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A Scientific Circle Dance and A Scientific Dragon. The Essay on the history of science

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    A Scientific Circle Dance and A Scientific Dragon. The Essay on the history of science.

  A Scientific Circle Dance and A Scientific Dragon. The Essay on the history of science.
  A young man who begins to think about the laws of world history may ask a question: how does the Scientific Dragon differ from the Scientific Circle Dance?
  Why, for example, in the United States a working day does not last twenty-four hours, but the United States is a world scientific and economic leader?
  How did it happen that Edison, Tesla, Steinmetz did not climb along various kinds of career ladders, but brought benefits and propelled the American economy forward?
  You can understand the situation by simply getting to know the current news.
  What we can to know?
  Suppose there is a recognized expert on the era of Napoleon. And this specialist lives not in France, but in Russia.
  What is interesting - he is recognized, as a specialist, in France. He advises there, and teaches, and even received the Order of the Legion of Honor ...
  It seems, that this high-class specialist has 16 monographs and many scientific articles (about a hundred scientific works, participation in the preparation of historical encyclopedias, etc., etc.) ...
  A young man entering into life absorbs all this information, and such a picture appears in his imagination.
  At the Presidium of the Academy of Sciences, people are busy with big and responsible matters. For example, very large budget money is constantly needed ...
  A great level of employment! An overworking! About 2000 thousand academicians! But not all of them have the Order of the Legion of Honor? !!!
  The news breaks through the flow of information: there is such a high-class specialist, works as an assistant professor at the university, a huge mind, 16 monographs, many articles. Received the Legion of Honor. French.
  The order is solving everything. If somehow earlier hands did not reach this issue, then after the order the presidium employees postpone all their important affairs and go to the assistant professor.
  Associate Professor pleased. Nearby is a girl-student. Employees of the Presidium shake hands with her just in case: everything is fine! (A sigh of relief).
  They turn to the assistant professor.
  "You are a huge specialist! The Sun of modern historical science! How are you still not a doctor of science, not a professor?"
  The luminary of science modestly makes a pause. According to a recipe of Stanislavsky...
  "We offer you a doctor"s degree - without protection ... Why do you need protection? You are known and recognized as a scientist and as a specialist ... Naturally, and the title of professor ... We will accept you as an academician ... If you are a leader in historical science, why you ought to languish in correspondent members? Homeland needs you! Listen to what our great people say ... A caring for talents ..."
  "I agree..."
  Of course, this is a nice picture. However, everything was different.
  As it turns out, the intellectual luminary, the leader of historical science, a recognized specialist, the author of 16 monographs, did not have the opportunity to become a doctor of science and professor.
  When the prankers called him and offered to join certain political actions, he took this offer very positively and even began to ask to support him in obtaining a doctorate degree and the title of professor.
  For political actions these words, "doctor", "professor", - they sound more significant ...
  But it was a phone call of prankers. Apparently, none of the influential people found it appropriate to communicate with a great scientific specialist ...
  But who, then, has a chance?
  Again, the history of the assistant professor gives an answer to this question.
  He was an energetic, creative person ... Through all his biography passes the glory of a connoisseur of young girl-students' beauty ...
  One of the girl-students (according to the main version) was the victim of an assistant professor. Allegedly, an assistant professor killed a girl-student.
  If there is an assistant professor, that is, the university in which he works, and the university has a rector (the author of 16 (?) monographs, textbooks, commentaries).
  As scientific persons, the assistant professor and the rector are perhaps comparable. Maybe the assistant professor even outweighs. - He, nevertheless, received recognition abroad ...
  And this rector cares not only about himself, but also, for example, about girl-students - they, girls, are, as a rule, financially not very wealthy and depend on different people.
  And such a caring rector - just after the death (November 7, 2019) of a girl-student - of associate professor's girlfriend - is elected to the Academy of Sciences (November 15, 2019).
  The Science Dragon rushes forward and up. A Scientific Circle Dance - is circling .... Ones are walking behind of others.
  In these plots, the historian can find one of the keys to scientific and economic leadership ...
  November 17, 2019 10:17
  Translation from Russian into English: November 17, 2019 11:34.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Научный Хоровод и Научный Дракон. Очерк истории науки.".
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