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Gosha listens to the "Kosti-Nf" radio station and masters the theatrical art. A story for students

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    MMMDXLVII. Gosha listens to the "Kosti-NF" radio station and masters the theatrical art. A story for students. - September 29, 2024.

  Gosha listens to the "Kosti-NF" radio station and masters the theatrical art. A story for students.
  Gosha walks along the white sand under the rays of the morning Sun. Nearby, the Ocean beckons with its clear water, in which exotic fish and tanned aliens from the Northern Hemisphere are swimming.
  Gosha listens to the Kosti-NF radio station using a portable gadget. A little later, walking along the Ocean shore, imitating Demosthenes, Gosha loudly recites sublime words (in a language incomprehensible to local residents).
  At first, the locals were surprised by Gosha, by his loud recitation. Only the most unattractive representatives of the local services for joyful vacations approached him. But gradually the situation improved.
  Gosha is approached by the most beautiful girl - local resident. She invites him to a beautiful bungalow for exotic massage treatments.
  Gosha lies in a bungalow, enjoys the touch of the most beautiful girl - local resident, and he recalls his own student years.
  They - Gosha and Sasha - met while submitting documents for admission to a Computer College.
  Every day, friends mastered new and new volumes of knowledge.
  After classes, Gosha laid in a dormitory on a government bed and read various books. Periodically he listened to Kosti-NF radio station. Sometimes Gosha walked around the local market and listened to the conversations of smart people with intellect and skills. Sasha was visiting the dormitory gym and did kettlebell lifting there.
  Day followed day, month followed month, year followed year.
  Gosha's head was filled with a variety of knowledge that he received from various sources. Sasha was gaining more and more prominent muscles.
  Gosha began to notice that Sasha was receiving increased attention from female Computer College students.
  Gosha learned from books and radio broadcasts that people with artistic (theater) skills live a fun life and spend a lot of time in pleasant female company. Gosha decided to enroll in (to enter) a theater skills club. In addition, he bought a number of books on theatrical art and on the author's systems of theatrical transformation of a personality.
  Meanwhile, their studies at the Computer College came to an end, and the friends went for an interview at the Central Office of a large domestic video hosting company MUTYBE for employment.
  Friends were received kindly in this Office, they were taken to different premises (rooms), and they were treated with coffee. Two different HR managers conducted a separate interview with each of friends.
  HR managers told each of candidates that due to the difficulties in the functioning of the most famous foreign video hosting, the domestic video hosting MUTYBE is coming now to the fore. However, users have many complaints about MUTYBE. What suggestions and ideas young and promising professionals have - for improving the work of MUTYBE?
  Each of the candidates tried to prove his usefulness. Sometimes an interview, - Gosha (pumped up with knowledge) was thinking, - resembles a brainstorming session.
  But after several days of the interview, each of the friends received a notification that MUTYBE wished him a success and a professional development. As soon as their professional level will improve, they will be interviewed again at MUTYBE. Friends did not understand: they expressed (told) and did something useful during the interview. Or not?
  The friends met together after completing the interviews, had a coffee and saw an announcement about recruiting workers to pick apples in a large orchard near the city. A payment will be in cash or in fruits (in apples). Plus accommodation and food (every day) will be provided.
  Friends had to start picking apples.
  Suddenly, Gosha realized the advantages of theatrical skills. He didn't have any pumped-up muscles, and Gosha began to complain expressively about the state of his health. At the same time, Gosha expressively spoke to Sasha about labor enthusiasm and about the respect that people of labor enjoy.
  Gradually, a division of functions was established between Gosha and Sasha. Sasha was picking apples, and Gosha was providing their sale in retail outlets.
  For purpose of successful trading, Gosha bought a car (in which he sometimes drove pretty girls).
  Sasha periodically visited one of gyms for kettlebell lifting. In a nearby gym, Sasha met a pretty girl - Computer College student who wanted to become a housewife. (They had seen each other in College once, but had not felt mutual interest then.)
  Gosha, while his traveling by the car, was listening attentively to radio programs dedicated to people of labor.
  He tried to catch the most expressive words and intonations and used them when talking with Sasha about the benefits of serious work, about the labor heroism and about the respect for people of work.
  Sasha worked like an ox. Soon Gosha settled in a separate house (with a land plot), and Sasha bought an apartment through a mortgage. They both got married, and it was coming to the birth of children.
  Gosha learned about the most profitable types of business from economics experts speeches on the Kosti-NF radio station.
  One day Gosha told Sasha that they were changing their line of business: Gosha was acquiring a gas station. Naturally, an employee's place is reserved for Sasha.
  Programs, dedicated health problems, were often broadcast on the radio. And Gosha began to talk with Sasha not only about the labor heroism, but also about the health. Gosha admired Sasha's strength and complained about his own, Gosha's, ailments. Sasha was proud of himself and he was expressing a sympathy for Gosha"s health problems. One day Sasha advised Gosha to go on a wellness tourist trip.
  Gosha is distracted from his memories: the beautiful local girl pauses in pleasant massage treatments and she offers to bring two glasses with exotic juice. Gosha doesn't mind. He pays off for everything handsomely.
  After the morning walk along the Ocean shore, Gosha returns to the ecological hotel, located among the thickets of magnolias.
  In one of the rooms (where he settled) there is a large photograph of the monument "Hard Workers of Hard Times". This monument was created and placed in one of the city parks at the expense of Gosha.
  Gosha sits down such a way that the large photograph can be seen behind his back. He uses a modern gadget to get a distant communication with Sasha.
  Sasha informs Gosha that everything is fine with the business and with financial flows. Unfortunately, Gosha cannot say such (positive) words about his health.
  Gosha thanks Sasha for his responsible and productive work. Our society is standing on such people! Our society relies on such people!
  The communication session is over. A light breakfast is ahead. After breakfast, Gosha will have to choose: to go on an excursion to see local attractions or to take a walk around the ocean on a comfortable speed motor boat.
  There are fifteen minutes left before breakfast. Gosha opens the book and refreshes his knowledge about the Stanislavsky System. Mikhail Chekhov also recorded many interesting ideas about the art of acting. Mikhail Chekhov's book is in Gosha's luggage next to the Stanislavsky's book.
  Gosha may to listen a little the Kosti-NF radio station (program about people of labor). Most likely, he will borrow out of this radio program new expressive intonations and words.
  September 29, 2024 01:22
  Translation from Russian into English: September 29, 2024 07:07
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский " Гоша слушает радио "Кости-NF" и осваивает театральное искусство. Рассказ для студентов ".
  { 3576. Гоша слушает радио "Кости-NF" и осваивает театральное искусство. Рассказ для студентов. - 29 сентября 2024 г.
  MMMDXLVII. Gosha listens to the "Kosti-NF" radio station and masters the theatrical art. A story for students. - September 29, 2024.
  Vladimir Zalessky Internet-bibliotheca. Интернет-библиотека Владимира Залесского. }
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