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Astra Space. Private business sets records in space. The note

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    Astra Space. Private business sets records in space. The note.

  Astra Space. Private business sets records in space. The note.
  California-based startup Astra Space has successfully launched a prototype of its rocket into orbit for the first time. The launch of the Astra Rocket 3.3 rocket with serial number LV0007 took place on the morning of November 20, 2021 from the launch pad at the Kodiak cosmodrome, located in Alaska.
  In my opinion, it is not only the very fact of a successful launch that is interesting.
  Another circumstances are very interesting.
  For a private company (of the US space industry) launching a rocket into space is a difficult task, but there is no doubt about the possibility of solving this problem.
  Apparently, the level of technical and organizational culture in the private space business of the United States is such that the very possibility of space launches is considered as indisputable.
  The company Astra Space is interesting in that the topic of records is associated with it.
  The head of Astra Space set the task of making space launch as cheap as possible.
  The successful launch gives rise to the media to discuss the another record, another achievement.
  'The launch took place five years and one month after Chris Kemp and Adam London founded Astra in October 2016. Thus, the startup was able to break the record for time period of reaching orbit.
  For example, SpaceX took six years and four months to successfully launch its Falcon 1 rocket. It took Firefly, Virgin Orbit and Rocket Lab seven years or more to successfully reach orbit. (...)
  Kemp says the Astra has already more than 50 contract launches. " [unofficial translation]
  Chris Kemp is the CEO of the company.
  When he was 15, he worked for an Apple Dealer Network.
  Kemp Kemp studied Computer Engineering at the University of Alabama in Huntsville.
  He held positions of responsibility during his time at NASA and during his collaboration with NASA.
  In March 2010, Kemp was appointed as the first NASA chief technology officer for information technology.
  On March 14, 2011, Kemp announced his resignation as NASA's chief technology officer for IT.
  On March 25, 2011, Kemp incorporated Fourth Paradigm Development, Inc. with entrepreneur Steve O'Hara and former colleague Devin Carlen. It would later change its name to Nebula.
  In October 2016, Kemp, together with Adam London, founded the startup Astra with the aim to develop a small-lift orbital rocket.
  Following the 2016 reincorporation, the company's employees expanded to a new building at Naval Air Station Alameda. Due to Naval Air Station Alameda's vast retired runways, the company was able to perform full tests in close proximity to its headquarters, eliminating the need for expensive and complex logistics for rocket testing.
  Subsequently, the Pacific Spaceport Complex - Alaska (PSCA) was chosen as the only launch location.
  The private business in the space industry is feeling more and more confident. He maneuvers goals and deadlines; space exploration is getting more and more creative.
  'Shares of the American rocket-building company Astra Space soared by 42.5% - to $ 13.58 per share as of 17:39 Moscow time on the NASDAQ stock exchange. By 20:01 Moscow time, growth slowed to 25.18%, and the price dropped to $ 11.9 per share.
  Interest in the shares of Astra Space grew after the announcement of the first successful launch of the launch vehicle. " [unofficial translation] (https://quote.rbc.ru/news/article/619bba049a7947c6de16e9eb?utm_source=yxnews&utm_medium=desktop)
  Illustration: An Innovative Cosmic Prosperiton.
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  November 24, 2021 08:55
  Translation from Russian into English: November 24, 2021 10:06.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Astra Space. Частный бизнес ставит рекорды в космосе. Заметка'.
  { 2559. Astra Space. Частный бизнес ставит рекорды в космосе. Заметка.
  MMDXXIX. Astra Space. Private business sets records in space. The note. (English). }
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