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Lenya Bobrov is preparing for a trip to Indonesia. A story

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    Lenya Bobrov is preparing for a trip to Indonesia. A story.

  Lenya Bobrov is preparing for a trip to Indonesia. A story.
  Lenya Bobrov evaluates the expediency of a trip to Primorye, to the Far East. At that moment the information comes about the discovery of a huge pit (hole) somewhere in Siberia.
  This pit was formed on the road at the place where a large pipe with hot water had burst. Boiling water washed away the road, flooded several households, and scalded animals.
  A hurricane-force wind swept through several regions of Siberia.
  Alexander Pushkin, according to legend, after the start of his trip to St. Petersburg, was stopped by a hare that ran across the road. And here - such a phenomena!
  Fifteen minutes later, Lenya gives an answer: he does not go with a group of bloggers to Primorye, he stays in Taganrog.
  The matter is not only in the preparation of material on the increase in the salinity of the Sea of Azov, but also in the approach of important events in Indonesia.
  In Taganrog the weather is changeable. It's cloudy. Chance of rain. But sometimes the Sun appears.
  Lenya goes to the shore of the Sea of Azov and finds a boat with oars. Indonesia covers the territory of several thousand volcanic islands! The people of Indonesia are connected with rowing. Lenya negotiates with the owner of the boat, and all the day long he is engaged in rowing, swimming, in a getting of an even tan.
  It's been a good day!
  The bottom, bank and the sea water in Taganrog cannot be compared with the Black Sea coast, but there is no strong wind and rain, there are no other phenomena that prevent rest.
  Lenya returns home in the evening. He feels good. He goes to the mirror and tries to determine how evenly tanned he got. Everything seems to be in order.
  If he will be engage in rowing regularly, then in Indonesia he can will show his best side.
  On the Internet, Lenya posts a photo of the Sea of Azov. Boat in the distance. It seems that on the boat the athlete is rowing with oars. Under the photo, Lenya places the caption: "I am getting ready for a trip to Indonesia!".
  If possible, Lenya will be engage in rowing every day so that by the time he visits Indonesia he will be in good physical shape and will show his best side.
  June 27, 2022 18:52
  Translation from Russian into English: June 27, 2022 05:31.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Лёня Бобров готовится к поездке в Индонезию. Рассказ".
  { 3071. Лёня Бобров готовится к поездке в Индонезию. Рассказ.
  MMMXLII. Lenya Bobrov is preparing for a trip to Indonesia. A story. }
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