Аннотация: MMMDCIII. A luckiness and a foresight in the military art. A note from a military-theoretical volunteer. - January 17, 2025.
A luckiness and a foresight in the military art. A note from a military-theoretical volunteer.
Many years ago, while working in a law field, I went into a bookstore with several clients (it was a very large case, so there was not a one client, but a group). We made some purchases. I bought several copies of Sun Tzu's treatise "The Art of War" (written circa 380-325 BC) (I did not see Boris Shaposhnikov's book "The Brain of the Army" (1927) on the shelf of the bookstore).
I took one of the copies of Sun Tzu's treatise for myself, and presented the remaining copies to my companions (they were slightly surprised).
Since then, I have dreamed of "putting my five kopecks" in the coin box of a military theoretical thought. I hope that this my note (below) will contribute to the realization of this dream of mine.
Napoleon appreciated such a quality of his marshals as a (current) luckiness.
How to determine the level of (current) luckiness?
Napoleon determined the marshals' level of luckiness by giving them the opportunity to play several games of cards. Marshal who won the most was recognized by Napoleon as the man with the most luckiness. The marshal with the most level of luckiness was given the most difficult task.
And who deserves to be Napoleon? To be a top-level commander? A person - with what qualities?
Mikhail Illarionovich Kutuzov held a military council after the Battle of Borodino (September 1, 1812, council in Fili).
How should the Russian Army act after the Battle of Borodino?
During this council, Kutuzov often dozed off.
Someone will think that Kutuzov was very tired, that Kutuzov needed an urgent rest during the military council.
In fact, Kutuzov sought to penetrate into the future, to see the future results of military activities.
Thus, a foresight is a sign of an outstanding military figure.
How to determine whether a person has such a quality as a foresight (in the military sphere)?
One option is - to provide an opportunity for one or another figure from the military sphere, or from some related field (Vasily Konstantinovich Blyukher (Blucher), for example, worked as a clerk's assistant before the First World War, that is, as a junior salesman in merchant Belousov's shop in Moscow), to make public predictions about the course of a major military operation. Such forecasts can spread in the media and become the property of the broad masses of the people.
Then it is enough to wait for the appropriate date (when the forecast should come true) and after that give the appropriate military figure responsible military assignments.
The forecast is especially convenient if it is associated with a well-known date (for example, the end of 2024 - the beginning of 2025).
This approach will help to complete (to staff) the highest levels of military leadership with figures who own such an important quality as a foresight. (Modern Russia needs not only Zhukovs, but also Kutuzovs).
January 17, 2025, 09:45
Translation from Russian into English: January 17, 2025 11:21
Владимир Владимирович Залесский ' Удачливость и предвидение в военном искусстве. Заметка военно-теоретического волонтёра. '.
{ 3632. Удачливость и предвидение в военном искусстве. Заметка военно-теоретического волонтёра. - 17 января 2025 г.
MMMDCIII. A luckiness and a foresight in the military art. A note from a military-theoretical volunteer. - January 17, 2025.
Vladimir Zalessky Internet-bibliotheca. Интернет-библиотека Владимира Залесского}