Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich : другие произведения.

A conversation of conspiracy theorists about the monument to birds. The story

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками Юридические услуги. Круглосуточно
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    A conversation of conspiracy theorists about the monument to birds. The story.

  A conversation of conspiracy theorists about the monument to birds. The story.
  - "Dude - he's good. He flies, looks, says smart things. Cheerfulness gives".
  - "The guys are also great. Flight after flight... Are working well".
  - "We ought to put a monument to them".
  - "How can we portray them?"
  - "We will show them to public metaphorically - as if they are eagles".
  - "Eagles, eagles ..."
  - "Geese!"
  - "Geese now who saw? The people who live in the city - they have not seen live geese, and that ones, whom they saw, are not those geese".
  - "So, it"s good that no one saw them. Monument to geese whom no one has seen".
  - "A monument that no one saw, erected in honour of geese, which no one saw..."
  - "Hello! Boy? .. Are you again with your's ... ? Later, later ... Make a record: "A monument that no one has seen, set up in honour of geese that no one has seen." Wrote down? Act. On other issues you will come with your suggestions. Bye, bye!"
  - "One question has been decided for today".
  - "What else do we have for today? ..."
  July 6, 2020 07:05
  Translation from Russian into English: July 6, 2020 07:07.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Совещание конспирологов о памятнике птицам. Рассказ".

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