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Compensation concerning the sale of Alaska. A historical and culturological essay

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    MMMDCXXXVI. Compensation concerning the sale of Alaska. A historical and culturological essay. - March 23, 2025.

  Compensation concerning the sale of Alaska. A historical and culturological essay.
  "Academician Bolkhovitinov! Academician Bolkhovitinov!" I can hear such words.
  It's interesting! Aircraft designer Viktor Fedorovich Bolkhovitinov was not an academician. (Viktor Fedorovich Bolkhovitinov: January 23 [February 4] 1899, Saratov - January 29, 1970, Moscow).
  Who is he - Academician (historian) Bolkhovitinov? (Academician Nikolay Nikolaevich Bolkhovitinov: 26.10.1930-01.10.2008; he was the son of the Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of Metallurgy, famous metallurgist Nikolai Feodosievich Bolkhovitinov: 1894-1964).
  I find out that the Soviet Academician Bolkhovitinov was engaged in research on the history of the United States (19th century).
  I started to read about him. Academician (historian) Bolkhovitinov established that the sale of Alaska was not paid in St. Petersburg (not to officials in St. Petersburg), but in the United States.
  And how are aircraft designer Bolkhovitinov and academician (historian) Bolkhovitinov related?
  I find a website (genealogical) with the Bolkhovitinovs.
  The Muscovite kingdom was expanding, expanding... And this state needed people who specialized in protecting this state.
  People came to the then borders of the Moscow state (from the city of Bolkhov ?) - the people we know today as the Bolkhovitinovs.
  These people receive "yards", estates (on new lands), and begin to serve.
  Bolkhovitinovs serve both the state (tsar) and the church.
  They are making efforts to (officially) include themselves among the nobility of the Russian Empire.
  I did not see any Lisyanskys, Krusensterns, or Nikitins (Nikitin, - he is the merchant and traveler who went "beyond the three seas") among the Bolkhovitinovs (in the course of my readings). (Yuri Fedorovich Lisyansky (Lisianski) (1773 - 1837) was the first to circumnavigate the Earth under the flag of the Russian Empire, visiting Alaska during this sailing). (Afanasy Nikitin (died 1475) was a Russian merchant and traveler. He described his trip (to India) in a narrative known as A Journey Beyond the Three Seas).
  The year 1867 arrives ... There are not enough Lisyanskys and Krusensterns in the Russian Empire... Admiral Nakhimov (his mother - Kozlovskaya) was killed in Sevastopol by an enemy bullet.
  They have to sell Alaska. But what to do? Nikitins ("who went beyond three seas") were not there at all, or were not around. So Alaska was sold for $7 million.
  The year 1917 is coming.
  (Future aircraft designer) Viktor Fedorovich Bolkhovitinov graduates from a gymnasium [secondary school] in Saratov and begins studying in a technical specialty. It's interesting! Russian nobles were not very prone to boring numbers [to boring digits]. Thus, V.F. Bolkhovitinov draws a lucky ticket.
  The father of (future) academician (historian) Bolkhovitinov is engaged in exact sciences, too. Somehow he came into contact with a science of agriculture (Timiryazev Academy), but he became known for his works on metals.
  And how is the development of exact sciences progressing?
  Aircraft designer V.F. Bolkhovitinov becomes the head of the design bureau. Some contemporaries of the aircraft designer are surprised: the Design Bureau is working year after year, but where are the models that have gone into a wide range (wide production)? They are mostly prototypes, partly successful, partly unsuccessful.
  V.F. Bolkhovitinov became particularly well known for the fact that in 1937, Hero of the Soviet Union Sigizmund Levanevsky died on an airplane he (V.F. Bolkhovitinov) designed, during a flight from the USSR to the USA, over the Arctic Ocean. Not Lisyansky, but still...
  The father of (future) academician (historian) Bolkhovitinov became known for studying metals. These are exact sciences, this is mathematics. But his son, who became an academician, is more inclined to history.
  The son is studying the history of the United States (19th century). In particular, he studies the history of the sale of Alaska. Alaska was sold not because there were not enough Lisyanskys and Krusensterns in the Russian Empire, and not because Admiral Nakhimov (his mother - Kozlovskaya) was killed by an enemy bullet in Sevastopol, but because the communication routes were very long and because Alaska was difficult to defend.
  And why was Alaska sold for $7 million? And not for more, or not for less? - These issues require further work in the archives.
  I was kind of confused at first. After all, this is a really interesting topic - the history of the United States. How is it that I (until 2025) did not notice Academician Bolkhovitinov?
  And then I calmed down a bit and looked at the situation from the other side: I read quite a lot of books in my school and student years concerning the history of the United States. And not once did I come across this surname: "Academician Bolkhovitinov."
  Strange people - cultural observers, experts on various topics: as if suddenly, "out of nowhere," giants rise up, and shouts starts " Glory! Glory! Be famous! Be famous!..."
  Well, then...
  Now is the time. We will read (including the works of Academician (historian) Bolkhovitinov), will absorb important truths, will find the right tone (in negotiations), will be increased (will be expanded) (in state sense), will respond to the sale of Alaska!
  Now is the time! If Admiral Ushakov had read the works of Academician Bolkhovitinov, Alaska would definitely not have been sold!
  I almost forgot concerning the "secret" of the Bolkhovitinovs. I couldn't open it. But I feel there is a "mystery", "secret"! In the early 1930s, the mother of the future academician (historian) sought admission from the legendary People's Commissar Ordzhonikidze. And she's not just got an appointment. On Ordzhonikidze's initiative, the newspaper Pravda PUBLISHES A LETTER FROM THE EXILED BOLKHOVITINOV (a future specialist in metals, the father of the future academic historian). And lo and behold! - the exiled man is returning to Moscow, making a fairly successful career.
  ("Unwilling to accept the misfortune that had befallen her, Lidiya Ilyinichna, as best she could, sought an appointment with J.V. Stalin. As a result, she was accepted by [received a reception of] G.K.Ordzhonikidze, then, on the recommendation of the latter, N.F.Bolkhovitinov's letter appeared in Pravda about his desire to participate in the creation of a heavy industry, and on February 7, 1932, the scientist was released. ")
  Relatives of 0.5 percent of the repressed were able to receive a reception from side of senior officials. But so that after that the letter of the repressed person would be published in the newspaper Pravda?!!! It's something mysterious, wonderful.
  And in parallel, significant events are taking place in the fate of aircraft designer V.F. Bolkhovitinov:
  "In 1926, he graduated from the Zhukovsky Air Fleet Academy. After his adjunct studies, he became a teacher, and in 1937 he was appointed head of the department [in this Academy].
  Since 1933, he has been the head of the Design Bureau (Bolkhovitinov's Design Bureau) of plant No. 22 in the town of Fili."
  I feel like there's some kind of mystery. In 1932 (in 1931 -?) - a letter, published in Pravda, and a miraculous return from exile. In 1933, the leadership begans at (in) the Bolkhovitinov's Design Bureau. Alas... my internet searches have not yielded an answer (yet).
  Everything was going great. Let's assume that 1991 is "out of the picture." And in the short term, a historic response to the sale of Alaska. Thanks to Academician Bolkhovitinov, an expert on the history of the United States and the sale of Alaska!
  March 23, 2025, 16:03 (4:03 p.m.)
  Translation from Russian into English: March 24, 2025 03:31
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский ' Компенсация продажи Аляски. Исторический и культурологический очерк. '.
  { 3665. Компенсация продажи Аляски. Исторический и культурологический очерк. - 23 марта 2025 года.
  MMMDCXXXVI. Compensation concerning the sale of Alaska. A historical and culturological essay. - March 23, 2025.
  Vladimir Zalessky Internet-bibliotheca. Интернет-библиотека Владимира Залесского}

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