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Lenya Bobrov makes payments in connection with a sudden acquisition of real estate. A story

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    Lenya Bobrov makes payments in connection with a sudden acquisition of real estate. A story.

  Lenya Bobrov makes payments in connection with a sudden acquisition of real estate. A story.
  Lenya Bobrov after the Summer Theater went to the local museum to participate in public discussions of new arrivals of Scythian gold. New recent finds from the Don burial mounds arrived to the museum.
  However, Lenya's thoughts were far from the museum.
  So far, no response has been received from the Government in connection with his appeal. Lenya informed the Government about the suddenly acquired real estate.
  At that moment, a signal sounded from the smartphone.
  Documents came from the Volgian city of automakers - news from the management company, from a consultant, several payment receipts.
  Based on his life experience and the consultant's explanations, Lenya got his bearings in the situation and made several decisions.
  There were times when apartments were state-owned and citizens were the owners.
  Payments in connection with the ownership of apartments did not constitute any difficulties for citizens and were completely insignificant in size.
  There was no question of payments for the maintenance of common property.
  In the early 90s of the 20th century, apartments - under the pretext of concern for the economic situation of citizens - began to be transferred to their ownership. Apartments - it's a capital! They can be sold, rented, inherited!
  However, not many people receive income from privatized apartments.
  But onto all apartment owners, under soothing justifications, were hanged the costs of maintaining the entire apartment building. These are the costs that the state was producing before privatization.
  Then they created organizations like the Capital Repair Fund. Contributions to this fund are mandatory, and the spending of funds is unknown to most citizens. Suppose there are 150 apartments in a house, and each apartment pays 500 rubles a month. 75 thousand rubles a month - all the house. About a million rubles a year - in total. The façade and roof have been renovated. And what to do further? This is just one apartment building. And if there are whole blocks of such houses?
  A particularly profitable business is the preservation of entire blocks of houses of the old (30s of the 20th century) buildings in the city center. Since the houses are old, therefore, the cost of major repairs is significant. Pay, doves!
  And the provision of "free" (and in fact, recreational and ecologically important) lands for new construction. Suppose there are numerous reservoirs on the Left Bank of the Don, which are used by various birds and other animals. An important areas for the hydrological regime of the Don, for the rest of the townspeople.
  The quarters built in the 30s of the 20th century in the center of Rostov-on-Don are financial donors for more and more new repairs. And relatively inexpensive (or free) sites on the Left Bank of the Don - they are provided for cyclopean construction. They say that an agreement was signed at the recent St. Petersburg forum. There is a football stadium on the Left Bank, which, for its maintenance and protection, requires huge funds every month - from the local budget. In the same place (on the Left Bank) a huge complex is supposed to be built ...
  And why haven't the quarters of the old (30s of the 20th century) buildings in the center of Rostov been bought out? Why is there no construction going on there?
  And who will contribute to the Capital Repair Fund?
  And why should someone spend money on buying apartments and houses in the city center?
  Economy of modern Russia! They need to take care of the profitability of construction organizations and the savings of public funds!
  Yes, there have been times when property payments weren't a problem.
  But let there be payments! -Lenya thinks. - But what the payments?
  It is one thing to pay according to a relatively small standard, to pay when it is convenient for the owner. It's another thing to be attached to a huge payment mechanism.
  Now there are counters everywhere. And don't forget to testify regularly.
  And if Lenya does not live at all in the purchased apartment?
  Still, send meter readings ...
  But one should not think that by regularly submitting unchanged meter readings, Lenya will be freed from payments.
  In fact, the situation is different. In the behavior of any person there is a certain percentage of wrong actions.
  He mixed up the numbers when writing the meter readings or was late with counter's verification, with the filing of testimony - and now the forgetful person has significant debts and a lot of problems ... Reminds of a new type of corvée ...
  Lenya decides to go to the bank. What to do? He have to pay ... Even if Lenya does not live in his apartment, which is located in the Volgian city ...
  In a sad state, Lenya leaves the bank and comes to the museum.
  New gold finds are sparkling! This is Scythian gold found in the Don mounds!
  On the walls of the room - paintings - images of the Scythians.
  "The Scythians had so much gold, because they did not own apartments and non-residential premises," - Lenya thinks.
  At this time, one of the participants in the discussion approaches him.
  - Thank you for your stories about your journey from Moscow to Rostov-on-Don along the Volga and along the Don. We were following your river tour on the map ... As we understood, the Seversky Donets flows into the Don River above [before] Rostov ... Have you heard the news?
  - What the news? - Lenya is worried.
  - No, nothing. Everything goes according to plan...
  A little pause...
  - And if I ask you to rent me out your apartment in the Volgian city for a couple of months, how much will you ask?
  Lenya is confused by this turn of the conversation.
  - I will consult with a consultant ... Is there any Scythian gold in that area?
  - We will look for ... We will apply for a grant ...
  Lenya's mood changes for the better.
  A few more people come up to Lenya with the same question: how much can rent an apartment cost. One even asked how much the apartment cost.
  - Yes, I actually don"t really know, - everything somehow happened without me, - Lenya explains. - I am waiting for a response from the Government to my appeal ...
  Gradually, the attention of those present shifts from the current news to the discussion of Scythian gold finds.
  - Maybe I will be able to overtake the Scythians in terms of wealth. They had a lot of gold. And maybe I will have Russian rubles ..., - Lenya thinks. - However, I need to wait for a response from the Government ...
  Lenya looks at the Scythians and their gold in a new way... Meanwhile, there is a discussion of new gold finds from the Don barrows.
  Each era has its own economy.
  June 19, 2022 06:01
  Translation from Russian into English: June 19, 2022 07:12.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Лёня Бобров делает платежи в связи с внезапно приобретенной недвижимостью. Рассказ".
  { 3058. Лёня Бобров делает платежи в связи с внезапно приобретенной недвижимостью. Рассказ.
  MMMXXIX. Lenya Bobrov makes payments in connection with a sudden acquisition of real estate. A story. }
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