Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich : другие произведения.

How to get rid of Dr. Evil? A humorous note

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    How to get rid of Dr. Evil? A humorous note.

  How to get rid of Dr. Evil? A humorous note.
  The owners of the media site trusted some consultants and "threw the fishing rod away." They let Dr. Evil into the media site.
  Everyone assumed that it would be of great benefit. Dr. Evil will frighten everyone. Everyone will be like a silk. And the audience and credibility of the media platform will grow and grow.
  But something went wrong. Who floats with the flow - he is not fish and not meat. Once the media platform had a calm audience. But there was nothing left of her.
  The public became more and more embittered and sent unpleasant messages to Dr. Evil. For every fifth message, Dr. Evil replied that "we" will check ("identify") of you [we will collect information on the databases?], and then we'll see how you will feel.
  Someone, perhaps, felt fears, but, in general, this did not give an effect. Evil became more and more.
  The owners of the media site were a cautious persons. They decided to move millimeter by millimeter. They found a some melancholy dude and gave him the task to prepare a series of interviews. But even the most careful could find themselves at a hook.
  The melancholy dude tried. Something he did. Something did not work out. But he had an obvious advantage over Dr. Evil. The melancholy look of the dude had a calming effect on the audience.
  When Dr. Evil found out about the activities of the melancholy dude, he came into an indescribable rage.
  He found the text of one of the interviews (this interview was recieved by a melancholic dude from a native of Ukraine, who spoke three languages in childhood - Russian, Polish and French, - and who hinted that he was born not in Ukraine but in Poland), as well as a photograph of a melancholy dude.
  The melancholy dude read the text of the interview and felt some timidity. He was in no hurry to transmit the interview to the public. (Ukraine... Poland...)
  Dr. Evil quoted and tore the interview (and the photo) into small pieces, declared the melancholic dude a dangerous person and a coward not worthy of the title of a journalist (hinted that he, Dr. Evil, is the only real journalist on the media platform).
  At the same time, Dr. Evil declared himself a supporter of Good, and (to mask himself) hung the word "Evil" on some professor from USA.
  When the interview of the melancholy dude (and his photo) were torn to shreds, Dr. Evil could not stop and continued to pour out his anger. But the program time was over ..
  Dr. Evil did not even have time to perform the usual ritual - to urge everyone to subscribe to his telegram channel. The prospect of being squeezed out of the media platform excited him to an extreme degree.
  Disconnected from the media space, Dr. Evil rushed into the corridor, spraying poisonous saliva.
  The employees of the media platform scattered in different directions in horror.
  The owners of the media site were scratching their turnips. It is not so easy to get rid of Dr. Evil ... The "fishing" taught them a lot ...
  July 15, 2020 15:24
  Translation from Russian into English: July 16, 2020 06:51.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Как избавиться от доктора Зло? Юмористическая заметка".
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