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A financial bar for the modern historian. A historical and cultural essay

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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    A financial bar for the modern historian. A historical and cultural essay.

  A financial bar for the modern historian. A historical and cultural essay.
  There is an opinion that if a person begins to conscientiously engage in intellectual work, then first they freeze him out, and then they smear his lips with sour cream. To make him lick. And to make him wanted more.
  In parallel, discussions periodically arise: how much money a person of intellectual work should to receive? What is the financial bar over which a conscientious person, who has devoted his life to the expansion (development) of knowledge in any field, should "soar" in a victorious leap?
  Take, for example, a student of one of the historical faculties of a reputable university or institute.
  This student studies with enthusiasm, and, finally, he receives a diploma of higher education. Where should he go?
  To school - to work as a teacher?
  The teacher has to prepare, they say, a pile of reporting documents, and the teacher has many superiors. Each of these superiors can take one of the teacher's reporting documents for verification. Further events develop depending on the luck of the teacher and on the circumstances - in general, the teacher is a rather defenseless figure. For any reason, numerous superiors can demand explanations, clarifications, additional reports from him ...
  A university graduate does not want to be a school teacher. (Except for the option of a trip to Sakhalin - there, they say, a preferential mortgage and a Far Eastern hectare. But some kind of intuitive caution stops the former student ... For some reason, people leave the Far East? And they have lived there for decades and they know about the conditions of local life more than a former student ...).
  If not to be a teacher in a school, then where to search a job?
  A second cousin has a great niece. And her husband once worked as a driver of a car at a radio station, and he can lead to influential people and recommend.
  And here is an aspiring historian at the radio station.
  That he has?
  He "launched" a historical web site? Does he write materials for this site? Does he have readers? He wrote grant applications? Yes, it is interesting...
  We just right now are planning to launch a historic broadcast. Of course, all regular (full-time) places are occupied. But we must support the youth. So you, young man, can work as a freelancer. We allow you. Three years, and then the position of assistant to the third assistant director will be vacant, and we will take you on the staff ...
  The former student lives on the maintenance of his parents and prepares historical programs for the radio station, writes applications for the radio station to receive budgetary funding ...
  A great boon has been done for him! Respectable people allowed him to work!
  So, the freezing out stage has begun. Ahead (in three years) the stage of smearing his lips with sour cream will begin.
  In such a practical situation, the public is trying to determine: what should be the amount of income of a historian?
  Hooray! The data on the income of one of the famous historians arrived!
  What is he known for?
  The basis of his fame is the scandals associated with the defense of his dissertations by this historian. Someone says that the dissertation (singular or plural?) has been rewritten. Another person is trying to catch his hand in connection with the history with the abstract (two versions of the abstract are circulating! Does this happen - in a case of a real dissertation defense?).
  Imperceptibly the history of his entry into the post of head of the historical society passed by. Previously (for decades) there was a historical movement, but now the historical movement has "merged" into the historical society, the former director has been removed, and the historian is placed on the post of the leader. Where is the former director? Sits behind the prison bars... That's how all happened...
  What else?
  There was a story with plays. The fact is that all the creative markets that have been created for centuries were destroyed in a few decades. A creative person is almost deprived of the opportunity to sell his creative product to the general public. And there are no market mechanisms. And it is not very difficult to find himself in ranks of "foreign agents" - they say that some uncle from a little-known European country can go to the post office and transfer five euros to the bank account of a creative person. A foreign funding?! The foreign agent?!
  And so, there was an area where it is possible to receive live money. This is if a creative person writes plays and attaches (inculcates) them to the theater. A theater is a necessary institution. It happens, that the public visits, and it happens, that they don"t. But there are government subsidies. Consequently, the royalties for the author of the play are guaranteed. So, the historian is here.
  A vague rumors about the "creative collaboration" of the historian with some kind of "writer" started to creep... Isn't the "writer" passionate about the writing of plays?
  Somehow, the information about the collaboration of the historian with the theaters came to naught.
  What else is interesting?
  The historian periodically publishes books. We will not talk about "hostwriters" here ...
  In one of the books, for example, a historian accuses respected cultural figure of the 19th century of supplying poor-quality goods for the Russian army.
  However, there are documents that testify to the quite successful completion of a commercial career as an entrepreneur-cultural figure.
  Therefore, is a book a low-quality creative product?...
  He gives lectures on the radio... What's new in them - when compared with the texts from Wikipedia? Maybe someone worked in the Paris archives, got new information, unknown to modern historical science? (To do this, you need to have many skills, experience, know the French language ... There was a graduate studentess-historian with such qualities - her research activities at one of the central universities did not work out ...).
  The historian starts an administrative career. He took over the leadership position.
  Again scandals. Where and on what does this fund spend money? Many are outraged: where and what is the money being spent on? Big noise.
  Periodically, subordinates of the historian-administrator are held accountable for economic offenses.
  But he, the historian, is a "good boss", "a good superior." He knows nothing about the work of his subordinates. That is, he knows something, but he knew nothing about offenses.
  The historian is removed from administrative duties and transferred to negotiation work.
  He leads the negotiations!
  All are wondering: what are the results?
  Perhaps, to begin with, we should ask: were Letter of credence (Lettre de créance) presented before the start of negotiations? And what was written in these credentials?
  Such is the historian.
  Not to say that he is with outstanding creative qualities.
  What is his income?
  Since he is a valuable activist, he submits an annual declaration.
  How much did he get last year?
  One hundred million rubles. About the same is his wife. (But he didn"t get divorced - to hide his wife"s income ... This is a plus for him ...).
  Not all millions of rubles are the result of creative work. Perhaps there is income from the rental of real estate?
  Well... If you are a historian, if you have real estate, and if the ownership of this property was not terminated in 2019, then you too can try to get rental income from your property...
  So now you can know about the level of a historian's income ... Even if a historian does not shine with creative achievements (but if he is close to the state budget) ...
  April 17, 2022 07:20
  Translation from Russian into English: April 17, 2022 09:18
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Финансовая планка для современного историка. Историко-культурный очерк".
  { 2921. Финансовая планка для современного историка. Историко-культурный очерк.
  MMDCCCXCI. A financial bar for the modern historian. A historical and cultural essay. }
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