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A Burmese casket on Kosti-Nf. A story

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    A Burmese casket on Kosti-NF. A story.

  A Burmese casket on Kosti-NF. A story.
  Mr. Wintertund, the second deputy general director of the radio station Kosti-NF, held a teaspoon with his left hand. A spoon was kneading a piece of lemon lying in honey.
  With his right hand, Mr. Wintertund leafed through the Collection of miniatures, which was advertised on various websites (supposedly without the possibility of buying). The Collection was publishing and selling through the parallel schemes.
  The Collection of miniatures was acquired by Mr. Wintertund after he saw the copies of 'The textbook of literary success. Lessons from a great archaeologist" both in disposal of the Main Chief and of the first deputy.
  It is necessary to master the most advanced cultural achievements of mankind - this is the only way to become a real member of the ruling stratum!
  The computer beeped.
  An email has come from the Mrs. Quicktalker.
  "Ominous places of modern Russia" - Mr. Wintertund remembered. - 'If not about Beria, then about Abakumov ... It seems that Abakumov did not have a mansion? What can you say about Abakumov's basement if he didn't have a mansion?"
  However, Mrs. Quicktalker this time made a material about the former head of the metro.
  Sometimes he was seen with his hat outstretched at the entrance to the Rospatent building. ('He tried to make money through inventions!'). Then, he walked around the center of the night city and looked into the luminous windows, then he was seen in St. Petersburg, where he swung the famous pendulum.
  Mr. Wintertund winced, frowned and stopped reading the text written by the Mrs. Quicktalker.
  He dialed the number of the chief accountant of the radio station: 'How are we with the currency? ... The Creative Incentive Fund is overflowing with currency? Very good!".
  This was followed by a phone call to the Mrs. Quicktalker.
  'Do you make materials based only on the examples of modern Russia? ... it's a principle approuch? it so happened ... Have you read any bad books? You weren't declared a specific person? Are you allowed to enter the Baltic states?... It seems, not banned...?
  So, first go to the former western provinces, where Muravyov, 'Wieszatiel' ('hangman'), operated. Then to Lithuania. Well, you can to make a creative efforts ... a mysterious figure walks day and night ... You can to imagine, to invent the details ... Then you fly to Myanmar ... Try to generalize...
  Costs? Money? I gave instructions ...
  First, a financial means to compensate the travel expenses.
  Secondly, the standard payment, a salary.
  Third, a good award for advanced creative material.
  You is agree? It's excellent!
  And more ... I'm reading The Collection here ... What kind of casket for playing mahjong? From jade, I guess?
  Well, figure it out. Write down - so as not to confuse, not to do a mistake: 'Casket for playing mahjong. Made from jade." What are the options? See attentively... Then, when we meet, we will touch on the details. From a journalistic "box" towards a jade box ...
  As for money for tickets and travel expenses, go to the accounting department. "
  Mr. Wintertund paused.
  Apparently, at the other end of the line, Mrs. Quicktalker thanked him for the opportunity to travel abroad.
  Mr. Wintertund decided to end the conversation on a cheerful note:
  - Well, I wish you success! My greetings to Muravyov! And don't forget! We are supporters of the rule of the people and of a fair elections! This is our principled position!
  Mr. Wintertund hung up.
  The lemon slice seems to have acquired the desired consistency. The beneficial qualities of honey are combined with the vitamins of lemon. Now he can to put this piece in a cup and to drink a fragrant Indian tea.
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  MCMXIV. Dear thimbleriggers on Kosti-NF. A story. - December 21, 2020.
  MCMXVI. A movie script on the Kosti-NF. A story. - December 23, 2020.
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  MCMXLII. Oscaritos on the Kosti-NF. The story (continued). - January 7, 2021.
  MCMLX. A chinese casket on the Kosti-NF. A story (continued). - January 20, 2021.
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  MCMXСIV. The adventure of interview about the power plants accidents on Kosti-NF. A story. - February 5, 2021.
  MCMXСV. A morning coffee with the thesaurus on Kosti-NF. A story. - February 6, 2021.
  MMV. A new, exciting, literature on Kosti-NF. A funny story. - February 11, 2021.
  MMIX. A confidential actions on Kosti-NF. A story. - February 14, 2021.
  MMXXII. Two cups of tea on the Kosti-NF. An educational story. - February 19, 2021.
  MMXLII. The thick journalism on the Kosti-NF. A story about a media kitchen. - March 2, 2021.
  MMXLV. A parliamentary sketch on the Kosti-NF. A story. - March 3, 2021.].
  MMXLVI. An alarming rumors from the lobby of the Ministry of Culture on Kosti-NF. A buff-story. - March 4, 2021.
  MMСXLV. Secret department of intellectual borrowing on Kosti-NF. A story. - May 3, 2021.
  MMСLXXI. The God's things are of a great cost, the demon's values are cheap. The meaning of words on Kosti-NF. A story. - May 19, 2021.
  MMСLXXIV. 1125th myth on Russia on Kosti-NF. A story. - May 21, 2021.
  MMСLXXVIII. The theme of the Athens-Vilnius flight on Kosti-NF. The story. - May 24, 2021.
  MMСLXXXI. The Mysterious SMS on Kosti-NF. A story. - May 25, 2021.
  MMСXCVIII. The program "History" on Kosti-NF. A story. - June 4, 2021.].
  June 22, 2021 23:49
  Translation from Russian into English: June 23, 2021 00:48.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Бирманская шкатулка на Кости-NF. Рассказ'.
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