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A development of tourism in Uttarakhand and on Lake Baikal. The note

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    A development of tourism in Uttarakhand and on Lake Baikal. The note.

  A development of tourism in Uttarakhand and on Lake Baikal. The note.
  Some political algorithms are reproduced - with some peculiarities - in different countries.
  For instance.
  A tourism - it's good! In general, tourism (multi-day, over long distances) is one of the usual subjects of modern praise and worship.
  Interest in the incident in Uttarakhand (February 7, 2021) prompted us to read the material published by The New York Times:
  'Before Himalayan Flood, India Ignored Warnings of Development Risks. Long before a deadly flood hit two hydroelectric dams, scientists warned repeatedly that such projects were dangerous in a fragile region made more so by global warming". By Mujib Mashal and Hari Kumar. Feb. 8, 2021. (
  So, a tourism. The taking care of the development of tourism in Uttarhand (India) - where the very dangerous flood occurred on February 7, 2021.
  '... The government is building more than 500 miles of highway in Uttarkhand to improve access to several major Hindu temples, despite environmentalists' objections to the massive forest clearance required, which can hasten erosion and raise the risk of landslides. (...)
  The Supreme Court sided with one faction of the scientific committee and ruled that the road should be limited to 5.5 meters, or about 18 feet. But by that time, hundreds of acres of forest and tens of thousands of trees had already been cut, a report in the Indian news outlet The Scroll said. (...)
  The area was the site of a well-known environmental protest against deforestation in the 1970s. Protesters, a large number of them women, would hug trees to stop loggers from cutting them, in a movement that became known as 'chipko,' or embrace.
  Mr. Rana said local residents also held protests against construction of the Rishiganga power project, which began generating electricity last year, and they even filed court cases, but to no avail. They feared that the blasting of rocks would cause deadly landslides. " (
  You read these lines and seem to see.
  A praises for tourism (in Russia) ...
  An efforts to "develop tourism" on Lake Baikal - the efforts that are especially noticeable in 2020 and 2021 ...
  Naturally, there will be consequences after the "taking care of the development of tourism on Lake Baikal" ...
  [MCMXСIX. Two years - after the solution of the Bureya problem. A historical essay. - 8 February 2021.
  MMVI. On the issue of the incident in India (in Uttarakhand) on February 7, 2021. A note. - February 12, 2021.
  MMXIII. An army of miniature satellites and the miniature doses of information on the Uttarakhand incident (February 7, 2021). A brief review. - February 16, 2021.].
  February 17, 2021 04:33
  Translation from Russian into English: February 17, 2021 10:58.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Развитие туризма в Уттаракханде и на Байкале. Заметка'.
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