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A phenomenon of baiting in a modern Russia. A political science sketch

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    A phenomenon of baiting in a modern Russia. A political science sketch.

  A phenomenon of baiting in a modern Russia. A political science sketch.
  The example of the historian Oleg Sokolov makes the topic of baiting relevant - as of a relatively new modality of life in a modern Russia.
  A baiting is a phenomenon, it is a process that is organized at different levels.
  At the national level, a baiting is organized against large groups of the population.
  How is a baiting of a national level expressed?
  1) Organization of depression in the economic sphere to lower the degree of social activity. (Once peasants dying of hunger were not capable of active resistance; now there are new conditions and new "findings" in the field of government ...).
  2) An entanglement (the ever-increasing) into debts of huge masses of the population.
  3) Creation and material encouragement of semi-criminal strata - quasi-collectivos (following the example of Venezuela) - illiterate, unhelpful, ambitious, aggressive strata, capable of generating aggressiveness and suppressing social activity of other social groups without direct damage to the reputation of state structures.
  4) Cultivation and encouragement of media structures and media figures, whose specialization is not informing, but an attaching of labels ("liberasts", "Vlasovites" [supporters of general Andrey Vlasov], "Banderians" [supporters of Stepan Bandera] , etc., etc.), a making threats, a calling to mass and individual persecution ...
  5) Creation of petty-regulated legislation, divorced from the real conditions of life, more and more detailed, practically unenforceable, putting any citizen under a risk of applying sanctions ...
  A baiting at the national level is combined with a baiting at the individual level.
  In this case, we will not consider an example of actions against Oleg Sokolov.
  We will take, for example, Vanya Zhukov ("Vanka" is an 1886 short story by Anton Chekhov.), who lives in modern conditions.
  Suppose he became a student of some Moscow Higher School. As one of the targets of nationwide baiting, he is dissatisfied with modern reality. He is skeptical about all this multi-day and electronic voting and considers it expedient to express his opinion without the mediation of election commissions that have lost his confidence. He reads the Constitution, discovers the right to peaceful expression of his opinion there and goes out into the street.
  It turns out that many of the details of the legislative regulation of peaceful protests were not fulfilled (by him).
  Vanya Zhukov received a suspended sentence.
  However, he wishes to continue his studies. But with the continuation of studies, great difficulties arise.
  This is followed by repeated attacks on him in the street.
  All this is camouflaged as a moderate humanism. Still, he was not killed or maimed, but he was only beaten (although more than once) ... But the perpetrators have not been found ...
  However, his whole life is completely disorganized. A feeling of danger threatening from all sides, a feeling of hostility from the social environment, a hopelessness ...
  A baiting is an encirclement (complete or partial), it is a danger threatening from different, or from all, sides ... A feelings of discomfort and irritation are growing ...
  Recall that Vanya Zhukov is a young man. Relationships with the opposite sex are natural.
  However, due to the general intimidation of the population, not every girl wants to have a relationship with him, as with a peculiar outsider.
  Well, if someone wants to have a relationship, then there are methods for such a case ... (See, for example, our miniature "[MXC]. It is better to be the boss and to be in friendly relations with the theater environment. Story.").
  Gradually we come to the very core, to the meaning of a phenomenon of baiting. Behind the screen of moderation in the level of persecution, behind a kind of humanism, there is a gradual destruction of the personality and destruction of a person's life. A person must "leave", but as if by himself ...
  It will be great if he will lose his self-control and will perform some obviously antisocial act ...
  In this case, the whole process of baiting will be in the shadows, in the background. And the antisocial act will be put on display, to the foreground, to the first place, it will become the reason for the impartial, fair and reasonable destruction of a person, his reputation, his personality, his life ...
  As for the historical aspects of baiting, earlier the state in a simple-minded, naive manner tried to appease the population with all kinds of bonuses - free education, free medicine, a career elevators, practically free utilities and other real or illusory gingerbreads. In addition to simple-minded, naive style, there were (in past) remnants of such notions as honor and respectability ...
  The baiting format transforms, transfers the relationship between the ruling stratum and large masses of the population, between influential persons and individuals into a new quality.
  It is not gingerbreads that comes to the fore, but manipulative social technologies, artificial depressive techniques (mass and individual ones), an endless "games" ...
  [MXC. It is better to be the boss and to be in friendly relations with the theater environment. Story. - October 20, 2019
  MDCCXVII. Key elements of the biography of Oleg Sokolov, the leader of the Russial Napoleonic studies. Experimental essay - an attempt of a partial biographical reconstruction. - September 16, 2020.]
  September 17, 2020 07:47
  Translation from Russian into English: September 17, 2020 11:35.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Феномен травли в современной России. Политологический очерк'.
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