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A Western World, a Uniform World and the coronavirus. A philosophical treatise

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    A Western World, a Uniform World and the coronavirus. A philosophical treatise.

  A Western World, a Uniform World and the coronavirus. A philosophical treatise.
  Approximately during the 40-year period prior to World War I the Western World was society of wellbeing.
  After World War II and the subsequent restoration, during about 40-45 years, the Western World was society of prosperity.
  Russia (USSR) was on the periphery of the Western World. Nevertheless, she could be called his integral part.
  What were the features of the Western World? A protection of human rights, a traditional values, a comfortable position of a creative person and of an individuality ... A development of a science, an art, a literature, economics ...
  Among the other characteristics of the Western World are a high medical, hygienic, sanitary public standards.
  The Western World was increasingly under a pressure from the ideology of representatives of the Uniform (unitized, leveled, unified) World.
  The ideologists of the Uniform World demanded that the Western World repent.
  A repent for what? For a colonialism, for the other "sins" or - if not for a "sins", then for a secret or overt tendency to the other "sins."
  Why, for what aim to repent? To recognize the own imperfection and to be dissolved in the other civilizational structures, to lose a historical continuity, and to give a way to the Uniform World.
  Many figures of the Western World began to repent.
  The recognition of the progressiveness of the Uniform World became a sign of a good political tone, and the addiction to the values of the Western World gradually became something more and more suspicious.
  Finally, after the beginning of the 21st century, the contours of the Uniform World began to appear.
  It turned out that the Uniform World has no special advantages over the Western World.
  Many representatives of the Western World found themselves in an increasingly less and less favorable position.
  Some of the critics of the Western World (or the other figures) found themselves in an increasingly favorable position.
  As for the level of totalitarianism, a lack of mass well-being, a lowering of the general comfort of life - a general unsuitability for a normal human life - then according to these "indicators" the Uniform World "exceeded" and "surpasses" the Western World.
  It was logical to ask a question: what's the point of abandoning the Western World in favor of a Uniform World (with a dissolved Western values and traditions)?
  Such a question became especially relevant for Russia.
  Could Russia turn out to be a collective Ivan, who not remembers a kinship, who exchanges a cow for a chicken and a chicken for a lizard, and who able to find himself in the most unfavorable and stupid position?
  However, due to the flow of events and the ideological pressure of the supporters of the Uniform World, a situation, earlier, did not approached to a fundamental questions. Many issues became taboo - forbidden for discussion.
  But one of the manifestations of the emerging Unified World, as it seems, was the coronavirus pandemic (the epidemic began in December 2019).
  There is an occasion to ask questions: is the Western World so bad? And is the Uniform World so good? What is the point of abandoning the values (and shortcomings) of the Western World for the sake of the "pryaniks" ["gingerbreads"] of the Uniform World?
  It seems that there no "pryaniks" ["sweets"] of the Uniform World are in perspective ... And the pandemic has become a fact ...
  It remains to recall the times of wellbeing and prosperity ...
  March 19, 2020 23:40
  Translation from Russian into English: March 20, 2020 11:10.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Западный Мир, Унифицированный Мир и коронавирус. Философский трактат'.

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