Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich : другие произведения.

A smart tricks of getting literary money through footmen and musketeers. A note about two books

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    A smart tricks of getting literary money through footmen and musketeers. A note about two books.

  A smart tricks of getting literary money through footmen and musketeers. A note about two books.
  In France during the time of Alexandre Dumas there were not only theaters, but also newspapers.
  In newspapers, as in theaters, quite noticeable money was spinning.
  'The formula - "Novel will be continued in the Next Issue" - which was invented by Dr. Veron in 1829 for the Revue de Paris, has become a powerful driving force for journalism.' (André Maurois). (All citations in this article are from the book by André Maurois 'Three Dumas' ["Titans: A Three-Generation Biography of the Dumas"]).
  (All quotations - translations from the Russian-language text).
  Alexandre Dumas becomes one of the most famous and highly paid writers - the author of historical novels.
  He invents additional algorithms for making money in literature.
  For example, in the novel 'The Three Musketeers,' he introduces 'the footman Grimaud, the great silent man, who was answering all questions in one word'. The corresponding 'dialogue had a double advantage: it facilitated reading and increased the author's royalties tenfold' (André Maurois).
  'The writer of the time, Vermersch later wrote a parody of the famous dialogues of Dumas:
  '- Have you seen him?'
  - Whom?
  - Him.
  - Whom?
  - Dumas.
  - Father?
  - Yes.
  - What a man!
  - Oh! Yes!
  - What energy!
  - No words!
  - And what a fertility!
  - Damn it!' '(André Maurois).
  A little reminiscent of the story about Vyacheslav Menzhinsky, published in the series "Fiery revolutionaries." [Серия 'Пламенные революционеры']
  Menzhinsky, himself, is a curious figure. Abroad, in exile [in emigration], he (according to some memoirs) sneered at Lenin. After the revolution, he held high posts ...
  Who is he?
  Apparently, in the series 'Fiery revolutionaries' the editorial (publisher) paid given the volume of the written text.
  The mentioned story is filled with endless dialogues heroes of second and third levels.
  About Vyacheslav Menzhinsky is almost impossible to learn something from this story ...
  The traditions of Alexandre Dumas. Secrets of Cardinal Richelieu ...
  "La Presse and Le Siecl announced that from now on they will pay only for those lines that occupy more than half of the column. The director of Figaro, Vilmessan, accidentally turned up at Dumas that day. He noticed that Dumas was rereading and was crossing out entire pages of the manuscript"(André Maurois).
  The series "Fiery revolutionaries" also was stopped. Almost simultaneously with the USSR ...
  The Musketeers of Perestroika are waiting for their historical novelists ...
  And big "literary" money is waiting for own recipients.
  Everything changes. But nothing changes.
  Alexandre Dumas - as before - is widely known.
  November 20, 2019 15:19
  Translation from Russian into English: November 20, 2019 21:42.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Ловкие приёмы получения литературных денег через лакеев и мушкетеров. Заметка о двух книгах'.
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