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Lenya Bobrov makes a culinary invention and describes how they cleanse, liberate. A Belarusian-style potato passport with cheese and butter in uniform. A story

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    Lenya Bobrov makes a culinary invention and describes how they cleanse, liberate. A Belarusian-style potato passport with cheese and butter in uniform. A story.

  Lenya Bobrov makes a culinary invention and describes how they cleanse, liberate. A Belarusian-style potato passport with cheese and butter in uniform. A story.
  Lenya Bobrov came to the "Vanguard of Taste".
  He has a MIR card and the right to receive a food cash back.
  He can freely order a cup of tea. Today Lenya prefers a Diplomatic Ceylonian Tea.
  Lenya is enjoying his tea and looks around himself.
  He is patriotic, and he is perplexed.
  Lenya drinks half a glass of tea and goes to the cashier.
  - What do you have from Belarusian dishes, from Belarusian agricultural products?
  The cashier is at a loss and does not know what to answer Lenya.
  - Call, invite the director of restaurant!
  The restaurant director appears immediately.
  He recognizes Lenya, who is widely known for his materials posted on the Internet.
  - Where are the Belarusian dishes?! - Lenya is interested.
  - We act in accordance with a single methodology, in accordance with approved technologies!
  - Well, that won't work. It humiliates us. We must - with our technologies - overtake previously created technologies!
  - Of course! - The director of restaurant is scared. - We will definitely fulfill an overtaking!
  - Do you know that a visa-free procedure for the entry of citizens of Poland and Lithuania has been introduced in Belarus? That about 130,000 (one hundred and thirty thousand) people have already taken advantage of the new visa-free entry rules?!
  - I try to get acquainted with the news ...
  - And why didn't we swept away the Belarusian food, the Belarusian agricultural product - to here, in the "Vanguard of Taste"?
  The restaurant manager is silent.
  - Do you know that the authorities of modern Belarus are ready to issue a Belarusian passport without much difficulty? If at least a hundred people will receive a Belarusian passport, the question of double taxation will arise, negotiations between Poland and Lithuania with modern Belarus will be needed ...
  - I'm just a restaurant manager...
  Lenya acts as a creative person.
  - I came up with a new dish of Belarusian cuisine! It's called "A potatous passport with cheese and butter in uniform in Belarusian"!
  The director of the restaurant silently looks at Lenya.
  - Write down the recipe!
  The director of the restaurant takes a notepad and a pen and starts writing.
  - Take the largest potatoes. Of a Belarusian origin. Wash thoroughly. Do not remove the skin. Cut off the top. Drill out (take out) the inside. Put one-fifth of Belarusian butter and four-fifths of Belarusian cheese inside the potato. Put the cutted top back in place. Bake. It looks like an ordinary large potato. Baked. In uniform. In fact, this is "A potato passport with cheese and butter in uniform in Belarusian." You is succeeded to understand everything?
  - Yes!
  - Make ten servings - bake ten potatoes!
  - It seems that our potatoes are not from Belarus.
  - This is bad! Where is your patriotism! Okay, make from the potatoes that you have.
  The restaurant director goes to the kitchen. Half an hour later, Lenya has a large plate with ten large potatoes in front of him.
  - How much do I have to pay?
  The director of restaurant is silent.
  - Write off as much means as you need from my MIR card! - Lenya generously allows to manager.
  He goes to the middle of the hall and tells the visitors of the "Vanguard of Taste" about his culinary invention.
  - Who wants to try a new dish? Please! I invite and offer!
  The plate of potatoes is immediately become empty.
  The visitors begin to peel the potatoes.
  Lenya takes a photo of the presentation of his new Belarusian dish.
  He posts the photo on the Internet with the caption: 'They cleanse, liberate. Belarusian-style potato passport with cheese and butter in uniform."
  It is quite possible that the new dish invented by Lenya will be included in the list of the cultural heritage of mankind ... And fast food restaurants will be filled with Belarusian dishes made from Belarusian agricultural products ...
  July 21, 2022 15:31
  Translation from Russian into English: July 21, 2022 16:34.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Лёня Бобров делает кулинарное изобретение и описывает, как очищают. Картофельный паспорт с сыром и сливочным маслом в мундире по белорусски. Рассказ'.
  { 3102. Лёня Бобров делает кулинарное изобретение и описывает, как очищают. Картофельный паспорт с сыром и сливочным маслом в мундире по белорусски. Рассказ.
  MMMLXXIII. Lenya Bobrov makes a culinary invention and describes how they cleanse, liberate. A Belarusian-style potato passport with cheese and butter in uniform. A story. }
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