Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich : другие произведения.

A throwery in relation of metropolitan journalistess or a concern for human capital. Essay

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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    A throwery in relation of metropolitan journalistess or a concern for human capital. Essay.

  A throwery in relation of metropolitan journalistess or a concern for human capital. Essay.
  About an hour ago, a well-known radio hostess said that bank telephone prankers threw (cheated) her for about 45 thousand rubles. And she was confident in her invulnerability (that is, previously there were no such cases with her).
  Before considering this situation, we express our sympathy for the victim. She can be treated as an abstract deceived woman. A cheated woman who deserves sympathy.
  She is, however, not an ordinary woman. She is a person in whom money, time and exclusive information were invested.
  And what to do with her?
  To explain to her that she took the wrong position on some issues?
  So already it was explained to her. She presented her point of view, and her former partner in the radio program repeated the opposite point of view 33 times.
  And what to do with her?
  Firstly, after all, a woman. Perhaps this plays a role. We will not demonize the organizers of the performance to the utmost extent.
  Secondly, money, time and exclusive information were invested in her. A good owner in bad weather will not drive the dog out into the street. And in Moscow it's raining now. So let she sit in her radio house and say the right things with extraordinary sincerity. For this, she is mainly needed.
  From criminal methods of influence a nonviolent ones are chosen. We are not talking about legal methods of influence yet - nevertheless, she is a metropolitan journalistess ...
  Of the criminal non-violent methods of influence, the softest are chosen. Does she not know that the owners can easily provide income of any level. Get back on the right track! Show your repentance correctly! And you will easily get ten times more lost - 450 thousand rubles.
  Return to the correct path, and again you will live in serenity, without any unpleasant incidents ... Not such a stupid decision, to tell the truth ...
  To live and to learn (A century of life - a century of learning). Folk wisdom shows its correctness even for well-known metropolitan radio journalists trying to sit in two chairs at once.
  "Come back, I will forgive everything!!!".
  (... Safronov, a well-known radio hostess ... The machine is working ...)
  July 15, 2020 20:18
  Translation from Russian into English: July 15, 2020 20:50.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Кидалово столичной журналистки или забота о человеческом капитале. Очерк'.
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