Никитин Василий : другие произведения.

Parable of the Orphans

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками Юридические услуги. Круглосуточно
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  In a wretched country torn by endless wars there were many orphans and homeless children.
  Among them there was one foolish orphan who decided to go to a distant country for a better share, but knowing that the path there lies through a gloomy and dangerous forest, he asked for advice from his fellow comrades, who were just as foolish as himself. One of his friends said: "Take this amulet and hang it on your neck, so that it may protect you from the enemies." The other said: "None of us knows the exact path, but there is an ancient and wise book in which everything is written, without it you will be lost." The third orphan suggested: "Here lie the relics of our illustrious ancestor, who, according to the legend, knew the way, kiss them now and probably it will count towards you." And many other things were suggested by his unwise comrades, who assured him that everyone who goes through this dangerous forest is doing exactly the same thing and since none of them has returned, they must have reached the better places and are now living there happily. Having done everything as his comrades advised and believing that he is prepared quite thoroughly, the foolish orphan set off on the dangerous road.
  While there was still day and it was light, the orphan followed the sun confidently and knew no grief. However, soon the sun went down and the dense forest plunged into darkness. In the darkness the orphan lost the path he was treading, sat down on a stump and opened his book in order to find out the way to go. But no matter how hard he tried, he could not see anything in the book, since he had no lamp with him. Then he went directly through the fir branches and thorns and severely scratched himself, even to the blood. Exhausted, he wandered into a forest meadow and collapsed to the ground, powerless. In the pale light of the moon, he noticed gnawed bones and realized that these were the remains of those who came before him and perished in this dark forest. In fear and despair, the unfortunate orphan cried out to the whole forest. A pack of hungry wolves came to the cries and the smell of blood and the boy fell an easy prey for them.
  Soon, another of the number of orphans and homeless children was planning to go to a distant country for a better share. Being more prudent, however, he did not rush to follow the advice of his unreasonable comrades. In the meantime, he heard that there is someone who has successfully traversed that difficult path and returned unscathed. And the prudent orphan firmly decided that he would not go to the forest until he found this man and questioned him about everything. He searched for him for a long time, and, eventually finding him, he called to him: "Sir, though I have nothing to pay you with, will you be so kind as to show me the right path through this dark forest so that I may reach the better places and find the better share? For I heard a rumor that you walked along this difficult and dangerous path and returned." The master answered: "I really went that way, though not alone, but with my father." Then the orphan asked to be led to the fringe of the forest and indicate the right path and added: "I want to go your way." The master said: "My friend, I will not only go all the way with you, but my father will also come with us." And then the master and his father took the orphan by the hands on both sides and led him in the best possible way. When the night came, they raised their lamps high and lit everything around with the bright and clear light so that they walked like in the daytime.
   Walking along the path, the master and his father taught the orphan much wisdom, the most important being that the orphan, having done this, found the father and became his son.

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