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A miraculous recovery on the free radio station Kosti-Nf. A sketch

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    A miraculous recovery on the free radio station Kosti-NF. A sketch.

  A miraculous recovery on the free radio station Kosti-NF. A sketch.
  Mr. Wintertund was half asleep in the hospital ward when Mrs. Quicktalker burst into the ward:
  - The situation is getting back to normal !!!
  - How much? - Mr. Wintertund listlessly raised his hand and wiggled his fingers in the air, as if counting banknotes.
  - Three times more!
  - Cash?
  - No! A payment for informational inserts about the Common State!
  Mr. Wintertund opened his eyes and sat down on the bed.
  He touched the elbow of his left hand with his right hand and massaged his right cheek with his left hand.
  Then he pulled out a thermometer from under his hospital pajamas:
  - The temperature is normal! I seem to have recovered!
  Mrs. Quicktalker rushed into the corridor, where the members of a small delegation from Kosti-NF employees were situated. She returned with a huge beautiful bouquet of flowers:
  - Congratulations on your recovery!
  - Did you bring clothes for me with you? - Mr. Wintertund inquired busily.
  - A school of Investigative Journalism, - Mrs. Quicktalker answered confidently and handed Mr. Wintertund a package of clothes.
  Soon, Mr. Wintertund with a huge bouquet of flowers was walking along the corridor of his native radio station to his office-room. On both sides of the red carpet were in rows employees of Kosti-NF. They greeted the return of Mr. Wintertund with applause.
  - Rises to wages, more substantial social packages, generous individual incentives! - Mr. Wintertund recited in a loud voice.
  The applause intensified.
  The freedom of speech crisis was overcome.
  Having resolved urgent issues, Mr. Wintertund began to type on the computer the order: "To cover the activities of the Common State as broadly and in as much detail as possible!" "Use every opportunity, which are opening up on the base of the freedom of speech and media independence !"
  The life of the radio station, and indeed of all free media, was gradually returning to normal.
  October 6, 2021 09:54
  Translation from Russian into English: October 6, 2021 10:53.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Чудесное выздоровление на свободной радиостанции Кости-NF. Рассказ'.
  { 2438. Чудесное выздоровление на свободной радиостанции Кости-NF. Рассказ.
  MMСCCСVIII. A miraculous recovery on the free radio station Kosti-NF. A sketch. (English) }
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