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Cats in space. Sketch

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    Cats in space. Sketch.

  Cats in space. Sketch.
  Russial cosmic branch in the 21st century is clearly gaining momentum.
  This is especially noticeable in the field of developing and mastering new models of space devices. Moon and Mars exploration programs are also very promising.
  A productive idea came from the New York Times. Russia (USSR) is the first man in space, the first woman in space, the first spacewalk ... Russia has a chance to be proud of almost the first film in space. (
  The idea is quite interesting.
  One might think about organizing a tour of The Alexandrov Ensemble (The Alexandrov Choir with Dance Ensemble) in space - on the Soyuz spacecraft and in the Russial module "Nauka".
  As for the preparation and the production of the musical "Cats" in space orbit, it is possible that such a production will require a new space equipment.
  However, "Cats" is a musical that many people are accustomed to watching in New York.
  So for the new Russial space equipment, a good ballet may be suitable ...
  It's time to be proud of the world's first space ballet!
  An ice hockey (men's teams) and a synchronized swimming (women's teams) could to be at first positions in queue.
  May be, not to hurry with football ...
  September 19, 2021 06:30
  Translation from Russian into English: September 19, 2021 07:14.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Кошки в космосе. Скетч".
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