Маркова Наталья Самуиловна : другие произведения.

Русско-английский словарь общей Зад_Зал

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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  зад - (брюк): he whacked it against the seat of his jeans to knock the dust from it;
  - (вертеть з-ом): the waitress swung her bottom infml;
  - (выезжать задом, т.е. об автомобиле): I stood in the driveway and watched him back out and pull away;
  - (человека): he kept running his hand nervously over his backside;
  - (штанов): a curly pig's tail poking out of the seat of his trousers
  задавать / задать - (вопрос): he asked two brief questions;
  - (вопросы): he posed hard-to-answer questions;
  - (т.е. наказать): смотри ниже;
  - (не з. ни одного вопроса): he hasn't asked me one single thing about her;
  - (неожиданно з. вопрос кому-л): he was shooting nasty questions at him;
  - (з. темп / шаг криком): the men trudged sturdily on with the leader calling the pace;
  - (тон): смотри ниже;
  - (з. урок на дом): his English teacher assigns him some homework which sparks some inner curiosity about how words come to have the meaning that they do;
  - (з. уроки на дом): my teacher gave us a homework [assignment];
  - (з. уроки на дом): many students believe that teachers give homework because they had bad days and needed to take it out on someone
  задавать / задать (т.е. наказать) - (взбучку): he tended to give me (Kissinger) a short shrift whenever I ventured within the three-mile limit of domestic jurisdiction;
  - (жАру, афганцам удалось з. жару английской армии): the encyclopedia was written by an Englishman who was totally perplexed as to how we Afghans have managed to thrash daylights out of English armies;
  - (ну и задал же ты нам страху): you've had us all in a right flap, I don't mind telling you;
  - (з. по первое число, т.е. строго отругать): First he was keen as mustard, clapping me on the back. Next morning he threw the book at me.;
  - (т.е. поколотить): if you do that again, I'll clobber you [one]
  - (з. трёпку врагам): the Navy can give the enemy a bad time;
  - (трёпку, з. безжалостную трёпку): the Cochin hen began her stay in the owl's cage by giving him an unmerciful trouncing;
  - (трёпку, т.е. противнику в бою): they must take a lesson from the whipping we gave them;
  - (уж я им задам!): Let me get my hands on them! I'll sort them out BrE infml!
  задавать / задать (тон) - (в компании): Mr D. set the tone, designed products and even dictated what quantities of products buyers should order from the company's suppliers;
  - (з. тон в том, какой тип людей покупает здесь землю): the likes of Miuccia Prada and Prince Juan Carlos of Spain have set the tone for the types of people buying here;
  - (митинг задал т. избирательной кампании): the rally set tone to his presidential campaign;
  - (т.е. о руководителях компании): it takes courage, confidence and diplomacy to address director performance issues - but it is the ultimate expression of setting "the tone at the top";
  - (страховые компании задавали тон системе медицинского страхования): we had a crazy-quilt pattern of coverage (of medical expenses) in which insurance companies called the shots infml;
  - it is those countries who will soon rule the roost infml
  задаваться / задаться - (вопросом, многие задаются вопросом, сможет ли этот судебный процесс подвести черту под самым мрачным событием в истории Алабамы): there was much questioning whether the trial would finally bring closure to the single darkest event in the history of Alabama
  - (скорость задаётся оператором): in normal engine operation, the engine speed is controlled by an operator who adjusts an engine throttle to obtain pre-set governor controlled engine speeds and corresponding loads
  - (целью): I think you could do anything you wanted if you put your mind to it;
  - (целью): you could get away with anything if you put your mind to it;
  - (целью): the Gauleiter had made it a point to cleanse his district from Jews
  задание - (т.е. в конкурсе): all our champions are ready for the second task;
  - (з. выполнено): mission accomplished, the kid is no longer a problem;
  - (выполнить з.): you will perform an essential task for me;
  - (выполнить з.): He could cope discreetly with those who came too close to the top men of the organization. By January he had fulfilled 12 assignments of this kind.;
  - (выполнить з., о морских пехотинцах): could the Dutch marines carry out such a mission?;
  - (выполнить з. в одиночку, т.е. о лётчике): On the night of 30 March 1944 he participated in an attack on Nuremberg. Short of the target, his aircraft was very severely damaged by enemy fighters, which forced three of his crew to parachute out. Despite this, and single handed, he completed his mission before turning for home.;
  - (домашнее, т.е. учашихся): my teacher gave us a homework [assignment];
  - (домашнее, т.е. учашихся): many students believe that teachers give homework because they had bad days and needed to take it out on someone;
  - (домашнее, т.е. учашихся): I'm way behind on responding to student assignments. I have many pages waiting for me to assess, mark, and return to students.;
  - (домашнее, т.е. у преподавателя скопилось много непроверенных заданий): In the semester after the kids were born, I had a backlog of assignments. So I took a weekend, went to the office and graded.;
  - (з. заключалось в том, чтобы предсказать, как будут голосовать отдельные судьи): the assignment was to predict in advance the votes of the individual justices for every case that was argued in the Supreme Court's 2002 term;
  - (изменять з-я космических спутников): the Agency is altering the tasking of its satellites;
  - (лётчика): the Apaches formed up and headed northwest to their base to refuel and rearm for the next mission;
  - (на проектирование, т.е. архитектору / техническое з. на строительство объекта): an architectural brief is in its broadest sense, a requirement a client may have that an architect designs to meet, usually by creating a building to accommodate the requirement;
  - (он был на з-и): during the war he was on some mysterious mission;
  - (он оставил мне з.): he left me a mission and R. is in on it;
  - (отправиться на з.): three magazine employees head out on an assignment to interview a guy who placed a classified ad seeking a companion for time travel;
  - (отправиться / уйти на з.): he ought to set out on his mission to find her;
  - (плановое, невыполнение планового з-я): it is hardly motivational to blame your ice-cream division for missing targets during a wet summer.;
  - (т.е. разведчика): during the war he was on some mysterious mission;
  - (служебное, т.е. в командировке): assignment;
  - (специальные з-я СС): the SS was charged with special tasks under the Nazis;
  - (техническое): a specification is an explicit set of requirements to be satisfied by a material, product or service;
  - (техническое, к маю ТЗ на пушку было разработано): By May the exact specifications of the gun had been worked out. The breech would weigh 182 tons.;
  - (учителя, т.е. школьнику): it was an assignment from the teacher that led me to write my first autobiography;
  - (т.е. члена подпольной организации): He could cope discreetly with those who came too close to the top men of the organization. By January he had fulfilled 12 assignments of this kind.;
  - (т.е. школьное, написать автобиографию, как з.): in 1959, I wrote my autobiography for an assignment in sixth grade;
  - that will be your first assignment
  задатки - (у него есть все з. хорошего игрока): he's got all the makings of a good player
  заданный - (время): we were unable to finish it in the allotted time;
  - (выражение имеет вид, з. действием элемента... мат): ...then the latter is necessarily of the form given by the action of an element of H х H;
  - (метеозонды могут оставаться в воздухе на з-ой высоте неделями и месяцами): meteorological balloons could be launched to remain aloft at specified altitudes for weeks or months at a time;
  - (сердечный выброс при з-ой интенсивности нагрузки): the cardiac output for a given work intensity was comparable with...;
  - (цель): the targets assigned were well within the slewing angle of their launchers
  задаток - (т.е. адвокату): because D. had been negligent in paying a previous bill from the law firm for legal services, the firm insisted that he pay a $2000 monthly retainer before M. undertook the work;
  - (внести з. за новый костюм): they saved enough to make a down payment on a new lounge suit;
  - (вносить меньший з. ): he pushed for legislation that would make it easier for federally backed lenders to make mortgage loans to risky borrowers who put less money down
  задатки - (прорицателя): she's got all the makings of a true seer
  задача - (з. авиакомпании делать невыгодные рейсы): while Aeroflot has shed Soviet-era mandates, like keeping unprofitable routes only because Moscow had embassies in the cities they served, the airline still faces multiple government restrictions;
  - (в з-у статьи не входит это доказывать): it is beyond our scope to prove this in details here;
  - (т.е. военная): your mission is to isolate the enemy by destroying all the bridges across the river;
  - (военная): German courage with a military task or a technical issue;
  - (возложенная на него з., Управление по охране окружающей среды более не способно выполнять возложенную на него з-у): the US Environmental Protection Agency is clearly a dysfunctional agency no longer able to live up to its mandate;
  - (з. восстановления общественного порядка): state troops proved unequal to the task of restoring order;
  - (добраться домой в лодке): left alone in a dory, many residents would find it a tricky task to navigate a watery route home;
  - (его з-ей было передать информацию президенту): his job was to convey information to the President;
  - (её з-ей было, чтобы он хорошо выглядел): She was the official White House make-up artist. It was her job to make the President look good on TV.
  - (з. заключалась в том, чтобы предсказать, как будут голосовать отдельные судьи): the assignment was to predict in advance the votes of the individual justices for every case that was argued in the Supreme Court's 2002 term;
  - (з. моей жизни): my mission in life is to educate the rich about the suffering of the poor;
  - (распределение задач по группам исследователей): the division of tasks per research team;
  - (математическая): to solve a mathematical problem;
  - (Математического общества): promoting mathematical research is the primary mission of the AMS;
  - (мемуариста): in describing the foreign policy of the period of Nixon's fall, the task of the memorialist is even more complex than usual;
  - (нелёгкая): turning this situation around is a difficult challenge;
  - (нелёгкая): running a major corporation in these dicey economic times is no easy task;
  - (неотложная): this is the most pressing challenge that the country faces now;
  - (color=blue>огромная): massive though the task may be, it gets done;
  - (основная з. монетного двора - производство монет в объёме, достаточном для ведения торговли и бизнеса государстве): the primary mission of the United States Mint is to produce an adequate volume of circulating coinage for the nation to conduct its trade and commerce;
  - (основная з. политики): our primary objective is...;
  - (осознать масштаб задачи): the scale of the challenge was beginning to dawn on the team;
  - (з. охраны - отличить нормальных гостей страны от нелегальных мигрантов): their challenge is to distinguish true visitors to Mexico from migrants who aim simply to get past the migration supervisor so they can make it to the United States;
  - (перед сообществом наций стоит неотложная з.): the international community is facing the urgent task of protecting human rights from the scourge of terrorism;
  - (политическая): a gap will develop between Egypt's military dispositions and its political objectives;
  - (постановка задач, т.е. политических): as we see it, on many issues we now have a more sound agenda / approach;
  - (при проведении настоящего исследования ставилась двойная з.): the current study was conducted with 2 main objectives;
  - (проекта): the objectives of the project;
  - (решать неотложные з-и, т.е. стоящие перед страной): Somalia leaders adopt new strategies to address pressing challenges;
  - (справляться с з-ами нового века): the country was ready to tackle the challenges of a new century;
  - (з-и, стоящие перед нaми, т.е. политические): The Russian Diaspora today is extremely diverse/ Yet we are all facing a common agenda;
  - (з. требующая максимума усилий / огромного напряжения сил даже для самых сильных пловцов): The English Channel is only twenty miles across but it presents a challenge even to the strongest swimmers;
  - (трудная): turning this situation around is a difficult challenge;
  - (трудная): the company has already figured out how to turn human stem cells into heart cells, with the next challenge being to manufacture the cells in large quantities;
  - (т.е. з. учреждения - сократить торговлю наркотиками): the mission of the NY/NJ High Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas is to reduce domestic drug trafficking;
  - (цели и з-и): Goals are broad, objectives are narrow. Goals are general intentions; objectives are precise. Goals are intangible; objectives are tangible. Goals are abstract; objectives are concrete. Goals can't be validated as is; objectives can be validated;
  - (т. е. цель): our objective is to achieve full employment
  задворки - (бродить на з-ах пользующихся дурной славой районов Манилы): I wouldn't worry too much about muggers or rapists, unless of course you're wandering around the back alleys of Manila's shadier districts;
  - (гостиница на з-aх Мюнхена): a small and obscure hotel in the back streets of Munich;
  - instead of parading around the brightly-lit mansions of the wealthy and noble, he scuttled around the back alleys of London;
  - (жить на з-aх северного мира): he lived on the outskirts of a northern world;
  - (срезать з-ами, т.е. дорогу): Let your children know not to cut through back alleys and fields. Make sure they know to stay in populated places and don't go off the beaten track.
  задевать (т.е. потерять) - (куда-то з. номер телефона, по которому можно было с ней связаться): he mislaid the number where she could be reached;
  - (куда-то з. приказ о награждении): I was awarded the army commendation medal after my discharge and have misplaced the special order
  задевать / задеть - (т.е. затронуть чувства): смотри ниже;
  - (интерес): his interest was piqued;
  - (з. интересы кого-л): it is time for the leaders from both parties to link arms in an unselfish effort to reform their institutions, even if it means offending all sorts of powerful people on whom their leadership posts depend;
  - (з. интересы кого-л): NAFTA had inadvertently hurt the Caribbean nations by putting them at a competitive disadvantage with Mexico in trading with the United States;
  - (любопытство): смотри ниже;
  - (з. неприятную тему): I have brought up an unpleasant subject when I was trying to lead us to more pleasant conversation.;
  - (судебные дела, задевающие послов и консулов): the judicial power shall extend to all cases affecting ambassadors and consuls;
  - смотри файл DVIJENIE
  задевать / задеть (т.е. затронуть чувства) - (з. больное место): I think I hit a nerve with my comments about divorce. She suddenly looked distressed and I knew I'd touched a raw nerve
  - (з. больное место): her innocent remark seemed to have touched a nerve;
  - (Клинтона неприятно задел показ по телевидению компроментирующей видеозаписи): Mr. Clinton was hurt by the broadcast of the videotape. He looked forlorn.;
  - (з. за живое, т.е. найти подход к кому-л): Nikki is scathing to say the least, but Helen perseveres and manages to strike a chord by telling her that they can both either climb down or fall victim to the "old boys' network";
  - (з. за живое, т.е. политик говорил о том, что волнует массы): As shadow home secretary in the early 1990s, Blair met the residents of problem estates near his home in Hackney. He realised that millions of potential Labour voters were turned off the party because they thought it didn't understand the realities of crime and disorder in their daily lives. Blair tried to get going what has now become a famous phrase about "tough on crime and tough on the causes of crime." Internal polling showed the party that Blair had touched a real nerve.;
  - (з. за живое, т.е. репортёр заговорил о том, что скрывалось): the reporter has unwittingly touched a nerve;
  - (задетое самолюбие, потешитьзадетое самолюбие): it may be that these accounts contain some infelicities, added by Mr L. in an attempt to salve his wounded pride;
  - (сильно з. , т.е. обидеть): her remarks cut him to the bone;
  - (сильно з. , т.е. обидеть): your heartless comments cut me to the quick;
  - (слова больно задели его): my words stung him;
  - (тщеславие): to pique somebody's vanity;
  - (з. чувствительные струнки): the key to making your campaign a sticky one is to figure out what strikes a chord in the heart of your target audience
  задевать / задеть (любопытство) - if this lecture arouses your curiosity, there is plenty of material in the mentioned book;
  - watch the first episode and tell me if it piques your curiosity;
  - you have tweaked my curiosity and I am dying to know what you are up to;
  - hearing scratches against the wooden porch, and footsteps across the small stones, intrigued my curiosity to see what was wondering in my backyard
  задеваться - (куда-то задевался приказ о награждении): I was awarded the army commendation medal after my discharge and have misplaced the special order
  задействовать - (войска): General C. Powell is reluctant to commit American forces;
  - (лётчик задействовал целую батарею средств радиоэлектронного подавления): the Blackbird pilot threw on infml the whole battery of his electronic counter-measures;
  - (з. всех служащих компании для предоставления контента сайта): The site has publishing system that allows the company to tap all of its employees as content providers. Any employee who has access to the system can submit articles.
  задел - (будет оказываться выборочная поддержка з-ам в области высоких технологий и современных производств): selective / targeted financial support will be provided to successful ventures in the high technology and modern production sectors;
  - (если мы не создадим з. на будущее, стране придётся тяжело): if we don't lay the groundwork now, the country would face a difficult future
  задержание - (временное): A provisional arrest request is an urgent request to arrest a person pending receipt of an extradition request. A provisional arrest request may be appropriate when it is believed that the fugitive may flee the jurisdiction.
  задержанный - (лодки, задержанные туманом): fogbound fishing boats cluster at the commercial fishing pier;
  - (подозреваемый в ограблении банка задержан): Bank Robbery Suspect In Custody;
  - (палестинец, з. по подозрению в сотрудничестве с Израилем): a Palestinian detained on suspicion of collaboration with Israel died in Palestinian custody;
  задержать / задерживать - (т.е. арестовать, за попытку купить спиртное по поддельному удостоверению): he got busted slang for trying to buy alcohol with a fake I.D;
  - (банк задерживает оплату чеков): What do these bank people do while they are holding your check? Looking at it!? Processing should be a snap with a computer.;
  - (борозды задерживают семена, принесённые ветром и водой): the furrows trap seeds carried by wind or water;
  - (бюрократические проволочки задержали план): bureaucratic foot-dragging and logistical problems had delayed the plan;
  - (з. введение системы): ruling coalition parties will seek to delay a new system of deposit insurance;
  - (з. взгляд на чём-л): He stopped with a jolt and turned around. He fixed his sights on the backs of people walking past. None of the backs looked familiar.;
  - (т.е. врагов): just hold the enemies off till we can get to the boats;
  - (з. выход из порта из-за плохой погоды): the bad weather held up the departure of the ship;
  - (з. доставку товаров): to hold up the delivery of goods;
  - (дыхание): he could hold his breath for a long time;
  - (дыхание): take a breath and hold it;
  - (з. забой скота): if they know a respite is coming, they can hold off slaughtering the herds;
  - (исследования): the company has a stranglehold on patent rights and that could retard research that could lead to treatments for diabetes;
  - (кого-л за нарушение морали): religious officials can detain any Muslim who acts or behaves in an indecent manner in any public place;
  - (з. кого-л надолго): Taiwan did not detain us long;
  - (з. кого-л разговором): he had to keep her talking until the man returned;
  - (з. людей за собой, т.е. в проходе): He stepped into the lobby and stopped. He was holding up the passage of people behind him, but he didn't care.;
  - (не будем вас з-вать): well, don't let us hold you up;
  - (не буду вас з-вать): don't let me keep you;
  - (меня задержали на работе): I was supposed to meet him, but I was held up at work and arrived late;
  - (з. нелегальных мигрантов): so far this year, Mexico has detained nearly 112000 illegal migrants;
  - (платёж): I withheld payment until they had fulfilled the contract;
  - (платёж): to defer the payment;
  - (полиция задерживает вас для обыска): Your Rights under Arrest. The police should tell you that they detaining you for the purposes of a search.;
  - (з. попытки Ирана разработать ядерное оружие): senior administration and intelligence officials are seeking ways to step up unspecified covert actions intended to disrupt or delay as long as can Iran's effort to develop a nuclear weapon;
  - (з. поступление гуманитарной помощи): long-simmering political divisions can hold the aid back;
  - (з. поступление денег по чеку на счёт): my payroll check was put on hold until the 18th when it cleared;
  - (т.е. преступников): he pledged the commitment of his government to apprehend and punish the men who had killed our airmen;
  - (з. рейс из-за плохой погоды): the flight was delayed owing to bad weather;
  - (з. рост национального долга): the country failed to stem the rapid growth of its national debt;
  - (рост, о заболевании): The boy was born with a rare form of dwarfism. His condition stunted his body's growth, but it didn't interfere with his positive attitude;
  - (з. самолёт из-за тумана): our plane was delayed by fog;
  - (трубная изоляция задерживает приток тепла к трубопроводам с хладагентом): this pipe insulation is used to retard heat gain and prevent condensation or frost formation on refrigerant lines;
  - (трубная изоляция задерживает прохождение пара): the closed-cell structure of this pipe insulation effectively retards the flow of moisture vapor;
  - (з. утверждение в должности): the senator was far off base in holding up her confirmation;
  - (т.е. з. человека допоздна): I didn't mean to keep you up late;
  - (это не задержит их надолго): We loosed every arrow that we had, and filled the Dike with Orcs. But it will not halt them long.
  задержаться / задерживаться - (в гостиной): when they returned to the house he did not linger in the parlor or sitting-room, but at once rejoined his friend;
  - (взгляд задержался на ком-л / на чём-л): he noticed that eyes lingered on him as he walked from one side of this immense square to the other;
  - (если бы не решимость пилота, авиапочта надолго бы задержалась в своём развитии): When the next pilot refused to fly in darkness and bad weather, K. rose to the challenge and delivered the mail. Without K.'s determination, airmail service would have suffered a major setback.;
  - (если бы они задержались ещё на 10 минут,...): if they had lingered another 10 minutes...;
  - (колдун задержался в королевстве): the magician had overstayed in the kingdom this time;
  - (з. на крыльце): it is unwise to linger overlong on doorsteps in these troubled times;
  - (на мгновение з. на пороге): he lingered for a moment on the threshold;
  - (на работе, он задержался на работе на 6 часов, т.е. переработал): he was six hours into overtime;
  - (он не собирался больше задерживаться): he was not inclined to tarry any longer;
  - (охотник задержался над кровавым следом): the boar tracker paused over the stains on the heath;
  - (рост экономики задерживается): With economic growth lagging and the refugee crisis out of control, the EU is on the verge of breakdown and is set to undergo an experience similar to that of the Soviet Union in the early 1990s;
  - (т.е. с ответом): We try to respond within a few weeks. At best, we may respond overnight; all too often, we fall behind.;
  - (с ответом): sorry to be slow getting back to you;
  - (списание и поступление на счёт средств по операциям с картой ВИЗА задерживается на несколько дней): A month ago, a VISA transaction was posted to my account twice. I didn't notice this for a while because VISA transactions are on hold for a few business days.;
  - (танки задерживались ровно настолько, чтобы перестроиться после поездки на поезде): the tanks and other tracked vehicles had lingered only long enough to get reorganized after the train trip;
  - (те, кто задержался, могут застрять в этой местности): those who delay may end up being trapped;
  - (я задержалась на работе): I was supposed to meet him, but I was held up at work and arrived late
  задержка - (з-и в переговорах): endless delays, adjournments and referring back to Moscow;
  - (временнАя з. устройства): this device has a preset time delay / lag;
  - (з. дыхания / з. дыхания): apnea / apnoea / apnœa is a term for suspension of external breathing;
  - (т.е. между рейсами при пересадке): Edward Snowden thought his stop in Russia was a layover on a flight from Hong Kong to Latin America, but his passport was canceled and he has lived in Putin-approved exile ever since.;
  - (мочи): urinary retention;
  - (з-и на разогрев и остывание печей): furnaces normally must be left on 24/7 to eliminate long start up and cool down delays;
  - (з. полового созревания): delayed puberty;
  - (з. при рассмотрении дела): processing delays may occur if this letter is not presented;
  - (развития): Arrested Development in Children. Arrested development is an abnormal condition in which development has stopped or in some cases, regressed.;
  - (развития): to me (General Patton) it seems certain that the fatalistic teachings of Mohammad and the utter degradation of women is the outstanding cause for the arrested development of the Arab;
  - (з. с выпуском новой продукции): the only crises with which he had dealt were business problems - capital shortfalls, delayed product roll-outs, hostile takeover bids;
  - (с з-ой, конь подчинялся командам с з-ой): when I quietly insisted that the horse obey my commands, he accommodated himself to them, tardily and with a trace of rebellion;
  - (т.е. судна в порту за нарушение): detention
  задира, задирать, задираться - смотри файлы DVIJENIE, EMOCII
  задний - (вход): there will be additional police at the front and rear gates throughout Sunday;
  - (вход): the back entrance led to a small alley behind the hotel;
  - (выехать з-им ходом на проезд): I revved the engine deafeningly and reversed out into the aisle;
  - (дать з. ход / поехать з-им ходом): I threw the truck into reverse, hitting a Toyota;
  - (дверь): there was a small postern-door that opened in an angle of the burg-wall on the west;
  - (двор): the captain knew these waters like his own back yard on Chios;
  - (двор): he was in the rear courtyard;
  - (карман): a switchblade in his back pocket;
  - (колесо): he felt the bump as the pole passed under the rear wheel;
  - (колесо, автомобиль с приводом на з-ие колёса): a fairly powerful rear-wheel-drive car;
  - (з-ие колёса автомобиля): the back wheels of the car;
  - (з-яя кромка крыла, т.е. самолёта): at the trailing edge of the wings are auxiliary hinged surfaces known as ailerons that are used to gain lateral control and to turn the иуairplane;
  - (з-яя кромка лопатки турбины): the results of an experimental investigation of the von Karman vortices formation at the blade trailing edge of a large scale turbine;
  - (крыльцо): from the cottage a yard had run down from the back stoop to the sound;
  - (ласты / плавники): hind flippers;
  - (мысли): they were accused of having a hidden agenda;
  - (нога): смотри ниже;
  - (ножки стула): he has rocked back on the rear legs of his chair;
  - (переборка): rear bulkhead;
  - (передача / скорость, т.е. в автомобиле): reverse gear;
  - (план, бурная деятельность отодвинула политику на з. план): the rest of the month was a blizzard of activity that pushed politics to the back of my mind for a while;
  - (план, на з-ем п-е): the white buildings in the background are the JFK Institute;
  - (з. план картины): one imagines that Tintoretto would have found Plaice Cove the fitting backdrop for some vast Italian chapel ceiling;
  - (сальто): the clown capered and danced, now turning a cartwheel, now executing a neat back-over flip;
  - (сесть на з-ее сиденье): he got into the back of the car;
  - (з-ее сиденье автомобиля): the rear seat of the car;
  - (сидеть на з-их лапах): the dog sat on her haunches;
  - (з-яя стенка шкафа): the back of the bookcase / wardrobe;
  - (сторона): the continental pins on the back of this converter do not fit the outlet;
  - (з-ей стороной дом обращён к реке): the back of the house looks out onto the river;
  - (з-яя сторона / страница обложки): the synopses and little biography on dust jackets and back covers are, in truth, designed to lure readers to buy the book;
  - (ход): смотри ниже;
  - (фары): tail lights;
  - (з. фронт импульса): a trailing edge is triggered on the back edge of a pulse;
  - (часть): смотри ниже;
  - (з-им числом): смотри ниже;
  - смотри файл MEDICINA
  задний (нога) - the horse was holding one of its rear legs off the ground;
  - a gorilla at a British animal park has achieved fame for walking upright on his hind legs like a human;
  - whales have lost their hind legs (the front ones are now their flippers);
  - a dog goes on hinder legs;
  - (ноги, встав на дыбы, кобыла развернулась на з-их ногах и ускакала): rearing and turning on her haunches, the mare galloped away
  задний ход - (выводить з-им х-ом автомобиль со стоянки): when backing a passenger vehicle out of a parking place, you should always look back over your right shoulder;
  - (выезжать з-им х-ом, т.е. об автомобиле): I and watched him back out and pull away;
  - (выехать з-им х-ом на проезд): I revved the engine deafeningly and reversed out into the aisle;
  - (въехать з-им х-ом на парковочное место): I backed the car into a parking spot;
  - (дать з.х., т.е. в автомобиле): back the car up and then make the turn;
  - (двигатели судна работают полным з-им х-ом): the engines are full astern;
  - (дорогу уничтожили, сбросив щебень в долину экскаватором, ехавшим з-им х-ом): the track had been obliterated, tumbled in rough rubble and scree into the valley beneath by an earth-mover trundling backwards;
  - (переключить передачу на з.х.): he turned the key while shifting into reverse
  задний (часть) - (дома): he entered the rear portion of the house, and area that served as his office;
  - (комнаты): there was a card game going on at one of the tables in the back of the room;
  - (з-яя частьт.е. самолёта): from the rear the KGB agent stepped past the stewardess, gun still at the ready;
  - (з-яя частьчерепа): he died, the bullet from the rifle skewering through his forehead, splintering the parietal bone and exiting through the rear of the cranium
  задним числом - (з.ч. видно / ясно): there was, hindsight makes it plain, something that should have alerted me early in 1973;
  - (з.ч. видно, что...): with hindsight, that was not a good advice;
  - (з.ч. видно, что...): in hindsight, 1968 was a watershed year for the country and for my personal and political evolution;
  - (выписывание чека з.ч.): antedating a check isn't illegal unless it's done for the purpose of fraud
  - (з.ч. выставить счет в следующем месяце): any overusage or overage, beyond the usage contracted for as indicated in the Service order, will be billed retroactively in the invoice for the subsequent month;
  - (дать очки за налётанные мили з.ч.): Please retain your boarding pass and ticket receipt until after your flight miles are posted. Submission of these documents enables Mileage Plus to award retroactive credit when necessary.;
  - (думать з.ч., что...): looking back, I see I probably shouldn't have run in the first place;
  - (заключение договоров з.ч. / договора, заключённые з.ч.): Appellate Court Rules that Backdating Contracts is an Illegal and Deceptive Business Practice. In March of 2007, N. filed a class action lawsuit alleging that P. violated the ASFA, UCL and CLRA. The lawsuit has two classes of plaintiffs: Class 1 consists of about 1,500 members who had purchased vehicles from P. that had signed backdated contracts; and Class 2 consisting of 9 members that purchased vehicles from Pearson that had an insurance premium included in the cash price of the vehicle.;
  - (з.ч. оказалось, что с нашей стороны было наивно ожидать...): in hindsight, it turned out to be naive of us to expect...;
  - (з.ч. понятно / ясно): in retrospect, it is now clear that this battle was a turning point in the war;
  - (судить о чём-л з.ч.): it is always easier to judge cases like this in hindsight;
  - (з.ч. я понимаю, что должна была бороться упорнее): with the wisdom of hindsight, I wish I had fought harder;
  - my school life seems happier in retrospect than it seemed at that time;
  - that he would be the one to finally do so seemed, in retrospect, preordained
  зад / задница грубо - смотри файл EMOCII
  задокументировать - (утверждения): a major and conscientious effort to document my assertions
  задолго - (з. до крайнего срока): he should initiate correspondence well in advance of the deadline;
  - (з. до твоего рождения): he had already planned your life out before you were even thought of;
  - (з. до того, как): law-enforcement officials were scrutinizing G.'s activities long before he crossed paths with R.;
  - (он знал з. до того, как довёл предложение до конца, что это было бесполезно): he knew long before he reached the end of his sentence that it was no good
  задолжать - (много з. по счёту за обслуживание в номере гостиницы): they ran up huge room service bills
  задолженность - (банку, т.е. перерасход со счёта): verdraft;
  - (её выселили из-за з-ти по закладной / ипотеке на дом): she has lived here for years but times are hard and she's been evicted after getting into arrears with her mortgage;
  - (злостная з. по налогам на недвижимость): any delinquency on real property taxes constitutes a perpetual lien against the property in favor of the county for all taxes, late charges and interest;
  - (злостная, причитающиеся суммы злостных з-тей): the lien stands until all delinquent amounts owing are paid in full;
  - (остаток ссудной з-ти): Pursuant to the terms of their agreement, the proceeds from the sale of all Zeco's inventory were deposited in the collateral account. The bank periodically, and at its discretion, transferred funds from the collateral account to the loan account, reducing Zeco's loan balance accordingly.;
  - (з. перед кем-л): Our clients are not prepared to accept payment of the sum of £5,000 in settlement of their claim. They accept the payment of £5,000 only on account of Mr. B.'s indebtedness to them.;
  - (з. по зарплате): The Insolvency Payments Scheme is a scheme to protect entitlements of employees whose employer has become legally insolvent. Under the Scheme, employees may claim arrears of pay, holiday pay, pay in lieu of statutory notes and various other entitlements that may be owed to them by their employer.;
  - (з. по кредитной карточке): most banks give you a grace period only if your previous bill had no outstanding balance;
  - (з. по налогам): Russian government has been selling the assets of Yukos to recover tax debts since 2004;
  - (з. по налогам): the government sought to collect outstanding tax liabilities;
  - (з. по невыполненныым заказам): the backlog of orders for 2 megawatt diesel generators is now 14 months and getting longer;
  - (з. по невыполненным заказам): The company couldn't make them (aircraft) fast enough. There was a two-year backlog.;
  - (т.е. по счёту за пользование кредитной карточкой, считается, что у вас есть з.): when you do not pay at least the minimum payment on time, you are considered past due;
  - (родители, имеющие з. по пособию на ребёнка на сумму свыше $500): to increase pressure on late payers, Texas officials say that next week they will begin using a computer system that will automatically give credit bureaus the names of parents who are more than $500 behind in child support payments;
  - (у него была з. по пособиям на ребёнка на сумму $12000): he was $12,000 in arrears on his child-support payments;
  - (у нас была з. на $15 млрд., т.е. у США по взносам в ООН): we were $15 billion in arrears, and since 1995, when the Republicans took over, the Congress had refused to pay until the UN reformed itself
  задом наперёд - (на нём была бейсболка, надетая з.н.): he had a baseball cap on backwards;
  - (надеть кепку з.н.): he set his cap backward on his head;
  - (надеть свитер з.н.): he accidentally put the sweater on back to front;
  - (носить бейсболку з.н.): guys who wear baseball caps backwards;
  - (носить платье з.н.): A. Wears Dress Back to Front. The Actress has been accused of wearing her dress the wrong way round to the Screen Actors Guild Awards. The 798 US dollar ball gown she wore on the red carpet ceremony, had been modelled on the catwalk the other way round. After comments emerged on celebrity gossip sites that A. had got her dress on backwards, her stylist issued a short statement insisting the actress intentionally wore it that way to make the outfit "more blouson".;
  - (писать з.н.): to write in reverse order;
  - (спускаться по лестнице з.н.): Sometimes children, in their first attempts at descending the stairs, will try to do so in quadruped, but head first, with disastrous results if a caregiver is not nearby. With a bit of coaching, the child quickly learns through trial and error to descend the stairs backward on his hands and knees;
  задуманный - (вопрос, з. так, чтобы...): it was a good trick question, designed to make me feel I had to choose, on the spur of the moment, between being inconsistent on trade or disloyal to F.;
  - (лагеря для обучения лидерству были задуманы в Канаде): the leadership training camps were conceived in Canada;
  - (прекрасно з-ые планы могут сорваться): even the best laid plans can go wrong;
  - (скамейки задуманы так, чтобы от них был геморрой): the cold wooden benches are designed to give you piles
  задумать / задумывать - (аферу): she used to work in a high street fashion store where she masterminded a lucrative scam involving credit cards;
  - (з. какую-то хитрость): he is up to something dodgy;
  - (з. косметическую операцию): when you're considering cosmetic surgery, you need to be sure that your surgeon is properly qualified;
  - (з. месть кому-л): she was plotting a revenge on her husband;
  - (план): he hatches a plan to teach her a lesson;
  - (план): In 1995, the officers of the 6th Army Corps hatched a plan to storm Pyongyang in conjunction with the neighboring 7th Corps. The plot was sabotaged by informers, who were then promoted to top positions within the units.;
  - (программа была наспех задумана): the program was hastily conceived and poorly planned;
  - (разрядка была задумана как установление отношений между противниками): detente was conceived as a relationship between adversaries; it did not pretend friendship;
  - (родители ни за что не пустили бы нас, если бы знали, что мы задумали): there was no way our parents would let us go if they knew what we were planning;
  - (так и было задумано): He could have killed you! I think that was the idea.;
  - (фирма задумала программу): Adobe is up to infml version 5.5 of Illustrator;
  - (хотел бы я знать, что он задумал): I'd like to know what he's really up to infml;
  - (что за пакость ты задумал?): now tell me, what mischief are you up to infml?;
  - (это было задумано с целью укрепить договор): it was designed to reinforce the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty and impose restraints on the three nuclear powers which are not parties to this treaty;
  - (это не было задумано для того, чтобы осчастливить женщину): a woman only had so much to give, and to have it taken coercively by a man of power wasn't something calculated to make a woman happy;
  - I understand what he is up to
  задуматься / задумываться - (глубоко задумавшись): he paced the carpet, deep in thought;
  - (з., глядя на пламя): he was brooding at the flames;
  - (Европейский союз задумывается над тем, как ответить на письмо от главы иранской делегации, ведущей ядерные переговоры): the European Union is mulling over how to respond to a letter from Iran's chief nuclear negotiator;
  - (если бы он не задумался, а был начеку, он бы заметил...): if he had been alert instead of brooding, he would have noticed that...;
  - (им будет о чём з.): if they spring for it, China will have something to think about;
  - (з., как сформулировать проблему): he wrote Dear Sir, then paused, wondering how best to phrase his problem;
  - (з., кто прав, кто виноват): no one outside the country gives a second thought to our rights and wrongs;
  - (з. над всем, что могло сорваться в этом безрассудном плане): I was dwelling on all the things that could go wrong with this madcap scheme;
  - (з. над проблемой): I've been pondering this problem;
  - (з. над тем, что...): have you never paused to note that following his orders has never yet led you into harm?
  - (з. над проблемами): stop dwelling on your problems, do something about them;
  - (з. над советом): have you ever given any thought to this advice?;
  - (з. над эпиляцией спины): you've really never given any serious thought to waxing your back?;
  - (з. над чем-л): The Political Classes Must Reflect on This Demonstration of People Power;
  - (з. о том, чтобы завести новых друзей): if the only thing you have in common with your friends is that you like the same beer, you might want to consider finding new friends;
  - (з. об убитых им людях): he seldom gave a second thought to the men and women he killed;
  - (з. обо всех деталях этого безумного плана, которые могли сорваться): I was dwelling on all the things that could go wrong with this madcap scheme;
  - (орган, о котором раньше никогда не задумывался): he suddenly becomes aware of an organ to which he had probably never given any thought before - his liver;
  - (резолюция призывала преподавателей Британских колледжей з, над значением связей с израильскими вузами): the resolution called on British college lecturers to "consider the moral implications of existing and proposed links with Israeli academic institutions."
  - (т.е. сильно, он так задумался, что не заметил, как...): he was so entranced with his thoughts that he didn't see M. come in;
  - (так задумался, что...): I was so immersed in thought that I missed my exit on the freeway by almost 20 miles before realizing where I was;
  - (так задуматься над задачей, что...): Legend has it that when the Roman army invaded his home city of Syracuse, Archimedes was so engrossed in studying a geometric figure that he failed to respond to a soldier's questioning, and was speared to death. The girl concluded that if someone could be so consumed by a geometric problem, it must be the most fascinating subject in the world.;
  - (это заставит их з.): "That will give them something to think about," he observed smugly.;
  - (я никогда особо не задумывалась над тем, как я умру): I'd never given much thought to how I would die;
  - (я почти не задумывался над тем, что я носил и какой имидж себе создавал): I gave little thought to what I wore or what image I portrayed;
  - The Prime Minister was pensive. He had always made a policy never to interfere with the way Sir N. ran his service.;
  - he composed herself and thought for a while
  задумчиво, задумчивость, задумчивый - смотри файл EMOCII
  заезженный - (аргумент / довод): I am not about to trot out the old hackneyed argument that the native speaker is always correct;
  - (конь): he smelled like a hard-ridden horse;
  - (любой приём, если его повторять слишком часто, становится з-ым): In narration and description, the paragraph sometimes begins with a concise, compressive statement serving to hold together the details that follow. But when this device, or any device, is too often used, it becomes a mannerism;
  - (слова): there is evidence that the writer was having a hard time writing: labored sentences, fuzzy language, humdrum words;
  - (фразы): Overused phrases we can all do without. When a corporate executive touts one of his top employees he"ll invariably call him a "team player." So exactly what team are we talking about? The Boston Red Sox? Probably not because it's unlikely the guy would have time to help the Sox win and World Series while also orchestrating advertising deals for your company. These phrases are both hackneyed and annoying. One of the most recent offenders I've heard is "artisan." It seems that anything of value is labeled artisan. Domino's has "artisan pizzas." Subway has "sandwich artisans." Starbucks is offering a Veggie & Monterey Jack "Artisan" Breakfast Sandwich. If you look up artisan in Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary it defines the word as "a worker who practices a trade or handicraft," or "one who produces something (as cheese or wine) in limited quantities, often using traditional methods."
  заезжий - (знаменитости): his program was broadcast each workday from noon till four o"clock, and his guests ran the spectrum from political figures, authors, and visiting celebrities to local VIP's
  заёмный - (потребность государственного сектора в з-ых средствах): a huge hike in the PSBR (public sector borrowing requirement)
  заживать / зажить - (как заживает кожа): it is important to know how wounded skin heals;
  - (нога зажила, т.е. о ране): "Is he fit for duty?" "Physically he's as fit as a fiddle. Leg's healed up.";
  - (о ране): Stay still! If you don't, then your wound cannot set.;
  - (сломанное колено зажило): his broken knee has healed;
  - circlets of healing scab on his fingers;
  - your wounds will heal up
  заживление - (ран): although best known for their role in allergy and anaphylaxis, mast cells play an important protective role as well, being intimately involved in wound healing and defense against pathogens
  заживо - (сжечь): the bishops were burned alive on orders of Catholic Queen Mary;
  - (сжечь з.): no woman had been burnt alive in the kingdom for over fifty years;
  - (сжечь з.): they were burned to death in a church;
  - (сжечь з.): The story of Tamar and Judah in the Biblical book of Genesis suggests that in the society where the story was composed, the patriarch heading a tribe or clan could order the burning to death of an unmarried female member of his household, if discovered to be pregnant - even though the legislative part of the Torah does not prescribe such a punishment.;
  - (з. содрать кожу с кого-л): he would have liked to skin his three 'prentices alive
  зажиточный - (дом): a substantial two-storey house;
  - (дом): the house was obviously prosperous;
  - (люди): well-to-do professional people living in comfortable surroundings;
  - (люди): a beach where the lesser-privileged but nevertheless very well-off (they have their own cars) come from Moscow to bathe from the sandy shore;
  - (семья): the once prosperous S. family had fallen upon hard times
  зажить - (заживём, как люди): we'll be making it out
  заздравный - (кубок): toast cup
  зазор - (делать вдоль сторон з. не менее 1 дюйма): allow at least one inch clearance along the sides;
  - (з. между вращающимся и неподвижным кольцом): shaft seal with magnetically controlled gap between rotating ring and surrounding non-rotating ring;
  - (з. между ошейником и шеей): to establish the appropriate size for your dog's collar measure round the neck and allow the equivalent of a few fingers' play between the collar and neck;
  - (з. между поршневым кольцом и его пазом): measure the slack between the Piston ring and its seat on the piston;
  - (з. между шарикоподшипниками и обоймой): there is slack between the balls and races;
  - (з. между элементом и втулкой): there is a radial play between the closure the bush;
  - (з. на тепловое расширение): expansion clearance
  заиграть - (на пианино): he started playing the piano"
  - (з. новыми красками образно): open up to the world around, keep your internal fire burning and your life will sparkle with new colors
  заиграться - (вред от того, что с нами заигрались, т.е. в любовь): We've all been in bad relationships that have left their bruises. We may have healed and moved on, but the damage from being played one too many times can definitely leave a scar that changes the way we approach love.;
  - (профсоюз заигрался, требуя слишком многого, из-за чего компания отозвала то, что могло бы стать лучшим предложением): the union overplayed its cards / overplayed its hand by demanding too much, causing the company to withdraw what would have been its best offer;
  - (ты заигрался в видеоигры): you played one too many video games
  заиметь разг (привычку) - (бить её по животу): he fell into a habit infml of punching her in the stomach;
  - (бросать камни): boys made a habit of throwing stones through the windows of the house;
  - (з. привычку подслушивать под дверью): he has lately taken to listening at the doors;
  - (поздно вставать утром по субботам): we've fallen into the habit of getting up late on Saturday mornings;
  - (приглашать его на чай): she had recently taken to asking him around for tea whenever she met him in the street;
  - (з. привычку являться на работу с похмелья и небритым): his morale is deteriorating and he is making a habit of reporting for work hungover and unshaven
  заимствование - (з. в исламе из иудаизма и христианства): the vocabulary of the Qur"an is overwhelmingly of Arabic origin, but there are, nevertheless, borrowed words, mostly from Hebrew and Syriac, bearing witness to Mohammed's debt to Judaism and Christianity;
  - (т.е. денежное): government borrowing would be for investment purposes only
  заимствованный - (подробности истории Иосифа в Коране заимствованы из древнееврейских источников): the details of the story of Joseph seem to outside historians to have been drawn from Jewish sources;
  - (слова, т.е. з-ые из другого языка): these loan words are primarily technical terms;
  - (слова, т.е. з-ые из другого языка): the vocabulary of the Qur"an is overwhelmingly of Arabic origin, but there are, nevertheless, borrowed words, mostly from Hebrew and Syriac
  заимствовать - (романист должен свободно з. из исторических сочинений): a novelist must be free to draw appropriately from historical works without fear that he'll be sued;
  - (слова, заимствованныер из других языков): a list of words in the English language that have been borrowed (loaned) from other languages
  заинтересован - (з. в сохранении существующего положения любой ценой): he is concerned with maintaining the situation at all cost;
  - (з. в предотвращении цепной реакции дефолтов): with the risk of US mortgage defaults now dispersed globally, not just Americans but everyone else in the developed world has an interest in averting an escalation in US defaults;
  - (...в чём я был не так уж заинтересован): he credited me with his salvation and insisted on making me partner, which I wasn't been all that keen on;
  - (нападающий заинтересован войти в футбольную команду): the striker says he is still keen to join the team despite their failure to qualify for next season's Champions League;
  - (грузчики не были заинтресованы сделать своё дело быстро): The movers moved pretty slow. It seems like they weren't really motivated to get the job done quickly. Perhaps that was because I was being billed on an hourly rate.;
  - (её подруги были откровенно заинтресованы только поиском мужа): her friends in the late fifties were more overtly committed to finding a husband;
  - (кровно / лично саинтересован, никто не станет предполагать, что онколог кровно заинтересован в раке просто потому, что рак - необходимое условие для его профессии): no one would suggest that an oncologist had a vested interest in cancer merely because cancer was the sine qua non of his calling;
  - (кровно, предприятия нуждаются в том, чтобы их люди были кровно заинтересованы нести ответственность за успех организации): businesses in Russia need to have their people be fully committed to taking accountability for the organization's success;
  - (никто не заинтресован в том, чтобы...): no one has an interest in closing their eyes to the truth;
  - (русские заинтресованы в своём культурном наследии): all Russians, it seems, have a strong interest in their heritage;
  - смотри заинтересованный
  заинтересованно - - (смотреть): he was looking at her with the keenest interest
  заинтересованность - (взаимная): the new relationship developed a solid basis of mutual interests;
  - (Де Голль исходил из з-ти США в сохранении того, что оставалось от либеральной Европы): De Gaulle presupposed an American commitment to the rump of liberal Europe;
  - (личная, всё всегда сводится к личной з-ти): everything always comes down to self-interest;
  - (личная зчленов парламента и лордов в негосударственном здравоохранении): This list represents the dire state of our democracy. The financial and vested interests of our MPs and Lords in private healthcare. Why are these people allowed to be in charge of our NHS, to vote on a bill that they clearly have something to gain from.;
  - (мы ожидаем от служащих больше з-ти): what we were looking for was that extra level of commitment from the employees - in making suggestions, and most of all in being flexible
  заинтересованный - (...в чём я был не так уж заинтересован): we'd been pulling in money almost literally hand over fist, so much money that Hobie, crediting me with his salvation had insisted on making me partner, which I hadn't been all that keen on;
  - (кровно / непосредственно, закрытое заседание, на котором преобладали исследователи гриппа, кровно з-ые в продолжении этих работ): Two studies showing how scientists mutated the H5N1 bird flu virus into a form that could cause a deadly human pandemic will be published only after experts fully assess the risks, the World Health Organisation says. Speaking after a high-level meeting of flu experts and US security officials in Geneva on Friday, a WHO official said a deal had been reached in principle to keep details of the controversial work secret until deeper risk analyses could be carried out. It was a closed meeting dominated by flu people who have a vested interest in continuing this kind of work.
  - (кровно, общественность кровно заинтересована в исходе любой законодательной проблемы, обсуждаемого конгрессменом или комитетом Конгресса): the public has a vested interest in the outcome of any legislative issue argued before a congressman or before any congressional committee;
  - (лично, Спросите кого-нибудь рядом с вами, видели ли они, что этот человек пролез без очереди. Если кто-нибудь видел это, то у вас есть союзник, лично заинтересованный в исходе ситуации): Ask someone nearby, preferably behind you, if they saw that person cut in the line. If they did, you now have an ally who has a vested interest in the outcome of the situation.;
  - (не заинтересован, суд Флориды не заинтересован в рассмотрении спора): where a foreign plaintiff alleges that it was injured in the foreign country where the plaintiff is incorporated and based Florida has no interest in adjudicating the dispute;
  - (профессионалы): work in Russia is changing, and competent, committed professionals want to understand how to ensure their organization's success;
  - (родители): the Association of concerned parents started the Centre;
  - (сторона): officials with final say over parole decisions must avoid contact with interested parties outside the public hearing process;
  - (сторона): the parties concerned;
  - (сторона): the interests of all concerned - wage earners and owners
  заинтересовать / заинтересовывать - (т.е. владелец магазина должен з. продавцов): we've got to motivate our salesmen;
  - (з. детей занятиями): to motivate our children to pursue more quantitative studies;
  - (книга заинтересует исследователей): the book will be of interest to researchers;
  - (представитель министра иммиграции признал, что интервью журналиста с Бен Ладеном могло з. учреждения безопасности при оформлениии его визы): the Immigration Minister's spokeswoman conceded that the journalist's 1996 interview with bin Laden in Afghanistan would be a matter for security agencies in processing his visa application
  заинтересоваться - (казалось, он заинтересовался): he seemed interested, and questioned me rather narrowly as to the rents of flats in various localities;
  - (кем-л): the guy who showed interests in me
  заинтриговать - (меня заинтриговало / я заинтригован): My interest is piqued now. I want to see the whole show.
  заинтриговаться - (она заинтриговалась): despite herself, she was intrigued
  зайти - (з. в тупик): смотри ниже;
  - (далеко образно): смотри ниже;
  - (з. на чужую территорию образно): at that time Newton was a newly appointed professor trespassing R. Hooke's turf;
  - (разговор зашёл о поисках квартиры): the talk fell on the subject of house-hunting in London;
  - (речь заходит о чём-л): her eyes were so sharp when it came to spotting fingerprints on her gleaming walls, and in observing the comings and goings of the neighbors;
  - смотри файл DVIJENIE
  зайти / заходить (з. в тупик) -the negotiations have reached an impasse;
  - (т.е. не мочь раскрыть убийство): he is a former homicide detective who we use on a consulting basis from time to time once we've hit a wall;
  - (присяжные зашли в т. по вопросу о том...): the juries deadlocked on the question of whether he had falsely reported the purposes for which he had withdrawn funds from his own bank;
  - negotiations became stymied;
  - we've come to a dead end in our efforts to reach an agreement;
  - the parliamentarians responsible for translating agreement into a bill hit a dead end as both sides began accusing each other of digging at their heels
  зайти (далеко образно) - establishments sometimes went too far and lost control of their own servants through sheer excess;
  - (вмешательство в частную жизнь общественных деятелей в Соединённом королевстве заходит д.): the invasion and abuse of the private lives of public figures is very far advanced in the UK;
  - (дело зашло слишком далеко, т.е. об общественных беспорядках): things were too far out of kilter to be righted by the power of his words;
  - (как далеко это зашло?): how far had it progressed?;
  - (Китай далеко зашёл с испытаниями ракет): China had gone too far with the missile tests;
  - (мы заходим слишком далеко): we're carrying the things too far
  закавыка - There's one snag. This mortgage is only available for homes up to 90 square meters of total floor-space. This is only just over half of the space I'd been planning to have, so that's a bummer.;
  - You likely can now write your bank debt and other debt down to manageable amounts, so yes perhaps the court will make the bank accept $250,000 in installments. Here's the kicker infml. You have to meet certain qualifications to go Chapter 11 and if you don't you may be forced into Chapter 7, or total bankruptcy liquidation.;
  - Here's the kicker in this deal: your deal has to be squeaky clean, with minimal risk and plenty of collateral. In fact, it has be just a notch or two below the level at which the bank would renew your note.
  закадычный - (дружки): That's the things with pimps and coke dealers. They hang out at celebrity parties and backstage at rock concerts, thinking they're bosom buddies with celebrities but they're nothing but delivery boys.
  - (друзья): the Prime Minister and the Defense minister have been bosom friends since they were schoolboys together at Eaton
  заказ - (т.е. архитектору): the commission to build the new theatre was given to well-known architect;
  - (билетов): the German delegation had paid its bills and canceled its bookings;
  - (з. билетов на круиз): he confirmed bookings on a winter cruise for himself and his wife;
  - (з. билетов на поезд): I cancelled several train reservations;
  - (т.е. з. биржевому маклеру на биржевые операции): a stop loss order that tells your broker to execute your order at any price once the commodity has reached your price target;
  - (бланк з-а на товар): a stack of order forms;
  - (брать / принимать заказы, о художнике): does this artist take / accept commissions?;
  - (выполнить / отменить з.): if we are unable to fulfil your order within 15 working days, we will advise you of the situation and give you the opportunity to cancel your order;
  - (государственный з. / госзаказ): government procurement in the United States is based on many of the same principles as commercial contracting, but is subject to special laws and regulation;
  - (делать з. билетов на самолёт): to make flight reservations;
  - (делать / размещать з. в компании на сумму): I placed an order with this company for $39,00;
  - (делать / размещать з. в компании на печь с роликовым подом): the company placed an order with LOI Thermoprocess for a 1000 kg/hour roller-hearth furnace;
  - (делать з. на номер в гостинице): to make reservations for a hotel;
  - (делать з. на обслуживание в номере, т.е. в гостинице): it was there that I placed my first-ever room-service order;
  - (договориться о з-е на компьютеры): he was finalizing an order for 1600 high-end desktops at the C. Precision Machine Import and Export Corporation;
  - (з.-наряд): order;
  - (з. на постройку театра отдан архитектору): the commission to build the new theatre was given to well-known architect;
  - (з. на покупку самолёта): now the CEO could contemplate going ahead with his order for an airplane;
  - (з. на поставку): "Supplies" means everything to be manufactured, supplied or delivered under this Purchase Order;
  - (з. по почте): she started a mail-order system;
  - (пошив на з.): his red and black suit was not a conspicuously comfortable one at that, despite the custom tailoring that came from one of Rome's best shops;
  - (з. предприятию): medium-sized businesses heavily depend on regular orders;
  - (работать на з.): usually the painter works on commission;
  - (разместить з. в компании на автомобили на сумму 78 млн): in February the US Army placed an order with the company for 148 RG-31 vehicles worth around $78 million;
  - (размещение з-а): for standard delivery orders placed before 1pm, you can expect to receive your goods up to 5 working days of order placement;
  - (срочный з. от производителя бойлеров на стальной прокат): the warehouse received a rush order from a boiler manufacturer for several thousand pounds of X2-inch flats having a special coating;
  - (сшитый на з.): even in the days when it required half his paycheck, his suits were tailor-made;
  - (художника): his most important commissionthe frescoes of a chapel in the church of S. dated 1365
  заказанный - (автобус): two chartered buses filled with Parma fans arrived after the team;
  - (танкеры были заказаны заранее): the tankers were booked well in advance, and this carrier was just coming alongside the loading pier off the coast of Iran
  заказать / заказывать - (з. билеты на самолёт): to make flight reservations;
  - (з. билеты на самолёт): to reserve / to book seats on a plane;
  - (билет на самолёт): please verify both flight numbers and arrival / departure times with the airline when making reservations;
  - (з. главному корабельному плотнику на постройку кораблей): the king commissions Master Shipwright H. to build four ships;
  - (гостиницы / питание): the travel office charters planes, books hotel rooms, orders meals and generally takes care of the press when they travel with the President;
  - (кружку пива): to order a beer;
  - (кто платит, тот и заказывает музыку): the one who pays the piper calls the tune;
  - (з. кукольный дом мастеру): he found time to commission the greatest craftsman in the land, to build his wife a new doll's house;
  - (люстру): I commissioned a chandelier;
  - (мартини, т.е. в ресторане): he requested a martini;
  - (з. музыку к фильму): the film-maker commissioned the music producer L.G. to write a soundtrack that could then be the basis for live improvisations;
  - (з. номер в гостинице): to make reservations for a hotel;
  - (з. номер в гостинице): to reserve a room;
  - (т.е. з. обзор учёному): I was commissioned a survey;
  - (оркестр): to book a band to play at the reception;
  - (отделку стен и потолков заказали лучшим мастерам): the finest artists were commissioned to decorate its walls and ceilings;
  - (з. палатку в кемпинге): I booked two tents a couple of days ago;
  - (з. портрет художнику): he has been commissioned to paint her picture;
  - (з. т.е. продукты в фирме): the crab can be ordered directly from us;
  - (проезд на пароме для кого-л): I booked myself and the Mercedes in the name of May a passage on the ferry from Harwich to the Hoek of Holland;
  - (з. самолёт, т.е. на рейс): to charter a plane;
  - (з. справку, т.е. в канцелярии): to order transcripts complete form, enclose check payable to ... and mail to...;
  - (з. столик в вестибюле центра занятости): to reserve a table in the lobby of the Employment Center;
  - (з. столик в ресторане): to book a table in a restaurant;
  - (з. строительство терминала аэропорта): for the Olympics the government had commissioned a grand new airport terminal;
  - (з. судно, т.е. на рейс): to charter a vessel;
  - (такси): to order a taxi;
  - (такси): book a taxi online or on your smartphone;
  - (з. товар у кого-л): to order goods from somebody;
  - (з. у поставщиков): Mr D. dictated what quantities of products buyers should order from the company's suppliers;
  - (т.е. з. убийство кого-л жаргон): смотри ниже;
  - (учебные заведения заказывают парты для левшей): some educational facilities order a few left-handed desks;
  - (з. фирменное блюдо в ресторане): he ordered the specialty of the house, the small spiced sausages
  заказать / заказывать (т.е. убийство кого-л жаргон) - (она его заказала): she put out a contract on his life;
  - (С. заказал К.): K. turned state's witness after he discovered S. had put a contract on his life;
  - (Майкла заказали жаргон): Michael is the first member of the mafia to publicly walk away from a life of crime. There's still a canopy of danger that exists. Michael currently has a contract on his life.;
  - (убийство): the prisoner orchestrated the murder of another prisoner's son
  заказной - (письмо / посылка): registered letter / parcel;
  - (жалобы на несоответствие и недоставку должны быть посланы з-ым письмом в течение двух суток после доставки): complains about non-conformity and visible failing of our deliveries and performances are to be put by registered mail within 48 hours after delivery;
  - (з-ым отправлением с уведомлением о вручении): by certified mail, return receipt requested;
  - (з-ым отправлением с уведомлением о вручении): by registered mail, return receipt requested postage prepaid;
  - (посылайте предметы, т.е. не документы / не письма, з-ой почтой): if posting items, use registered post;
  - (убийство): смотри ниже
  заказной (убийство) - contract killing is a form of murder, in which one party hires another party to kill a target individual or group of people;
  - a contract killing / contract murder / murder-for-hire is a murder in which a killer is hired by another person to murder for material reward, usually money;
  - (дело о з-ом убийстве): this is a contract murder case;
  - the mobster is involved in arms trafficking, prostitution, extortion and murder for hire;
  - (организовать з-ое убийство): he is convicted of attempting to arrange murder by hire
  заказчик - the basic goal of an architect is to design an attractive building that satisfies the needs of his client;
  - we strive to fulfil our customer's yachting requirements;
  - (т.е. убийства): he was accused of being the paymaster for the murder;
  - (т.е. убийства): the instigator hired a gо-between to contract a hit man
  закалённый - (бойцы): hardened fighting men;
  - (з. борец за права человека): a seasoned campaigner for human rights;
  - (з. в боях): the armorer was hard headed and well seasoned in war;
  - (з. в боях сутяга): a battle-hardened litigator;
  - (лицо): the commander was a man who had weathered tempests, his face hale and steeled;
  - (з-ые на огне / з-ые огнём колья): They raised their camp behind the stone ring. A score of builders set to clearing brush, digging latrines, and untying their bundles of fire-hardened stakes.;
  - (первопроходцы): hardy pioneers;
  - (политик): the young but seasoned politician;
  - (участник избирательной кампании): I knew that any (electoral) campaign would be a baptism by fire. But now I was a seasoned campaigner.;
  - (путешественник): a seasoned traveller;
  - (сталь): the specially hardened steel of the military handcuffs;
  - (стекло часов): fashion watch, hardened crystex glass
  закаливание / закалка - (з. лезвия клинка): The hardening of the edge is in many ways the most important, and the most difficult, aspect of the sword-making process. It is the hardening of the edge that gives the blade its ability to take and retain amazing sharpness.
  закаливать / закалить - (человека, наличие шести братьев закалило её): She was not tearful, that was one of the many wonderful things about G., she was rarely weepy. Having six brothers must have toughened her.;
  - смотри файл DVIJENIE
  закалка - (физическая з., т.е. организма): he was saved from a nervous breakdown by physical toughness and a sense of humour
  заканчивать / закончить - (з. выплаты за недвижимость, купленную по контракту): he received a deed to the property in 1999 after completing the contract payments;
  - (з. интервал на числовой оси числом): it is most convenient to display such a table graphically by proceeding as follows: on the horizontal "weight axis" one marks off 5-pound intervals starting with 39.5 and ending with 119.5;
  - (наполовину): he was halfway through infml opening his pile of presents;
  - (з. оформление заказа): he was finalizing AmE an order for 1600 high-end desktops at the C. Precision Machine Import and Export Corporation;
  - (з. проект за неделю): I can wrap up this little project in a week;
  - (речь): the General Secretary was bringing his valedictory address to a close;
  - (собрание): I think it's about time we wound this meeting up;
  - (з. читать толстую нудную книгу): to get through a thick boring book;
  - (школу, т.е. правильно - "окончить"): people are graduating from schools but are not competent;
  - смотри закончить
  заканчиваться / закончиться - (ничем, бунтарские настроения закончатся ничем): the rebellious feeling of the people will come to nothing;
  - (второй сезон сериала начинается с того, на чём закончился первый сезон): USA's Hit Action/Drama Returns for an Exciting Second Season. The second season picks up right where the first one left off.;
  - (т.е. о приливе): the tide is running out fast;
  - (корридоры заканчивающиеся тупиком): long corridors, all finishing in dead ends;
  - (т.е. об угощении): he had a horrible thought that the cakes might run short;
  - (плохо): it was one of his ideas that hadn't turned sour, which could not be said for all of them;
  - (плохо, о мелкой сделке с наркотиками): the police are going to write this one off as a small time drug deal gone sour;
  - (плохо): most scandals go sour when a guy is dealing with something his wife doesn't know;
  - (посох заканчивается головой чудовища): the cross ends in the head of a monster;
  - (разговор быстро заканчивается): Conversation runs out quickly when talking to a newborn. They don't say anything back.;
  - (рассказ закончился на оптимистической ноте): the story ends on a hopeful note;
  - (слова, заканчивающиеся на гласную): words ending in a consonant;
  - (стрельба почти закончилась): sniper fire from the near balconies was all but over;
  - (сходство на этом заканчивается): here the similarities between the two seas end;
  - (улица заканчивается тупиком): a short street that dead-ended where the land fell sharply into the Barrens;
  - (финансирование закончилось): work stopped half-way through the project when the funding ran out;
  - (у меня закончились деньги / продукты): I run out of infml money / products;
  - (хорошо): he thinks things really are going to turn out right
  - смотри закончиться
  закатить / закатывать - (глаза): he rolled his eyes and mimed wiping sweat from his forehead;
  - (истерики / истерику): смотри ниже;
  - (сцену ревности): he throws a jealous tantrum and dumps Gina;
  - смотри файл DVIJENIE
  закатить / закатывать (истерики / истерику) - some toddlers throw temper tantrums;
  - she took hysterics, rolled herself about, threw up her hands;
  - my son screams and throws embarrassing tantrums in public;
  - when he rejected one of her essays, as editors are entitled to do, she threw what we used to call a hissy fit;
  - (з. сильнейшую и.): he threw himself forwards on to the carpet and beat the floor with his hands and feet, giving himself over to a violent tantrum;
  закатиться / закатываться - (о славе): the glory of Troy had set;
  - (о солнце): the sun is setting;
  - смотри файл DVIJENIE
  заклад - (биться об з. на что-л): Loki organized a competition, wagering his head that the smiths could not outdo such marvellous craftsmanship;
  - (биться об з.): if I had to bet, I'd wager they're hot to overturn Roe;
  - (готов биться об з. с кем-л, т.е. в полной уверенности): I lay odds with you that the deranged ten-year-old who shot her mother has now resurfaced as C., a woman who flipped when she found herself back in home sweet home
  закладка - (т.е. в книге): bookmark;
  - (т.е. для передачи шпионской информации): there was no telling how many people delivered messages to the dead-drop
  закладывать / заложить - (т.е. внести): смотри ниже;
  - (т.е. донести на кого-л разг): смотри ниже;
  - (основы / фундамент): смотри ниже;
  - (т.е. отдать в залог): смотри ниже;
  - (памятник): to found a monument;
  - (т.е. з. шпионскую информацию в тайник): the agent passed his information at so-called dead drops -- where he would drop off a package at a prescribed time and place, put out a signal and later return to pick up his rewards;
  - смотри файл DVIJENIE
  закладывать / заложить (т.е. внести) - (авторы проекта предлагают з. в кодекс требования к менеджерам): the draft's sponsors want the code to incorporate certain requirements to managers;
  - (т.е. з. в ребёнка знания / навыки, от того, что мы сегодня заложим в ребёнка, зависит будущее): what our children learn from us today will determine the future of our country;
  - (в человека заложено понятие Бога): are we hardwired for God?;
  - (деньги заложены в бюджет): money for this purpose has been earmarked / allocated / appropriated in next year's budget;
  - (допуск / запас в систему): At certain banks of the world, a country's net collection of those monetary units was calculated down to a fraction of a percentage point. There was some leeway built into the system, to account for trades in process and so forth, but that leeway was also closely calculated electronically;
  - (основы / фундамент): смотри ниже;
  - (положение заложено в проект резолюции): this idea is contained / included in the draft resolution;
  - (принципы, заложенные в Уставе ООН): the lofty principles enshrined / embodied in the United Nations Charter
  закладывать / заложить жаргон (кого-л, т.е. донести на кого-л) - (какой-то наркоман заложил разг меня в социальные службы): a patient says in a thick Birmingham accent: "I was signing on and grafting cash in hand at the same time, but some fuckin crackhead pillock grassed me up to BrE slang the social". ("I was claiming state benefits and working at the same time without paying tax [both illegal] but a crack cocaine addict informed on me to the Department of Health and Social Security").;
  - what would he do if she grassed him up?;
  - I'm not grassing anyone up;
  - (сокамерников): at first glance, she is just another selfish addict who wouldn't think twice about grassing on BrE slang her fellow inmates to get herself off the hook;
  -You tattled on her? I can't believe it! You're a freakin' tattletale.
  закладывать / заложить (основы / фундамент) - (государства): to lay the groundwork for a modern state;
  - ( з. основы переворота в отрасли): a multi-university collaborative effort is laying the groundwork for a revolution in chip design;
  - ( з. основы преодоления кризиса): we laid the basis for mastering the energy crisis;
  - (з. основы процесса): to lay the foundation for this process;
  - ( з. основы сострудничества): the meeting laid down a framework for the future cooperation;
  - ( з. основы успеха): he laid the foundations of his success by study and hard work
  закладывать / заложить (т.е. отдать в залог) - (з. акции в обеспечение кредитов): The trigger for the current decline was margin calls that began two weeks ago as brokers called their overleveraged Russian clients. Many had put shares up as collaterals for loans, and as the shares had fallen dramatically since may, owing to the falling price of oil and the war in Georgia, the borrowers had to either come up with more cash to cover their positions, or to see their shares sold.;
  - (т.е. в ломбард, з. старинное столовое серебро): you don't have to hock your grandma's antique silverware to be able to afford it;
  - (т.е. в ломбард, з. столовое серебро): the butler was arrested while trying to pawn $1,500 worth of the P. family plate;
  - (дом): he mortgaged his house with the bank, in order to take out a loan;
  - (з. дом в обеспечение, т.е. займа): he got a loan from the bank, but he had to put up his house as security;
  - (драгоценность): The fact that the jewel pawned by S. bore no resemblance to the one stolen from the G." apartment was deliberately overlooked. In fact, S. hocked his diamond even before the murder took place.;
  - (ферму, т.е. оплачивать по ипотеке): two out of every five farms were mortgaged;
  - (з. ценные бумаги в обеспечение кредитов): N. Bank stipulates more detailed terms for pledging securities as collateral for loans
  закладываться - (я чувствовал, что закладывается традиция): I could feel tradition in the making
  заклеймить - (позором образно вторжение): the UN Security Council adopted a resolution branding the invasion;
  - смотри файл DVIJENIE
  заклинать - (заклинаю вас всем, что свято, не пытайтесь ничего скрыть): "Tell me, I charge you tell me this moment what it is." "No, indeed you are mistaken." "Mr. W. do not trifle with me. I charge you by all that is sacred, not to attempt concealment."
  заключать / заключить - (з. в оболочку): to encapsulate each module with a shell to make latency insensitive;
  - (з. в тюрьму): he was jailed for life for the bombing of American Embassy;
  - (з. в тюрьму / в темницу): she came to stand over her incarcerated father;
  - (т.е. делать / сделать вывод из чего-л): смотри ниже;
  - (договор): смотри ниже;
  - (з. завет с Господом): this happened because the people of the land broke the covenant they made with the Lord;
  - (контракт): смотри ниже;
  - (з. кредитное соглашение, банк заключил кредитное соглашение с компанией): the bank entered into a credit agreement with Zeco whereby the bank extended loans to Zeco secured by all Zeco's inventory;
  - (з. лицензионное соглашение): patent holders may sue their infringers for the payment of a virtual royalty fee that is calculated on the fictitious assumption that holder and infringer had entered a licensing agreement before the unlawful use of the protected technology took place;
  - (мир): to make a separate peace with Great Britain;
  - (з. пари на ...долларов): he made a $3000 bet that no chess computer would beat him;
  - (з. пари на исход матча): Fancy a flutter on the match? I've already got R. betting me Bulgaria will score first.;
  - (перемирие): to conclude a truce;
  - (полис): to take out a policy;
  - (з. полис с корпорацией): policy taken with a corporation;
  - (т.е. при передаче прямой речи): "They have no principles at all," Z. concluded scornfully;
  - (сделку): смотри ниже;
  - (соглашение): смотри ниже;
  - (союз): to contract an alliance;
  - (союз с дьяволом): Dr Faustus made a pact with the devil and forfeited his soul;
  - (топливные баки и двигатели самолёта заключены в гондолы): because speed is so important to maintain lift, objects such as fuel tanks and engines, that are carried outside the fuselage are enclosed structures called nacelles, or pods, to reduce air drag
  заключать / заключить (т.е. сделать вывод из чего-л): - he became rather gloomy as the call went on, and I inferred from hearing one side of the conversation that he was being threatened;
  - what can we infer from his refusal to see us?;
  - I infer from your letter that you have not yet made a decision;
  - we can't infer "a is really red" from "a looked red to me yesterday"
  заключать / заключить (договор): - to negotiate / execute / conclude a contract;
  - (з. договор о дружбе): Iraq had concluded a treaty of friendship with the Soviet Union;
  - (д-а об аренде были заключены до того, как): the leases were entered into prior to these people being elected to...;
  - The contract shall be signed by the successful Bidder and returned, together with the certificate of compliance from the Industrial Commission, contract bond and other required contract documents, within 10 days after the Bidder has received notice that the contract has been awarded. ... If the contract is not executed by the Director within 20 days following receipt from the Bidder of the required contract documents, the Bidder will have the right to withdraw his bid without prejudice.;
  - (з. договор с дьяволом): Dr Faustus made a pact with the devil and forfeited his soul;
  - (з. договора с фирмами на строительство общественных сооружений): the Administration contracted with private firms for the construction of public works
  заключать / заключить (контракт) - to negotiate / execute / conclude a contract;
  - (контракт): The contract shall be signed by the successful Bidder and returned, together with the certificate of compliance from the Industrial Commission, contract bond and other required contract documents, within 10 days after the Bidder has received notice that the contract has been awarded. ... If the contract is not executed by the Director within 20 days following receipt from the Bidder of the required contract documents, the Bidder will have the right to withdraw his bid without prejudice.;
  - (контракт, магазин заключил контракт со швейной фирмой на 100 пальто в неделю): the shop contracted with a local clothing firm for 100 coats a week;
  - (з. контракт на исполнение главных ролей в фильме): R.M. and E.B. have inked deals infml to co-star in The Time Traveler's Wife, a science-fiction love story;
  - (з. контракт с Управлением образования): charter schools contract with the State Board of Education, the State Board for Charter Schools or a district to provide an education service;
  - (з. контракт, фирма заключила контракт на постройку железной дороги в течение года): the firm contracted to build the new railway within a year;
  - (з. контракты о чём-л с кем-л): Google has already inked deals infml for mobile search with Vodafone and T-Mobile;
  - (з. контракты с кем-л): in the past 30 days, the leader of the world's fifth-largest oil exporting country, has inked deals infml with Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay, and Paraguay;
  заключать / заключить (сделку) - to conclude / close / transact a deal;
  - to strike a bargain that requires 2 separate payments, you should...;
  - the deal, which was wrapped up only a few hours earlier;
  - I want to personally thank D. for clinching our biggest deal;
  - Walt Disney Co landed a rich deal with Netflix to stream its movies to television;
  - (крестоносцы заключили сделку с венецианцами): because the crusaders could not pay the costs of their passage to Egypt, they struck a bargain with the Venetians;
  - (з. сделку на продажу тракторов стране): a deal was struck to sell tractors to Ukraine;
  - (з. сделку между ядерными державами и остальным миром): the Nonproliferation Treaty strikes a grand bargain among the five declared nuclear powers and the rest of the world that the non-nuclear states will not develop nuclear weapons, in return for which the nuclear powers will reduce and eventually eliminate their own nuclear weapons;
  - (з. сделку на льготных условиях): he had tried to sell a controlling stake in Arna in a public auction to the highest bidder, riling the company's sole Kazakh shareholder, M.Zh. His refusal to cut a sweetheart deal cost M.Zh. about $5 million.;
  - (з. сделку, по которой они приобрели крепкий и мощный катер): A. and his collaborator clinched the deal that acquired them a sturdy and powerful launch
  заключать / заключить (соглашение) - IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Agreement to be duly executed on the date first above written;
  - to make / negotiate an agreement;
  - HOLDEN ENTERPRISE AGREEMENT WRAPPED UP. APESMA members at Holden will soon vote on an Enterprise Agreement to secure their salary and conditions of employment for the next three years.;
  - the son executed an agreement with his father in early 2000 as well as a quitclaim deed conveying the land to himself and his father as tenants in common;
  - it is understood and agreed that the parties have authorized their counsel to execute this Agreement in their names;
  - (соглашение): R. University has entered an agreement with I.V., an investment firm based in Bellevue, Washington, to create the R. IP Development Fund;
  - (торговое с.): now the trading agreement is wrapped up all we have to do is wait for the first orders
  заключаться - (в этом заключается oтвет): therein lies the answer to the sorting of sediment by streams;
  - (в этом заключается трудность): therein lies a difficulty which to this time has appeared insurmountable;
  - (вклад Конгресса в борьбу с терроризмом заключается в принятии законов о сокращении налогов и раздутых бюджетов): so far, the congressional contribution to the fight against terrorism has mainly involved passing huge tax cuts and pork-swollen budgets;
  - (воспитание гражданственности заключается в том, чтобы...): citizenship education is about enabling citizens to make their own decisions and to take responsibility for their own lives and their communities;
  - (гражданственность заключается в том, чтобы...): Learning and Teaching Scotland 2002, describes citizenship as being about: the exercise of rights and responsibilities within communities at local, national and global levels; and making informed decisions, and taking thoughtful and responsible action, locally and globally;
  - (задача заключается в том, чтобы...): our mission is to keep them trained and ready;
  - (здравый подход заключается в замене ограниченной ответственности акционеров пропорциональной): a common sense approach would be to replace limited liability with proportional liability supported by liability insurance;
  - (идея заключалась в том, чтобы): the idea was to flood America with phony money, thus ruining the economy of the country;
  - (истина заключалась в том, что...): the sad truth was that the Chinese didn't bathe as diligently as Californians did;
  - (ключ к пониманию роли сердечного выброса заключается в сравнении): clues to the role of cardiac output reside in a comparison of...;
  - (ключ к управляемой ракете заключается в системе дистанционного наведения): the key to the guided missile lies in the teleguidance system;
  - (красота города заключается в стиле зданий): the beauty of Venice consists largely in the style of its ancient buildings;
  - (метод актёра заключается в том, чтобы...): the actor's approach to acting, a tortuous, self-invented method that involves avoiding people or things that remind him he is not the character he is going to play;
  - (основная черта программы заключается в том, что она содержит обязательство предоставлять пользователю техобслуживание двигателя по фиксированной цене): the key feature of the program is that it undertakes to provide the operator with a fixed engine maintenance cost over an extended period of time;
  - (подход заключается в том, чтобы...): a standard algebraic approach isto restrict to a certain subset А with the right properties;
  - (полезность закона заключается в рычагах влияния на...): the main utility of the bill would be in the leverage it gave future presidents to keep wasteful items out of budgets;
  - (преимущество упрощённого производства заключается в упрощении судебного разбирательства): summary procedure has the benefit of streamlining litigation, resulting in a prompt resolution of the underlying dispute;
  - (причина заключается в неэффективном разбазаривании газа в этих отраслях): the reason lies in the gas-guzzling inefficiency of those industries;
  - (риск заключается в разоблачении агента): the hazard lies in the exposure of the agent;
  - (роль Ирана в стратегии Запада заключается в том, чтобы...): Iran's role in Western strategy was to pose a barrier to Soviet encroachment that could not be surmounted short of all-out invasion
  - (секрет его долголетия заключается в стакане красного вина каждый день): the secret of his longevity was a daily glass of red wine;
  - (способ подделки дипломов заключается в том, чтобы в настоящем чужом документе стереть фамилию и...): an increasingly popular method of faking credentials involves obtaining a legitimate certificate that someone has earned, erasing the original name and...;
  - (стратегия заключается в том, чтобы научить иракцев самих справляться со своими проблемами): the strategy is to get Iraqis to deal with their own problems;
  - (суровая действительность заключается в том, что мы работаем в убыток): the stark reality is that we are operating at a huge loss;
  - (техника заключается в живописи по сухой штукатурке): another technique, fresco secco, involves painting on plaster that has already dried;
  - (т.е. трудность математической проблемы заключается в чём-л): the crux of the matter was the independence of the cosines;
  - (увлекательность книги заключается в умении озадачить читателя): it is in this ability to perplex the reader as to how much is true and how much is false that much of the grip of the story lies
  заключение - (в психиатрическую лечебницу, т.е. принудительное): a statute (Sexually Violent Predator Act) under which an offender, after serving his full sentence, can be found to be a "sexually violent predator" and subject to commitment in a state mental hospital;
  - (т.е. вывод): смотри ниже;
  - (договора / контракта): смотри ниже;
  - (т.е. решение): смотри ниже;
  - (т.е. тюремное): смотри ниже
  заключение (т.е. вывод) - (в з. / вместо з-я): смотри файл PREDLOG;
  - (комиссии): the team reported their findings and a copy went to the local war crimes group;
  - (комиссии): he sent a commission to investigate and to report its findings;
  - (т.е. процесс): Inference is the act or process of deriving logical conclusions from premises known or assumed to be true. The laws of valid inference are studied in the field of logic.;
  - (предварительное): preliminary conclusion;
  - (прийти к з-ю): "Have you reached any conclusions about the Fed expanding its balance sheet by over a trillion dollars since last September?" "We have not yet reached any conclusions.";
  заключение (договора / контракта) - (т.е. государственным ведомством с частной компанией): the contract award comes after protracted negotiations between Lockheed and the Navy on a fixed-price incentive fee contract;
  - (з. договора на морскую перевозку груза): chartering;
  - (т.е. оформление): Execution of Contract. The contract shall be signed by the successful Bidder and returned, together with the certificate of compliance from the Industrial Commission, contract bond and other required contract documents, within 10 days after the Bidder has received notice that the contract has been awarded. No proposal shall be considered binding upon the State of Ohio until the execution of the contract.;
  - (полиса): issue of a policy;
  - (т.е. сделки купли-продажи, з. сделки может происходить в кабинете юриста): Depending on the market, the closing may happen at an attorney's office or with an escrow officer at a title company. In some jurisdictions, the buyer and seller don't ever meet. Each goes in to sign their closing papers separately, and the property closes in the background. In others, the buyers and sellers sign the closing documents together.
  заключение (т.е. решение) - (арбитражной комиссии): decision of an arbitration committee;
  - (инспектора): surprising conclusion of new USPS inspector general report;
  - (комиссии): the team reported their findings and a copy went to the local war crimes group;
  - (комиссии): he sent a commission to investigate and to report its findings;
  - (з. комиссии о чем-л): findings of an arbitration / expert committee on the percentage of...;
  - (медицинское з. о лекарстве): the medical report about the drug is devastating;
  - (з. о выдаче авторского свидетельства): conclusion on the issue of an author's certificate;
  - (з. о нарушении допуска / состоянии товара): conclusion on admittance violation / on the condition of goods;
  - (обвинительное): the indictment alleged that H. had connived with M. to get loans from the Small Business Administration for various projects and that these loans were not repaid;
  - (з. о смерти, т.е. судебный отчёт): report into the death of Alexander Litvinenko;
  - (патологоанатома): the attorney made the pathologist admit that some of his opinions might possibly be wrong;
  - (з. рентгенологического исследования скорее всего свидетельствует о пневмонии): radiographic findings were believed to be most consistent with pneumonia;
  - (з. специалиста / эксперта / экспертизы / экспертное з. ): expert opinions are judgements presented as a form of scientific evidence rather than value judgements;
  - (эксперта): general criteria for improving the performance of such systems are based on estimating the reliability associated with the decision of decision of each expert;
  - (экспертa, во многом согласиться с з-ем э.): defendants conceded many of the expert's findings;
  - (экспертизы): expert findings;
  - (экспертизы / экспертной комиссии): decision / opinion of a committee of experts
  заключение (т.е. тюремное) - he was charged with five counts, each carrying a maximum penalty of five years imprisonment;
  - he was sentenced to a total 23 years imprisonment;
  - (одиночное): he places the inmate on Rule 43 - solitary confinement on the punishment block;
  - (пожизненное): he was sentenced to life imprisonment;
  - (предварительное): he fled to Canada to avoid pretrial confinement;
  - (предварительное): he still owes them for some smack he got on credit last time he was on remand;
  - (предварительное, находиться в предварительном з-и): he was remanded in custody whilst psychiatric reports were prepared;
  - (тяжкое преступление класса D карается з-ем до 10 лет и штрафом): a class D felony is punishable by up to 10 years imprisonment, and a fine of up to $250,000 for an individual, and $500,000 for a corporation, for each violation;
  - based on the recommendations of the CPS and the Attorney General and given the ordeal that you have endured, I struggle to see how society would benefit from your further incarceration
  заключённый (т.е. прилагательное) - (з. в металлическую сетку): electric fans encased in huge metal mesh;
  - (з. в резиновую оболочку): the open jaws of the trigger, sheathed in rubber and held apart by the glass bulb;
  - (з. в скобки): the bracketed portion of this clause;
  - (полис, з. с корпорацией): policy taken with a corporation;
  - (топливные баки и двигатели самолёта заключены в гондолы): because speed is so important to maintain lift, objects such as fuel tanks and engines, that are carried outside the fuselage are enclosed in structures called nacelles, or pods, to reduce air drag;
  - (часть города, з-ая между пересекающимися улицами): a portion of a city enclosed by intersecting streets
  заключённый (т.е. лагеря / тюрьмы, т.е. существительное) - prisoner;
  - inmate of a camp / prison;
  - (т.е. лагеря): the detainees were very relieved to see the representatives of the Red Cross;
  - Prison inmates are offered the escape of work. About 1000 inmates want to fill the 120 positions.
  заключительный - (абзац): he read the concluding paragraph;
  - (банкет): at a final banquet;
  - (з-ые прения сторон): the judge explained to the jury that it was now time for the closing arguments;
  - (прорыв): conclusive breakthrough;
  - (речь): the General Secretary was bringing his valedictory address to a close;
  - (рывок, спортсмен начал / сделал з. рывок и выиграл гонку): the two athletes broke away from the rest of the pack with a kilometre to go, and exchanged leads several times before L. unleashed a final kick to win the race;
  - (сессия): the wrap-up session will be a public briefing;
  - (сессия): in the concluding session of the international conference;
  - (з-ая стадия проекта): the project is in its final stages and should be completed by August;
  - (титры, т.е. список работавших над фильмом): I stare at the television screen where the end credits for The XFiles play
  заклятый (враг) - they are sworn political enemies;
  - NATO, Russia's sworn foe;
  - (враг): the Joker, The Clown Prince of Crime, is Batman's archenemy;
  - (враг): she had an idea for a way to get one over on her arch-enemy / archenemy, N.;
  - When Bashar al-Assad triggered what became one of the Middle East's deadliest conflicts with a bloody crackdown on protesters in Damascus five years ago, Erdogan was hoping his former vacation partner would soon be ousted. But the war fed the rise of Islamic State and the battle was quickly joined by another pledged enemy pledged enemy - separatist Kurds;
  - the world's most resolute enemies
  заковыристый - (выражения): Russian texts in science and engineering often include nonsensical, ambiguous and / or unnecessarily convoluted nontechnical statements
  закодированный - (т.е. радиосообщения): all the hell had broken out on the Czech air: half of it was coded, but the other half was en clair
  закон - (антитрестовскиe): Antitrust laws also referred to as competition laws, are statutes developed by the U.S. government to protect consumers from predatory business practices. They ensure that fair competition exists in an open-market economy.
  - (антитрестовский): antitrust statute;
  - (антитрестовский, решение сводит антитрестовский з. к мёртвой букве): the decision reduces the Antitrust Act to a dead letter;
  - (ваше желание для меня з.): your wish is my command;
  - (вы живёте по другим з-ам): you live by rather different standards;
  - (з-ы джунглей не поощряют бессмысленной жестокости): Jungle standards do not countenance wanton atrocities. There we kill for food and for self-preservation.;
  - (жизнь на грани морали и з-а): living on the edges of morality and legality;
  - (законы): legislation passed five years ago was supposed to eliminate the need for expatriate workers;
  - a chronological list of United States federal legislation passed by the 107th and subsequent United States Congresses, starting in 2001;
  - (запрещено з-ом): he was still an underage wizard and he was forbidden by wizard law to do magic outside school;
  - (запрещено з-ом, несмотря на то, что это запрещено з-ом): despite legal prohibitions the security forces continue to torture people;
  - (косинусов мат): the law of cosines for oblique spherical triangles;
  - (нарушение з-а): where a person has committed a minor crime or statutory offence such as simple theft or a road traffic contravention, arrest is not usually necessary and the case will be usually dealt with by citation;
  - (т.е. неписаный, пренебрежение з-ами морали): the crimes committed showed an utter disregard of the conventions of human morality;
  - (неписаные судебные и моральные з-ы, т.е. Ислама): there (in Islam) is a Talmudic capacity for detail and scrupulousness in legal and ethical prescriptions and precepts;
  - (неписаные): Brer Rabbit is a trickster character who succeeds through his wits rather than through strength, tweaking authority figures and bending social mores as he sees fit;
  - (неписаные): Mores designate those folkways that if violated, result in extreme punishment. Although mores are fewer in number than folkways, they are more coercive. Negative mores are taboos, usually supported by religious or philosophical sanctions. Whereas folkways guide human conduct in the more mundane areas of life, mores tend to control those aspects connected with sex, the family, or religion.;
  - (несмотря на то, что это запрещено з-ом): despite legal prohibitions the security forces continue to torture people;
  - (з. о государственной службе): Public Service Act;
  - (з. о выборах): Elections Act;
  - (з. о декларации пожертвований на избирательную кампанию): Contributions Disclosure Act;
  - (з. о древностях): The Antiquities Act allows the President to protect federal lands of extraordinary cultural, historic, and scientific value;
  - (з. о непредумышленном убийстве): manslaughter statute;
  - (з. о подотчётности): Accountability Act;
  - (з. о преступных организациях): racketeer influenced and criminal organization act (RICO);
  - (з. о расходах на выборы): Election Expenses Act;
  - (о финансировании выборов): Election Finances Act;
  - (з. об иммиграции): The Immigration Act of 1990;
  - (з. об обороте ценных бумаг / о ценных бумагах и бирже): Securities Exchange Act of 1934;
  - (з-ы перспективы, т.е. в живописи): the rules of perspective were abandoned for the sake of emotions;
  - (по з-у): This statute is the first law ever to specify, in black letter, the use of a named actuarial prediction instrument and an exact cut-off score on this instrument;
  - (по з-у): under the statute, commissioners of the Virginia Department of Corrections were directed to review for possible commitment all prisoners about to be released who "receive a score of four or more on the Rapid Risk Assessment for Sexual Offender Recidivism", a point system based on a regression analysis of male offenders in Canada;
  - (принять з. о разглашении информации государственной важности): in July 2003 Western Australia enacted the Public Interest Disclosure Act 2003;
  - (принять з., по которому...): Virginia became the 16th state to enact such a statute (Sexually Violent Predator Act) under which an offender, after serving his full sentence, can be found to be a "sexually violent predator" and subject to commitment in a state mental hospital;
  - (суммы гонораров за утверждение завещания устанавливаются з-ом): probate fees are set by statute and are based on the gross value of the decedent's estate (before loans and expenses are subtracted);
  - (Управление по контролю за пищевыми продуктами и лекарственными препаратами при контроле за пищевыми добавками руководствуется з-ами, принятыми Конгрессом): the regulation of food and dietary supplements by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration is governed by various statutes enacted by the United States Congress and interpreted by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration;
  - (установленные з-ом требования): when writing a patent application, there is a delicate balance that must be maintained, between describing an invention well enough to meet the statutory requirements and keeping your language general enough that the inventor's competition can't make a quick, easy design-around implementation that doesn't infringe the patent;
  - (хотя маркировка взрывчатых веществ не предписывается законом в США,...): while not legally mandated in the United States, tagging had been required by the Swiss government for years and was a voluntary practice among an increasing number of international explosive supplies
  законность - (лавирование на грани з-ти): manoeuvring on the edge of legality;
  - (некоторые виды деятельности, которые находятся на грани з-ти): the gangsters are given an informal monopoly on certain activities that are on the edge of legality;
  - (презрение к буржуазному понятию з-ти): such was Hanoi's contempt for burgeois notions of legality that it did not feel the necessity even for hypocrisy;
  - (просьба, основанная на з-ти): he asked for an advance copy of OIC referral to the House Judiciary Committee so that he could draft a response - a request grounded in simple fairness and precedent from the Nixon impeachment;
  - (т.е. расследования): the report was released to public without regard for fairness or balance;
  - (суда): his statement saps the legitimacy of the court
  законный - (брак): lawful marriage;
  - (брак, пары, не находящиеся в з-ом браке): the following are illegitimate children: children born to couples who are not legally married;
  - (з. директор школы): this office is supposed to be barred to all but the rightful headmaster;
  - (жена): lawful wife;
  - (занятия): pursuits which have always been deemed legitimate;
  - (з-ые издатели, редакторы и литературные агенты): legitimate publishers, editors and agents;
  - (король): he declared James a rightful king;
  - (король): later historiography regarded Harald as the first legitimate King of Norway.
  - (метод): legal method;
  - (з-ыми методами, полицейские выполняли свои обязанности не всегда з-ыми методами): the cops took risks in discharging their duties not always according to the book;
  - (з. наследник престола): he led a pompous life, as though he were the rightful crown-prince;
  - (з. переход границы): by some convoluted North Vietnamese logic, bypassing the Demilitarized Zone through the territory of another sovereign country seemed more legitimate;
  - (победитель): to recognize K. as a lawful winner in the election;
  - (правительство): lawful government;
  - (право): this warranty gives you specific legal rights;
  - (право): when informed of his statutory right to an independent chemical test, the defendant chose a hospital located about 20 minutes from the jail;
  - (препятствие): a lawful impediment to the marriage;
  - (признать з-ым исход выборов): to recognize the lawful outcome of this election;
  - (решение уволить служащих было з-ым): the Independent Counsel concluded that the decision to fire the Travel Office political employees was lawful;
  - (требование): legal requirement;
  - (удостовериться, что то, что вы делаете, законно): the first thing to consider about recording phone calls it to make sure that what you're doing is legal
  законодатель - a legislator / lawmaker is a person who writes and passes laws, especially someone who is a member of a legislature;
  - (з. в вопросах словоупотребления): the shape of our language is not rigid; in questions of usage we have no lawgivers whose word is final;
  - (з. культурных вкусов): if the brain is malleable, it is also vulnerable to the ambitions and mistakes of others, whether they are misguided parents, well-meaning cultural trendsetters or despotic national leaders;
  - (моды): you will certainly be the trend setter this season in these pumps
  законодательный - (акт): Information Technology Law (or IT Law) is a set of recent legal enactments, currently in existence in several countries, which governs the process and dissemination of information digitally. These legal enactments cover a broad gamut of different aspects relating to computer software, protection of computer software, access and control of digital information, privacy, security, internet access and usage, and electronic commerce.;
  - (з. акт Конгресса): Congressional statute;
  - (орган): every colony had its legislature, or a law making body;
  - (принять з. акт): Congress passed two important pieces of legislation;
  - (собрание): In the United States of America, a state legislature is a generic term referring to the legislative body of any of the country's 50 states. The formal name varies from state to state. In 24 states, the legislature is simply called the "Legislature", or the "State Legislature", while in 19 states, the legislature is called the "General Assembly". In Massachusetts and New Hampshire, the legislature is called the "General Court", while North Dakota and Oregon designate the legislature as the "Legislative Assembly".
  законодательство - (анализ з-а России и Германии): Review of Russian and German laws;
  - (з. может изменяться без предупреждения / налоговое з. о благотворительных взносах изменилось): Laws can change with a little notice. Tax regulations surrounding charity giving changed in August and then again in December.;
  - (нарушить налоговое з.): Liberal nonprofit groups may have broken tax laws in using tax-exempt funds and federal grants to lobby against Bush Cabinet nominees;
  - (нарушить налоговое з.): Russia's Foreign Ministry ordered Britain to close the cultural offices of the British Council outside of Moscow, saying it had broken tax laws;
  - (новое з. исключит 6 млн рабочих из числа имеющих право на полуторную оплату): the regulations will exempt as many as 6 million additional workers from receiving time-and-a-half pay by redefining which workers qualify when they work more than 40 hours;
  - (з. об исследованиях стволовых клеток): Britain has more liberal stem cells research regulation;
  - (по з-у): смотри файл PREDLOG;
  - (советник по вопросам з-а): he served for many years as Legislative Counsel for the Air Line Pilots Association;
  - (согласовать з.): to harmonize regulations;
  - (страны имеют разное з.): some trade barriers will always exist as long as two countries have different sets of laws;
  - (уголовное): in the criminal law, a conspiracy is an agreement between two or more persons to break the law at some time in the future, and, in some cases, with at least one overt act in furtherance of that agreement
  закономерно - she took in his (banker's) humble leather jacket, shirt and tie, and his air of decent concern that - almost legitimately - was his stock-in-trade
  закономерность - (выявить з-ти): a research study followed nearly 55,000 adults for seven years to track patterns related to alcohol consumption;
  - (концепция евразийства говорит о неприменимости к России глобальных з-ей): the proponents of Eurasianism believe that global trends / patterns are not applicable to Russia;
  - (один раз - это случай, два раза - совпадение, три раза - закономерность): they say once is an event, twice is a coincidence and three times is a pattern;
  - (в Индокитае были опровергнуты все прежние з-ти американского участия в мировых делах): in Indochina all previous patterns of America's involvement abroad were shattered
  законопослушный - (граждане): god-fearing and law-abiding citizens;
  - what keeps them law-abiding?
  законопроект - a debate in Parliament on the new Transport Bill;
  - (внести з.): Congressman P.D. introduced legislation today to prohibit the use of two deadly poisons;
  - (внести з.): in January 2007, Obama introduced legislation to responsibly end the war in Iraq, with a phased withdrawal of troops engaged in combat operations;
  - (з. об ассигнованиях): with Congress set to act this fall on 13 appropriation bills, bitter debate is emerging over how spending priorities can be funded
  законсервировать - (корабль): the navy put the old cruiser in mothballs fig and no one ever expected to see it again;
  - (корабль): after it was built the ship was placed in storage because the Navy did not want it;
  - (слишком большой срок пребывания у власти может з. те отношения, которые войдут в противоречие с тенденциями развития общества): long office terms could perpetuate fig relations that conflict with the trends of society's development
  законченный - (бездельник / лентяй): I never in my life met such a thorough and cunning lazybones;
  - (лжец / политик / художник): a consummate liar / politician / painter;
  - (показывая, что разговор закончен): he folded his arms (with an air of finality;
  - (статья почти закончена, в этом месяце пойдёт в набор): "How's your note coming?" He is going to publish a student article. "Just about done. In type this month.";
  - (считать интервью з-ым): he asked that his best wishes be conveyed to yourself as Secretary of State, and it became clear he regarded the interview as closed
  закончившийся ничем - (свидание): "Why is it so hard to get laid?" she asked me one night as she describing another unrewarding first date.
  закончить - (з. вечернюю аспирантуру юридического факультета Центрального университета Северной Каролины, получив диплом доктора права с отличием): he graduated with a J.D. degree Cum Laude, from the night law school class at North Carolina Central University;
  - (з. вничью партию, т.е. в шахматы): he can draw the game;
  - (з. вничью партию, т.е. в шахматы): he plays a slow game with an idea of getting a draw;
  - (войну): how to terminate the war;
  - (вот как / вот чем он закончил - пуля разнесла ему череп): That's how he ends up. With some demented slug cracking his scull.;
  - (если ты закончил...): if you're done infml, let's hear what you know and make a plan;
  - (и на этом з.): he just wants to quickly get through an unpleasant task and be done with it;
  - (когда они закончат говорить, судья принимает решение по делу): Inside the courtroom, there were four other defendants and one police officer. A video explained what would happen in this court. First, the ticketing officer would give his version of what happened. Then it was the defendant's turn to question the officer. After asking the officer questions, the defendant could then state his side of the story. Next, the officer is given a chance to refute that information, then it goes back to the defendant. I guess it could go back and forth quite a few times. When they are done talking the judge is the one who decides the case. By the time the video was over, more cops and defendants had arrived.;
  - (я хочу з. дело сегодня): I want this over with today;
  - (...когда я закончил, т.е. завтракать): I ate breakfast, hurrying to clean up when I was done;
  - (т.е. курсанты должны были з. подготовку в учебном лагере): we were due to pass out of training camp in August 1944;
  - (з. наблюдать за людьми): when I was done with watching for people I started watching for rats;
  - (т.е. обвинитель закончит свою речь): the defending counsel moves to the podium as soon as the prosecutor is through;
  - (работы): when will work be completed on the new road?;
  - (работу): when you get through BrE / get through [with] AmE your work, we'll go out;
  - (рассказ): she told of the people she had beaten, her fingers gripping his wrist lest he should depart in disgust before she had done;
  - (з. сниматься в рекламе геля для волос): he looked like he'd just finished shooting a commercial for hair gel;
  - (ссору): Nixon had in his first term ended the brutish quarrel with France;
  - (з. тушение пожара за 9 месяцев): thanks in part to his expertise, a firefighting operation expected to last 3 to 5 years was completed in 9 months;
  - (уроки): he was working flat-out just to get through all his homework;
  - (з. школу круглой отличницей): she's the most ambitious with her mind set on graduating with straight A's;
  - (я закончил): I'm done infml
  закончиться - (битва закончилась победой): the battle ended in victory;
  - (брак закончился разводом): their marriage ended in divorce;
  - (в автомобиле закончился бензин): the car ran out of infml gas;
  - (ваше время закончилось, т.е. время, на которое вы сняли теннисный корт): you must relinquish court on the hour if a player has racked up to play on your court and your hour is over;
  - (везение закончится): some day your luck will run out;
  - (война закончилась поражением): the war ended in defeat;
  - (война уже 3 месяца как закончилась): when he was fit enough to talk, the war was three months over;
  - (всё кончилось тем, что): the upshot of it all was that she spent her first afternoon as headmistress running all over the school answering the summonses of the other teachers;
  - (если ваш девяностодневный испытательный срок закончился,...): if you are past your ninety-day probation period, and if you have been fired for work performance without being given a written notice, you probably have cause for a grievance;
  - (если ты скажешь хоть слово, всё закончится, т.е. волшебство): if you utter a single word, it will at once be at an end;
  - (и чем закончились эти разговоры?, т.е. каков результат?): what was the upshot of all that talk?;
  - (когда видео закончилось, подошли ещё менты): Inside the courtroom, a video explained what would happen in this court. By the time the video was over, more cops had arrived.;
  - (когда закончится церковная служба): you will talk to the bishop when the service is over;
  - (когда речи закончились, началось голосование): when the speeches were over, the ballot began;
  - (на том бы всё и закончилось): had I swallowed that penny in front of Ike, we both would have laughed and that would have been the end of it;
  - (на этом безобразие не закончилось): Тhe club coach has resigned after been kidnapped by alleged fans of his team who wanted to keep him away from the ground during the game. And the unruliness hasn't stopped there.;
  - (ничем, бунтарские настроения закончатся ничем): the rebellious feeling of the people will come to nothing;
  - (o вечеринкe): what time did the party finish?;
  - (o вечеринкe): the party ended more fml at midnight;
  - (o вечеринкe): I realized that the party was over and everyone had left;
  - (o войнe): the war ended in 1945;
  - (o войнe): when the war was over, many returned to America with a newly acquired English wife;
  - (о духе новаторства): the pioneering spirit of the great days had undoubtedly gone;
  - (о концерте, в котором часу кончается к.?): what time does the concert finish?;
  - (о концерте): the concert ended more fml at 10 o"clock?;
  - (о лете): the South African summer was over;
  - (о ночи): I'm going to have his name before the night is through;
  - (о работах): when will work on the new railway be complete?;
  - (о споре): on this level, the dispute between Moscow and Peking was over;
  - (о финансировании): work stopped half-way through the project when the funding ran out;
  - (о церемонии): the traditional ceremony in front of the principal facade of the White House of seeing the British visitors into their limousines was complete;
  - (об экономическом буме): a long boom had ended (in Keynes's case, the Roaring Twenties; in ours, the irrationally exuberant '90s);
  - (об эпохе миллионеров): the era of millionaires in Ukraine is over;
  - (обеденный час пик закончился, т.е. в ресторане): The restaurant is almost empty. The lunchtime rush is over.;
  - (отпуск закончился трагедией): their holiday ended in tragedy;
  - (с этой операцией закончились опасения, что история могут затянуться на месяцы): Navy SEAL snipers cut down three Somali pirates and rescued an American sea captain. The operation quashed fears the saga could drag on for months;
  - (страховка закончится в день, указанный в...): the insurance will automatically cease on the date specified in...
  закоулок - (мы излазили все углы и закоулки): the kittens escaped, and for the next two hours we stuck ourselves into nooks and crannies trying to catch them
  закрепить / закреплять - (авторское произведение, закреплённое на материальном носителе): On and after January 1, 1978, all legal or equitable rights that are equivalent to any of the exclusive rights within the general scope of copyright as specified by section 106 in works of authorship that are fixed in a tangible medium of expression and come within the subject matter of copyright as specified by sections 102 and 103, whether created before or after that date and whether published or unpublished, are governed exclusively by this title.;
  - (з. договорённость в порядке, предусмотренном действующим законодательством): to give effect to the agreement in the manner prescribed by the current legislation;
  - (з. достигнутые успехи): to capitalize on our success;
  - (за учеником будет закреплен наставник на рабочем месте): the apprentice will be assigned a workplace mentor;
  - (з. завоевания): had the Arab nations not been carried away by euphoria, they might have clinched their gains by pressing for that cease-fire in place on October 10;
  - (знания): students looking to solidify their theoretical knowledge can opt for practical work based internship programs to gain invaluable professional experience;
  - (з. консервативно-религиозную репутацию губернатора): the Governor's intervention it cemented the conservative and religious credentials of a man whose political future remains a subject of intense speculation;
  - (конституция закрепляет право на частную собственность): the new constitution entrenches the right to private property;
  - (крепко закреплённые очки): strapped tightly on the face of the fighters are black steel goggles, modeled on 200-year-old designs;
  - (неподвижно): a diaphragm is fixedly attached to a periphery of the frame;
  - (пилот стал з. систему жизнеобеспечения): the colonel lowered himself into the front seat with the accustomed ease and began attaching his own life-support systems;
  - (право просить убежище закреплено в международных договорах): The Universal Declaration of Human Rights states, "Everyone has the right to seek and to enjoy in other countries asylum from persecution." This right has been codified in numerous international treaties.;
  - (премии закрепляют давление на архитекторов): design awards perpetuate the pressure on architects to seek subjective approval;
  - (з. преобладание консервативной идеологии в Республиканской партии): the nomination of R. Nixon cemented the ascendance of a conservative over a moderate ideology within the Republican Party;
  - (з. свои позиции на рынке): to gain a foothold / gain a firm grip / gain a stranglehold / gain a chokehold on the market;
  - (з. свои позиции на рынке): to entrench on the market;
  - (з. существующие уровни доступа к рынкам для иностранных производителей): Russia has displayed great reluctance to lock in current levels of access to the market for foreign producers;
  - (юридически закрепите статус предприятия): establish legal status of business, e.g. sole trader / partnership or limited company;
  закреплениe - (з. теоретических знаний с помощью практических упражнений): This module will provide students with information and practical experience of the techniques and methods used in food microbiology. The assessment for this module is a practical laboratory-based examination, appropriate for a module where reinforcement of theoretical knowledge by practical exercises plays such an important role in the delivery of the subject matter.;
  - (з. теоретических знаний с помощью проектов): I believe strongly in the reinforcement of theoretical knowledge through projects. For undergraduates, projects ensure that students gain intuition of the practical aspects of the discipline. For graduate students, projects can additionally provide starting points for research.
  закреплённый - (з-ое в Декларации независимости и декларациях прав человека равенство перед законом): enshrined in the American Declaration of Independence and in human rights declarations and laws ever since, equality before the law is a fundamental tenet of a free society;
  - (з-ые на петлях, поверхности, з-ые на петлях на задней кромке крыла, т.е. самолёта): at the trailing edge of the wings are auxiliary hinged surfaces known as ailerons that are used to gain lateral control and to turn the airplane;
  - (основание очина пера закреплено в фолликуле кожи): At the base of the feather, the rachis expands to form the hollow tubular calamus (or quill) which inserts into a follicle in the skin. The basal part of the calamus is embedded within the skin follicle.;
  - (право свободы речи закреплено в законе / конституции): the right of freedom of speech is enshrined in law / in the constitution;
  - (принцип перевоспитания - основополагающий принцип уголовно-исполнительного права, з. в международном законодательстве и в законодательстве отдельных стран): the rehabilitation principle is a fundamental principle of penitentiary law in Europe that is enshrined in international and national legislation;
  - (терпимость, з-ая в Конституции и Билле о правах): the article failed to highlight the contrast between the attitudes prevalent in the U.S. and the tolerance enshrined within the Constitution and Bill of Rights
  закрепощение - the enserfment of the Russian peasants
  закрывание - (двери): he heard the opening and shutting of a door
  закруглиться / закругляться образно (т.е. заканчивать) - (давайте з-яться): let's wrap it up;
  - (т.е. заканчивать): we need to wind up now, we've only got five minutes;
  - (давайте з-яться): let's call it a day / call it a night;
  - смотри файл FORMA_VID
  закрученный - (выражения): Russian texts in science and engineering often include nonsensical, ambiguous and/or unnecessarily convoluted nontechnical statements;
  - смотри файл FORMA_VID
  закрывать / закрыть - (з. бар с алкогольными напитками из-за преступности): today's crime column talks about the Linden Bar and Liquors on West North Avenue and the city's decision to order it padlocked because of the amount of crime there;
  - (библиотеки, т.е. из-за урезания бюджета): Foolhardy administrators and politicians with little notion of the weaknesses of the Internet have been cutting book budgets, eliminating the jobs of thousands of librarians and replacing them with aides, computer teachers or technicians. In some extreme case, the school library is padlocked most of the week and opened only a few hours now and again to allow the circulation of books.;
  - (видимость): all of a sudden the view was obliterated by the fog;
  - (з. глаза образно на что-л): смотри ниже;
  - (дело, Полицейский, выписавший штраф, не явился в суд. Ваше д. закрыто.): The judge addressed me directly, "Mr. C., it is 9:15am and your ticketing officer has not appeared. Your case is dismissed. You are free to go.";
  - (з. дело на кого-л): the case against G. should be dropped;
  - (з. доступ к курорту): the German police shut off public access Wednesday to the Baltic Sea resort of H., the venue for next week's Group of 8 summit meeting;
  - (з. доступ к курорту): the police closed off public access to the resort at about 7 a.m. Wednesday;
  - (завод): the plant was shut down;
  - (з. завод навсегда): the plant is shut up for good;
  - (з. из вида): смотри ниже;
  - (канал, т.е. для прохождения судов): to close down the Panamanian channel;
  - (компьютер): An uninterruptible power supply sits between your PC and the mains. In the event of a power cut, its battery keeps your PC running, giving you time to shut down safely.;
  - (краской закрывают участки, которые должны быть чёрными, т.е. на неоновой лампе): For use in signs, neon tubes are formed using the glass blower's skill in the shape of letters, words, or graphics. Black paint is used to block off areas to be dark.;
  - (мост, т.е. движение по мосту): the authorities were forced to shut down three bridges;
  - (парламент был закрыт, t.e. Кромвелем): Parliament was shut down;
  - (з. полосы автодороги для расчистки, т.е. после автокатастрофы): an overturned tanker truck plunged 50 feet into a ravine on Interstate 81 causing both northbound lanes to be closed down for nearly four hours for cleanup operations;
  - (посольства): the attack prompted the United States to temporarily close its missions in Pakistan;
  - (предприятие): to shut down the troubled Chernobyl nuclear power station;
  - (предприятия): if they shut those enterprises down, they could kiss this little shortfall off and move on - but they won't;
  - (з. судебное дело): the case against G. should be dropped;
  - (з. судоходство на реке): shipping has been shut down on the Danube because of flooding;
  - (з. счёт в банке): to close аn account;
  - (школы, т.е. на время поиска преступника): The FBI launched a manhunt for the brazen, morning holdup. Two nearby schools were temporarily put on lockdown while police searched the area;
  - (это закрыло ему дорогу / путь на эту работу): He was taken, in a couple of times on charges of stealing from the patients. Sort of blackballed from that line of work afterward.;
  - смотри файл DVIJENIE
  закрывать глаза / закрыть глаза (на что-л, т.е. делать вид, что не замечаешь) - (з.г. на любовниц своего мужа): she had long since learned to turn a blind eye to her husband's mistresses;
  - (з.г. на неповиновение): I fully intend to overlook your insubordination last night on account of the emotional stress you must be under;
  - (з.г. на правду): the one that knows the truth and have chosen to close his eyes to the truth;
  - (з.г. на применение пыток): the British government does not condone the use of torture;
  - (з.г. на то, что больных коров забивали на мясо): in "The Jungle", Upton Sinclair told how bribed inspectors looked the other way when diseased cows were slaughtered for beef
  закрывать / закрыть (т.е. из вида) - (бури закрыли из вида маяки): storms obscured beacons;
  - (ветви деревьев закрывали из вида лунный свет): his blunt features were sliding in and out of sight as the branches of overhanging trees broke the moonlight;
  - (ветви закрывали из вида звёздное небо): as the trees grew taller, the boughs overhead hid the spangled night sky;
  - (дым закрыл кого-л): great billowing clouds of greenish smoke obscured him;
  - (дым закрыл из вида происходящее за краем воды): suddenly smoke has half blanked out the scene beyond the water's edge;
  - (з. пейзаж занавеской): he drew the curtains of his study, shutting out the winter landscape;
  - (собой, Луна закрывает собой Солнце, отчего происходит затмение): аbout twice a year, the moon does get in the way of the sun, causing an eclipse;
  - (з. поле зрения): make sure the door is closed to block off vision;
  - (туман закрыл из вида корабль): the fog blotted the shop from vision;
  - (тучей): he was obscured by the dust cloud;
  - (тучи закрыли весь видимый свет): a cold front was tracing across the Chinese-Siberian border, and the clouds at its forward edge blanked out all visual light
  закрываться / закрыться - (компьютеры должны правильно з.): Computers need to shut down properly, so a sudden loss of power can damage files on your hard disk;
  - (посольство закрылось на день): in the aftermath of the attack, the U.S. Embassy in Islamabad closed for a day.;
  - (финансовое положение компании было таким шатким, что у неё не было другого выхода, кроме как з.): the financial condition of the association was so precarious that there was no choice but to close its doors;
  - смотри файл DVIJENIE
  закрытие - (з. бара с алкогольными напитками, постановление о з-и бара): PADLOCK ORDER. In accordance with Baltimore City Code, Article 19, it is, this 18th day of August, 2008, by the Police Commissioner of Baltimore city, determined that: 1. The premises known as LINDEN BAR AND LIQUORS, 904 W. North Avenue Baltimore, Maryland 21217, having been the subject of a Padlock Hearing on August 13, 2008 before a hearing officer designated by the Police Commissioner, is a public nuisance as defined in Article 19.... 2. Pursuant to Article 19, paragraph 43-3 (a)(2), by the Police Commissioner of Baltimore City, it is ordered that the LINDEN BAR AND LIQUORS, 904 W. North Avenue Baltimore, Maryland 21217 CLOSE the premises effective Monday August 18, 2008 at 5:00 PM. 3. The closure of the premises will be for a period of one (1) year from the date of the closure of the premises (Article 19).;
  - (т.е. в конце рабочего дня, купить журнал в магазине перед з-ем): the ordnance survey mag he had bought the previous evening just before the closing time;
  - (т.е. в конце рабочего дня, съесть кебаб перед з-ем): he wants to be one of the boozed up shit-kickers in the bar, living the simple life, drunk by midday and a kebab at closing time;
  - (временное з. предприятия): temporary closures - where a business has temporarily closed or suspended its operations for any number of reasons including legal disputes, shortages of raw materials, shortage in demand for its product, periodic fluctuations in the business cycle or temporary financial difficulties;
  - (т.е. з. завода на ремонт): the chief chemist was away on holiday during the plant close-down;
  - (з. курсов английского языка в Британском совете): students who were enrolled on courses at the Moscow language centre were told about the closure this week and offered refunds on their fees;
  - (церемония з-я, на церемонии з-я, т.е. Олимпийских игр): B.A., the most successful Olympic sailor of all time after adding a fourth gold to his collection at the London Games, will carry the flag for Great Britain at the closing ceremony
  закрытый - (автомобиль с з-ым кузовом): saloon car;
  - (бассейн): indoor swimming pool;
  - (бутылка, плотно з-ая б.): a securely stoppered bottle;
  - (глаза): he lay listening with his eyes tight shut;
  - (в з-ые для охоты сроки, за убийство лося в з-ые для охоты сроки): with foolproof evidence pointing to the suspect, police charged the shooter with illegally killing the moose out of hunting season;
  - (глаза, з-ые капюшоном): hooded eyes;
  - (дверь, з-ая двумя болтами): a steel door, closed by two great screw bolts, with butterfly nuts on the outside;
  - (день, когда музей закрыт): across the street, the Metropolitan Museum of Art was blanketed in the quiet typical of Monday, its closing day;
  - (т.е. здание церкви, з-ой строительными лесами): the onion dome of the church encased in scaffolding;
  - (информация): the Operations department of SIS gathers the covert information;
  - (источник радиации): the test was extremely safe because we used a very weak, sealed radiation source;
  - (кабинет закрыт для всех, кроме директора): this office is supposed to be barred to all but the rightful headmaster;
  - (корпус самолёта): most planes feature an enclosed body (fuselage) to house the crew, passengers, and cargo;
  - (корридор между зданиями): the West Wing and the White house proper are not connected by an indoor corridor, due to some architectural oversight;
  - (медальон был закрыт): the locket was shut;
  - (з. на висячий замок): warehouses with large bay doors for unloading trucks, padlocked for the night;
  - (з. от ветра вентиляционной трубой): here in the lee of the funnel assembly the turbine housing should cast a shadow in the light thrown by the lamp;
  - (отдел фирмы): the men in the closed-off section are working on microwave circuits;
  - (посёлок, т.е. огороженный с охраной на въезде): a gate guarded community;
  - (с з-ыми лицами, о грабителях): the men rushed into the bank at about 9:30 a.m., all wearing dark clothing, gloves and disguising their faces;
  - (солнце было закрыто тучами): the sun was obscured;
  - (удар закрытой ракеткой): volley - a forehand or backhand shot executed before the ball bounces in the court;
  - (форма туберкулёза): the PPD-TST evaluates for TB infection but does not differentiate active from latent disease
  закуклиться образно - (т.е. спортсмены закукливаются на тренировочных базах): To some degree, the players are shielded from the world in which the rest of us function. They are cocooned in their training camps.
  закулисно - (принимать решения з.): such decisions are made behind the scenes, without public knowledge
  закулисный - (дипломатия): behind-the-scenes diplomacy has done nothing to stop the slaughter of innocents in Darfur;
  - (знание з-ых сторон поступления, т.е. в Оксфорд): the company promises inside knowledge of the admissions process and the collegiate system;
  - (истории): while the behind-the-scenes anecdotes make for compelling reading, perhaps the more revealing sections of the story deal with internal struggles over key product development efforts;
  - (подробности): here you will find behind-the-scenes details about how a large share of America's milk supply has quietly become adulterated with the effects of a synthetic hormone (bovine growth hormone) secretly injected into cows;
  - (з-е манёвры Хорти, т.е. в конце Второй мировой войны): Regent Horthy attempted to negotiate the end of the war, seeking to surrender to the Soviets while preserving the government's autonomy. But the Germans were aware of Horthy's behind-the-scenes maneuvering and set in place Operation Panzerfaust which would remove him from power.;
  - (з-ые политические манёвры императора Константина): Constantine's underhanded political manoeuvres don't diminish the majesty of Christ's life;
  - (з-ая работа разведки): intelligence and back-room work, tedious, slow, methodical, often boring but always invaluable
  закупать / закупить - (т.е. стране придётся з. около 20 млн тонн зерна): the Russians will all have to buy in close to 20 million tons
  закупка - (государственные з-и зерна): one then has to deduct the tonnages the Soviets have to keep on the land itself, right in the countryside, before any state procurements can be made to feed the industrial masses;
  - (государственные з-и зерна): they cannot do nowadays, with a greater population than at that time, with less than 85 million tons of state buy-in;
  - (повседневные з-и): transactional procurement;
  - (разработка сводного плана закупок): Developing Procurement Master plan;
  - (тактические з-и): tactical procurement
  зал - (т.е. аэропорта): the man strode across the concourse floor;
  - (Большой з. школы): the corridor leading off the entrance hall on the opposite side to the Great Hall;
  - (вокзала): Hamburg main station concourse;
  - (заседаний): it was a form of a committee room, for there was a long table with eight chairs ranged close to the far wall;
  - (заседаний): Pham Van Dong and Kissinger walked into a formal conference room;
  - (заседаний, т.е. совета директоров компании): he went to the company boardroom;
  - (конференц-з.): A conference hall / conference room is a room provided for singular events such as business conferences and meetings. It is commonly found at large hotels and convention centers.;
  - (концертный): a largish concert hall;
  - (лекционный): a grimy lecture room;
  - (лекционный): during testing or composition situations, lefties are usually segregated on one side of the lecture hall so they will not jog the elbows of their more normal counterparts;
  - (машинный з. танкера): engine room;
  - (з. ожиданият.е. в аэропорту): [public] waiting lounge;
  - (отдельный з., т.е. ресторана): the innkeeper put three tables together in the parlor, and they ate their way through five delicious courses;
  - (з. Палаты представителей): I walked into the packed House chamber;
  - (з., полный его сторонников): "Today we witnessed a landmark event in the history of Iraq: Saddam Hussein was convicted and sentenced to death by the Iraqi high tribunal," Mr. Bush said to roars of approval in a hockey auditorium packed with supporters ;
  - (полный, т.е. зрителей, хор давал концерты перед полными з-ам / при полном з-е): the choir gave recitals to packed audiences;
  - (приёмов): we entered a large reception hall and seated ourselves in a semicircle for introducing informal conversation;
  - (т.е. ресторана, з-ы, в которых на обед помещается лишь одна компания): the restaurant is divided into a dozen small private dining rooms, many of which only seat one dinner party;
  - (ресторана): the overflowing harvest basket of vegetables at the entrance to the dining room gave a countrylike coziness to the restaurant's simple decor;
  - (т.е. сидящие в з-е люди): the hall began to buzz excitedly;
  - (суда): in the tightly guarded courtroom attached to M. prison;
  - (суда, вход в з. суда был только по приглашениям): seating in the courtroom was by invitation only;
  - (суда): the trial is held in an open courtroom or chambers;
  - (танцевальный): in the ballroom of the Capitol Hilton Hotel;
  - (танцевальный): the ballroom was throng with the cream of the aristocracy, dancing and drinking and carousing with the complete abandon of the carefree ruling class;
  - (торговый, отчётность по торговому з-у): Shop FloorReporting
  залезать / залезть - (з. в кассу образно, т.е. присвоить казённые деньги): you've had your hand in the till;
  - смотри файл DVIJENIE
  залечить / залечивать - (раны): a nursing student, she was volunteering in the first-aid tent, patching up injured protesters
  залог - (т.е. буквально): смотри ниже;
  - (т.е. для освобождения обвиняемого): смотри ниже;
  - (т.е. образно): смотри ниже
  залог (т.е. буквально) - (внести з. за кого-л, т.е. в полиции): he posted my bond;
  - (дать драгоценности в з. обещания жениться): the jewelry he had given her in earnest of his pledge to wed;
  - that gold is supposed to be your earnest of managing her lands;
  - (з. за въезжающего в страну иммигранта): he is required to lodge a bond for each person assured;
  - (занять $40,000 под з. индивидуального пенсионного счета): a friend told me he borrowed $40,000 against his Individual Retirement Account;
  - (кредит под з. товаров на борту корабля): a loan on the security of the goods on board the ship;
  - (кредит под з. акций): a loan secured by Gasprom shares;
  - (кредит под з. недвижимости): no loan by a savings bank on the security of this real estate shall exceed ninety per cent of the amount of the appraisal or, in lieu of the appraisal, ninety per cent of the purchase price if the real estate is to be purchased by a local public housing authority;
  - (кредит под з. недвижимости): any loan made upon the security of real estate;
  - (кредит под з. обременения): The limitations contained in this chapter, relating to maximum loan terms and loan-to-value ratios, do not apply to any loan on the security of a first lien on real estate that is being constructed, remodeled, rehabilitated, modernized, or renovated, to be the subject of an annual contributions contract for low-rent housing under the "United States Housing Act of 1937";
  - (кредита): the Internal Revenue Service prohibits the use of an Individual Retirement Account as security for loans;
  - (оставить в з.): to leave as a deposit;
  - (оставить в з. за кредит): he got a loan from the bank, but he had to put up his house as security
  залог (т.е. для освобождения обвиняемого) - (выйти из тюрьмы, внеся з.): a person accused of a crime may leave jail if he posts bail;
  - (освободить под з. на время полицейского расследования): he was released on bail pending further police investigation;
  - (освобождение под з., ходатайствовать об освобождении под з. до суда): Your Worship, we would like to make an application for bail, pending trial;
  - (освобождён под з.): he was released on bail of $100000;
  - (освобождён под з.): he was released on $40000 bail;
  - (освобождение под з., в освобождении под з. отказано до предварительного слушания): bail is denied until the preliminary hearing;
  - (суд разрешил освободить обвиняемых под з.): the court granted conditional bail to white farmers (in Zimbabwe);
  - (судья отказался освободить его под з.): the judge refused to grant him bail;
  - (судья стучит молотком и объявляет: "Назначается з. 100000 долларов"): a judge bangs a gavel and announces, "Bail is set at $100000"
  залог образно - (будущего): this principle was written into the Constitution as a safeguard for the future;
  - (в з. дружбы): as a token of friendship;
  - (з. того, что вместе мы сумеем победить страшное зло): We have faith that you will not allow the terrorist to break your will or shatter your reason. This makes us confident / gives us confidence that together we will be able to defeat this terrible evil;
  - (з. того, что обвиняемый явится в суд): it serves as a guarantee that the accused will appear at his trial;
  - (успеха): смотри ниже
  залог (успеха) - (его жизнерадостность - з. успеха): his sanguine disposition itself is a pledge of success;
  - A number of high-tech companies have expanded the range of their communities, opening them up to include partners and customers. The key to success for this effort is to ensure such collaboration is done in a secure environment.;
  - self-control is the key to success;
  - education is the key to success in life;
  - While pursuing my communications degree, I discovered it would be relatively pain free to turn a minor in business administration into a second major. A double major was the ticket to success.;
  - (умение вести себя на деловой встрече, за обедом, на вечеринке является з-ом у.): knowing how to handle yourself at a business meeting, over dinner, or at the company party is crucial your success
  залоговый - (стеклотара): deposit-covered glass packaging can be returned at deposit-refund facilities
  заложенный - (допуск / запас, з. в систему): At certain banks of the world, a country's net collection of those monetary units was calculated down to a fraction of a percentage point. There was some leeway built into the system, to account for trades in process and so forth, but that leeway was also closely calculated electronically;
  - (принципы, з-ые в Уставе ООН): the lofty principles enshrined / embodied in the United Nations Charter;
  - (природой, понятие Бога заложено в нас природой?): are we hardwired for God?;
  - (собственность): if the borrower fails to redeem the certificate of title before the lapse of the 20-day holding period, they forfeit all right, title, and interest in the pledged property pursuant to 31-1-820, MCA
  заложник - (группа людей, взятых з-ами): the group of people who have been taken hostage
  залп - (обвинений образно): I welcomed the chance to respond to the latest volley of allegations;
  - смотри файл DVIJENIE
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