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A "Russial" literature. What is it? A note

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    A "Russial" literature. What is it? A note.

  A "Russial" literature. What is it? A note.
  Sometimes the word combination "Russial literature" is found.
  More familiar are the words "Russian literature" and "Soviet literature."
  What is a "Russial literature"?
  It is quite natural to assume that the "Russial literature" is the "modern" literature.
  Under this assumption, a some qualities and properties of a "Russial" literature are obvious.
  First, a "modern" literature is loyal. A loyalty manifests itself directly or indirectly. A direct loyalty is a clear position. An indirect loyalty is expressed, for example, in such a phenomenon as a huge volume of literary garbage, which, if interpreted appropriately, should indicate a creative potential of a "modern" literature.
  Second, a "modern" literature is a profitable system.
  Applicants for the famous and respected profession of "writer" have the opportunity to:
  (a) pay out from own pocket for the preparation and publication of own works,
  (b) pay for advertising, promotion of own books,
  (c) to pay with personal money for participation in various pompous events (for example, in a book exhibitions)...
  It is a right of every man to dispose of his money. But is it possible to call the person who pays for all this activity a "writer"? Another word is more appropriate...
  Third, a "modern" literature is a localized and grouped system. More than 50 percent (perhaps more than 95 percent) of a "modern" literature (and of a "literary infrastructure") is localized in "capitals".
  Fourth, a "modern" literature is a positioned [portrayed] system. Owing to an independent set of efforts, a surnames familiar to readers (such surnames were used by the great writers) sound next to the "modern" literature. Such approach should give the impression that the "modern" literature has traditions, cultural ties with the Russian and the Soviet (with Velikolithuanian, East-Republican, European and World literature).
  It is possible to make comparisons, to go into the details, to look for new features and characteristics. However, the format of the "note" is different from the format of the "doctoral dissertation". But... they say that the doctoral dissertation of the physicist A. A. Lebedev (it seems about the "nature of light"? - requires clarification) was presented on seven pages.
  These are some characteristics of a "modern" literature. The process of a cognition is endless.
  December 30, 2019 12:40
  Translation from Russian into English: December 30, 2019 13:32.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский '"Российская" литература. Что это такое? Заметка'.
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