Аннотация: MMMCCCLVII. Generator of Ideas. (Golden Digital Ruble and Profitable Texts from Artificial Intelligence). A story about Seryozha for children and adults. - September 8, 2023.
Generator of Ideas. (Golden Digital Ruble and Profitable Texts from Artificial Intelligence). A story about Seryozha for children and adults.
'It's time to be sailing on my own yacht,' Seryozha thought . - 'Or to live in London, to wave a broom and to admire the River Thames.' 'I'll try to sell ideas to the Intellectual Tanker Corporation - they love talented people.'
He pondered.
The Central Bank reports on the Digital Ruble.
And Zbyr informs about an artificial intelligence that can compose any text.
These seem to be profitable areas of the intellectual business movement...
Fred Myslitelev, the Chief Boss of the Intellectual Tanker Corporation, entered his huge office and sat down at a large, beautiful table.
The call came to a cell phone.
- Fred, is that you? I have a great million dollar idea. You agree?
- No! Nine hundred ninety thousand. I can not anymore.
- I will sell this idea to the European Intellectual Bank. You'll bite your elbows.
- Okay, old extortionist. Two years ago you managed to deceive even the One-Legged Pirate John Silver... I agree...
- It's time to develop King Solomon's mines in Africa!
- It's a good idea! You will receive your million, but in a ruble equivalent...
- We will talk more, little later...
The telephone conversation ended.
Fred Myslitelev gave a command through the speakerphone: 'Agents 34, 35, 36, 37, 38 from the Collective Artistic Swimming project come here immediately!'
At this time, the assistant's voice came from another device:
- A certain Daniel Defoe (apparently a fictitious name) demands a personal meeting with you! He says he has two excellent ideas. Each one is worth a billion dollars!
Fred Myslitelev turned purple with indignation.
- Give here this impudent guy!
Seryozha, who named himself as Daniel Defoe, entered the office.
- It was you who had the audacity to demand a personal meeting with me!
- As you wish. I can hand my ideas to the Intelligent Savings Corporation of America!
- OK! Give me your ideas, young impudent man!
-At first, give me the check payable to bearer. The amount is two billion dollars. But without any domestic currency!
- Insolent guy! You are acting unfriendly!
Fred Myslitelev wrote out a check and gave it to Daniel Defoe (to Seryozha).
- Give me your ideas!
- First idea. In situation of a low inflation, to issue gold digital rubles. The inflation rate is approximately 6 (six) percent per year. It's planned that way. One million gold rubles are issued per year with numbers from 000 001 to 999 999. The face value of each coin (with an individual number) is 100 rubles. The following year, the weight of the coin (that is, the weight of gold) decreases by six percent. They will have a new numbers (from 1 000 000 to 1 999 999). And so on.
- It's interesting. Give me the second idea.
- The second idea. To launch Artificial Intelligence, which will issue ceremonial speeches for the anniversaries of the fast food restaurant network. This will ensure the popularity of this network and will increase its profitability.
- You're not stupid, baby! I wasn't wrong about you.
Agents 34, 35, 36, 37, 38 from the 'Collective Artistic Swimming project' began to enter the office.
Fred Myslitelev redirected his attention to them:
- Please come here!
Agents 34, 35, 36, 37, 38 and Fred disappeared behind a door with the inscription in English "Clean Thinking".
Seryozha looked at backs of agents 34, 35, 36, 37, 38 and headed towards the door to leave the office.
At that moment, a man with a badge "First Vice President of the Corporation" entered. He had an atomic pistol in his hands:
- You see, we have such a rule: 'Whoever came with what - he must leave with that'...
Seryozha groped with his fingers a check for two billion dollars - a fee for valuable ideas about the Golden Digital Ruble and about Profitable Texts from Artificial Intelligence.
Note: The story was written by the author on the basis of J.K. Curtis' novel 'The Marketplace of Ideas' (1956). [Jean-Louis Curtis. Ideas à vendre].
September 8, 2023 11:43
Translation from Russian into English: September 8, 2023 13:35
Владимир Владимирович Залесский ' Генератор идей. (Золотой Цифровой Рубль и Выгодные Тексты от Искусственного Интеллекта). Рассказ о Серёже для детей и взрослых '.
{ 3386. Генератор идей. (Золотой Цифровой Рубль и Выгодные Тексты от Искусственного Интеллекта). Рассказ о Серёже для детей и взрослых. - 8 сентября 2023 г.
MMMCCCLVII. Generator of Ideas. (Golden Digital Ruble and Profitable Texts from Artificial Intelligence). A story about Seryozha for children and adults. - September 8, 2023.
Vladimir Zalessky Internet-bibliotheca. Интернет-библиотека Владимира Залесского. }