Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich : другие произведения.

How the most famous Russial historian was released. A science fiction story with a happy end

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    How the most famous Russial historian was released. A science fiction story with a happy end.

  How the most famous Russial historian was released. A science fiction story with a happy end.
  After the speech of outstanding virologists-epidemiologists-biotechnologists (why nano-technologists weren't invited?), everyone was a little confused.
  But at this time a letter came from the most famous Russial historian.
  This historian strained his historical gyri, remembered the letters addressed to Stalin during the war from those who were in remote places. The historian decided to draw up a similar appeal.
  A sharashka was organized, where the historian and others like him were placed.
  The historian again strained the own gyri, and analyzed the entire history of epidemics (all-all-all) and methods of dealing with them.
  He tried to generalize all this.
  The literary critic who worked in the next room read all the literary works that described pandemics (including novels about the future), and also made a review.
  An analysis of the past and the fantastic future made it possible to give some recommendations.
  Not only, and not so much the recommendations were useful, but a broader view of the problems that arose.
  The results of the work of the historian and literary critic were sent to the scientific tops where they were read, combed, put the correct surnames and published.
  The right people got the titles.
  And the historian and literary critic were thoroughly examined. A some additional illnesses in them were found. And they were released from places of detention.
  The freed historian continued to write his articles and monographs about Napoleon ... He never will receive a professor and a doctor. But, nevertheless, his happiness was unlimited.
  It turned out a fantastic story with a happy ending.
  April 8, 2020 08:55
  Translation from Russian into English: April 8, 2020 09:18.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Как освободили самого известного российского историка. Историко-фантастический рассказ с хэппи-эндом".
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