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Kolya Goff is moving from the technical reporting to the science fictioning. A story

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    MMMDL. Kolya Goff is moving out of the technical reporting into the science fictioning. A story. - October 3, 2024.

  Kolya Goff is moving out of the technical reporting into the science fictioning. A story.
  Kolya Goff walked down the street and wondered what theme dedicate the next program to: electric cars or solar panels.
  Out of the corner of his eye, Kolya noticed a huge black car that was slowly driving in the same direction as Kolya's walk.
  Suddenly, a huge black car made a right turn and stopped right in front of Kolya, across the line of his movement.
  Kolya was forced to stop.
  The tinted window rolled down, and Kolya could barely make out a man in the semi-darkness of the cabin.
  The man said:
  - Hello, Kolya!
  -Hello! How should I address to you?
  - Don't occupy your mind with unnecessary questions, Kolya.
  The man in the semi-darkness of the car made a pause in conversation for a moment and then continued:
  - Kolya, we respect you. We respect all your technical editorial team. But you should know that you shouldn't be doing reports on electric drills, but you should focus on blenders. Do you understand me?!
  - On blenders? ... - Kolya said in confusion. - Okay, we'll do a report on the blenders.
  - "You will walk to the next block," - the man continued from the semi-darkness of the car, - "you will look to the right. You will see the construction site. There is a blue mobile toilet right on the sidewalk. You will approach it. You will find (under the mat) and will take the key. You will open the door. Inside you will see a slot machine. You will put any coin in there, will pull the handle. You will get a hundred thousand. You will lock the door with a key, return the key to its place and will move on. Everything is confidential. What is not clear?
  Kolya said, in confusion:
  - Everything is clear.
  The tinted glass rose. The car backed up and drove onto the roadway. The sound of a powerful engine was heard, and the car disappeared at great speed in the distance.
  Kolya walked on in confusion.
  He saw a mobile toilet.
  Five minutes later, Kolya had a wad of bills in his hands. He counted it: one hundred thousand.
  Kolya continued walking along the sidewalk. Gradually, he made a firm decision: he will switch from the technical reporting to the science fictioning.
  October 3, 2024, 21:40
  Translation from Russian into English: October 3, 2024 23:07
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский ' Коля Гофф переходит из технического репортинга в научный фантастинг '.
  { 3579. Коля Гофф переходит из технического репортинга в научный фантастинг. Рассказ. - 3 октября 2024 г.
  MMMDL. Kolya Goff is moving out of the technical reporting into the science fictioning. A story. - October 3, 2024.
  Vladimir Zalessky Internet-bibliotheca. Интернет-библиотека Владимира Залесского. }
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