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Girls are walking along the capital. A note on the release of cultural radionews

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    Girls are walking along the capital. A note on the release of cultural radionews.

  Girls are walking along the capital. A note on the release of cultural radionews.
  When a lot of men get together and do not always a pleasant work, at some point they want to move on to entertainment - to a kind of reward for the troubles they have endured.
  The trustee of the flower bed does make not bad money in this situation.
  But you can not bring everything to the primitive: money-goods-money. "What do you want, senors?" It's necessary to play a bit of a cultural style.
  It is necessary to depict a cultural life.
  And so the trustee of the flower bed is placed in front of the microphone in the radio studio and tells the public:
  In the documentary film studio, the film "Girls walk around the capital" will be shown.
  And in the theater closer to the outskirts, the sister of the main girl puts on a performance: she shows how to raise her legs correctly. When performing of a can-can dance. A serious experience of visiting France and Venice. It's a monetary business - if you cannot get good money out of uncles from the film industry.
  Throughout the capital, they raise their legs - do a dance steps - and skillfully assume various poses.
  So the public can not worry about anything: the cultural life is pulsating.
  It seems that the enumeration of cultural options is completed, and the trustee of the flower bed can breathe a sigh of relief.
  He steps back from the microphone after the talking about modern "cultural life", and he can return to his usual business - to a showing of his flower garden to wealthy people.
  If the visitor has a hot money, then he can get his flower (to enjoy the aroma).
  Tough men get their pleasant rewards. And flower growers - a well-deserved fee.
  And the girls - they go, walk around the capital.
  So the director once invented .
  A culture, whatever you say.
  May 29, 2022 13:46
  Translation from Russian into English: May 29, 2022 14:22.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Девочки гуляют по столице. Заметка о выпуске культурных радионовостей'.
  { 3025. Девочки гуляют по столице. Заметка о выпуске культурных радионовостей.
  MMCMXCVI. Girls are walking along the capital. A note on the release of cultural radionews. }
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