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How to play by four hands with Seryozha? A linguistic note

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    How to play by four hands with Seryozha? A linguistic note.

  How to play by four hands with Seryozha? A linguistic note.
  What are the news from India on the disaster (in the Uttarakhand, on February 7, 2021)?
  We read "timesofindia".
  Among other things, we see:
  'How a Russian doping lie fell apart
  With investigators closing in, the high jumper Danil Lysenko needed a paper trail to support his story. Top Russian track officials provided it by creating a fake hospital
  Tariq PanjaNYT News Service19 Feb 2021, 10:46' (
  Immediately - the translation: 'Как рассыпалась русская допинговая ложь...'
  How long it will be continued?!
  "Now on the agenda is the further work on the comprehensive arrangement [design, organization, layout, composition] of the "Eurasian home" ['евразийского дома'], harmonization of the integration processes developing in the our continental space." - 10.02.21 00:05 The congratulations from the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergey V. Lavrov on the occasion of the Day of the Diplomatic Worker, Moscow, February 10, 2021. [unofficial translation] (
  Who lives in the "Eurasian home"?
  The young Russial nation! 'MOSCOW, February 14 [2021]. / TASS /. The Russial nation [Российская нация] is quite young and is still "on the march" towards the peak of its development, and its "endless genetic code" is based on interethnic unity. This opinion was expressed by Russian President Vladimir Putin at a meeting with chief editors of the media, fragments of which were shown on Sunday by the Russia-24 TV channel.
  He noted that he believes in the theory of passionarity (the passionary theory of ethnogenesis proposed by the historian and philosopher Lev Gumilev) and that society goes through stages of development.... " [unofficial translation] (
  It's a topic. "Russian" is not always translated as "русский". Much more often - as "российский".
  But, in general, the situation is slightly confusing. 'Russian' is both "русский", as well as "российский".
  In the miniature "[DCCCLXVI.] The Sketch how Vanya Zhukov translated the word "Russian" from Russian into English and improved the language of Shakespeare." (May 31, 2019) we suggested the English word 'Russial' for translation of the words "российский", "россиянин".
  Wikipedia, "Lysenko" ('Лысенко'): - it's an Ukrainian surname, it can come from Ukrainian 'fox'.... [Википедия, 'Лысенко' ('Lysenko'): Лысе́нко (укр. Ли́сенко) - украинская фамилия, может происходить либо от укр. лис (рус. лис), либо от укр. лисий (рус. лысый); в первом случае украинская фамилия может передаваться на русский и как Лисенко.]
  So the use of English words is essentially wrong. The use of the word - "Russian" (in the quoted text) is at least dubious. More correctly - "Russial" ["российский", "российская"].
  It remains for those who do not want to use the concepts (notions) correctly, to perform with Seryozha, playing by four hands ...
  February 23, 2021 18:53
  Translation from Russian into English: February 23, 2021 20:50.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Как сыграть с Сережей в четыре руки? Лингвистическая заметка'.
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