Залесский Владимир Владимирович : другие произведения.

Criminal sub-culture and destruction of human lives. A culturological sketch

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    Criminal sub-culture and destruction of human lives. A culturological sketch.

  Criminal sub-culture and destruction of human lives. A culturological sketch.
  The first particularly high-profile story took place in the Crimea. At about the same time, one of the engineers of human souls read on the radio his sentimental story about how a young man from Crimea came to Moscow to solve creative problems and even went to work in the capital's media holding. It seems that this story mentioned hero cities, monuments, and the medal "For the liberation of the Crimea." (I reproduce, I am saying from memory, so inaccuracies are possible).
  However, the reality turned out to be completely different. The act of a young man from Kerch blew up the information space ...
  The metropolitan engineers of human souls are poorly aware of real life in general, and about life in the provinces, in particular.
  Later there were several cases related to young people, which are strictly forbidden to mention. Some journalistess tried to write something - the subsequent impressions will be enough for her - for the rest of her life.
  The recent action of a provincial journalistess from the Volga region, it seems from Nizhny Novgorod ... (We relatively recently expressed a version that the informal media pact was terminated ... This media pact extended mainly to the metropolitan media meadow, but, nevertheless, to some extent, it also extended its effect to provincial journalistic circles).
  Since she was a professional journalistess (and not a young, inexperienced guy), they had to squeeze out crocodile's tears ...
  New event. Again a young man, who is entering life ...
  It is difficult to make any generalizations. A lack of information. But, nevertheless, the impression is that all the main persons are from a non-criminal environment. These are either young people, who are entering life (receiving education?), or a journalistess - a person of intellectual labor ...
  It is difficult for normal people, people of non-criminal worldview, to survive in the environment of a criminal sub-culture ...
  There is another side to this topic. I don't know if contemporary figures of Russial culture consider Belarusians to be their brothers ... Let's say they see (in) Belarusians not brothers, but neighbors.
  But, be that as it may, the prudence of these silent people, next to whom the Lukashenko regime puts pressure on the media, demonstrates torture, abductions, and the seizure of political prisoners (political hostages?), is amazing. It is very important to preserve the reputation of loyal people and the possibility of receiving government money, of paying for mortgage loans ... However, you, prudent silent people, cease to belong to the circle of civilized people and you are deprived of a moral right to refer, if necessary, for the purpose of your own protection to the norms of culture and civilization.
  October 13, 2020 10:15
  Translation from Russian into English: October 13, 2020 21:06.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Криминальная суб-культура и разрушение человеческих жизней. Культурологический очерк'.
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