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A Malefactor or a Fairy Tale how Chekhov wrote a story

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    A Malefactor or a Fairy Tale how Chekhov wrote a story.

  A Malefactor or a Fairy Tale how Chekhov wrote a story.
  In Crimea, the weather often changed, and Anton Pavlovich Chekhov felt sick.
  Olga Knipper-Chekhova, who came to husband, spoke about the pianist. The pianist was inspired by the example of Maria Andreeva and decided to engage in revolutionary activities.
  The pianist tried to transport a forbidden literature across the border and was detained. During interrogations, he was asked, among others, questions: what does he want? What does he want to achieve with his revolutionary activities?
  The pianist was delighted with Maria Andreeva, but he was not familiar with her views (perhaps she did not have any harmonious system of views, but there was a lot of energy).
  There was an element of comic in the situation.
  Chekhov liked the plot, he felt better and decided to write a humorous story.
  But he didn't want to touch neither the pianist nor Maria Andreeva.
  Chekhov wrote a story about a man who unscrewed nuts from the railroad tracks and explained own motives confusedly.
  Olga Knipper-Chekhova liked the story of Anton Pavlovich.
  After some time, in Moscow, she read the story 'A Malefactor' to the pianist and Maria Andreeva.
  The pianist switched to piano concerts (if possible, with revolutionary overtones).
  Maria Andreeva started a family with Maxim Gorky and left for Italy. Maxim Gorky from Italy began to correspond, to exchange by letters with all the cultural Russia.
  Maxim Gorky (with the support of Maria Andreeva) with his concern in Italy about the Russian culture, and the pianist with his piano concerts, did more good than the revolutionaries who smuggled illegal literature across the border ...
  A novice landowner-lawyer Vladimir Ulyanov, meanwhile, read Chekhov's 'Ward No. 6' and began to bring down the Russian autocracy.
  So across the border it was enough to legally carry a Chekov 's books.
  Vladimir Ulyanov-Lenin, in order not to look like an illiterate man from 'A Malefactor,' began to write books (in the questionnaire he called himself a 'writer') and created a whole revolutionary theory.
  In general, the pianist a little overdid ... And Chekhov wrote a lot of great stories ...
  March 20, 2020 20:12
  Translation from Russian into English: March 20, 2020 20:45.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Злоумышленник или Сказка как Чехов написал рассказ'.
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