassing him on the flimsiest of excuses
  изворачиваться (т.е. лгать) - she takes him through the story again, marveling at how he can tie himself into knots fig and harangue himself for telling lies
  - (ему пришлось 3 года и. и договариваться, чтобы добиться своего кабинета): it took him three years to jockey and connive his way into getting his own office, not one shared with another lawyer;
  - (и., чтобы красть друг у друга военные тайны, раскрывать тактические намерения и вести кампании по завоеванию завоёвывать умов и сердец): during the Cold War, espionage flourished as both adversaries jockeyed to steal one another's military secrets, glean tactical intentions and then wage campaigns to capture hearts and minds.
  извратуха - (он занимался и-ой с проститутками): BuzzFeed News published unverified documents that allege Trump was compromised by Russian officials who spied on him as he enjoyed kinky romps with prostitutes
  извращенец - (половой): sexual deviant
  извращённость - he wears his depravity like a badge or a tattoo
  изгаляться - (над кем-л): I haven't got the heart to take the mickey BrE infml out of him
  изгой - (т.е. о нуворишах не принятых в аристократический клуб): the outcasts pumped their considerable resources into Potomac and built the finest club in the area
  изголодавшийся - (и-иеся за зиму кролики): winter-starved rabbits;
  - (существо): he was a lean, starved, haggard thing, all bones and tight-drawn sallow skin
  издевательский - (взгляды): under the baleful and jeering eyes of the Indians;
  - (смех): he could hear their shrill gales of mocking laughter;
  - (смех): an eruption of jeering laughter
  издевательство - they greeted his suggestion with shouts of derision;
  - drunken jeers and mockery;
  - (Аллах не считает и-ом то, что такая мразь, такой убийца, как ты ударился в религию?): does Allah think a murdering scumbag like you turning religious is taking the piss BrE slang?;
  - (и. над заключёнными): the abuses of detainees were solely a work of seven rogue soldiers;
  - (над правосудием): Mockery of Justice: the True Story of the S. Murder Case;
  - (над слабыми): the boy's parents skated over the accusations of bullying in the report;
  - (т.е. над слабыми): this school has too much bullying going on;
  - (и. над слабыми в школе): the government is positively determined to crack down on bullying;
  - (и. над слабыми в школе): victims of bullying;
  - (и. над слабыми в школе): I was singled out for all sorts of harassment;
  - (т.е. старшекурсников над первокурсниками): It was not unusual for freshmen boys to be so violently "disciplined", they had to leave college; some of them hospitalized; yet none of these boys ever testified against the upperclassmen who harassed them. Deaths following "hazing" and "horsing" were not common - yet those that did occur were kept quiet, by university decree.;
  - (терпеть и. кого-л): the vulnerable young inmate is enduring the vicious bullying of his cellmate
  издеваться (над кем-л, т.е. насмехаться) - смотри ниже;
  - (...ни один из первокурсников не пожаловался на старшекурсников, которые над ними издевались): It was not unusual for freshmen boys to be so violently "disciplined", they had to leave college; some of them hospitalized; yet none of these boys ever testified against the upperclassmen who harassed them. Deaths following "hazing" and "horsing" were not common - yet those that did occur were kept quiet, by university decree.;
  - (т.е. словесно и физически, в школе его травмировало, что мальчики над ним издеваются): at school he faced the trauma of being bullied by boys;
  - (т.е. словесно и физически, над женой): he not only cheated on his wife, but he bullied her unmercifully as well
  издеваться (над кем-л, т.е. насмехаться) - He was spiteful. He sneered and jeered at her;
  - he stopped at nothing to mock her;
  - what good do you think you'll do by jeering at her one day and encouraging her the next?;
  - I haven't got the heart to take the mickey BrE slang out of him;
  - (т.е. над ребёнком): watching Harry being bullied by Uncle Vernon was Dudley's favorite form of entertainment;
  - (и. над учеником, которого сделали старостой): he hasn't stopped taking the mickey BrE slang out of me since I got made a prefect;
  - (и. над чем-л): he is scathing of her naivety;
  - (и. над чем-л): Two great grammarians had a titanic spat in the 1920s over the use of the possessive in this sentence: "Women having the vote reduces men's political power." H. W. Fowler derided what he called "the fused participle" as "grammatically indefensible" and said it should be "Women's having"; Otto Jespersen cited famous usages, urged dropping the possessive and called Fowler a "grammatical moralizer.";
  - (пАнки издевались над ним): he was taunted by punks;
  - (плакаты издевались, т.е. над политиком): "Peres," jeered the placards, "Is this how your new Middle East looks?";
  - (ты что, издеваешься надо мной?): "You should wear miniskirts more often - you've got the legs for them." "Are you taking the piss BrE slang out of me?";
  - (ты что, издеваешься?): You taking the piss BrE slang? You taking the mickey BrE slang?
  издёвка - (в голосе): the sneer in his voice was palpable now;
  - they greeted his suggestion with shouts of derision;
  - drunken jeers and mockery;
  - (с и-ой): "Excuse me," said M. in a sneering voice, "but what exactly are we supposed to see?";
  - (терпеть и-и): his hide's thick enough to put up with jibes
  издёрганный - (люди): he was fastidious about his desk and office, much to the amusement of his harried colleagues;
  - (т.е. многочисленными звонками пресс-секретарь): the switchboard operators put the calls through to the prime Minister's private press secretary, and the harassed young man fended them off as best he could;
  - (нервы были издёрганы): his nerves felt frayed
  изливать / излить - (возмущение): they poured out their resentment in angry pamphlets;
  - (душу): смотри ниже;
  - (политические обиды на стадионах): political frustrations were ventilated at the stadiums;
  - (разочарование): he vented his frustration;
  - (свои чувства): now, in exultation, they poured out their feelings;
  - (свои чувства): upon hearing his sentence he gave vent to his feelings in a few noble and beautiful words;
  - (свои чувства): it was not until the traditional ceremony in front of the principal facade of the White House of seeing the British visitors into their limousines was complete that S. could give vent to his feelings;
  - (сокровенные мысли): I poured out my inner thoughts
  изливать душу / излить душу - He wanted a shoulder to cry on. He was having girl trouble, wanted to pour out his heart.;
  - maybe she hears stories like this all the time, thinks S., but it doesn't stop him spilling his guts infml;
  - (и.д. перед каждым незнакомцем): you should share such things only with your family, and not spill your guts to infml every stranger you see;
  - (и.д. перед кем-л): I poured my heart out to him;
  - (она изливала душу в звуке): her heart was in the outpoured sound
  изматывать / измотать - (бандиты стреляли из арбалетов, иматывая наступающих солдат): the bandits behind their brushwood barricades were using crossbows to harry the advancing soldiers;
  - (врага): we can harry the enemy, cut down stragglers, and maybe make a few night attacks on their camps;
  - (врага блокадой): they have finally worn them out by a strict blockade;
  - (когда сосредотачиваешься на задачах, одна за другой,... - это изматывает): you get worn down by locking at problem after problem and thinking "I can't do this.";
  - (нервы): the incessant strain that begins to wear at the nerves after a few weeks of subterfuge and secrecy;
  - (он больше меня измотает): He backed up his offer with a threat. If I don't accede, he'll change parties and become the Republican candidate in the general election. His chances will be no better, but he will increase the wear and tear on me and exact maximum punishment for not making him chief.
  изматывающий - (боль): I was at the end of the line with my severe and constant debilitating pain;
  - (поездка / процесс): grueling trip / process;
  - (тест): it's every student's worst nightmare - a grueling six-hour test that almost everyone fails
  измождённый - (существо): he was a lean, starved, haggard thing, all bones and tight-drawn sallow skin;
  - he looked haggard and almost used-up
  измор - (война на и.): a war of attrition
  измотанный - he's so whacked out he almost falls asleep in the shower;
  - "Busy, very busy," say the frazzled architect;
  - he was so jaded that his speech was a nearly inarticulate mumble;
  - (нервы): his nerves felt frayed
  измученный - (выглядеть и-ой и сердитой): Now, with her hair drawn tightly back and pinned in a French knot, her skin seemed taut. In fact, everything about her looked pinched and angry.;
  - (лицо): I can't never forget her poor, stricken face, so pale and sad it was;
  - (лицо): The stolen bride said she hoped love would come eventually. Her beautiful, stricken face suggested otherwise.;
  - (лицо): a haggard face;
  - he was so jaded that his speech was a nearly inarticulate mumble;
  - (т.е. от усталости): since I was always exhausted, I often took a nap down there;
  - (пожарные): there seems to be no letup for the exhausted firefighting crews;
  - (работой): "Busy, very busy," says the frazzled architect;
  - (страна и-ая этическими законами): this wasn't America, overrun with pointless and counterproductive "ethics" laws;
  - (ум): the entire book is random and chaotic; it is the product of a cluttered and tormented mind;
  - (т.е. человек): he arrived at 10, short-tempered, exhausted and in no mood for foolishness;
  - (т.е. человек): he was exhausted, he was confused beyond measure;
  - (человек): he looked haggard and almost used-up
  измучить - (его измучила тревога): he was plagued by anxiety and couldn't sleep for days
  измучиться - (из-за кого-л): It has now been a year since I last saw Joe. I still miss him so much, as much as ever. Over and over again I've despaired, telling myself that I was eating my heart out over an unavailable man (and joining the Jesuits is pretty darn unavailable).
  изнеженный - (жёны): indolent wives;
  - (идеологи): Saturday's march was magnificent. Certainly well over half a million marched, showing the depth of the bitter anger at Cameron's cuts. All those pampered ideologues who bore on about the "death of class" and the irrelevance of trade unions got their comeuppance.;
  - (отпрыски богачей): Accustomed to ease, and unequal to the struggles incident to an infant society, the affluent emigrant was barely enabled to maintain his own rank by the weight of his personal superiority and acquirements; but, the moment that his head was laid in the grave, his indolent and comparatively uneducated offspring were compelled to yield precedency to the more active energies of a class whose exertions had been stimulated by necessity.;
  - (принц): one day Siddharta accidentally saw a old sick man in the street, and the pampered prince was overcome with horror at this unaccustomed sight of ugliness, disease, and decay
  изнемогать - (в тюрьме): he languished in the dungeon, rattling his chains;
  - (от жары): Germany is roasting in the heat wave;
  - (и. от жары): Northern Europe may have missed out on a heat wave this July, but other parts of the hemisphere have sweltered;
  - (и. под тяжестью роли поборника либерализма): He was born to play a Falstaffian role, ill-suited and ill-trained for the role destiny thrust upon him. And yet he muddles on, flailing from one scandal and misstep to another, constantly chafing under the ill-fitting crown given him as the champion of liberalism.
  изнеможение - (бежать в и-и): he ran flat-out around the lake;
  - (бороться с и-ем): he was fighting back the waves of weariness that tried to force him to place his head in his arms and go to sleep;
  - (в и-и): he looked exhausted;
  - (доводить до и-я): it was a sickness which nauseated, embarrassed, debilitated and outraged the human body;
  - (лежать в полном и-и): other wounded men drag themselves ashore and, on finding the sands, lie quiet from total exhaustion, only to be overtaken and killed by the tide;
  - the mug of coffee had granted him a hazy reprieve from the mounting exhaustion
  изнеможённый - he arrived at 10, short-tempered, exhausted and in no mood for foolishness;
  - he looked exhausted;
  - (лицо): a haggard face;
  - (т.е. от работы): "Busy, very busy," say the frazzled architect;
  - (рабочие): at the end of the hot day the spent workers slept under a shady tree
  изнурённый - he was exhausted, he was confused beyond measure;
  - (лицо): a haggard face;
  - (человек): he looked haggard and almost used-up
  изнурительный - (артрит / болезнь / депрессия): debilitating arthritis / disease / depression;
  - (боль): I was at the end of the line with my severe and constant debilitating pain;
  - (гребля): his stories took our minds off the backbreaking work of rowing;
  - (жара, был конец дня, и от и-ой жары у неё закружилась голова): in the enervating heat of late afternoon she was beginning to feel light-headed;
  - (инсульт): he suffered a debilitating stroke;
  - (мятеж): the British Empire was getting embroiled in a tiresome rebellion in South Africa: the Boer War;
  - (и-ое побочное действие лекарства): debilitating side effects;
  - (поездка / процесс): grueling AmE trip / process;
  - (прохождение / сдача теста): taking the test was draining;
  - (работа): a fortnight of gruelling BrE hard work;
  - (работа): writing was an underfunded, arduous sometimes backbreaking form of secretarial work;
  - (тест): it's every student's worst nightmare - a grueling six-hour test that almost everyone fails;
  - (труд на сборе урожая): he was longing to spend a handful of days idling before the back-breaking labour of harvest
  изнурить / изнурять - (болезнь - тело): it was a sickness which nauseated, embarrassed, debilitated and outraged the human body;
  - (и. врага блокадой): they have finally worn them out by a strict blockade
  изнывать - (и. в жару): I'm wilting in this heat;
  - (и. в тюрьме): he languished in the dungeon, rattling his chains;
  - (они изнывали от жажды): the lake was far, the road was dusty, they were sore and weary, and parched with thirst;
  - (и. от жары): Germany is roasting in the heat wave;
  - ((и. от жары): Northern Europe may have missed out on a heat wave this July, but other parts of the hemisphere have sweltered;
  heat wave this July, but other parts of the hemisphere have sweltered
  - (т.е. собака изнывает без хозяина): I couldn't leave poor old R. (the dog). He pines if he's away from me
  изумительно - (выглядеть): you look marvellous;
  - (выполненная чаша): a marvellously wrought chalice
  изумительный - (певица): the singer was magnificent with her booming voice
  изумить / изумлять - the intelligence of the cuttlefish astounded him;
  - (известие о том, что он выиграл матч, нас изумило): we were flabbergasted infml by / at the news that he'd won the game;
  - (и. переводчиков резкими выражениями): Margaret Thatcher could stun interpreters with her forceful language;
  - (происшествие, которое изумило её): she was flushed from some experience which had left her stunned;
  - (и. читателя языком произведения): the author wastes no time dazzling the reader with her clean direct language
  изумиться / изумляться - "So this is remorse," he marveled
  изумление - (в полном и-и): alive with wonder, he stared downward;
  - (на лице): the stupefaction on her face was genuine;
  - (на лице): the stunned expression on the face of Mary makes Caravaggio's work unlike anything seen before
  - (рассматривать с и-ем / каково же было его и.): He examined the fish with wonder; but what was his surprise to hear it say, "Listen, fisherman!...";
  - (с и-ем подумать о чём-л): he was flabbergasted infml at the thought of anyone, spending his vacation in the Texas heat running wind sprints and slamming into blocking sleds;
  - (слушать в и-и): he was listening in mute astonishment while she told the story of her late parents
  изумлённо - (взглянуть на кого-л): she gave a startled look at Ron;
  - (и. глядеть на что-л / и. разглядывать что-л): the crowd was clustering before the castle, gaping up at the arm;
  - (и. покачать головой): he shook his head in astonishment;
  - (сказать): "I don't believe it!" he said in a stunned voice;
  - (смотреть): he stared in wonderment at the lid's hand-carved inlay;
  - (смотреть): she looked at him in surprise;
  - (и. смотреть на что-л): he came to marvel at the hand turning slowly over the door;
  - (и. уронить спичку): "Oops!" he said as he managed to light a match and promptly dropped it in surprise
  изумлённый - I was astounded by its beauty;
  - she was astounded at the sight of her son in law doing the helicopter;
  - feeling at first startled, flabbergasted infml;
  - he was flabbergasted when she told him of her decision to quit her job;
  - (выражение лица): the stunned expression on the face of Mary
  изысканно - (вести себя и.): he could adopt a refined demeanor and then move with the next utterance into the round oratory of a pork-chop preacher, or squealing ghettoese;
  - (вытереть руки): she stooped and daintily cleaned her hand on his tunic;
  - (и. обставленная гостиная): an exquisitely adorned drawing room;
  - (и. обставленная квартира): an ornate apartment with servants to look after his needs;
  - (и. обставленная спальня): elegantly appointed bedchamber;
  - (и. элегантный): a man of medium height, fastidiously trim
  изысканность - (т.е. в еде): North Americans to get into an Italian mindset when it comes to demanding refinement. We're not a society devoted to food. It's more a chore in our day. It's in Italy where I came to observe a dietary habit that was subtle in its near perfection.;
  - (картины): although the surface is abraded, the head of the Madonna gives some idea of the subtlety of this painting;
  - (придавать и. ): collop is just a chef term for slices, so in essence you could call this Scottish sliced venison with blackberries, but collop adds an air of sophistication;
  - (человека): he was standing out like a sore thumb in his elegant London-tailored suit as if flaunting his sophistication to a group of men who hated all forms of Western-ness
  изысканный - (блюдо): wasn't it a dainty dish to put before a king;
  - (вкус, люди с и-ым в-ом): people with refined taste;
  - (вкусы): she had more highbrow cultural tastes than her husband;
  - (гостиница): a quietly sophisticated hotel offering understated elegance and unparalleled service in an intimate, friendly, home-away-from-home atmosphere;
  - (и. званый ужин): a sophisticated dinner party with excellent wine; - (и-ые знаки доброй воли): one of those subtle signs of goodwill;
  - (картина): he had had his eye on a small but exquisite Fragonard, but a shifty grandee in Treasury had got there first;
  - (любезность): he ushered her inside the coach with exquisite courtesy;
  - (и-ые любезности в разговоре): the elaborate conversational niceties he employed when talking to the Colonel;
  - (и-ая манера говорить): he could adopt a refined demeanor and then move with the next utterance into the squealing ghettoese;
  - (манеры): a man with polished manners;
  - (манеры): courtly manners;
  - (обед): she cooked a fancy dinner;
  - (отвесить и. поклон): "Would my lady care to come ashore?" he swept a florid bow and offered her his hand with a grin.;
  - (ответ): his repartee was never very subtle;
  - (питание): it's in Italy where I came to observe a dietary habit that was subtle in its near perfection;
  - (и-ое произношение и словоупотребление, т.е. британское по сравнению с американским): Canadians tend to think of British pronunciations and usages as generally more distinguished;
  - (публика): а sophisticated audience who appreciated the subtlety of the play;
  - (совершенство, т.е. в еде): it's in Italy where I came to observe a dietary habit that was subtle in its near perfection;
  - (спектакль): the dancers gave a polished performance;
  - (и. стиль театра): the actress helped create an ambitious, intense style of theatre which attracted pilgrims from across Europe;
  - (танцевать с и-ым вкусом): she dances A. with dazzling assurance and exquisite sensibilities;
  - (человек): a man of great culture and refinement;
  - (шлюха): a polished whore
  изюминка - (опасность придавала и-у): the danger of being caught gave a certain zest to the affair
  импульсивный - (т.е. человек): the youngest and most impetuous member of the team;
  - Lady Thatcher is prone to impulsive behaviour bordering on the eccentric
  интриган / интриганка - she was a deceitful scheming little thing;
  - Hitler was reckless, impulsive ruler, a schemer;
  - (законченная / опытная): she is a master manipulator who uses her disability to get people jumping to her tune;
  - (она - умная, бессердечная интриганка и психопатка с большим опытом в самом отвратительном, что есть в торговле сексом): she is a callous, clever, and manipulative psychopath with extensive experience of the nastier end of the sex trade;
  - (тебе предстоит спасти его из лап распутной и-и): now it's down to you to save him from the clutches of a scheming harlot;
  - She's an old intriguer. She will use tears and terror with equal facility.;
  - you paint me as such a schemer
  интрижка - (т.е. любовная, даже если бы у него была склонность к и-ам, как он мог бы завести и-у, если он не говорил на их языке): even if he felt inclined to dalliance, how exactly was he supposed to go dallying when he didn't speak the language?
  интроверт - introvert;
  - is she open, trusting, flirtatious or more enclosed and introspective?
  инфантильность - What is called "conservatism" might better be called infantilism. Those of us blessed with small children recognize childishness when we see it.
  инфантильный - (блондинка): the voluptuous but childlike blonde;
  - (замечание): a childish remark;
  - (поведение): childish behaviour;
  - (поступок): presidential authority was palpably draining away in endless revelations of tawdry acts, some puerile, some illegal
  иронизировать - (я никогда не знаю, когда вы иронизируете): I can never tell when you're being sarcastic;
  - Was he speaking with tongue in cheek infml when he sad S. should run for president?
  иронически / иронично - (говорить о чём-л): the discussion of these issues led some Washington pundits to talk derisively about "the feminization of politics";
  - (относиться и.): In America, there is a failure to appreciate Europe's leading role in the world. Instead of celebrating your dynamic union and seeking to partner with you to meet common challenges. There have been times where America has shown arrogance and been dismissive, even derisive.;
  - (и. показывать шпионаж в фильме): spoof movie Leslie Nielsen takes espionage less than seriously in this outrageously funny parody of the spy world;
  - (улыбнуться): he smiled ironically
  иронический / ироничный - (комментарий): ironic comment may be humorous od mildly sarcastic;
  - (смех): she met him with derisive laugh;
  - (тон): teasing tone;
  - (улыбка): her mouth curved into an ironic smile;
  - (фырканье): derisory snort;
  - (цитаты): if you want some less than serious green quotes, see our page of funny environmental quotes
  ирония - the irony of her reply, "How nice!" when I said I had to work all weekend;
  - (и. до него не доходит): irony is lost / wasted / missed on him;
  - (и. до него не дошла): he didn't get the irony;
  - (едкая): corrosive irony;
  - (относиться с и-ей, он с и-ей относился к её готовности доверять людям): he has always been scathing about her willingness to trust people;
  - (с и-ей говорить о чём-л): the discussion of these issues led some Washington pundits to talk derisively about "the feminization of politics";
  - (и. судьбы заключается в том, что...): it is part of the general irony of things that in life's crises a man's good qualities are often the ones that help him least, if indeed they do not actually turn treacherously and fight against him;
  - (и. судьбы, по и-и судьбы он плывёт в Израиль): A saga about a high-ranking Nazi who disguises himself as a Jew to escape the end of WWII, only to be imprisoned in a Jewish concentration camp instead. An ironic "twist of fate" has him sail reluctantly to Israel where he becomes a founding father and national Jewish hero.
  искренне - (быть и. убеждённым, что...): he had the genuine conviction that he was the people's champion come to wage war on corruption and patronage;
  - (верить): he genuinely believed the legislation was shameful, impractical, and harmful to children;
  - (верить): he believed wholeheartedly in that moment when you meet someone, and lightning strikes;
  - (верующий): when a true believer loses the faith, the reversed fanaticism goes to strange extremes;
  - (надеяться): we sincerely hoped that the Shah will not let himself be swept along by tactical considerations of the moment;
  - (и. не понять намёк): other people may genuinely miss her oblique message;
  - (озадачен): he was genuinely baffled as to what to do;
  - (озадаченный): he looked truly perplexed;
  - (писать): in Living history Hillary Rodham Clinton writes with candor, humor and passion about coming-of-age during a time of tumultuous social and political change in America;
  - (согласиться): he agreed wholeheartedly with her;
  - (сожалеть): he is a genuine SS captain who sincerely regretted what was done;
  - (стараясь, чтобы это звучало и.): "Have fun," I worked to sound wholehearted.;
  - (и. тёплoe радушие): his surprise at seeing her gave way to a genuinely warm welcome;
  - (и. хотеть помочь): he met an official who genuinely would like to help him
  искренний - (благодарность): all those who helped me by assisting me to get the information I needed to write the book are entitled to my heartfelt thanks;
  - (считать похвалы и-ими): if, in the course of rejection, the publisher should be complimentary about your work, you can take the remarks at face value - publishers do not encourage rejected authors unless they mean it
  - (и-ее выражение на лицах): the talk is appropriately low key, the expression of shock and loss sincere;
  - (желание): a genuine desire for friendship;
  - (извинения): the public response to Bill's forthright apologies raised my spirits;
  - (интерес): One of the keys to building successful relationships is your ability to show a sincere interest - both in the person and things that are important to that person. By expressing genuine interest in someone's qualities, background, stories, hobbies, career, family, or anything else closely connected to that person, you will give them a sense of importance, well-being and value.;
  - (исповедь): ingenuous confession;
  - (казаться и-им): the Afghans are apparently frank and affable in manner, especially when they hope to gain some object;
  - (описание пребывания Клинтона в Белом Доме): Living history is Hillary Rodham Clinton's frank portrait of the Clinton's controversial White House years;
  - (поздравление): my heartfelt congratulations;
  - (попытка): there was a genuine attempt to really do this work;
  - (привязанность): his affection was genuine;
  - (простодушие): he is capable of telling any lie with the most childlike candor;
  - (раскаяние): he showed signs of genuine contrition;
  - (раскаяние): genuine repentance has the effect of removing all sing and restoring a person to the state of sinlessness with which he started his life;
  - (с и-им видом): he said it with a straight face, too, so I couldn't walk out on him;
  - (смех): genuine laugh;
  - (соболезнования): heartfelt condolences;
  - (тон, "Ну как ты?", спрашивает он и-им тоном): "How've you been?" he asks in a hearty way;
  - (человек): The House Majority leader criticized Mr C. for failing to be "candid and forward" about his relationship with Ms L.;
  - (человек): a hearty man
  искренность - (голос, полный и-ти): a radio announcer with a wonderful voice full of sincerity and confidence;
  - (писать с и-тью): in Living history Hillary Rodham Clinton writes with candor, humor and passion about coming-of-age during a time of tumultuous social and political change in America;
  - (у правительства немного и-ти): the government here has ample manners and good attention to protocol, but little in the way of sincerity;
  - this woman was healthy with an unembellished beauty and genuineness that radiated a striking personal confidence
  испепеляющий - (взгляд): he gave her a withering look;
  - (взгляд): she shot him a fulminating look as she swept out of the room;
  - (...сказала она с и-им презрением): "My heart's bleeding for him," her scorn was withering
  испоганить - (он не хотел, чтобы скандал между родителями испоганил его последний год в колледже): he didn't want his senior year of college wrecked by a sleazy brawl between his parents;
  - (и. стену надписями): the wall was defaced with graffiti
  испоганиться - (о гостинице): this once first-class hotel has gone to the dogs infml fig;
  - (о стране): no wonder the country is going to dogs
  испуг - stung, giddy with fright, he fled;
  - Tendrils of smoke were drifting from between the loosely shelved books. He clawed and pawed at the bookcase, his fright spiraling toward panic;
  - (его парализовало от и-а): he was paralyzed with fright;
  - (отделаться лёгким и-ом образно, не представляю себе, чтобы за это он у судьи отделался лёгким и-ом): I can't see a judge letting him off with just a slap on the wrist on that one, especially since his purpose was to destroy his partner. I think he'd get some jail time.;
  - (на лице выражался и.): he watches me, bitterness and consternation moving through his reddy face;
  - (фигура на картине выражает и. и напряжение): her whole body betrays fearful tension;
  - Roger Clinton's brand of advocacy stirred consternation at the Parole Commission
  испуганный - (взгляд): a pudgy man with worried eyes;
  - (возгласы): there were startled and shocked ejaculations;
  - (голос): he sounded terrified;
  - (голоса): anxious shouts and panicked voices;
  - (кони): fearful horses whinnied and stamped;
  - (люди): frightened people gathered to talk about the day's events;
  - (т.е. неожиданностью): Lucy felt a little frightened, but she felt very inquisitive and excited as well;
  - (руководители страны были испуганы из-за потери влияния): the Soviet leaders were rattled, at a loss as to how to recapture their waning influence;
  - (человек): he looked pale and frightened;
  - (щенoк): he scurried along at his father's heels like a scared puppy;
  - (т.е. очень сильно): Ophelia. O my lord, my lord, I have been so affrighted old use!
  испугать (кого-л) - (безумно): if he hadn't seen it before it would have scared him out of his wits;
  - (до смерти / до чёртиков): She slaps him hard across the face. "That's for scaring the crap infml out of me.";
  - Did you hear that car backfiring just now? Gave me quite a turn infml.;
  - (зубной врач меня испугал своей иглой): the dentist really freaked me out slang with that needle;
  - (меня испугало выражение твоего лица): The look on your face is starting to freak me out slang. Are you okay?;
  - (призраки не могли её и.): ghosts could never affright old use her;
  - (процесс покупки недвижимости и его подробности могут и. того, кто покупает дом): the process and details of buying real estate can be intimidating and overwhelming to the first-time buyer;
  - (результаты исследований испугали его): he was appalled to see the results of or research;
  - (я не хотел всех и. плохими новостями): I didn't mean to freak out slang everybody with the bad news
  испугаться - (верблюд испугался шума): as the helicopter came down, the camel panicked and cantered off;
  - (и. дО смерти / страшно и.): I was scared stiff when the dog growled at me;
  - (ему нельзя и.): He'd have to take it easy, he told himself. He couldn't get the wind up BrE AustrE infml.;
  - (домохозяйства ипугались): Households are running scared, so they cut expenditures as well, and businesses are being dissuaded from borrowing to finance capital expenditures.;
  - (испугавшись падения репутации компании): a number of candidates refused the job, daunted by the company's declining reputation;
  - (команда не испугалась и тренировалась упорней, чем всегда): undaunted, the team was training harder than ever;
  - (конь испугался): We came upon a bear. Goddam horse spooked infml, and the mules took off and scattered food everywhere;
  - (политик испугался высказать свою позицию по Ираку): he chickens out infml on spelling out a firm position on Iraq, gets tagged as a flip-flopper;
  - (я испугалась, растерялась, я ничего не соображала): I panicked, I was confused. I could"t think straight.;
  - (я испугался и не прыгнул с эластичным тросом): I chickened out of the bungee jumping when I saw how high it was
  испытующе - (смотреть в глаза): he continued to gaze with probing intensity into my eyes;
  - (смотреть): he looked up at his master enquiringly
  испытующий - (и. взгляд синих глаз): probing blue eyes;
  - (взгляд): he missed the quick sidewise scrutiny of his companion
  истерзанный - (конечности): all through the night vigil she was tormented by images of his martyred limbs;
  - (критикой): the vice-president was also bedeviled by continuing criticism of the Mayor's police tactics during the convention;
  - (нагота, прикрыть и-ую наготу): I reached to pull the ripped shift to cover her torn nakedness;
  - (ум): the entire book is random and chaotic; it is the product of a cluttered and tormented mind
  исступлённо - (чирикать): the owl was twittering madly
  исступлённый - (аплодисменты): the band trooped up onto the stage to wildly enthusiastic applause;
  - (и. транс прорицательницы): the ecstatic trance of the seeress
  истерика - (закатить и-у): she took hysterics, rolled herself about, threw up her hands;
  - (закатывать и-и): some toddlers throw temper tantrums;
  - (закатывать и-и): my son screams and throws embarrassing tantrums in public;
  - (закатить и-у): when the editor rejected one of her essays she threw what we used to call a hissy fit;
  - (закатив сильнейшую и-у): he threw himself forwards on to the carpet and beat the floor with his hands and feet, giving himself over to a violent tantrum;
  - (когда она не может добиться своего, это превращается в страшную и-у): when she doesn't get her way it turns into a major tantrum and she will throw herself on the floor and start hitting her head on the floor;
  - (с ними произошла и. из-за этого): I heard this morning that his office in Pentagon is having a bit of conniption fit over this
  истерический / истеричный - (вопли): hysterical shrieks
  истерия - (и., охватившая некоторые публикации): it's good to see a balanced article on the Pope, free from the hysteria that appears to have infested some publications
  истома - I recall my wife's remark about my difficulties in letting myself have what I want, and almost in reprisal I release myself to the sensation, not merely the movie of Anna and me locked in embrace, but the languor and exhilaration of escaping the restraint on which I staked my life for decades;
  - (в и-е): the Black Sea shimmered in a languid August calm
  ищейка - (правительственные и-и, т.е. презрительно): let government snoops infml have all the money they want for unlimited access to any private information they deem necessary in their fight against the enemy-of-the-day;
  - (т.е. презрительно): some snooper infml has been inquiring into the one of the Kamaraden
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