Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich : другие произведения.

A small plan for a big media company. Media against bureaucracy. A script for a radio program

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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    A small plan for a big media company. Media against bureaucracy. A script for a radio program.

  A small plan for a big media company. Media against bureaucracy. A script for a radio program.
  - You see, friends, what the situation is. What we have to do?
  - Military intelligence recorded an agreement between the minister and two friendly media holdings about an interview. Through the General Staff I will assist to include you in the pool of interviewers. This will raise your status, will show your influence and the influence of our media company.
  - Thanks. This is useful, but the problem is broader. After the termination of the media pact, everyone is required not contractual, but absolute loyalty. We have to wait for big trouble. They are testing a model of action against us in Belarus. They stopped publishing our newspaper without any explanation.
  - We may wait for a raider attack. But while they are busy collecting big data for artificial intelligence, so we have some time to prepare for further actions.
  - After the raider attack, we will split into three groups. Ones will take the "Sputnik" medicine, the others will try to survive by individual efforts on foreign Internet platforms. The thirds will wait out the events at their dachas. The second and third options require money. For the first option, money will also not hurt.
  - This is the right approach ...
  - As for Belarus, here you need to act slowly. To pretend to be hoses. Go, look them in their eyes ...
  - This is a good tactical move. But he won't bring money.
  - For earn money you need to go to the Far East. Remember our successful maneuvers around Khabarovsk. Now - the acute situation in Kamchatka.
  - Right!
  - Whom should we send there? A specialist on Khabarovsk?
  - We have a specialistess on problems of Lake Baikal. She showed herself well there. She gained a some experience. The idea of pollution of Lake Baikal with small algae was put forward. The problem is important, - imperceptibly overshadowed the topic of theft of federal funds allocated for the restoration of Lake Baikal ...
  - Yes, Baikal is closer to Kamchatka than Khabarovsk. Environmental theme. Moreover, she has not yet become familiar to audience, the person is relatively new to the readership and inspires a sense of trust ...
  - Thanks for your opinions and your support. Thus, it's our plan of actions. I join the group interviewing the Minister (thank you Colonel!). Then, I immediately leave for Belarus to look into the eyes of the high-ranking officials there. You are looking for dachas [country cottages] for purchase, creating Internet-accounts (on foreign Internet platforms) for individual survival, and are preparing to use "Sputnik".
  We will get finances through the Far East. After receiving the money, we act in a balanced and reasonable manner.
  - Military history knows many cases of timely retreat to prepared positions ...
  - Thank you, Colonel! So, our action plan is drawn up. I announce our meeting completed!
  October 19, 2020 06:42
  Translation from Russian into English: October 19, 2020 07:25.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Маленький план для большой медиа-компании. Медиа против бюрократии. Сценарий для радиопередачи'.
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