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"Cultural" "aziatchina." The sketch

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    "Cultural" "aziatchina." The sketch.

  The "Cultural" "aziatchina". The sketch.
  Sergei Sergeyevich learned that a certain minister of culture was going to make an important report.
  "Important persons are very welcoming an activities of volunteers!' 'Why don't I help the Minister of Culture?' 'I will write an essay on the aziatchina [the сultural degradation]!'
  Aziatchina - is it a geographical concept or a culturological?
  Probably a culturological one. This is a cultural primitivism, the desire to solve all problems by a violence.
  This is the penetration of violence into all relationships and into all spheres of life.
  This is the collapse of personality and family relationship (kinship). A continuous (an endless) chain of crimes, involving close relatives, - is one of the culmination of the aziatchina ... And deviation from stating this phenomenon as a fact, from discussing its causes, by people with 'smart faces', - is another culmination of this phenomen ...
  This is the destruction of a culture, of a literature, of an art, of all spheres of intellectual life.
  This is a replacement of a real achievements with a media images, a continuous (unending) chatter, a cultural and political a claquership (applaudering), a creation of quasi-doubles and the introduction practices of an artificial putting under a silence, and of an indirect peer reviewing ...
  This is a persecution of critics, gradually embracing all who shy away from praise and blarney ...
  This is primitiveness, which is asserting itself by a violence.
  This is a cynical contempt for copyrights, a desire to steal imperceptibly an intellectual product (without even mentioning the author's name), and if been caught by the hand, then without an apology and acknowledgment of their own wrongfulness, to slip away imperceptibly ...
  This is a pseudo-healing of cultural life with a budget needle.
  'In general, this is a complex concept - "aziatchina". Elements of the "aziatchina" in different forms can be found and in the Western Europe, and in North America, and in South America, and in Africa ... "
  Sergei Sergeyevich read the draft text.
  'I hope these thoughts will help the Minister of Culture in preparing of his report ...'
  November 29, 2019 08:58
  Translation from Russian into English: November 29, 2019 09:36.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский ''Культурная' 'азиатчина'. Очерк.'.
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