Zalessky Vladimir : другие произведения.

Cash Flow Balance (saldo) and Vice Speaker. A financial note

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    Текст временно не публикуется. The text is temporarily not published. Cash Flow Balance (saldo) and Vice Speaker. A financial note.

  Cash Flow Balance (saldo) and Vice Speaker. A financial note.
  In the morning news release, there was a report on the meeting of the head of the administration of the Kherson region with the vice-speaker.
  As for where this meeting took place, - I have no clarity about that issue.
  There are two main options.
  The first option - event took place in Moscow. So, the head of the administration of the Kherson region needs to get to Moscow. Living expenses, food, travel expenses... Wages...
  The second option - the meeting took place in the Kherson region.
  I assume that a friendly dinner took place, a sightseeing tour (costs for a car, for a driver, for gasoline, for spare parts ...), accommodation in some resort place ...
  Either way, there are costs.
  The meeting with the vice-speaker is a one-time event. But administration's activity need a huge and a permanent cost.
  I suppose that without the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, these costs are unlikely.
  Has there been a presentation by the head of administration of a writ of execution to the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation?
  I think no. If the head of the administration had applied to the court (which one?), then the question would immediately have arisen: is the Kherson region a subject of the Russian Federation? Etc...
  So the writ of execution is unlikely.
  Most likely, an Order was issued, or a similar document. On the basis of this administrative act, a financial means are flowing.
  It is clear that this situation does not surprise the vice-speaker. She is directly involved in the development and adoption of the Law on the State Budget.
  But what could surprise her.
  In 2019, the citizen of the Russian Federation Zalessky Vladimir Vladimirovich, residing in the city of Rostov-on-Don (Russia), was deprived of the right of ownership for object of real estate, located on the territory of the Russian Federation.
  The case was considered by various instances, the information was confirmed.
  Only the Russian Federation has access to operations with the Unified State Register of Real Estate (UGRN) - this is obvious to everyone.
  Citizen Zalessky V.V. appealed to the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation (with four applications), to the Government of the Russian Federation (one application [by e-mail] - so far), and the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation replies that a writ of execution is necessary to submit, to present - as a condition for payment of compensation.
  And this is in situation, when the highest instructions exist - to act promptly when making payments, without excessive bureaucracy.
  Of course, there is a difference between an obvious case, which considered and studied, and is understandable to everyone, and those events that take place very far away and require huge costs ...
  For the vice-speaker, who has a penchant for human rights activities, the saldo (in the broad sense of the word) in this situation may turn out to be interesting: the tax and budgetary interests of the state are affected, the constitutional right of ownership is in danger ...
  May 14, 2022 07:27
  Translation from Russian into English: May 12, 2022 13:17.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Некоторые юридические перспективы Российской Федерации. Очерк'.
  { 2985. Сальдо денежных потоков и вице-спикер. Финансовая заметка.
  MMCMLV. Cash Flow Balance (saldo) and Vice Speaker. A financial note. }

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