A complaining human? A pondering human? A teaching [an educating] human? A brief review of Maria Shukshina's open letter "To the secular and spiritual authorities"
Аннотация: A complaining human? A pondering human? A teaching [an educating] human? A brief review of Maria Shukshina's open letter "To the secular and spiritual authorities".
A complaining human? A pondering human? A teaching [an educating] human? A brief review of Maria Shukshina's open letter "To the secular and spiritual authorities".
Public attention is directed to the open letter of Maria Shukshina, which she posted on one of the social networks. (The full text, for example, is reproduced in the material Maria Dubinskaya "Slow murder of the human soul": Maria Shukshina wrote an open letter to the authorities. Https://newizv.ru/news/society/01-10-2020/medlennoe-ubiystvo-dushi-cheloveka -mariya-shukshina-napisala-otkrytoe-pismo-vlastyam).
The letter is called "To the Secular and Spiritual Authorities" (October 1, 2020). Let's say right away that we do not take spiritual authorities for consideration in our review.
Maria Shukshina is a figure of Soviet and Russian culture. She is a famous person. She has a lot of experience.
What attracts attention in this letter?
The main thing is a sincerity.
Further - there are generalizations. ""It's not that the trouble is that the impudent servants got a fat pineapple, but that it [getting of a fat pineapple] attracts the children growing up among us to be inhuman ones. " (...)
The mass media have long become anti-national, anti-humane, anti-state ones!
This is a slow murder of a person's soul, his inner light, given at birth!
And we already see these consequences: evil, sheer consumerism, loneliness, emptiness and debauchery ... "
In general, it is clear that a person with great experience wrote.
Now let's watch our doubts that arose after reading the Open Letter.
Whom does Maria Shukshina see as the main actors in the cultural sphere?
She lists them ... "who also actively supported the amendments, but "for culture, spirituality and morality" they for some reason are silent."
Maria Shukshina is known as a figure of a cinema art.
It is difficult to move from one area, sphere to another. We know this for ourselves ... Recently we tried our hand at developing a film script ... What is the result? Film oligarchs do not want to notice, do not give federal money ...
As a person who is interested in the history of literature and who has written some works about Ivan Turgenev, I will try to approach Maria Shukshina's open letter from a formal-logical standpoint.
Who is she (as an author)? A complaining human? A pondering human? A teaching [an educating] human?
The general approach to the text depends on this. Creative stylistics.
If she is a person complaining, then she should decide: to whom to complain and who is the aim of her complaining process?
There are those to whom the complainant complains and there are those who are the aim of a complain. In the usual version, these are different people.
If the addressee of the complaint and the person-the aim of a complaining coincide, then this sets special requirements for the style of the text. For some reason, the names of such authors as Mikhail Bulgakov and Mikhail Zoshchenko come to mind. They felt enormous psychological and cultural discomfort and tried to find the appropriate style to express the discomfort. "Heart of a Dog" by Bulgakov, "Monkey" by Zoshchenko ... There are different options ...
If Maria Shukshina is a pondering human, then the option can be a philosophical essay or a poem in prose. Here you can check the tonality and style, for example, by the Poems in Prose by Ivan Turgenev.
Let's say Maria Shukshina chooses for herself the position, the function of a teaching human. In this variant, the style of sermons comes first. Even, a style of a menacing sermons. But for Maria Shukshina, this style is hardly suitable. The role of Archpriest ["Protopop"] Avvakum is not for her.
She can look at the correspondence between Ivan IV Vasilyevich and Andrey Kurbsky. It seems that Kurbsky tried not to show a fear in front of the formidable tsar and to keep courage ...
A generalization. I liked Maria Shukshina's Open letter. In my personal opinion, for her (as an author) the style of the Poems in Prose by Ivan Turgenev is the most appropriate. However, why not try herself in other literary formats?
October 2, 2020 18:00
Translation from Russian into English: October 2, 2020 23:00.
Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Человек жалующийся? Человек размышляющий? Человек поучающий? Краткая рецензия на открытое письмо Марии Шукшиной 'К властям светским и духовным''.